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Important Grooming Question Pt.Ii


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Important Grooming Question pt.II

I know I'll have to be well-groomed and slick to impress Thai bosses and pupils. But as we know, confidence comes from the inside. In order to stay looking fresh, and also feeling good, a good shave is all important.

I have sensitive skin, and Gillette Sensor Excel is a god-send. For those with sensitive skin, an old-skool double blade is far better than a triple super-duper Mac 3. The newer blades rake the skin, whereas Excel is far better, and far cheaper too.

So, I am truly hoping -- and quietly confident -- that my precious Gillette Sensor Excel blades are available in Chiang Mai. Seemingly, Excel is still readily available in many countries. C.Mai has Boots, Tesco, and a plethora of other shops.

Alongside the Excel blades, I also use Gillette Series Foam Mousse for Sensitive Skin. This is a great, cheap-ish foam that seems to be available in most places. Is it also available in C.Mai/Thailand, I hope so!!

I hope somebody can help me. Maybe a few of you also use Excel and Sensitive Skin foam-mousse. And for any of you finding Mac Three too harsh, and especially those who suffer from occasional acne outbreaks, I highly, highly recommend a twin-bladed razor. If Excel is not available in Thailand, I will have to bring a large store with me from England, and look for other razors in Thailand.

Thanks, and here's to a fresh, crisp, slick 2011. May all your shaves be comfy and your skin be smooth.

Edited by Charlie_Rain
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I wish I could be as lucky as you two guys, and not care about my appearance. I'd love to let-it-all-go, and hold two fingers up to the fickle world of fashion and style.

But just because you two don't suffer the same pressures, there is no need to poke fun at me.

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I wish I could be as lucky as you two guys, and not care about my appearance. I'd love to let-it-all-go, and hold two fingers up to the fickle world of fashion and style.

But just because you two don't suffer the same pressures, there is no need to poke fun at me.

You are so right, I don't know why a detailed analysis of your shaving habits didn't make me feel all 'enlightened.' Then again, I am lucky, I do the hiring :)

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I wish I could be as lucky as you two guys, and not care about my appearance. I'd love to let-it-all-go, and hold two fingers up to the fickle world of fashion and style.

But just because you two don't suffer the same pressures, there is no need to poke fun at me.

You must be having a laugh, i hope so anyway.

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There might very well be people reading this who suffer from shaving rashes, sensitive skin, spots. This is a serious issue-- no joke.

Men are so often scared to talk openly open issues such as appearance and grooming, and posts like yours -- with their oh so humorous manly jokes -- do not help the matter.

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I wish I could be as lucky as you two guys, and not care about my appearance. I'd love to let-it-all-go, and hold two fingers up to the fickle world of fashion and style.

But just because you two don't suffer the same pressures, there is no need to poke fun at me.

I agree ; its not fair, especially seeing that you come from Manchester where you really do need a sense of humour to survive the daily rain_Charlie. But coming from a town condemned to languish under a dark blanket of thick cloud,how do you get so mahogany brown as to look like you're some hunky surfer from Bondi Beach. Do you have a favourite brand of bronzer? And would you advise using a double bladed razor for shaving legs and lower extremities to keep up with the "fickle world of fashion and style"?

Edited by Asmerom
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I wish I could be as lucky as you two guys, and not care about my appearance. I'd love to let-it-all-go, and hold two fingers up to the fickle world of fashion and style.

But just because you two don't suffer the same pressures, there is no need to poke fun at me.

I agree ; its not fair, especially seeing that you come from Manchester where you really do need a sense of humour to survive the daily rain_Charlie. But coming from a town condemned to languish under a dark blanket of thick cloud,how do you get so mahogany brown as to look like you're some hunky surfer from Bondi Beach. Do you have a favourite brand of bronzer? And would you advise using a double bladed razor for shaving legs and lower extremities to keep up with the "fickle world of fashion and style"?

OUCH! ;)

I'll stick with my Mach3 (Turbo!), shave in the shower, change blades monthly, and not worry about what the boss thinks! (oh wait ... that's me!)

If it is a medical issue --- there is a medical forum. Otherwise if shaving is going to cause you major distress in Thailand you will really have a great time here when it comes to getting those great wool suits dry-cleaned!


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I wish I could be as lucky as you two guys, and not care about my appearance. I'd love to let-it-all-go, and hold two fingers up to the fickle world of fashion and style.

But just because you two don't suffer the same pressures, there is no need to poke fun at me.

I agree ; its not fair, especially seeing that you come from Manchester where you really do need a sense of humour to survive the daily rain_Charlie. But coming from a town condemned to languish under a dark blanket of thick cloud,how do you get so mahogany brown as to look like you're some hunky surfer from Bondi Beach. Do you have a favourite brand of bronzer? And would you advise using a double bladed razor for shaving legs and lower extremities to keep up with the "fickle world of fashion and style"?

Ah, that photo was taken in Olympos, Turkey, summer 2009. I supplicated myself to the sun's rays, and she turned me a nice wooden colour. Sun-In made my hair golden. As I type this, I am pale and my hair is dark.

My legs are like a goats, and my chest has a nice down upon it.

I am a typical bloke in many ways, I just take a bit of pride in my appearance. Ponce my dear Mum calls me, and she is probably correct. But it is all about feeling comfortable. Thus, I want a smooth shave, no spots, short, stylish hair, and comfy but cool clothes. Most ladies think I don't care about my looks, but it is all a mirage!!!!

Finally, Manchester's unique climate does tend to make us see the funny side of life. I am a proud Manc, but come June 2011, I will return to my spiritual home of Chiang Mai, and am just trying to do the necessary homework first. I'm sure you guys can understand.

But seriously for a moment, sensitive skin, spots and shaving, is NOT a joking matter. These things cause misery to thousands of men. I am open, and hope that other guys will be encouraged to talk about grooming and style issues -- maybe on this board.

The Gillette Sensor Excel-issue is genuinely important to me, and I'm hoping that someone will help me out.

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I use Gillette Gel Cool and believe there is one for sensitive skin and have no problems. To be honest though, not sure I have sensitive skin other then several years ago tried using an electric razor and afterward felt my skin was on fire and red bumps popping up. :D

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Excel blades are about a third of the price and are FAR, far, far better. They don't rake the skin like Mach 3. The blades might not last quite as long, but it is no contest for me.

I suggest brining a year's supply with you if your own brand is that important :)

wait --- you want info on Jan 1st about what will be available in CNX in JUNE? --- oi vey!

Edited by jdinasia
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Excel blades are about a third of the price and are FAR, far, far better. They don't rake the skin like Mach 3. The blades might not last quite as long, but it is no contest for me.

I suggest brining a year's supply with you if your own brand is that important :)

I will do that no worries, but I am hoping that Sensor Excel are available in Thailand. Globally, Excel is probably more popular that Mach 3 due to the price. When I entered: gillette sensor excel in Thailand into Google to see what I could find, my own post came up in First Place!!!

wait -- One can never prepare too much. Six months is a short time.

Edited by Charlie_Rain
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Excel blades are about a third of the price and are FAR, far, far better. They don't rake the skin like Mach 3. The blades might not last quite as long, but it is no contest for me.

I suggest brining a year's supply with you if your own brand is that important :)

I will do that no worries, but I am hoping that Sensor Excel are available in Thailand. Globally, Excel is probably more popular that Mach 3 due to the price. When I entered: gillette sensor excel in Thailand into Google to see what I could find, my own post came up in First Place!!!

wait -- One can never prepare too much. Six months is a short time.

I have seen them in Carrefour

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I'm nearly sure I've seen them at Tesco Lotus but can't say 100%. Looking at the photo though it looks identical to the ones I use and purchase at Tesco. Just went to look at the pack I have and it says Gillette Sensor but not Excel. I see Boots pharmacy website (not Thailand) shows them so might check with Boots branch in Thailand.

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Excel blades are about a third of the price and are FAR, far, far better. They don't rake the skin like Mach 3. The blades might not last quite as long, but it is no contest for me.

I suggest brining a year's supply with you if your own brand is that important :)

I will do that no worries, but I am hoping that Sensor Excel are available in Thailand. Globally, Excel is probably more popular that Mach 3 due to the price. When I entered: gillette sensor excel in Thailand into Google to see what I could find, my own post came up in First Place!!!

wait -- One can never prepare too much. Six months is a short time.

This is Thailand .. not Manchester. You cannot predict what will be available next week much less next month --- and 6 months away is just plain silly.

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The excel blades are not the best for all skin. I used to get terrible ingrown hairs on my neck from them. The best thing for me is the old school double sided razor blade. Can be found every where and are really cheap. They dont pull and cut the hair like excell, so its not as short and not prone to grow in.

But now that I am married, lucky if I shave once a week. A bit of scruff keeps the misses off me....

You mean like a cut-throat Vibe? I find Excel work alright for me. I also try and be pretty delicate with the blade.

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Ah, that photo was taken in Olympos, Turkey, summer 2009. I supplicated myself to the sun's rays, and she turned me a nice wooden colour. Sun-In made my hair golden. As I type this, I am pale and my hair is dark.

My legs are like a goats, and my chest has a nice down upon it.

The Gillette Sensor Excel-issue is genuinely important to me, and I'm hoping that someone will help me out.

Funny you should mention you brief sojurn in Turkey as I taught English there for a couple of years at Ankara College. I imagine your "Olympos" (there are so many) is the one near Antalya,Alanya,Kas and Demre. I wore a nascent beard while I was there and old, clean-shaven Turks would noisily clear their throats and spit as I passed them, grumbling something nasty under their breath. It was Ataturk who sensibly banned not only the Fez but also turbans,hijabs,and beards asserting these backward Islamic customs to be incompatible with modern society. I've no doubt at all that a bronzed, fair haired,beardless razor-wielding Mancunian youth would have had no difficulty becoming the fashionable court favourite of the week. Times change. You're now pale and probably spotty, your hair an anemic mousy colour and the Turkish Prime Minister has overturned the banning of headscarves and even his wife wears one. How reassuring to learn that you, at least, are intent on espousing the cause of modernity and will soon be marching hairless into the Chiang Mai sunset.

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Are you trying to diss me in a passive-aggressive manner?

I live for modernity, I am a product of modernity.

No, not at all. How anyone with a sensitive skin can go on daily scraping off layers of the precious stuff I don't understand. An electric razor is the answer but I expect you'll say you've tried that. Did you persevere though? It takes a good many days to adapt. Razors are more suited to goatherders and flint gatherers and went out of fashion about the time nomads became farmers. To be really modern you must embrace electricity Welcome to Chiang Mai where you'll find it's readily available to every settled householder. Abandon the ancient ways and bring in the new. Now's the time for a new years resolution.

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I had a painful electric-razoring as a 15 year old, and that puts me off them. But I hear what you say. It would be a great option, but everything I read says electric razors, even the expensive ones, pull out hairs and cause irritation.

I like the stylish, short beard, but I got told by a good Thai friend that ALL beards look dirty.

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I too like sensor exel. Find a head lasts about three months, shaving on average four times a week.

When I run out, and need to look my best, I use a sur-form, failing that a piece of hardwood stick, poked in the fire till its glowing nicely, will remove the unwanted hairs.(carefull not to get to close) Follow this up with a good rub with a piece of course grit emery cloth, and a splash of heating oil, just to open the pores. Perfect shave every time.

BTW, what is sensitive skin?:P

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