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Mailed In My 90 Day Report And Havent Heard Back

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I've reported by mail successfully before to Chaeng Wattana but this time mailed it registered on 9 Dec and havent heard back.

The problem may be that 10 Dec was a holiday and the due date was Sunday 12 Dec. Im not sure how they handle reporting dates falling on sundays and holidays but at worst i mailed it on the adjusted due date (that is; if the date falling on a Sunday or holiday implies the adjusted due date coming before, not after, these days.)

In any case, there are seven grace days, though not clear if this particular 90 day reporting station allows this grace period for mailed in applications. does anybody know?

and does anybody know if the applicant is routinely informed of a failed reporting attempt? (yes, a stamped self addressed envelope was included.)

finally, i have to go there next month to renew my visa. assuming i hear nothing back before then, should i wait to do both at the same time, or is it better to go first to clear up the reporting problem?

thanks for sharing any similar experiences you may have had.

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The requirement is to mail one week before the report is due.

The above mentioned documents must be sent by registered mail and the receipt of the registration kept by the foreigner.

Send the mail before the renewal date 7 days to

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The requirement is to mail one week before the report is due.

The above mentioned documents must be sent by registered mail and the receipt of the registration kept by the foreigner.

Send the mail before the renewal date 7 days to

EMS is fine to use (from experience) and is quicker so I would imagine a few days before the due date should be fine.

Also if you are not close to the immigration office it will probably be easier to take care of the matter when you are next there.

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If you have mailed it on Dec.9 then it would not have arrived at the reporting desk until Monday 13, which is 1 day over due and it may not have been processed. I would give them a call and ask.

Since 10-12 Dec, were holidays you should have mailed it around 7 Dec. or even the week before that since 6 was also a holiday.

Use EMS in the future where you can check the exact arrival date at the Imm mail center then add one day if it arrives in the afternoon because it may land on the right desk only the next day.

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Many thanks for all your comments. If anyone happens to have the telephone number i will give them a call as one of the posters suggests. So far I havent tracked down the number.

an internet search reveals a site called thaiembassy.com wherein two interesting points are made:

1) "You must then send these documents to this address, keeping in mind that they should arrive 7 days before your 90-day period expires..."

2) "It is better to keep track of the rules of Thai Immigration at all times during your stay in the country, as failure to file your 90-day report can result in a fine of 2000 THB, and can increase to up to 4000 THB once you get arrested. "

Should arrive 7 days before? Get arrested, even if you sent it in?

Land of Smiles.....

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