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Legal Drugs In Thailand


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Don't know how you guys feel about this kind of post, but I'm gonna give it a shot either way.

I'm thinking of getting some very obscure chemicals with psychoactive properties sent in the mail from Europe. I know some of these are not controlled in Thailand, others I'm not so sure of.

So, does anyone here have any experience with doing anything similar and does anyone know where I can find Thai legislative information in English that would inform me about the law on different substances.

Lastly, even assuming these are 100% legal, does anyone think it would be a bad idea to go for it regardless? Do you think Thai law enforcement could give you a rough time anyway?

I'm not looking for any advice on drug use by the way.


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Personnally I would mess with anything that could be construne as being even remotely connected to possible illegal drugs in Thailand, not worth the hassle, why dont you check with Thai customs and see what the status would be ?

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So whats your post about. You want to get high legally or concoct something to help people give up smoking in LOS, what is it? :rolleyes:

If your a junkie then crawl back where you come from BUT if your intentions are good for LOS then lets hear it to advise. :).

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If you was to ask this question 5 years ago ..what ever you are smuggling in i would have been all over you like a rash and wanting to try the SH@#.

But now im a little older but not any wiser but would rather have a nice cup of tea rolleyes.gif

PS you not looking at making your own brand of tea by any chance rolleyes.gif

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Whenever I'm about to sail close to the wind, legally speaking, I am always sure to post on a public forum regarding my plans.

And I get all my legal advice from anonymous strangers


We'll be sure to find out what time visiting hours are...

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the whole question hs vague illegal feeling about it.... if u are legit, then u have prescriptions or paperwork to help u aquire what u want to import. if u dont have either, it sounds illegal in which case this thread will close. either u list the stuff u are looking for, or u present your case as a legit one (research, medical, industrial), or the thread gets it.

there is a list i think maybe pinned but can be found , of illegal substances/legislation for thailand. its a long list, and harsh puishments. find it. read it. and beware.


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the whole question hs vague illegal feeling about it.... if u are legit, then u have prescriptions or paperwork to help u aquire what u want to import. if u dont have either, it sounds illegal in which case this thread will close. either u list the stuff u are looking for, or u present your case as a legit one (research, medical, industrial), or the thread gets it.

there is a list i think maybe pinned but can be found , of illegal substances/legislation for thailand. its a long list, and harsh puishments. find it. read it. and beware.



Any one who is legit knows the answers, not need ask here. :rolleyes:

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I think the OP was quite clear; he is seeking to work around the law, rather than break it, but for recreational purposes rather than medicinal. It was not clear whether his ambitions were personal or commercial.

Anyway, as mentioned on another thread, I would recommend a full risk assessment taking into account the potential legal consequences and sentences that might be accrued if it turns out that the advice you receive is lacking in accuracy and veracity. I believe we will have plenty of time to find out what time are visiting hours...


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Some info on narcotics in Thailand.

Guidance for Travelers - Thailand FDA

Psychotropic Substance Act 1975 Thailand. Long reading. ;)

PDF files of the various laws can be found at Office of Narcotics Control Board

Wiki on the psychotropic substance act

Thank you, these links are exactly what I was looking for.

My motives are irrelevant to the thread. Don't worry about the visiting hours; I won't be doing anything unless I am totally certain it is legal and I have found others who have tried it before me.

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