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Can this be moved to the Central Thailand forum as it's a local issue that should be of interest to expats in that area.

Let the guy rest in peace, I'm pretty sad that this guy obviously killed an innocent man. :jap:

Yes, it is sad.

May he rest in peace.

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I couldn't find anything in Thairath online either but did find a little on the Channel 7 news.

Apparently the killer is a 39 year old man, Mr Wichet Phuchamkat นายวิเชษฐ์ ภู่จำกัด, from Patumthanee province with previous drug addiction problems. The murder took place on 04/01/11 and he was later arrested after fleeing back to his mother's house in Lam Luk Ka district in Patumthanee province, along with the seizure of an unlicensed handgun.

There's a video of him in police custody here:


It was nice to see they didn't mention the word "farang" in the news report.

I do think the Thais as a whole are a bit xenophobic but it has a lot to do with the education system here.

But, this is a pretty isolated incident of a crazy bast--d who wanted revenge on anyone and this poor guy happened to be the victim.

I just hope he gets his just reward. This really could've and does happen anywhere in the world. R.I.P.

Light skinned thais are xenophobic against darker skinned thais so it does go on.



Going back many years I can remember when the first Indian immigrants arrived in England.

At first the very few that lived mostly in the big cities including London were mainly Indian restaurant owners and workers and was considered somewhat of a novelty and the native white population tolerated them and treated these people with respect.

Then during the 1970s the British government relaxed it`s policies on Immigration and suddenly brown people from all over South Asia and many from Uganda began immigrating to England in droves.

Then everything changed, the unions called for strikes fearing the loss of jobs to Asians and there was frequent and violent attacks on Asians including actual riots in many parts of the country.

My point is that I don`t believe the permitting of too many people of a different race and culture into a country is a good thing. It has been proven that multiculturalism doesn't work and will lead to conflicts.

During my time here in Thailand I am seeing more and more farangs even in the most remote areas and as I see the situation, this can only cause problems for the farangs already living here, the same as what happened in the United Kingdom 40 years ago.

I agree. Let's keep other foreigners out. After all, if we wanted to hang out with foreigners we'd all have stayed in our own home countries.

One particular "farang-hating farang" I met when I first got here suggested there should be a Thai language proficiency test within 12 months or no renewal of visa.


Going back many years I can remember when the first Indian immigrants arrived in England.


At first the very few that lived mostly in the big cities including London were mainly Indian restaurant owners and workers and was considered somewhat of a novelty and the native white population tolerated them and treated these people with respect.

So what do you suggest?

Then during the 1970s the British government relaxed it`s policies on Immigration and suddenly brown people from all over South Asia and many from Uganda began immigrating to England in droves.

Then everything changed, the unions called for strikes fearing the loss of jobs to Asians and there was frequent and violent attacks on Asians including actual riots in many parts of the country.

My point is that I don`t believe the permitting of too many people of a different race and culture into a country is a good thing. It has been proven that multiculturalism doesn’t work and will lead to conflicts.

During my time here in Thailand I am seeing more and more farangs even in the most remote areas and as I see the situation, this can only cause problems for the farangs already living here, the same as what happened in the United Kingdom 40 years ago.


Going back many years I can remember when the first Indian immigrants arrived in England.


At first the very few that lived mostly in the big cities including London were mainly Indian restaurant owners and workers and was considered somewhat of a novelty and the native white population tolerated them and treated these people with respect.

So what do you suggest?

Then during the 1970s the British government relaxed it`s policies on Immigration and suddenly brown people from all over South Asia and many from Uganda began immigrating to England in droves.

Then everything changed, the unions called for strikes fearing the loss of jobs to Asians and there was frequent and violent attacks on Asians including actual riots in many parts of the country.

My point is that I don`t believe the permitting of too many people of a different race and culture into a country is a good thing. It has been proven that multiculturalism doesn’t work and will lead to conflicts.

During my time here in Thailand I am seeing more and more farangs even in the most remote areas and as I see the situation, this can only cause problems for the farangs already living here, the same as what happened in the United Kingdom 40 years ago.



Can this be moved to the Central Thailand forum as it's a local issue that should be of interest to expats in that area.

Hmmm, a expat shooting another expat over a thai wife or G/F is a LOCAL issue?:D

Please, explain...:blink: I must be really dense...

Where did you read that ?

It was a Thai who murdered this expat.

RIP, what a horrible way for a life to end.


Imagine if we did the same...and the backlash against others.

What, are you suggesting that somehow the penalty would be more severe if it was a Farang who did it to a Thai? I haven't read anything about this particular Thai murderer walking free yet and I'd imagine he'll see a pretty stiff jail sentence. Or maybe the judge will say, "You shot a Farang because you hate them? Hey, so do I - let me shake your hand brother! Off you go, you've committed no crime - indeed you have done the country a favour!"

Why is there this never ending streak of persecution on this forum? A lot of members consistently turn around almost any story that appears here to bring it back to the ever crucial point that Farangs are incredibly hard done by in Thailand. I can't imagine why people who feel so sh*t on would opt to live here.


Going back many years I can remember when the first Indian immigrants arrived in England.

At first the very few that lived mostly in the big cities including London were mainly Indian restaurant owners and workers and was considered somewhat of a novelty and the native white population tolerated them and treated these people with respect.

Then during the 1970s the British government relaxed it`s policies on Immigration and suddenly brown people from all over South Asia and many from Uganda began immigrating to England in droves.

Then everything changed, the unions called for strikes fearing the loss of jobs to Asians and there was frequent and violent attacks on Asians including actual riots in many parts of the country.

My point is that I don`t believe the permitting of too many people of a different race and culture into a country is a good thing. It has been proven that multiculturalism doesn't work and will lead to conflicts.

During my time here in Thailand I am seeing more and more farangs even in the most remote areas and as I see the situation, this can only cause problems for the farangs already living here, the same as what happened in the United Kingdom 40 years ago.

I quite agree with you, I remember it all too well and the warnings a certain man gave starting in the late fifties and into the sixties. The only difference here though is that not many of us will be taking jobs away from locals and more likely to provide jobs and we certainly wont get rich on the local social security system which of course is a bone of contention in modern times U.K. and I fear unless the Government get a handle on it the backlash will not be pleasant. I do not think it will happen here as for the most part we provide and supply, we do not take. (says he hopefully!)


Hearing that an innocent fellow Aussie has died at the hands of a gunman is very sad.

I would like to think that the reason for the event not being reported widely is that

the authorities have tried to suppress reporting of such events.

The danger is that Thais with their hot-blooded nature can quickly spiral out of control when sufficient

media coverage drives them to action.

In Australia the authorities are afraid of copy-cat attacks by individuals who hold grudges against

foreigners or other groups for some reason or another.

For the same reason, the reporting of suicides is suppressed. Apparently when these events receive

a lot of press coverage, they result in a spate of copy-cat suicides where individuals "on the edge" mentally,

are driven to action.

There must be many Thai men who feel cheated when their women-folk have "run off" with a foreigner.

The hatred can be further fuelled by rumours of kiddie fiddling and abuse of wives and general drunken,

rowdy anti-social behaviour.

My own mother-in-law viewed me with scepticism and distrust for several years simply because she had

heard various media reports on the misdeeds of foreigners in Thailand over the years.

I often feel uneasy when some Thai men glare at me with not-too-friendly faces.

Fortunately I haven't seen many like that but it just takes one crazy one to pull out a gun or a machete.

I think it usually pays to keep a very low profile in Thailand.

Sorry it didn't work for that poor Aussie in Petchabun.


Going back many years I can remember when the first Indian immigrants arrived in England.

At first the very few that lived mostly in the big cities including London were mainly Indian restaurant owners and workers and was considered somewhat of a novelty and the native white population tolerated them and treated these people with respect.

Then during the 1970s the British government relaxed it`s policies on Immigration and suddenly brown people from all over South Asia and many from Uganda began immigrating to England in droves.

Then everything changed, the unions called for strikes fearing the loss of jobs to Asians and there was frequent and violent attacks on Asians including actual riots in many parts of the country.

My point is that I don`t believe the permitting of too many people of a different race and culture into a country is a good thing. It has been proven that multiculturalism doesn't work and will lead to conflicts.

During my time here in Thailand I am seeing more and more farangs even in the most remote areas and as I see the situation, this can only cause problems for the farangs already living here, the same as what happened in the United Kingdom 40 years ago.

I quite agree with you, I remember it all too well and the warnings a certain man gave starting in the late fifties and into the sixties. The only difference here though is that not many of us will be taking jobs away from locals and more likely to provide jobs and we certainly wont get rich on the local social security system which of course is a bone of contention in modern times U.K. and I fear unless the Government get a handle on it the backlash will not be pleasant. I do not think it will happen here as for the most part we provide and supply, we do not take. (says he hopefully!)

Yet another ill-informed reply. Indeed, downright ignorant. If you are referring to Enoch Powell as "a certain man", he, it will be recalled (will it?) referred to 'rivers of blood' running in England's green and pleasant land (although Powell was speaking from the not-so-green Black Country). Well, where are they, these 'rivers of blood"? (Powell certainly wasn't referring to Moslem or Irish terrorists when he referred to rivers of blood.)

But no, the real ignorance here is not to know that the Indian immigration to UK in 1972 came from Uganda, fleeing the butchering of Idi Amin. These were all very very entrepreneurial types who provided services and employment in their new homeland (and indeed were typically Thatcherite in their political beliefs).

But what is most blind here is the notion that "now that WE are here, comfortably placed in Thailand, let us draw up the ladder behind us and allow no one else to follow us."

This way of "thinking" used to be expressed in the good old rugby song:

"The working class

Can kiss my a*s,

I've got the foreman's job at last."


This is a real shame. I do not think the Thai people are inherently xenophobic. I have met so many that are genuinely friendly. Unlike Vietnam, where

the further you stray from the big cities, the more suspicious, and less friendly people seem to get, in Thailand I have encountered friendly, cheerful people

all over the country. I think some of the political parties, namely the shameless yellowhearted (appropriately named yellow shirts) have used politics to drum

up fear of foreigners, but only the simplest of minds seem to be buying into it. I am not saying the Thais are not somewhat afraid of outsiders. Just that the common

person does not buy into the nonsense. And of course it takes a real superfreak to think that by killing one of us he is accomplishing anything but bringing misery

to several families.

Thank you, Mike.

I do appreciate your message, both sensible and true.

The more remote locales within The Kingdom are far-friendlier than urban centers anywhere.

If one can project one's acceptableness tempered with an earnest interest in the local culture and its peoples, it's a done-deal.

Kind regards


My point is that I don`t believe the permitting of too many people of a different race and culture into a country is a good thing. It has been proven that multiculturalism doesn't work and will lead to conflicts.

During my time here in Thailand I am seeing more and more farangs even in the most remote areas and as I see the situation, this can only cause problems for the farangs already living here, the same as what happened in the United Kingdom 40 years ago.

Maybe you'd better leave then and help reduce the pressure...

"It has been proven that multiculturalism doesn’t work and will lead to conflicts." Maybe in the UK, but Canada is an example of a peaceful multicultural society. Yeah, there were growing pains in the 70s as in Britain - though Canadians, being a somewhat less warlike people than the Brits, we didn't have fully-fledged riots - mostly harassment and social ostracism. But it all simmered down after afew years when the ever-tolerant white people slowly realised that they weren't being invaded by hordes of apes who intended to take over their country.

So what proof can you show that multiculturalism "doesn't work"? Is that based on any sort of relevant study, or is it just something you pulled out the hat based on your own observations?


You will be telling us next that England before the 50s was made up of true blooded English people, Beetlejuice.

The truth is we are all a hotch potch of Scandinavians, Gauls, Germanic races and Latins - a blend of multiculturalism that has been in the cooking for over 2000 years. We are just carrying on a long tradition of adding to the melting pot - a process that made the nation great in the 18th and 19th centuries, just as a similar process made America great in the 20th Century.


You do have some valid points there Beetlejuice , but the big difference is that most of us who are either in Thailand or intend to move to Thailand have to a large degree integrate as we have Thai partners and hence extended families that we do support to varying extents. Many of us are either Buddhist or are aligned with Buddhist philosophy so there is not great religious antagonism (apart from the pockets of evangelistic missionaries ( better left unsaid about that) and we do contribute to the economy to a certain extent. Generally it is not the long term falungs who cause problems but the short term visitors. Apart from Pattaya and few other pockets we have not formed ghettos and hopefully we try to enrich the Thai community in various ways.

Not showing much of the buddhist philosophy in this post are you ? IMHO...:whistling:

You are however showing you believe you have some form of self entitlement to be in Thailand, while saying certain groups of other people dont, ie short term visitor's and people living the farang ghetto's of Pattaya

Perhaps that is the way it sounds. I was trying to point out that there is a differences between the resentment shown to new immigrants in western societies and that to the new comers that call Thailand their home.

If i caused you offence it was not intended


Imagine if we did the same...and the backlash against others.

Facts are more accurate than imagination.......isolated incidents like this are tragic but do not point to any trend.


Can this be moved to the Central Thailand forum as it's a local issue that should be of interest to expats in that area.

Hmmm, a expat shooting another expat over a thai wife or G/F is a LOCAL issue?:D

Please, explain...:blink: I must be really dense...

An ex pat killing another x-pat????????? Where the hell did you get that from?????? The killer has a Thai name-----he hates Westerners!!!!!!!!!!! Why dont you try reading that again and see if you get it right this time-----no need to come"back soon"



Can this be moved to the Central Thailand forum as it's a local issue that should be of interest to expats in that area.

Hmmm, a expat shooting another expat over a thai wife or G/F is a LOCAL issue?:D

Please, explain...:blink: I must be really dense...

An ex pat killing another x-pat????????? Where the hell did you get that from?????? The killer has a Thai name-----he hates Westerners!!!!!!!!!!! Why dont you try reading that again and see if you get it right this time-----no need to come"back soon"


I also cannot imagine why you[nam-thip] should consider this to be a ''local issue''-------A thai has killed a Falang----- are falangs only living locally or are there a few elsewhere in Thailand ??


Can this be moved to the Central Thailand forum as it's a local issue that should be of interest to expats in that area.

If this story is true, and I am not for one minute suggesting that it isn't - why hasn't anyone succeeded in finding any English language press reporting the details? Surely the Nation and B Post would have covered this story as well as Aussie press?

If someone can find a relevant press clipping, then this story properly belongs in the 'Thailand News' forum where it will get the widest possible coverage and we can follow developments in the police case.

Failing that, I can't for the life of me understand why it was removed from the general forum. Surely most TV members who read the Central Thailand forum will also read the general forum, and not the other way round?

This is a tragedy that is of interest to every farang in Thailand, regardless of where they live, and it should not be moved to a 'minority' forum where the readership is commensurately low.

And finally, once again - why isn't there any press on this? Do I smell a rat?


Regarding the last post by blazes,couldnt agree with you more,beetle juice has been on the juice:-S

Its uneducated people like him who took part in the so called riots he so fondly rememberd,im pressuming he hasn't spent anytime in the uk lately,think before you make statements like that,its people like you who cause devide.


Going back many years I can remember when the first Indian immigrants arrived in England.

At first the very few that lived mostly in the big cities including London were mainly Indian restaurant owners and workers and was considered somewhat of a novelty and the native white population tolerated them and treated these people with respect.

Then during the 1970s the British government relaxed it`s policies on Immigration and suddenly brown people from all over South Asia and many from Uganda began immigrating to England in droves.

Then everything changed, the unions called for strikes fearing the loss of jobs to Asians and there was frequent and violent attacks on Asians including actual riots in many parts of the country.

My point is that I don`t believe the permitting of too many people of a different race and culture into a country is a good thing. It has been proven that multiculturalism doesn't work and will lead to conflicts.

During my time here in Thailand I am seeing more and more farangs even in the most remote areas and as I see the situation, this can only cause problems for the farangs already living here, the same as what happened in the United Kingdom 40 years ago.

I quite agree with you, I remember it all too well and the warnings a certain man gave starting in the late fifties and into the sixties. The only difference here though is that not many of us will be taking jobs away from locals and more likely to provide jobs and we certainly wont get rich on the local social security system which of course is a bone of contention in modern times U.K. and I fear unless the Government get a handle on it the backlash will not be pleasant. I do not think it will happen here as for the most part we provide and supply, we do not take. (says he hopefully!)

Who was the "certain man"? Couldn't have been Hitler - he was dead by then.


Going back many years I can remember when the first Indian immigrants arrived in England.

At first the very few that lived mostly in the big cities including London were mainly Indian restaurant owners and workers and was considered somewhat of a novelty and the native white population tolerated them and treated these people with respect.

Then during the 1970s the British government relaxed it`s policies on Immigration and suddenly brown people from all over South Asia and many from Uganda began immigrating to England in droves.

Then everything changed, the unions called for strikes fearing the loss of jobs to Asians and there was frequent and violent attacks on Asians including actual riots in many parts of the country.

My point is that I don`t believe the permitting of too many people of a different race and culture into a country is a good thing. It has been proven that multiculturalism doesn't work and will lead to conflicts.

During my time here in Thailand I am seeing more and more farangs even in the most remote areas and as I see the situation, this can only cause problems for the farangs already living here, the same as what happened in the United Kingdom 40 years ago.

I quite agree with you, I remember it all too well and the warnings a certain man gave starting in the late fifties and into the sixties. The only difference here though is that not many of us will be taking jobs away from locals and more likely to provide jobs and we certainly wont get rich on the local social security system which of course is a bone of contention in modern times U.K. and I fear unless the Government get a handle on it the backlash will not be pleasant. I do not think it will happen here as for the most part we provide and supply, we do not take. (says he hopefully!)

Who was the "certain man"? Couldn't have been Hitler - he was dead by then.

Im guessing Enoch Powell :whistling:

As I look ahead, I am filled with foreboding. Like the Roman, I seem to see 'the River
foaming with much blood'. That tragic and intractable phenomenon which we watch with horror on the other side of the Atlantic but which there is interwoven with the history and existence of the States itself, is coming upon us here by our own volition and our own neglect. Indeed, it has all but come. In numerical terms, it will be of American proportions long before the end of the century. Only resolute and urgent action will avert it even now.


Going back many years I can remember when the first Indian immigrants arrived in England.

At first the very few that lived mostly in the big cities including London were mainly Indian restaurant owners and workers and was considered somewhat of a novelty and the native white population tolerated them and treated these people with respect.

Then during the 1970s the British government relaxed it`s policies on Immigration and suddenly brown people from all over South Asia and many from Uganda began immigrating to England in droves.

Then everything changed, the unions called for strikes fearing the loss of jobs to Asians and there was frequent and violent attacks on Asians including actual riots in many parts of the country.

My point is that I don`t believe the permitting of too many people of a different race and culture into a country is a good thing. It has been proven that multiculturalism doesn't work and will lead to conflicts.

During my time here in Thailand I am seeing more and more farangs even in the most remote areas and as I see the situation, this can only cause problems for the farangs already living here, the same as what happened in the United Kingdom 40 years ago.

it worked in the USA ?


Going back many years I can remember when the first Indian immigrants arrived in England.

At first the very few that lived mostly in the big cities including London were mainly Indian restaurant owners and workers and was considered somewhat of a novelty and the native white population tolerated them and treated these people with respect.

Then during the 1970s the British government relaxed it`s policies on Immigration and suddenly brown people from all over South Asia and many from Uganda began immigrating to England in droves.

Then everything changed, the unions called for strikes fearing the loss of jobs to Asians and there was frequent and violent attacks on Asians including actual riots in many parts of the country.

My point is that I don`t believe the permitting of too many people of a different race and culture into a country is a good thing. It has been proven that multiculturalism doesn't work and will lead to conflicts.

During my time here in Thailand I am seeing more and more farangs even in the most remote areas and as I see the situation, this can only cause problems for the farangs already living here, the same as what happened in the United Kingdom 40 years ago.

I quite agree with you, I remember it all too well and the warnings a certain man gave starting in the late fifties and into the sixties. The only difference here though is that not many of us will be taking jobs away from locals and more likely to provide jobs and we certainly wont get rich on the local social security system which of course is a bone of contention in modern times U.K. and I fear unless the Government get a handle on it the backlash will not be pleasant. I do not think it will happen here as for the most part we provide and supply, we do not take. (says he hopefully!)

Who was the "certain man"? Couldn't have been Hitler - he was dead by then.

"Sir" Oswald Moseley


Going back many years I can remember when the first Indian immigrants arrived in England.

At first the very few that lived mostly in the big cities including London were mainly Indian restaurant owners and workers and was considered somewhat of a novelty and the native white population tolerated them and treated these people with respect.

Then during the 1970s the British government relaxed it`s policies on Immigration and suddenly brown people from all over South Asia and many from Uganda began immigrating to England in droves.

Then everything changed, the unions called for strikes fearing the loss of jobs to Asians and there was frequent and violent attacks on Asians including actual riots in many parts of the country.

My point is that I don`t believe the permitting of too many people of a different race and culture into a country is a good thing. It has been proven that multiculturalism doesn't work and will lead to conflicts.

During my time here in Thailand I am seeing more and more farangs even in the most remote areas and as I see the situation, this can only cause problems for the farangs already living here, the same as what happened in the United Kingdom 40 years ago.

I quite agree with you, I remember it all too well and the warnings a certain man gave starting in the late fifties and into the sixties. The only difference here though is that not many of us will be taking jobs away from locals and more likely to provide jobs and we certainly wont get rich on the local social security system which of course is a bone of contention in modern times U.K. and I fear unless the Government get a handle on it the backlash will not be pleasant. I do not think it will happen here as for the most part we provide and supply, we do not take. (says he hopefully!)

Yet another ill-informed reply. Indeed, downright ignorant. If you are referring to Enoch Powell as "a certain man", he, it will be recalled (will it?) referred to 'rivers of blood' running in England's green and pleasant land (although Powell was speaking from the not-so-green Black Country). Well, where are they, these 'rivers of blood"? (Powell certainly wasn't referring to Moslem or Irish terrorists when he referred to rivers of blood.)

But no, the real ignorance here is not to know that the Indian immigration to UK in 1972 came from Uganda, fleeing the butchering of Idi Amin. These were all very very entrepreneurial types who provided services and employment in their new homeland (and indeed were typically Thatcherite in their political beliefs).

But what is most blind here is the notion that "now that WE are here, comfortably placed in Thailand, let us draw up the ladder behind us and allow no one else to follow us."

This way of "thinking" used to be expressed in the good old rugby song:

"The working class

Can kiss my a*s,

I've got the foreman's job at last."

My you are touchy arnt you...I do not believe I mentioned anything about the migration from Uganda to escape Idi Amin which I also remember. You could also have added that the late 40's through to the early 60's West Indian immigration was to help replace the labour force after WW2. If you had read what I had actually written, I did say in modern times, this would be in the past few years where so many had entered the country for the hand outs, this is the problem. Not those that enter to add to the society they join but those that enter it for what they can get out of it. So if you would kindly get off your horse and read what is written before condemning. Thank you so much.


Personally I don't blame the Thai's for disliking 'westerners'. Having lived in Phuket for 5 years I too dislike them....and I am one!


I hate to say it, but I think we and Thai Visa are the victims of a hoax.

1. I Have researched all breaking news in the Nation and B Post for the past 5 days and there is not a single mention of this story yet there are plenty of accounts of other murders and abductions of westerners which did not even occur in Thailand.

2. I have extensively researched Google worldwide, Google Thailand ( for results in English and Thai)and Google Australia and there is no sign that such an Australian man with this name ever existed.

4. No cover up can be that effective in this day and age.

3. An American citizen bearing exactly the same name, (Ronald Wayne Martin), recently passed away in the USA and a condolence website has been opened. I venture to suggest that the name was lifted from this source.

If I am wrong - then I apologise, but I'd bet money that the OP is a troll. He started the thread twice under different names to enhance credibility.

What think you?


I hate to say it, but I think we and Thai Visa are the victims of a hoax.

1. I Have researched all breaking news in the Nation and B Post for the past 5 days and there is not a single mention of this story yet there are plenty of accounts of other murders and abductions of westerners which did not even occur in Thailand.

2. I have extensively researched Google worldwide, Google Thailand ( for results in English and Thai)and Google Australia and there is no sign that such an Australian man with this name ever existed.

4. No cover up can be that effective in this day and age.

3. An American citizen bearing exactly the same name, (Ronald Wayne Martin), recently passed away in the USA and a condolence website has been opened. I venture to suggest that the name was lifted from this source.

If I am wrong - then I apologise, but I'd bet money that the OP is a troll. He started the thread twice under different names to enhance credibility.

What think you?

You maybe right and hope you are. I have searched all the Aussie media for a story and there is nothing. Normally if an Aussie is even injured overseas it makes the papers in Australia. If an Aussie is murdered it makes the 6 o'clock news but nothing.


I hate to say it, but I think we and Thai Visa are the victims of a hoax.

1. I Have researched all breaking news in the Nation and B Post for the past 5 days and there is not a single mention of this story yet there are plenty of accounts of other murders and abductions of westerners which did not even occur in Thailand.

2. I have extensively researched Google worldwide, Google Thailand ( for results in English and Thai)and Google Australia and there is no sign that such an Australian man with this name ever existed.

4. No cover up can be that effective in this day and age.

3. An American citizen bearing exactly the same name, (Ronald Wayne Martin), recently passed away in the USA and a condolence website has been opened. I venture to suggest that the name was lifted from this source.

If I am wrong - then I apologise, but I'd bet money that the OP is a troll. He started the thread twice under different names to enhance credibility.

What think you?

You maybe right and hope you are. I have searched all the Aussie media for a story and there is nothing. Normally if an Aussie is even injured overseas it makes the papers in Australia. If an Aussie is murdered it makes the 6 o'clock news but nothing.

Is this link and video a hoax to then ???? http://www.ch7.com/n...=2&p=5&d=121119


Going back many years I can remember when the first Indian immigrants arrived in England.

At first the very few that lived mostly in the big cities including London were mainly Indian restaurant owners and workers and was considered somewhat of a novelty and the native white population tolerated them and treated these people with respect.

Then during the 1970s the British government relaxed it`s policies on Immigration and suddenly brown people from all over South Asia and many from Uganda began immigrating to England in droves.

Then everything changed, the unions called for strikes fearing the loss of jobs to Asians and there was frequent and violent attacks on Asians including actual riots in many parts of the country.

My point is that I don`t believe the permitting of too many people of a different race and culture into a country is a good thing. It has been proven that multiculturalism doesn't work and will lead to conflicts.

During my time here in Thailand I am seeing more and more farangs even in the most remote areas and as I see the situation, this can only cause problems for the farangs already living here, the same as what happened in the United Kingdom 40 years ago.

You do have some valid points there Beetlejuice , but the big difference is that most of us who are either in Thailand or intend to move to Thailand have to a large degree integrate as we have Thai partners and hence extended families that we do support to varying extents. Many of us are either Buddhist or are aligned with Buddhist philosophy so there is not great religious antagonism (apart from the pockets of evangelistic missionaries ( better left unsaid about that) and we do contribute to the economy to a certain extent. Generally it is not the long term falungs who cause problems but the short term visitors. Apart from Pattaya and few other pockets we have not formed ghettos and hopefully we try to enrich the Thai community in various ways.

The immigrants that you speak of usually do not integrate fully fo a few generations and intermarriage is one of the methods of breaking down those cultural barriers. However if we are to be accepted by the Thais we need to appear not to be a threat to them by taking their jobs etc. We take their women but that is to their benefit as well (without going into the pros and cons of it) and Thailand does have many laws that prevent a massive overtaking of Thailand by another group. The land ownership laws will always work to their advantage , the visa regulations, and having to employ Thais in any business should offset any fears .

Anyway this is getting off the OP's post .

Very good post and very true......in the UK for example, once you are in and granted UK Citizenship you are effectively the same as anyone else with exactly the same rights....any job, healthcare, land ownership etc etc, as you say in this country that is most certainly NOT the case for 99% of 'falang'....we can not own property (without Thai joint ownership, with the exclusion of apartments, even then 51% Thai owned), we are excluded from many professions......how many 'falang' have to do 'visa runs' just to live here? A Thai does not have anywhere near the same restrictions being a 'citizen' in the UK or elsewhere come to that. Not quite the same as a Thai who CAN become a UK citizen under marrage etc. We have a very restricted and to an extent 'controlled' lifestyle here! Don't get me wrong, I don't mind and to be honest the UK should sometimes adopt a similar stance!


Unlike Vietnam, where the further you stray from the big cities, the more suspicious, and less friendly people seem to get,

And you wonder why ?.. the last time they seen foreigners in many parts of Vietnam, the locals were getting shot at and Napalmed by the "visitors"...:whistling:

I tend to disagree that Thai's are not inherently xenophobic, if you happen to the listen to the conversations going around you, you will see that they are to varying degree's, as to the question of why they are like this, obviously they are not born this way, but become this way because of the enviroment they are living in/growing up in....so would point the finger at goverments/politicans through years pushing the nationalism.....ie Thai good....Farang bad...this is borne out in newspaper reports etc....a lot of Thailands woes are blamed on the "foreigners"

Anyway we digress from a very sad report

"...Napalmed by the "visitors"..." I'm never disappointed by the Thai Visa "hate and blame America" crouds ability to use any tragedy to continue to make America the root cause of all the worlds problems.

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