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For the past two weeks now my 3BB has been fluctuating wildly. The internet feed stays on for about two minutes, then down to zero, then up again, then down....and so on. You cant complete a piece of work lasting more than about 2 minutes without a break in the service.

The fluctuations are particularly severe when I am downloading anything from a torrent site. Could they have put some kind of inhibitor into their system to mess up those of us who download torrents?

I got the 3BB engineers out to my house. They blamed it on my router, which is complete <deleted>. The router works fine, its the feed coming in which is the problem.

Anyone else facing similar frustrations with 3BB or any other provider?


Their engineers will ALWAYS blame 1st your router and 2nd your computer.

Stand your ground and get them to try it with their own router.

When that invariable fails to cure the problem that's when they come up with 'your computer has a problem'.

Insist they try it with their own computer.

After exhausting those possibilities only then will they admit to a fault elsewhere.


Their engineers will ALWAYS blame 1st your router and 2nd your computer.

Stand your ground and get them to try it with their own router.

When that invariable fails to cure the problem that's when they come up with 'your computer has a problem'.

Insist they try it with their own computer.

After exhausting those possibilities only then will they admit to a fault elsewhere.

And will politely tell you that they can't do anything about it afterwards.


starting last Fiday I had problems with 3BB (check past post) the engineer was due at 10.30 a few days later ,now this is the strange thing the night before he was due to arrive all problems stopped my downloads are back up to a respectable speed and I have had no connection problems.

The engineer never arrived or made a call to check that service was back to normal.

I enjoy playing on-line games with friends here in Bangkok and after my problems they have had the same thing but with different isp's, I think there is the possibility that all companies are upgrading equipment and rather then tell their clients they are stalling until they have finished and normal service resumes.

Be patient and hopefully normal service will return in a day or two if not keep pestering them to send an engineer.

I forgot to ask, what connection speed do you have?

This makes a difference because if you have 6mb package it is considered for domestic use site specific to Thailand and your international speed will suck.


I also use 3BB, and I have the 10mbps package, and I too have noticed in the past few weeks that the service has had WILD fluctuations, and so has my girlfriend!!!!! Sometimes no sites work at all, other times Facebook is wildly fast, and everything else is super slow. Regardless of the websites, no matter what I am downloading, once it starts, it always maintains a good speed.

We had a tech come out to the condo, and he couldn't find a problem with anything! The router was fine, and so were both computers. After discussing it with the company, the offered to let use a server located outside of Thailand for 2,500BHT a month which is ridiculous! Afterwords, they reset the network in our area, or so they said, and things worked good for a few hours, and now back to the same old problem!!

Any comments on True internet? I'm thinking of switching, but am curious if they're any better........


I have had this problem for ages too. I had the 6mb pack, got so fed up with the up and down every 2 mins that I went and upgraded to the 8mb pack to see if there was any difference,<div>Guess what, the same. </div><div>I called, and before the put the phone down everything was good, the tech phoned me and asked about the problem 2 times in that day and it was all very good. </div><div>So far not too bad, but early hours it seems to die till about 8am.</div><div>I actually managed to get a stable game of WOW (Asia pacific region) for 8 hours solid with no lag and not hang ups. I  like to see how long it lasts.</div><div>I also have AIS home router which used to be fairly stable and has the same problem as 3bb for the same amount of time,</div><div>I am just going to cancel that as 30gb limit is just not enough as I download a lot of torrents and clocked up a bill of 4000 bhat one month. </div><div>I could at least compare the 2 then and as they both use a different way of connecting I could see that what I think its just the Thai infrastructure is not capable of handling the high volume of internet use. One day maybe in 10 years they may get their act together and give a service on par with Korea and Japan </div><div>Dream on. lol </div><div>If anyone gets a good service with any provider please post asp so we can all enjoy normal internet life.</div>


starting last Fiday I had problems with 3BB (check past post) the engineer was due at 10.30 a few days later ,now this is the strange thing the night before he was due to arrive all problems stopped my downloads are back up to a respectable speed and I have had no connection problems.

The engineer never arrived or made a call to check that service was back to normal.

I enjoy playing on-line games with friends here in Bangkok and after my problems they have had the same thing but with different isp's, I think there is the possibility that all companies are upgrading equipment and rather then tell their clients they are stalling until they have finished and normal service resumes.

Be patient and hopefully normal service will return in a day or two if not keep pestering them to send an engineer.

I forgot to ask, what connection speed do you have?

This makes a difference because if you have 6mb package it is considered for domestic use site specific to Thailand and your international speed will suck.

Thanks for constructive ideas, Dumpling. I pay 1150 Baht a month, its a package no longer offered and is said to be "for International rather than domestic" use. The engineers offered no clue about the wild variations in speed, they merely suggested I get a new router as the one I have is 3 yrs old, but thats &lt;deleted&gt;!! The fluctuations in speed is not as a result of the router. The router merely works with the feed it gets from the outside?


I've had a terrible time with international sites and uploading to a US server the last couple weeks. Customer service said "they are experiencing unusually heavy traffic this end of year." I haven't been able to get the iTunes store to work for over a week now on my Mac, PC or iPod. It works perfectly with an aircard or TOT so I'm guessing its an issue with 3bb

I've been very happy with 3bb in Ubon and Chiang Mai in the past. Customer service has always been fast and speeds usually spot on.


For the last 3 or 4 days I have not been able to access most Apple sites, including the iTunes store (via iTunes and iPod Touch). Sites like discussions.apple.com either time out and never load, or partially load VERY slowly. When I switch on a VPN, everything works as expected, which tell me my internet connection is fine, Apple/iTunes is fine, and 3BB probably messed up some http/web filtering rules.


Their engineers will ALWAYS blame 1st your router and 2nd your computer.

Stand your ground and get them to try it with their own router.

When that invariable fails to cure the problem that's when they come up with 'your computer has a problem'.

Insist they try it with their own computer.

After exhausting those possibilities only then will they admit to a fault elsewhere.

I had a problem a week ago and called many times. After checking this, that and the other thing, including taking my router to have it reset, they said it was a problem with my computer, which I also dismissed as nonsense ... but as it turns out it was a wiring problem in my building. Once that was corrected the problem was solved. So sometimes they are right about the problem not being their fault.

That said, I have noticed more fluctuations recently (I'm in Pattaya), but not to the extent stated by the OP. The problems don't seem to last long and I've experienced them no more than a couple of times a day. Right now it seems to be working well.

Haven't had any problems downloading from iTunes.


In Ubon l pay 590bht for the 5 but get 6 and *5 for upload. If l get a problem for slowness it's only with Tv though their Singapore server speed test shows 6. UK or US sites are instant, films, youtube, great. :)

I once had a problem and it took 3BB 3 days to fix. Also took DNS off auto and put in one supplied by Tv which solved a problem.


I live in Jomtien, and get a consistent 3-4 mb from 3BB (I pay for 5 ha ha). They were down hard here about a month ago, my friends and I had no connection for four days. When the tech showed up, he tested my router, then went outside my apartment complex for about 15 minutes. When he returned, it was back up again. I have NO idea what he did or what the solution could possible have been. All I know is it's back.


I live in Jomtien, and get a consistent 3-4 mb from 3BB (I pay for 5 ha ha). They were down hard here about a month ago, my friends and I had no connection for four days. When the tech showed up, he tested my router, then went outside my apartment complex for about 15 minutes. When he returned, it was back up again. I have NO idea what he did or what the solution could possible have been. All I know is it's back.

I was told that they have problems country wide with their fibre optics connections. Usually the problem.


I use Maxnet still here in Phuket , just a few days before Christmas my connection started exactly same problem , but I

have used both PC & Laptop and it does the same with both.

The engineer came left , called said he'd call the wife back and never did.

She also told me,that the girls in the office were laughing about when they and other ISPs are lying to their customers about problems with our connections saying its our systems fault , when they know its their companies problem with providing a proper connection.

Has anyone ever asked and gotten any refund for lengthy down-time ?


I use Maxnet still here in Phuket , just a few days before Christmas my connection started exactly same problem , but I

have used both PC & Laptop and it does the same with both.

The engineer came left , called said he'd call the wife back and never did.

She also told me,that the girls in the office were laughing about when they and other ISPs are lying to their customers about problems with our connections saying its our systems fault , when they know its their companies problem with providing a proper connection.

Has anyone ever asked and gotten any refund for lengthy down-time ?

Also in phuket (Kamala) on 3bb/Triple T (maxnet premier) and not able to connect to itunes, connecting through TOT and True 3G no problem


Is the 3BB management reading ThaiVisa messageboard ? I wonder, oh ofcourse not, TV is in English emoa.gif

Then what use has this discussion ?

Imagine 3BB would do everything to improve their quality, start taking customers serious, and have a 3BB representative on ThaiVisa answering peoples questions... :whistling:



In case anyone else is having the Apple/iTunes access problem I've been having, it can be fixed by changing your router or computer's DNS servers to 3BB's servers. Using Google DNS, OpenDNS, etc. work fine for everything else, but broke access to Apple for me.


I am not attempting to access iTunes so no thoughts about that issue but I do notice that in the last day or so, my 3BB connection seems to have returned to its normal speed/reliability.


What's wrong witth 3BB? Great Question. Here is the answer. They are just plain Stupid. Ignorant staff that does not care about their customers in any way, shape or form. I had been with Maxnet before, which by the way, was just as bad if not worse. Then after 3BB took over. I was with them for about 2 years. I had problems with service from the beginning when it was Maxnet. Then when 3BB came into the picture it improved slightly, but turned out I had bad router from 3bb. They refused to change it for a new one, so I changed providers and have been good ever since

I have now switched to TOT. Much better service and connection.


I am not attempting to access iTunes so no thoughts about that issue but I do notice that in the last day or so, my 3BB connection seems to have returned to its normal speed/reliability.

Same here. A tentative - everything is cool now.

In fact - it's 5 o'clock, and I am streaming video from a German website at 350KB/s - it's almost unbelievable! Let's hope it lasts ;)

Yesterday night I started a torrent, not too big, 200 odd seeders - I was a bit surprised to see > 1000KB/s. 1GB downloaded in less than 20 minutes! Whoa!

During the "problematic" time, torrent speed had gone down to less than 100KB/s no matter what the seed / leech ratio... so this has definitely gone back to normal.

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