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Are you saying that the South Africans are better than the ozzies as well ? :unsure:

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I thought a post all in capitals was regarded as a flame?

Why should you complain against the South Africans? They chose where to live, just as you chose Thailand.

Cheating? Prove it! At least our cricketers usually walk when they know they're out. They don't abuse the umpires, either.

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Are you saying that the South Africans are better than the ozzies as well ? :unsure:

I suppose it is a choice thing. The South Africans chose to live where they did and therefore chose to play for England, perhaps to honour their British forefathers.

In the Australians case, you made no such choice as you had no choice, most of you were sent there when it was a penal colony for people who were not considered desirable enough to remain in England. Hence you are not welcome to play for England and being able to honour your forefathers would be slightly questionable to say the least........

Only joking my old Aussie mates, :lol:


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I suppose it is a choice thing. The South Africans chose to live where they did and therefore chose to play for England, perhaps to honour their British forefathers.

In the Australians case, you made no such choice as you had no choice, most of you were sent there when it was a penal colony for people who were not considered desirable enough to remain in England. Hence you are not welcome to play for England and being able to honour your forefathers would be slightly questionable to say the least........

Only joking my old Aussie mates, :lol:


Nothing to apologise for John. Personally, I still have the shackle marks on my ankles and wrists! Well more correctly these days, wellie marks around the legs at least.

Isn't it wonderful how a sport invokes both fierce national pride in some sport fans and the friendly "p1ss" taking humour of others. Even more amazing that these emotions have remained constant while the sport has evolved from the days of empire and a slow gentleman game about as interesting as watching grass grow, into at times a gladitorial spectacle with helmets and heavy body armor.

Hopefully you will still hear the occassional Aussie fan yell "Have a go you mug!" at the first sign of slow play. I suppose the next step will be microphones to catch the on-field "sledging". Then we may get yet another TV reality show.

I lived in the West Country for a year or so and used to go to watch Viv Richards and Joel Garner play for Somerset, great cricketers. One evening after a match in Taunton I was walking back to my car and there were the two West Indian sportsmen taking a leak over the railings of a bridge across the river. I heard Viv say "Man dat water is cold!", to which Joel replied, "Yeah, deep too."

My congratulations to the atomic bombs, glad to see that you didnt have to spit the dummy yet again. It must have been getting boring for you? I suppose you will want a crack at the Kiwis next. If so I hope they will learn to "shear" their bat and ball.

Isaan Aussie

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Another Joel Garner story, which I am assured is true, is that he was standing in the swimming pool of a Sydney hotel when an Aussie woman came up to him, looked him up and down very meaningfully, and asked "are you perfectly in proportion?" Joel replied "lady, if I was in perfect proportion I'd be twelve feet tall".

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I suppose it is a choice thing. The South Africans chose to live where they did and therefore chose to play for England, perhaps to honour their British forefathers.

In the Australians case, you made no such choice as you had no choice, most of you were sent there when it was a penal colony for people who were not considered desirable enough to remain in England. Hence you are not welcome to play for England and being able to honour your forefathers would be slightly questionable to say the least........

Only joking my old Aussie mates, :lol:


Nothing to apologise for John. Personally, I still have the shackle marks on my ankles and wrists! Well more correctly these days, wellie marks around the legs at least.

Isn't it wonderful how a sport invokes both fierce national pride in some sport fans and the friendly "p1ss" taking humour of others. Even more amazing that these emotions have remained constant while the sport has evolved from the days of empire and a slow gentleman game about as interesting as watching grass grow, into at times a gladitorial spectacle with helmets and heavy body armor.

Hopefully you will still hear the occassional Aussie fan yell "Have a go you mug!" at the first sign of slow play. I suppose the next step will be microphones to catch the on-field "sledging". Then we may get yet another TV reality show.

I lived in the West Country for a year or so and used to go to watch Viv Richards and Joel Garner play for Somerset, great cricketers. One evening after a match in Taunton I was walking back to my car and there were the two West Indian sportsmen taking a leak over the railings of a bridge across the river. I heard Viv say "Man dat water is cold!", to which Joel replied, "Yeah, deep too."

My congratulations to the atomic bombs, glad to see that you didnt have to spit the dummy yet again. It must have been getting boring for you? I suppose you will want a crack at the Kiwis next. If so I hope they will learn to "shear" their bat and ball.

Isaan Aussie

That's the good thing between us mate, we can have a laugh and a joke with each, no harm done. All the best mate, I'm sure it won't be long before your mob is back on top.....


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I thought you weren't going to mention the cricket!

I am truly sorry for making this post. It was never my intention to gloat or take the P in any way.

I merely wanted to pass on my sincere and heartfelt condolences for the state of Aussie cricket.

Yours sincerely G Boycott Barnsley

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I think you guys will find most Aussies are happy for the Poms to get up, we have a proud traditon of cutting down tall poppies and the Aussie cricketers really are some of the most arrogant Pr*cks going, I hope they blood some young fellas and cut the likes of Ponting.

On a side note are the Aussies really that bad or are they making a little on the side, it seems to be the go for cricketers around the globe.

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I think you guys will find most Aussies are happy for the Poms to get up, we have a proud traditon of cutting down tall poppies and the Aussie cricketers really are some of the most arrogant Pr*cks going, I hope they blood some young fellas and cut the likes of Ponting.

On a side note are the Aussies really that bad or are they making a little on the side, it seems to be the go for cricketers around the globe.

I've never heard of the Aussie cricketers being on the make... and I'm not usually renowned for being fair to them! Outside Pakistan, very few international cricketers have been accused of this, two famous captains, both players of high calibre, being exceptions.

I'm sorry the Aussie selectors haven't been more imaginative for the last Test.

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I too think our aussie cricketers are a spoilt bunch of idoits that rely on sledging far too much and am happy they got belted and taken down a notch or two.

I also won't mention anything derogatory about Sth Africans in the English team as we aussies are well known for grabbing any sportsperson in the world to play for us in other sports. Have a look at our pole vaulter (some stunning russian babe), our boxer with that great aussie name Kostya Tzu. What about Aussie Joe Bugner. Then we have the ex Wallaby captain George Gregan (Zimbabwe I think) to mention just one. Even in cricket, Keppler Wessels, he played until the apartheid embargo was lifted then went back.

Shit just look at our olympics and commonwealth games team, plenty of foreigners the compete for us. We are very happy to take anything we can when it suits us.

So congratulations where it is due you bunch of <deleted>. :D

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IMO, some of the most arrogant Aussie cricketers of yesteryear are now selectors..maybe its a prerequisite for the job.B)

They seem to think that shuffling many players in and out based only on their current form is a good idea. Not much chance of building a strong team if the players have no chance to bond, aka Marsh/ Lillie era, just to name one.

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Oh forgot to add to the WI stories.

A mate of mine I play golf with here in Brisbane used to play cricket to a pretty high standard many years ago (not to international level).

WI on tour here and he was chosen to open the batting for Qld against the WI's. He wasn't a QLD rep at the time and they must have just put him in for a taste of the future but he was in the QLD under 19 team.

He told me that he got out in the middle and Curtly Ambrose came running in and my mate hit it back over his head for a 4. Ambrose sauntered back and in he came again and let rip a bouncer that nearly took his head off. He came down a bit further to get closer after he bowled, looked at him and said 'it was worth it just to see you shit yourself white boy'.

I don't think he scored another run.

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un acustomed as I am to take the pee out my colonial brethren, accuse england of cheating :whistling: aussies are past masters at cheating at all sports, quick to condemn other countries mistakes but cover up their own, As I recall a heroin addict not just a part time user was captain of the national rugby league team , the one time captain and vicecaptain of the national cricket team match fixing in asia, not even given a slap on the wrist,the list goes on and on!!things will improve when australian sportsmen and women learn to grow up and accept criticism , without spitting the dummy and lashing out, maybe another 200 years of culture will help :jap:

PS before I forget some of the pommy members on Koh Samui, have their knickers in a twist over the photo on my avatar,it is the picture of the legendary Company sergeant Major Yacker Yates of Operation Crown Fame. At no time have I claimed to have been the man in the piccy, I was far too good looking B)

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