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Please Give Me Some Advice


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hi im feeling really depressed. just because of uncertainty with my future.

i have been living in thailand for a while seeking employment, but no luck at all. but could you save money with the salaries you get here? sure if you get above 50ks and so with bonuses.

but it is really hard to earn 50k naht a month yes?

to be honest, im sort of sick with dirty thailand, smell, polluted river... some thais attitudes... thai ladies.... theyve got nice figures, but their face is a total let down.. although lot of chinese thai are alright though, im sensing they are really into business and really into making money. they got the home advantage though and they can speak thai.

now living in a small studio apt, really got nothing to do... i applied for many works previous year but no luck at all. agencies doesnt really help as well. i pretty much do not have much work exp, probably around 2 years stocking shelves overseas... teaching seems to be the way for farangs, but i've tried it and surely its not for me.... it will get me more depressed to be honest

im not sure if i return back home it will be any better.

im quite sure some have experienced this depressing moments... how have you overcome them?

Edited by gravion
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Reading between the lines of what you told us you would be far better off in your own country. My best guess is you don't have an academic degree in anything as well. I can also see that English is not your first language either. If you haven't learned how to hustle you are pretty much at the mercy of everyone. Thailand is not a country where you can match the locals at their own game. You are always going to come in a distant third. There is no fall-back social security system here. You make it on your own smarts and hard work. The women here are not stupid either. They want something out of a relationship other than a warm body... even if you truly are a handsome young man.

I can understand why you might be a little depressed. If I didn't have a reasonable pension I wouldn't be trying to eke out a living in this country either. It takes capital to start a business and a willingness to work for peanuts for several years before starting to make a profit. Some people are smart enough to make money on-line, but that's also a tough racket with so many people doing the same thing.

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We have Just hared of the sad loss of aThai doctor in an accident who returned from the UK to Treat his own country men, He earned 40,000baht a month , that Will put things in prospective , 50,000baht to do what , Thai police 11,000baht a month ,Factory worker 6300baht a month, These are just the norm , maybe there are better jobs ,

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How does anyone that "pretty much do[es] not have much work exp, probably around 2 years stocking shelves overseas..." work as a teacher at any level (" teaching seems to be the way for farangs, but i've tried it and surely its not for me....")? Teaching requires a university degree and stocking shelves for 2 years (as his only work experience) is not something that a university grad does for 2 years -- perhaps for as a summer job, but not for 2 years. If it looks and smells like a troll, ................... And by the way, there is no "uncertainty" to the OPs future. If it is anything as he describes, his future is "flat wave" -- 100% certain -- in Thailand and probably anywhere else. And he should be depressed, really depressed.

Edited by Thailaw
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hi thanks for advices. i do hold a BA in media studies... but back home ppl with degrees cant get decent pay full time work as well... usually ppl with BA degrees. i got money to get through probably around for another year. but there aint nothing much to do. just trolling around cities of flooded streets of bkk... too many ppl going to malls, streets to buy new rubbishes.

40,000b for a doctor? that cant be right.... prolly at a clinic? assistant mnagers get 30K+, managers 50K+, general managers 75K+, i think mostly they get 3 months bonuses annually...

50k to do what? keep the rest in the bank to have hassle free retirement... u gotta pay those medical bills right....? also u need 800K in ur bank account to extend ur retirement visa if ur single...

i dont know how ppl manage to live with 7-15K a month salary... i know... they goto aeon or some crap to loan money to buy rubbishes they dont need.... i think its for their therapy. really i feel these ppl are living on the edge.

im too as well...

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moving to farang pub, but frankly: no work, no money, no experience, no willingness probably to make do with not much, think thailand is smelly and dirty and the girls (and boys) are ugly = GO HOME. get a job, come to thailand for vacation and the food. re think your life. take up vipasssana meditation. whatever.

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yoyoyoooooo homie G, iz time yo. iz all bout da money yeh? yeh i love counting those 100baht bills in me wallet... to be honest with u man i love counting me coins aswell....

the time has come. ya reckon G, noodle shop and those ying yang food shops gets like 2k3k a day yeh? what a dong!

yo man shizzle G, they aint carrying that much weight with them, so aint worth jacking the shit and mugging G.... yehhhh dawg i feel it too...

yo man whz up with these ying yangs showing bucks in da publics yo.? ive encounter these oldies digging prolly like 200k in their baggies man... man i almost jack that shiz up man.... yeh g, aint much secutity here man... why work for it man, just take what others earned or some shiz man... thaz been like dat since the golden days.... thaz how we rolll man, thaz what we do man... all bout money man...

ok man... i feel u

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What country are you from? If the US, you're right, the job market is atrocious. You certainly do sound like you are in a dark mood. How about trying prozac?

Aye, turn to drugs... but wait till you've got a good job first, because you'll soon start running up the bills then.

You'll find it easier to get drugs when you've got a job than get a job when you've got drugs.

If you've got time on your hands, then be free with your time - lend a hand to friends and casual acquaintances, accept invitations, go to events you're not particularly interested in.

Or set up a bizarre spoof personality on an internet forum, and move to the virtual world, like the rest of us


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Slightly off topic and may seem harsh, but....

Having spent many, many years recruiting and interviewing, I have to say this B.A. MEDIA STUDIES: sounds like a beginner's degree, i.e., fairly useless without at least a masters. Even then, with a masters and no experience, it would probably be like English, history, psychology, etc., degrees: may make the holder a possible candidate for an internship somewhere. I was recruiting mostly technical people, but our company frequently had some openings that only required a degree (to show, hopefully, some degree of knowledge and critical thinking skills). I put that degree in that catergory, simply a degree, based on how New York University describes the degree program (below) which I took as a sample....

I, like many TV lurkers, have several Thai degreed nieces and nephews who are glad to have 5,000/6,000 baht/month jobs. Since you are not allowed to take a job a Thai can do and those jobs are the only ones you are "qualified" for ,you probably need to go back to where you can more likely to be hired.

"Television, film, the Internet, broadband, and streaming video have become parts of our everyday lives. The question is how can we prepare ourselves to understand the impact of these technologies on our careers and personal choices? How do such media change the way we earn our living? The way we read? The way we see? The way we think? The concentration in Media Studies addresses these questions by simultaneously building your confidence to use the media and providing you with a framework for understanding their impact on society. By incorporating film, video, digital production, multimedia, and Internet technologies, this program provides you with the opportunity to turn your understanding and appreciation of the new media into an excellent foundation for career advancement.

Before starting the concentration, students must complete ..... Critical Thinking......."

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yo dawg, getting masters in thailand will be any good yo?

alot of thais seems to have them mba, but not sure them thais r working or not... prolly for their own company....

will digging mba will boost me up back homie?

i wus policizia for 3 months, but old men started touching my lil bro, so i quit, ya dig?


Slightly off topic and may seem harsh, but....

Having spent many, many years recruiting and interviewing, I have to say this B.A. MEDIA STUDIES: sounds like a beginner's degree, i.e., fairly useless without at least a masters. Even then, with a masters and no experience, it would probably be like English, history, psychology, etc., degrees: may make the holder a possible candidate for an internship somewhere. I was recruiting mostly technical people, but our company frequently had some openings that only required a degree (to show, hopefully, some degree of knowledge and critical thinking skills). I put that degree in that catergory, simply a degree, based on how New York University describes the degree program (below) which I took as a sample....

I, like many TV lurkers, have several Thai degreed nieces and nephews who are glad to have 5,000/6,000 baht/month jobs. Since you are not allowed to take a job a Thai can do and those jobs are the only ones you are "qualified" for ,you probably need to go back to where you can more likely to be hired.

"Television, film, the Internet, broadband, and streaming video have become parts of our everyday lives. The question is how can we prepare ourselves to understand the impact of these technologies on our careers and personal choices? How do such media change the way we earn our living? The way we read? The way we see? The way we think? The concentration in Media Studies addresses these questions by simultaneously building your confidence to use the media and providing you with a framework for understanding their impact on society. By incorporating film, video, digital production, multimedia, and Internet technologies, this program provides you with the opportunity to turn your understanding and appreciation of the new media into an excellent foundation for career advancement.

Before starting the concentration, students must complete ..... Critical Thinking......."

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yo dawg, getting masters in thailand will be any good yo?

alot of thais seems to have them mba, but not sure them thais r working or not... prolly for their own company....

will digging mba will boost me up back homie?

i wus policizia for 3 months, but old men started touching my lil bro, so i quit, ya dig?

Are you drunk?

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no... i hate having headaches

although i sometimes fancy meself a beer during lunch

yo dawg, getting masters in thailand will be any good yo?

alot of thais seems to have them mba, but not sure them thais r working or not... prolly for their own company....

will digging mba will boost me up back homie?

i wus policizia for 3 months, but old men started touching my lil bro, so i quit, ya dig?

Are you drunk?

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I can only tell you from my own personal experience. The average income for a Thai with a bachelors degree is approximately 10'000 to 15'000 THB a month. I don't know what country you originally come from, but as for me, I earn about 30'000 THB a month working for a foreign company, and receive and additional 40'000 THB from my home country. If you're seeking work that pays well, you won't find any in Thailand. I know an older farang teacher from Europe who comes here during the school holidays to teach English lessons, I don't know his exact salary, but I suspect it's somewhere between 10'000 to 20'000 THB.

Bottom line: If you're working for a Thai company, or have a Thai employer, don't expect to be rich. Your best chance is to work for a foreign company paying in US dollars or Euros. If you read through the previous posts you should think about this: If I return to my home country A. Will I find a good paying job? B. (Since the cost of living is likely to be higher) will I have enough money left after paying for rent, food etc.?

Thailand is a great place to live if you're source of income is from overseas. If it's from Thailand, you'll have to struggle. The only suggestion I can give is possibly becoming a tutor (language teacher) at a private institute. They earn about 5'000THB per lesson (That's 45 minutes). You must be able to speak, read, and write Thai in addition to the language you're teaching though.

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yoyoyoooooo homie G, iz time yo. iz all bout da money yeh? yeh i love counting those 100baht bills in me wallet... to be honest with u man i love counting me coins aswell....

the time has come. ya reckon G, noodle shop and those ying yang food shops gets like 2k3k a day yeh? what a dong!

yo man shizzle G, they aint carrying that much weight with them, so aint worth jacking the shit and mugging G.... yehhhh dawg i feel it too...

yo man whz up with these ying yangs showing bucks in da publics yo.? ive encounter these oldies digging prolly like 200k in their baggies man... man i almost jack that shiz up man.... yeh g, aint much secutity here man... why work for it man, just take what others earned or some shiz man... thaz been like dat since the golden days.... thaz how we rolll man, thaz what we do man... all bout money man...

ok man... i feel u

Is this language English ?

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"yo dawg, getting masters in thailand will be any good yo?

alot of thais seems to have them mba, but not sure them thais r working or not... prolly for their own company....

will digging mba will boost me up back homie?"

Ho Ho, love this guy. A sense of humour and depression all mixed in together.

Perhaps you should be writing Black Comedy for TV shows - at least for the ones not watched by English speaking peoples. There's no way they would understand you anyway.

Good luck with your life - and remember, if it all falls to siht you can always do the Buddhist bit and come back as a Soi dog.:jap:

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