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IDF soldier killed, four injured after Gaza Strip gunfire


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IDF soldier killed, four injured after Gaza Strip gunfire

2011-01-08 19:08:29 GMT+7 (ICT)

GAZA STRIP (BNO NEWS) -- An Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) soldier was killed on Friday and four more were injured after gunfire near the Gaza Strip border, the Haaretz newspaper reported.

IDF said that a cell of terrorists was situated along the fence near Kibbutz Nirim, in central Gaza, on Friday night and opened fire on Israeli soldiers from the Paratroopers Brigade with automatic weapons and mortars.

The gunfire lasted approximately 20 minutes, the paper said, and the injured soldiers were transported by helicopter to Soroka Hospital in Beersheba. Initially it was reported that the attack occurred as the militants waited in an ambush for an IDF patrol and opened fire when it passed by.

However, the IDF said that a paratrooper's patrol noticed a group of armed people approaching the border fence under the cover of the fog of the night. It is believed that the group intended to plant explosives at a nearby base.

A firefight broke out close to the Kibbutz Be'eri and took IDF soldiers by surprise. The suspected militants opened fire first and killed a soldier and injured four before IDF forces returned fire.

On early Friday, a protest erupted in the Gaza Strip over the death of 66-year-old Omar Kawasmeh, who was killed by mistake during an IDF arrest raid in Hebron on Thursday night.

Violence has continued in the disputed Gaza Strip between pro-Hamas Palestinians and IDF forces. Two Palestinians were shot by IDF soldiers as they were in the no-go zone on Wednesday. The two men were walking along the length of the border between Kfar Aza and Kibbutz Nahal Oz.

On Tuesday, the Israeli Air Force (IAF) bombed two targets in central Gaza in retaliation for a Qassam rocket attack in Ashkelon, southern Israel, which did not result in injuries or damage.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-01-08

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The "terrorist cell" were Palestinians resisting the continuing Siege and Israeli State Terror.

The IDF member was killed by his colleagues :

" An Israeli soldier was killed and four soldiers were wounded in a friendly fire incident Friday evening on the Gaza border after the soldiers chased militants near the border fence. "

Also 3 Thai were wounded :

"a Thai worker was seriously injured and two Thai workers were slightly wounded by a Palestinian mortar shell"

As usual unwarranted Israeli aggression is the reason to all this, as they once again killed an innocent man, one of the many thousands of innocent victims of Israel occupation and state terror :

"Tensions rose between Israel and the Palestinian Authority over the PA's decision to release from prison six senior activists from Hamas' military wing. The IDF killed a 67-year-old Hebron man while looking for one of the freed prisoners, wanted for terror activities. The IDF said the killing was a mistake."


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three thai workers were wounded: one from shrapnel in the chest, and two others lightly wounded; from kibbutz mishmar na negev.... several thai workers were in a state of shock; they were given the option to go somewhere else for a while for some 'breathing time', or could go home. one thai chose to go home, the rest apparently want to stay in the area or at the kibbutz... not sure as yet how the the wounded thai is doing....havent seen updates but it was on all the news tv etc yesterday evening.

the israeli soldier was killed by friendly fire apparently from a GPS mistake in the RPG launcher.



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Islamic Jihad slaughters more civilians.

On Saturday, the violence from Gaza continued after four mortar shells fired by Palestinian terrorists in Gaza landed in a kibbutz in the Sha’ar Hanegev Regional Council, wounding three foreign agricultural workers – one of them seriously.

The armed wing of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, the al-Quds Brigades, took responsibility for mortar fire that injured three agricultural workers on Saturday.

In a statement on its website, the group said that "it is the resistance's right to act against any Zionist aggression against our people." It continued, "We will take the path of resistance and jihad until all our lands are freed," Channel 10 reported.

One shell struck a building housing the workers, who were employed by the kibbutz.

One worker, from Thailand, was reported to have sustained serious injuries and was also being treated at Soroka.


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"In a statement on its website, the group said that "it is the resistance's right to act against any Zionist aggression against our people." It continued, "We will take the path of resistance and jihad until all our lands are freed," Channel 10 reported.":

Without an Israeli occupation and Israeli State Terror, there would not be any resistance :whistling:

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If not for Arabs attacks on the Jews before 1948, there would have been no need for separate countries and later, if they had accepted the UN plan, the Palestinians would have had their own country - with the original borders - for 63 years already.

SOME OF today's scholars prefer to present every massacre of Jews as a "response" to some Jewish deed, and to portray as a "myth" the very idea that Israel struggled desperately for existence in 1948.

But it was no myth.

The fact is 1,256 Jews were killed in five months. Even before the first Arab villages were captured in April, 924 Jews had already been killed. Ilan Pappe should have pondered what might have been if those Jews had not been slaughtered.

What if attacks and riots had not been the first Arab reaction to the partition plan?


Edited by Ulysses G.
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If not for Arabs attacks on the Jews before 1948, there would have been no need for separate countries and later, if they had accepted the UN plan, the Palestinians would have had their own country - with the original borders - for 63 years already.

SOME OF today's scholars prefer to present every massacre of Jews as a "response" to some Jewish deed, and to portray as a "myth" the very idea that Israel struggled desperately for existence in 1948.

But it was no myth.

The fact is 1,256 Jews were killed in five months. Even before the first Arab villages were captured in April, 924 Jews had already been killed. Ilan Pappe should have pondered what might have been if those Jews had not been slaughtered.

What if attacks and riots had not been the first Arab reaction to the partition plan?


Silly Arabs, not to accept that their land was going to be partioned by decrete of an organization in New York from which they never even had heard of before, and had no say in whatsoever. Silly Arabs, not to appreciate a new country being created on the land they legally owned. They should have rolled over and played death, that would have saved them a lot of problems :whistling:

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Silly Arabs, not to accept that their land was going to be partioned by decrete of an organization in New York from which they never even had heard of before, and had no say in whatsoever. Silly Arabs, not to appreciate a new country being created on the land they legally owned. They should have rolled over and played death, that would have saved them a lot of problems :whistling:

Huh? Don't you know anything about history? You just made several hundred years of the Ottoman Empire disappear. The Ottaman Empire originated inTurkey. Turkey is a muslim nation. The arabs were udner the control of the Ottoman Empire for centuries and the land was ostensibly Ottoman controlled. The Ottoman Empire started to collapse in the 1800's as various Balkan nations, Greece and oters won their independence and there were multiple wars between Turkey and Russia. The Europeans sponsored the arab revolt of 1918 that put the final nail in the Ottoman Empire. With the end of WWI, the Ottoman Empire collapsed and its former middle east territories went to the European nations, which had a longstanding colonial presence in the area.

Modern Israel and other areas now occupied by Arab nations owe their legal origins to the British Mandate which effectively was an assumption of the Ottoman Assyria territories as authorized by the League of Nations. In plain language, the circumstances that gave rise to the state of Israel also allowed the creation of countires like Syria, Lebanon,Jordan, the Gulf States and even modern Egypt.

Are you aware that there were no independent arab nations in the immediate area of Israel at the time? Why is Israel's legitimacy questioned and not that of its arab neighbours who did not exist as nations at the time? All of the current nations in the middle east owe the origins to the collapse of Ottoman colonial rule.

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Let me make sure I got this right. The report that the IDF released to the press was not accurate. It was actually a "Friendly Fire" incident blamed on the Palestinians.

Imagine my shock.

since u only get the english news than u didnt get the rest of the story; because there was exchange of gunfire, it wasnt certain, and as with any soldier's death, there is always an investigation just like an accident at work investigation; the next day, all the press and the internta'l news already knew that it was friendly fire from a technical problem. and having a son in the army we get the news through the 'grapevine' much faster...

and the more important thing is that three thai workers were injured; the rest is just useless discussion over things that will be discussed endlessly so no reason to actually discuss on the board as far as i can see...



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The "terrorist cell" were Palestinians resisting the continuing Siege and Israeli State Terror.

The IDF member was killed by his colleagues :

"An Israeli soldier was killed and four soldiers were wounded in a friendly fire incident Friday evening on the Gaza border after the soldiers chased militants near the border fence. "

Siege of Gaza? Didn't Israel abandon Gaza a few years back giving full control to the Palestinians?

Judging by the number of rockets fired from Gaza into Israel, you could say that the Palestinians are the ones laying seige. Fight on brave Israel!!

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The "terrorist cell" were Palestinians resisting the continuing Siege and Israeli State Terror.

The IDF member was killed by his colleagues :

"An Israeli soldier was killed and four soldiers were wounded in a friendly fire incident Friday evening on the Gaza border after the soldiers chased militants near the border fence. "

Siege of Gaza? Didn't Israel abandon Gaza a few years back giving full control to the Palestinians?

Judging by the number of rockets fired from Gaza into Israel, you could say that the Palestinians are the ones laying seige. Fight on brave Israel!!

like who goes in and out of Gaza, what imports are allowed in and their quantity etc? doesnt sound like full control to me

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The "terrorist cell" were Palestinians resisting the continuing Siege and Israeli State Terror.

The IDF member was killed by his colleagues :

"An Israeli soldier was killed and four soldiers were wounded in a friendly fire incident Friday evening on the Gaza border after the soldiers chased militants near the border fence. "

Siege of Gaza? Didn't Israel abandon Gaza a few years back giving full control to the Palestinians?

Judging by the number of rockets fired from Gaza into Israel, you could say that the Palestinians are the ones laying seige. Fight on brave Israel!!

like who goes in and out of Gaza, what imports are allowed in and their quantity etc? doesnt sound like full control to me

1) If they don't like it, why aren't the Palestinains launching rockets into Egypt? They control that border.

2) And, the Palestinians were given control, abused it when they almost immediately attacking and lost it. They are lucky their situation isn't worse.

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The "terrorist cell" were Palestinians resisting the continuing Siege and Israeli State Terror.

The IDF member was killed by his colleagues :

"An Israeli soldier was killed and four soldiers were wounded in a friendly fire incident Friday evening on the Gaza border after the soldiers chased militants near the border fence. "

Siege of Gaza? Didn't Israel abandon Gaza a few years back giving full control to the Palestinians?

Judging by the number of rockets fired from Gaza into Israel, you could say that the Palestinians are the ones laying seige. Fight on brave Israel!!

like who goes in and out of Gaza, what imports are allowed in and their quantity etc? doesnt sound like full control to me

1) If they don't like it, why aren't the Palestinains launching rockets into Egypt? They control that border.

2) And, the Palestinians were given control, abused it when they almost immediately attacking and lost it. They are lucky their situation isn't worse.

so do they (Palestinians) have full control or not? I merely questioned that point not if they fired into Egypt.

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Palistinian Terrorists ?? :ermm: One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter. Something we can chew on.:ph34r:

When the "freedom fighter" becomes free (the Gaza strip a few years back) and then turn around and start attacking, they are no longer a freedom fighter by any objective definition.

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Palistinian Terrorists ?? :ermm: One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter. Something we can chew on.:ph34r:

When the "freedom fighter" becomes free (the Gaza strip a few years back) and then turn around and start attacking, they are no longer a freedom fighter by any objective definition.


Immediately after Israel withdrew in 2005, Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas stated, "the legal status of the areas slated for evacuation has not changed."[28] Human Rights Watch also contested that this ended the occupation.[31][32] The United Nations, Human Rights Watch and many other international bodies and NGOs continues to consider Israel to be the occupying power of the Gaza Strip as Israel controls Gaza Strip's airspace, territorial waters and controls the movement of people or goods in or out of Gaza by air or sea.[5][6][7]

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Palistinian Terrorists ?? :ermm: One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter. Something we can chew on.:ph34r:

When the "freedom fighter" becomes free (the Gaza strip a few years back) and then turn around and start attacking, they are no longer a freedom fighter by any objective definition.


Immediately after Israel withdrew in 2005, Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas stated, "the legal status of the areas slated for evacuation has not changed."[28] Human Rights Watch also contested that this ended the occupation.[31][32] The United Nations, Human Rights Watch and many other international bodies and NGOs continues to consider Israel to be the occupying power of the Gaza Strip as Israel controls Gaza Strip's airspace, territorial waters and controls the movement of people or goods in or out of Gaza by air or sea.[5][6][7]

My link

Can Abbas even go into Gaza without Hamas killing him?

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Don't post full copyrighted articles here. Removed said article and a reply.

Just a reminder, this is a discussion forum, not a forum to paste other people's words at each other. If you have nothing of your own to say just sit back and watch the others.

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Can Abbas even go into Gaza without Hamas killing him?

free or not free, full control or not?

then again...nevermind

Not many countries have "full control" so why should the Palestinian terrirtories be any different? The EU is a great example of countries not having full control of themselves.

Palestinians in Gaza have shown what they do when given control so the less they have, the better for mankind.

Edited by koheesti
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sorry no news updates about the thais that i can find, (it probably became a small item in the back news since three babies have died from mysterious causes so influenza is now front page news)and the thais here dont seem to curiuos. what happened is over

...and frankly i cannot understand how people can argue so much virtually about something that they dont live daily and probably there will never be any solution since action reaction is already conditioned in to all of us and our children and childrens children. its not even voluntary anymore. they react, we react they react we react. giving land, keeping land, changing fences, moving fences, it wont make a bit of difference as the fight itself is built in to our communal brains at this point. there's been a steep drop in army registration not because of political beliefs, but because my son's age group and yougner are just bored with the whole thing. they unilaterraly dislike 'them', and the 'them' unilaterally hate us, its cats and dogs and the whole group needs retraining, reprogramming, and it wont ever happen. they'll bomb us, we'll retaliate, ad infinitum. im not really sure that anyone that is actually fighting really knows or remembers the original reasons behind it all. for most of them on both sides, its about losing face. u dishonoured my family, killed my brothers and sisters, so now i will kill u. its that simple.

ok, continue with the discussion about who is right now.



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sorry no news updates about the thais that i can find, (it probably became a small item in the back news since three babies have died from mysterious causes so influenza is now front page news)and the thais here dont seem to curiuos. what happened is over

...and frankly i cannot understand how people can argue so much virtually about something that they dont live daily and probably there will never be any solution since action reaction is already conditioned in to all of us and our children and childrens children. its not even voluntary anymore. they react, we react they react we react. giving land, keeping land, changing fences, moving fences, it wont make a bit of difference as the fight itself is built in to our communal brains at this point. there's been a steep drop in army registration not because of political beliefs, but because my son's age group and yougner are just bored with the whole thing. they unilaterraly dislike 'them', and the 'them' unilaterally hate us, its cats and dogs and the whole group needs retraining, reprogramming, and it wont ever happen. they'll bomb us, we'll retaliate, ad infinitum. im not really sure that anyone that is actually fighting really knows or remembers the original reasons behind it all. for most of them on both sides, its about losing face. u dishonoured my family, killed my brothers and sisters, so now i will kill u. its that simple.

ok, continue with the discussion about who is right now.



This pretty well sums up the whole sorry debate. Good on you for making the post.

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'Free' is not being confined to an area a few km big, impoverished and densly populated..

Palistinian Terrorists ?? :ermm: One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter. Something we can chew on.:ph34r:

When the "freedom fighter" becomes free (the Gaza strip a few years back) and then turn around and start attacking, they are no longer a freedom fighter by any objective definition.

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I thought Israel was pretty free. Well to do what they want anyway.

However, it seems Israel's abuse of power may be starting to wain on those that matter.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said: "This disturbing development undermines peace efforts to achieve the two-state solution. In particular, this move contradicts the logic of a reasonable and necessary agreement between the parties on the status of Jerusalem."


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