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Visra Vichit-Vadakan is how the bride's name is spelled. Considering how many IT clerks are in Thai Visa, I'm surprised that no one knows of her father Vivatvong Vichit-Vadakan. He is chief open-source technologist at Loxley Business Information Technology-PointAsia. I do not think his daughter had to work as a bargirl. She is a graduate of Stanford with a BSc. and an MSc. in computer science.

How many Thai Visa members have the intelligence or the academic record to have been accepted to Stanford let alone graduate with a diploma? She met her husband approx. 10 years ago when they were both Stanford students. She worked for the Thai Ministry of education after she graduated. Hey look at that, she was qualified to work in education. How many foreign teachers in Thailand can say that? She's now studying for another masters degree, an MFA at the Tisch School of Fine Arts in NYC. Again, a place that many knuckle draggers making cheap comments about her would never qualify for admission to. Oh and by the way, the wedding was held at Major General Kukrit Pramoj's place.

She's also been in well regarded film festival that features the support of some of world's film stars like DeNiro and Pacino. http://www.tiburonfi...ontact_id=12840

She's the type of girl that most Thai Visa members haven't a shot of ever dating let alone meeting.

-Edited for spelling

I am very surprised, Geriatrickid, after having been a member of this forum as long as you have, surely you know that the very vast majority of members are married to very successful, hi-so girls.

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Well, personally, I am happy that they didn't seat him. Nice to know that the ordinary hi-so's didn't get booted out just because someone richer or more famous was there.

I am sure there are plenty of bars that had room for him and his mates.

He can be as VIP as he likes...I've never been refused entry anywhere in Bangkok! :D

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Visra Vichit-Vadakan is how the bride's name is spelled. Considering how many IT clerks are in Thai Visa, I'm surprised that no one knows of her father Vivatvong Vichit-Vadakan. He is chief open-source technologist at Loxley Business Information Technology-PointAsia. I do not think his daughter had to work as a bargirl. She is a graduate of Stanford with a BSc. and an MSc. in computer science.

How many Thai Visa members have the intelligence or the academic record to have been accepted to Stanford let alone graduate with a diploma? She met her husband approx. 10 years ago when they were both Stanford students. She worked for the Thai Ministry of education after she graduated. Hey look at that, she was qualified to work in education. How many foreign teachers in Thailand can say that? She's now studying for another masters degree, an MFA at the Tisch School of Fine Arts in NYC. Again, a place that many knuckle draggers making cheap comments about her would never qualify for admission to. Oh and by the way, the wedding was held at Major General Kukrit Pramoj's place.

She's also been in well regarded film festival that features the support of some of world's film stars like DeNiro and Pacino. http://www.tiburonfilmfestival.com/contactInfo.php?contact_id=12840

She's the type of girl that most Thai Visa members haven't a shot of ever dating let alone meeting.

-Edited for spelling


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Do we care a flying f..k about any of this trivia bullshit?Wouldn't know him if he sat next to me on a long haul flight from Mars!As for the rest of the wedding party...not interested about what school,uni' or daddys' little girl...Remind me to stay clear of Thonglor!!!

This thread must have been hard for you.

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Do we care a flying f..k about any of this trivia bullshit?Wouldn't know him if he sat next to me on a long haul flight from Mars!As for the rest of the wedding party...not interested about what school,uni' or daddys' little girl...Remind me to stay clear of Thonglor!!!

This thread must have been hard for you.

Maybe jealous that Markie gave $100million to the Newark school system and has signed the Giving Pledge pioneered by Warren Buffet to give away most of his wealth.

It must gnaw at the bones of some to see a smart kid that wears sandals give away so much money, and to have a cute but down to earth Chinese girlfriend. (He met her when they were students at Harvard and it is suggested that she is his moral compass.)

I don't think these kids party at Bed Supper club or hang out on Soi Cowboy. They are all incredibly low key, unassuming and well behaved. We won't be reading about any of them getting mixed up with hookers & strippers like Tiger.

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