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Tourist Visa For Ireland

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My Thai girlfriend whom i have known for 3 years will be applying for a tourist visa for Ireland in about 3 months time.

The problem is she has been refused twice already. The first time we did the paperwork ourselves.

The second time we got a well known visa agent based in Pattaya.

The first time there were a number of reasons for refusal such as :

F- ( Finances: evidence provided is deemed insufficient or incomplete)

OB- ( No social, economic or professional tiesin in home country shown)

OC- (Observe the condition of the visa, the visa sought is for a specific purpose and duration, the applicant has

not satisfied the Visa Officer that such conditions would be observed)

OC- ( The potential cost of the this trip is high in comparision to the applicant's means and given that no compelling reasons for the trip have been displayed,

The visa officer is not satisfied of your intentions to leave the State following your visit)

OC- (The applicant may overstay following his/her proposed visit)

The second time ( Visa Agent) their were 3 reasons for refusal such as :

ID- Insufficient documentation submitted in support of the application:- please see link to "Documents Required" as displayed on our website- www.inis.gov.ie

OB- Obligations to return to home country have not deemed sufficient

OC- Condition - The applicant may overstay following proposed visit

she was not working then she is working now, in three months time she will be working for 9 months

we did appeal but was not successful - the reason OB and OC as above

My questions:- Has any body applied for an Irish visa recently can they tell us how they got on

· All visa applicants must be able to show evidence that they can support themselves for the duration of their stay in Ireland without recourse to public funds or resources.

· A detailed bank statement, showing sufficient funds, and covering the immediate 6 month period prior to submitting a visa application should be submitted. Lump sum lodgements made in the run up to an application being made are not taken into consideration when assessing a person's ability to support themselves

Question -how much would she need to show in her bank account ?

Question - The fact she has been refused twice already do you think will it be harder for her next time?

Any advice would be greatful Thanks in advance Pat

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Hi Pat.

Your last refusal:

ID- Insufficient documentation submitted in support of the application:- please see link to "Documents Required" as displayed on our website- www.inis.gov.ie

OB- Obligations to return to home country have not deemed sufficient

OC- Condition - The applicant may overstay following proposed visit

I would say it means "Reason to Return" you (she) failed to give good reason why she would want to return at the end of her visit, what has she got to go back for?

Has she children?

Dose she have property?

Dose she have close family?

Has she a job to go back to?

Hope you kept all your documents you submitted, seems all you have to do is reapply if you can substantiate "Reason to Return".

Hope someone with more knowledge or experience of the Irish system can confirm.

Best of luck next time.

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Hi Pat.

Your last refusal:

ID- Insufficient documentation submitted in support of the application:- please see link to "Documents Required" as displayed on our website- www.inis.gov.ie

OB- Obligations to return to home country have not deemed sufficient

OC- Condition - The applicant may overstay following proposed visit

I would say it means "Reason to Return" you (she) failed to give good reason why she would want to return at the end of her visit, what has she got to go back for?

Has she children?

Dose she have property?

Dose she have close family?

Has she a job to go back to?

Hope you kept all your documents you submitted, seems all you have to do is reapply if you can substantiate "Reason to Return".

Hope someone with more knowledge or experience of the Irish system can confirm.

Best of luck next time.

No she does not have children, she is renting small room in Bkk with her sisterfor for about 5 years,

She works in an import/export office in Bkk for the past 6 months. when we applied she was not working. Pat

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Working less than than a year and employer will keep job open for 3 months? I think that will take some convincing.

There are a lot of people who have successfully applied for visitor visa to Ireland so hopefully some with similar situation to yours can pass on some advice.

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Working less than than a year and employer will keep job open for 3 months? I think that will take some convincing.

There are a lot of people who have successfully applied for visitor visa to Ireland so hopefully some with similar situation to yours can pass on some advice.

Thanks B I would have thought so, but not much luck so far. Pat

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Working less than than a year and employer will keep job open for 3 months? I think that will take some convincing.

There are a lot of people who have successfully applied for visitor visa to Ireland so hopefully some with similar situation to yours can pass on some advice.

Thanks B I would have thought so, but not much luck so far. Pat

I would like to know how much money should be in my girlfriends bank account

and if it would be ok for me to top up her account each month

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As you probably already know, there are many things that you need to do to convince the visa officer that your girlfriend will return to Thailand after a visit to Ireland. Without knowing your full history it really is almost impossible to give any solid answers to your questions. You say that you have known each other for 3 years. You haven't said how often you have seen each other, and for how long. For instance, if you have only been to Thailand once a year for two weeks each time then the visa officer may well think that your relationship is not particularly strong. I am, of course, giving an extreme example, but I think you probably get my drift.

The fact that your girlfriend now has a job will not be of any use if she intends to take a 3 month holiday. Effectively, that means she is leaving the job, and has no employment to return to. In all honesty, she has very little to show, at this time, that she has reason to return to Thailand. I know that sounds negative, but without knowing all the facts about her life here, it is impossible to give you a positive response. Again, for instance, what does she do when you are not here ? You have said she wasn't working before, so why not ? Remember, you are trying to convince the visa officer that your girlfriend is a responsible person, and is going to return. What did she do all the time while you were in UK ? How was she supported - no job equals no income, unless you can show otherwise.

There is no specific amount to hold in a bank account. A bank account would normally show the visa officer that the holder has savings, or an income, or can be an example of income and expenditure. If you want to put money into her account, you can, but doing so for just a month or so isn't really going to help. I assume that you haven't been sending support to her account over the past 3 years ? The two previous refusals should not go against your girlfriend, but in all honesty there is no way for the visa officer to ignore the information he already has on file. You have to overcome the negative parts of the previous applications, and give the visa officer something more positive that will swing the balance in your girlfriend's favour.

I'm sorry that you had a negative experience with a visa agency. We are also based in Pattaya, and we try to give fair and honest advice. This forum also provides excellent advice, and people will give you an honest opinion on your girlfriend's chances. Stick with it, and good luck.

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Are you in Ireland or Thailand now ?

How long will she be coming for ?

Let me know thanks.

I am in Ireland now and she is in Thailand. I was hopeing she can come to Ireland for 3 months.

I had a friend that came here on holidays for 3 months (however due to his age he did'nt stay here fo the full duration, but did get the three months), I think his statement showed 400,000 baht. But he did have a business in Thailand.

I would say that we are talking in the hundreds of thousands of baht in your case as well. The immigration officer asked me to clarify these details before they let them through at Dublin airport.

I would suggest that when you are applying for her again that you show a return ticket booking for her, evidence of your own accomadation (so she does not have to pay for it) , your own job (if applicable) and so on. Would it be successful though ? Two refusals would not have me hopeful.

Three months is a long time to ask for in Ireland. From my own experience all this is a lot easier if you are married.

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As you probably already know, there are many things that you need to do to convince the visa officer that your girlfriend will return to Thailand after a visit to Ireland. Without knowing your full history it really is almost impossible to give any solid answers to your questions. You say that you have known each other for 3 years. You haven't said how often you have seen each other, and for how long. For instance, if you have only been to Thailand once a year for two weeks each time then the visa officer may well think that your relationship is not particularly strong. I am, of course, giving an extreme example, but I think you probably get my drift.

The fact that your girlfriend now has a job will not be of any use if she intends to take a 3 month holiday. Effectively, that means she is leaving the job, and has no employment to return to. In all honesty, she has very little to show, at this time, that she has reason to return to Thailand. I know that sounds negative, but without knowing all the facts about her life here, it is impossible to give you a positive response. Again, for instance, what does she do when you are not here ? You have said she wasn't working before, so why not ? Remember, you are trying to convince the visa officer that your girlfriend is a responsible person, and is going to return. What did she do all the time while you were in UK ? How was she supported - no job equals no income, unless you can show otherwise.

There is no specific amount to hold in a bank account. A bank account would normally show the visa officer that the holder has savings, or an income, or can be an example of income and expenditure. If you want to put money into her account, you can, but doing so for just a month or so isn't really going to help. I assume that you haven't been sending support to her account over the past 3 years ? The two previous refusals should not go against your girlfriend, but in all honesty there is no way for the visa officer to ignore the information he already has on file. You have to overcome the negative parts of the previous applications, and give the visa officer something more positive that will swing the balance in your girlfriend's favour.

I'm sorry that you had a negative experience with a visa agency. We are also based in Pattaya, and we try to give fair and honest advice. This forum also provides excellent advice, and people will give you an honest opinion on your girlfriend's chances. Stick with it, and good luck.

Thanks for your reply, yes i felt the last time we applied we did not show good enough reason for her to return, she was working for about 4/5 years before but she made a mistake of leaving her work to apply for a visa she thought it would better that way. to come to Ireland for 3 months and to look for new job when she returned to Thailand ( that was a mistake) then she went back to her mothers village to help her with the rice season and apply from there, that was about 1 year ago. we are hoping to apply again in 3 months time say March/April this year for her to travel in July/August that will mean she will have beed working for 1 near at this job.she is hoping her boss can give her a letter to take 2 weeks holiday and for her to return to work after she returnes to Thailand (if you see what i mean). I live in Ireland not UK. Ireland have different rules than UK. Ireland only allow 3 months for tourist visa maximum ?? I have been to Thailand many times to see her and we have many pictures and hotels bills and air flights to prove that. in fact she has got visa to Cyprus (stamped on her passport) for 3 months early last year where we spent time together there. so we are hoping it will be different next time we apply for Ireland. most visa agents are not familiar with Irish rules. (different country) Pat

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As you probably already know, there are many things that you need to do to convince the visa officer that your girlfriend will return to Thailand after a visit to Ireland. Without knowing your full history it really is almost impossible to give any solid answers to your questions. You say that you have known each other for 3 years. You haven't said how often you have seen each other, and for how long. For instance, if you have only been to Thailand once a year for two weeks each time then the visa officer may well think that your relationship is not particularly strong. I am, of course, giving an extreme example, but I think you probably get my drift.

The fact that your girlfriend now has a job will not be of any use if she intends to take a 3 month holiday. Effectively, that means she is leaving the job, and has no employment to return to. In all honesty, she has very little to show, at this time, that she has reason to return to Thailand. I know that sounds negative, but without knowing all the facts about her life here, it is impossible to give you a positive response. Again, for instance, what does she do when you are not here ? You have said she wasn't working before, so why not ? Remember, you are trying to convince the visa officer that your girlfriend is a responsible person, and is going to return. What did she do all the time while you were in UK ? How was she supported - no job equals no income, unless you can show otherwise.

There is no specific amount to hold in a bank account. A bank account would normally show the visa officer that the holder has savings, or an income, or can be an example of income and expenditure. If you want to put money into her account, you can, but doing so for just a month or so isn't really going to help. I assume that you haven't been sending support to her account over the past 3 years ? The two previous refusals should not go against your girlfriend, but in all honesty there is no way for the visa officer to ignore the information he already has on file. You have to overcome the negative parts of the previous applications, and give the visa officer something more positive that will swing the balance in your girlfriend's favour.

I'm sorry that you had a negative experience with a visa agency. We are also based in Pattaya, and we try to give fair and honest advice. This forum also provides excellent advice, and people will give you an honest opinion on your girlfriend's chances. Stick with it, and good luck.

Thanks for your reply, yes i felt the last time we applied we did not show good enough reason for her to return, she was working for about 4/5 years before but she made a mistake of leaving her work to apply for a visa she thought it would better that way. to come to Ireland for 3 months and to look for new job when she returned to Thailand ( that was a mistake) then she went back to her mothers village to help her with the rice season and apply from there, that was about 1 year ago. we are hoping to apply again in 3 months time say March/April this year for her to travel in July/August that will mean she will have beed working for 1 near at this job.she is hoping her boss can give her a letter to take 2 weeks holiday and for her to return to work after she returnes to Thailand (if you see what i mean). I live in Ireland not UK. Ireland have different rules than UK. Ireland only allow 3 months for tourist visa maximum ?? I have been to Thailand many times to see her and we have many pictures and hotels bills and air flights to prove that. in fact she has got visa to Cyprus (stamped on her passport) for 3 months early last year where we spent time together there. so we are hoping it will be different next time we apply for Ireland. most visa agents are not familiar with Irish rules. (different country) Pat

With respect, you are showing a blatant disregard for the visa regulations and for the visa officer who has to assess your girlfriend's application. You stated that you want your girlfriend to go to Ireland for 3 months. You have now stated that she will get a leave letter for two weeks, and she will stay ( I assume ) for 3 months ? It would seem that the visa officer, when refusing her application, was right to be wary of her stated intentions.

I'm sorry if that seems to be a little blunt, but it looks like you intend to employ deception in order to get the visa.

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As you probably already know, there are many things that you need to do to convince the visa officer that your girlfriend will return to Thailand after a visit to Ireland. Without knowing your full history it really is almost impossible to give any solid answers to your questions. You say that you have known each other for 3 years. You haven't said how often you have seen each other, and for how long. For instance, if you have only been to Thailand once a year for two weeks each time then the visa officer may well think that your relationship is not particularly strong. I am, of course, giving an extreme example, but I think you probably get my drift.

The fact that your girlfriend now has a job will not be of any use if she intends to take a 3 month holiday. Effectively, that means she is leaving the job, and has no employment to return to. In all honesty, she has very little to show, at this time, that she has reason to return to Thailand. I know that sounds negative, but without knowing all the facts about her life here, it is impossible to give you a positive response. Again, for instance, what does she do when you are not here ? You have said she wasn't working before, so why not ? Remember, you are trying to convince the visa officer that your girlfriend is a responsible person, and is going to return. What did she do all the time while you were in UK ? How was she supported - no job equals no income, unless you can show otherwise.

There is no specific amount to hold in a bank account. A bank account would normally show the visa officer that the holder has savings, or an income, or can be an example of income and expenditure. If you want to put money into her account, you can, but doing so for just a month or so isn't really going to help. I assume that you haven't been sending support to her account over the past 3 years ? The two previous refusals should not go against your girlfriend, but in all honesty there is no way for the visa officer to ignore the information he already has on file. You have to overcome the negative parts of the previous applications, and give the visa officer something more positive that will swing the balance in your girlfriend's favour.

I'm sorry that you had a negative experience with a visa agency. We are also based in Pattaya, and we try to give fair and honest advice. This forum also provides excellent advice, and people will give you an honest opinion on your girlfriend's chances. Stick with it, and good luck.

Thanks for your reply, yes i felt the last time we applied we did not show good enough reason for her to return, she was working for about 4/5 years before but she made a mistake of leaving her work to apply for a visa she thought it would better that way. to come to Ireland for 3 months and to look for new job when she returned to Thailand ( that was a mistake) then she went back to her mothers village to help her with the rice season and apply from there, that was about 1 year ago. we are hoping to apply again in 3 months time say March/April this year for her to travel in July/August that will mean she will have beed working for 1 near at this job.she is hoping her boss can give her a letter to take 2 weeks holiday and for her to return to work after she returnes to Thailand (if you see what i mean). I live in Ireland not UK. Ireland have different rules than UK. Ireland only allow 3 months for tourist visa maximum ?? I have been to Thailand many times to see her and we have many pictures and hotels bills and air flights to prove that. in fact she has got visa to Cyprus (stamped on her passport) for 3 months early last year where we spent time together there. so we are hoping it will be different next time we apply for Ireland. most visa agents are not familiar with Irish rules. (different country) Pat

With respect, you are showing a blatant disregard for the visa regulations and for the visa officer who has to assess your girlfriend's application. You stated that you want your girlfriend to go to Ireland for 3 months. You have now stated that she will get a leave letter for two weeks, and she will stay ( I assume ) for 3 months ? It would seem that the visa officer, when refusing her application, was right to be wary of her stated intentions.

I'm sorry if that seems to be a little blunt, but it looks like you intend to employ deception in order to get the visa.

Thanks but i think you are comming to the wrong conclusion you can't get a tourist visa for 2/3 weeks for Ireland, i said they only issue 3 month tourist visas, she can only stay for 3 months, but if she wishes to return before that time she can. I was just on to The Irish Immigration. yes you are right if she intends to come to Ireland for 3 months she must get the letter from her company she works for. for 3 months leave and that her job will be still there when she returns to Thailand. sorry for the remark i made about some agents not knowing about Irish rules,you seem to know what you are talking about. Pat

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If the applicant applies for a two week stay & then stays the full 3 months you may have problems in the future. And its down to the immigration officer at the port of entry to determine how long she can stay .

Thanks You are also right ok i take back what i said about visa agents I am sorry. Pat

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Are you in Ireland or Thailand now ?

How long will she be coming for ?

Let me know thanks.

I am in Ireland now and she is in Thailand. I was hopeing she can come to Ireland for 3 months.

I had a friend that came here on holidays for 3 months (however due to his age he did'nt stay here fo the full duration, but did get the three months), I think his statement showed 400,000 baht. But he did have a business in Thailand.

I would say that we are talking in the hundreds of thousands of baht in your case as well. The immigration officer asked me to clarify these details before they let them through at Dublin airport.

I would suggest that when you are applying for her again that you show a return ticket booking for her, evidence of your own accomadation (so she does not have to pay for it) , your own job (if applicable) and so on. Would it be successful though ? Two refusals would not have me hopeful.

Three months is a long time to ask for in Ireland. From my own experience all this is a lot easier if you are married.

Not sure what you mean.: You can't book flight tickets before you are granted a visa. but you do have to show your itinerary.I will be stating by way of letter that i will be supporting her financially during her stay in Ireland. "She will not have to pay for it " as you put it. Tourist visa to Ireland can be applied for up to 3 months. meaning you can only travel between that time only. ( which will be stamped on her passport) I hope.

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Are you in Ireland or Thailand now ?

How long will she be coming for ?

Let me know thanks.

I am in Ireland now and she is in Thailand. I was hopeing she can come to Ireland for 3 months.

I had a friend that came here on holidays for 3 months (however due to his age he did'nt stay here fo the full duration, but did get the three months), I think his statement showed 400,000 baht. But he did have a business in Thailand.

I would say that we are talking in the hundreds of thousands of baht in your case as well. The immigration officer asked me to clarify these details before they let them through at Dublin airport.

I would suggest that when you are applying for her again that you show a return ticket booking for her, evidence of your own accomadation (so she does not have to pay for it) , your own job (if applicable) and so on. Would it be successful though ? Two refusals would not have me hopeful.

Three months is a long time to ask for in Ireland. From my own experience all this is a lot easier if you are married.

Not sure what you mean.: You can't book flight tickets before you are granted a visa. but you do have to show your itinerary.I will be stating by way of letter that i will be supporting her financially during her stay in Ireland. "She will not have to pay for it " as you put it. Tourist visa to Ireland can be applied for up to 3 months. meaning you can only travel between that time only. ( which will be stamped on her passport) I hope.

Yeah thats what I meant I guess, the Itinerary.

Anyway best of luck with it all, hopefully you will get her here and if all fails put a ring on her finger.

Thern start another Sin Sod thread...........

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Please do not be offended by what people say, I claim to be no expert but just trying to help you after researching for my girlfriend who wishes to visit me here in the UK this year, (and watching a few episodes of “UK Boarder Force”).

What I am assuming is Irelands Immigration laws and control are harmonised with the UK as we have the same goals, we share boarders without passport control and have to comply with European Community dictats and regulations.

In applying for a visitor visa for the UK the visitor must state the intended dates arrival/departure therefore declaring duration for the visit, they will normally be given a visitor visa for 6 months and though the visa is for 6 months and there is nothing illegal in staying until the visa expires, but if they do so next time they apply for a visitor’s visa they will probably be refused, therefore if a person applies for a visa to Ireland do they just get a visa for the dates requested or a 3 month as standard?

You raise the issue of putting money in your girlfriends account and asking how much she needs to show, as this seemed not to be an issue last time, then why do you need to ask?

Putting money in a girlfriends account seems to be a sham and probably the person considering the application will suspect so to, I am assuming your girlfriend has very little of her own and you intend to and can pay for her flights, visa, subsistence and will be accommodating her, therefore is it not possible to provide a letter of Invite detailing that you will be financing the visit, thereby you have to prove you can support her?

Your girlfriend visiting for just two weeks seems not enough time for you both but 3 months far too long to give creditability of a claim by an employer to hold a job open, Is there a quite time in her line of business where her employer would be grateful of a reduced payroll for a few weeks, or would such a trip be beneficial to her expertise that her employer could let her have 4 to 6 weeks leave of absence?

I hope you have kept the documents from last time, not sure if you filed you application online but it seems that is the only way your girlfriend can now submit her application, also it has to be online in Thailand as they check the IP address of the computer submitting the application.

Just found the following on INIS site which should answer many of your questions: http://www.inis.gov.ie/en/INIS/Pages/Visit_Holiday_Visa

· A letter of invitation from your reference in Ireland confirming accommodation will be provided for duration of your visit.

· A written undertaking both from yourself and your reference that you will observe the conditions of your visa, that you will not become a burden on the State, and that you will leave the State on the expiration of your permission to remain.

· Details of how you are known to, or related to your reference, and supporting evidence of this.

· If your reference in Ireland is supporting you, they must supply a detailed 6 month bank statement for the period immediately prior to your visa application showing sufficient funds to support you for the duration of your stay.

· If you are employed, a letter from your employer stating how long you have been employed there, the dates you will be on annual leave from, and the date you will be returning to work in that employment. (I would think a letter from an employer saying he would grant a leave of absence for x weeks would suffice).

Anyway, that’s my 2 pennies worth hope it helps, best of luck.


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Please do not be offended by what people say, I claim to be no expert but just trying to help you after researching for my girlfriend who wishes to visit me here in the UK this year, (and watching a few episodes of "UK Boarder Force").

What I am assuming is Irelands Immigration laws and control are harmonised with the UK as we have the same goals, we share boarders without passport control and have to comply with European Community dictats and regulations.

In applying for a visitor visa for the UK the visitor must state the intended dates arrival/departure therefore declaring duration for the visit, they will normally be given a visitor visa for 6 months and though the visa is for 6 months and there is nothing illegal in staying until the visa expires, but if they do so next time they apply for a visitor's visa they will probably be refused, therefore if a person applies for a visa to Ireland do they just get a visa for the dates requested or a 3 month as standard?

You raise the issue of putting money in your girlfriends account and asking how much she needs to show, as this seemed not to be an issue last time, then why do you need to ask?

Putting money in a girlfriends account seems to be a sham and probably the person considering the application will suspect so to, I am assuming your girlfriend has very little of her own and you intend to and can pay for her flights, visa, subsistence and will be accommodating her, therefore is it not possible to provide a letter of Invite detailing that you will be financing the visit, thereby you have to prove you can support her?

Your girlfriend visiting for just two weeks seems not enough time for you both but 3 months far too long to give creditability of a claim by an employer to hold a job open, Is there a quite time in her line of business where her employer would be grateful of a reduced payroll for a few weeks, or would such a trip be beneficial to her expertise that her employer could let her have 4 to 6 weeks leave of absence?

I hope you have kept the documents from last time, not sure if you filed you application online but it seems that is the only way your girlfriend can now submit her application, also it has to be online in Thailand as they check the IP address of the computer submitting the application.

Just found the following on INIS site which should answer many of your questions: http://www.inis.gov....it_Holiday_Visa

· A letter of invitation from your reference in Ireland confirming accommodation will be provided for duration of your visit.

· A written undertaking both from yourself and your reference that you will observe the conditions of your visa, that you will not become a burden on the State, and that you will leave the State on the expiration of your permission to remain.

· Details of how you are known to, or related to your reference, and supporting evidence of this.

· If your reference in Ireland is supporting you, they must supply a detailed 6 month bank statement for the period immediately prior to your visa application showing sufficient funds to support you for the duration of your stay.

· If you are employed, a letter from your employer stating how long you have been employed there, the dates you will be on annual leave from, and the date you will be returning to work in that employment. (I would think a letter from an employer saying he would grant a leave of absence for x weeks would suffice).

Anyway, that's my 2 pennies worth hope it helps, best of luck.


Hi Basil,

3 months is standard, I am not sure i share your view re no boarder controls between the UK and Ireland. If i travel to the Uk i have to show my passport, but i think there are many similarities between our countrys visa laws.

Putting money into my girlfriends account I agree with you. maybe i am a bit nervous this time as this will be my third time to apply for a tourist visa for her.

I take your point about her looking for 3 months leave from her employment and i think your suggestion about a shorter time would be a better option. I think i can prove i can support her.

The last time we applied we engaged a Visa Agent i am not sure they have or would give us the ducuments. we did a no visa no fee arrangement with them.( which was fair enough)

Your imput was very much appreciated thanks Basil,



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Hi Spongeman,

I don't think that would be a good idea, to get married just to get a tourist visa, I think thats illegal or is it the other way round? Sin Sod Whats That? Is that Thai?for something Pat

No Pat what I meant was that if you want to bring her to Ireland on a long term basis you should get married and let her apply for a spousal visa. The tourist visa route may not be so easy for you now.

As for Sin Sod........take a look on General Topics........I have paid it myself !!!!!!!!!



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Hi Spongeman,

I don't think that would be a good idea, to get married just to get a tourist visa, I think thats illegal or is it the other way round? Sin Sod Whats That? Is that Thai?for something Pat

No Pat what I meant was that if you want to bring her to Ireland on a long term basis you should get married and let her apply for a spousal visa. The tourist visa route may not be so easy for you now.

As for Sin Sod........take a look on General Topics........I have paid it myself !!!!!!!!!



Thanks John,

Re: Sin Sod I was hopeing she would pay me, Joking aside, I don't believe in paying a girl to marry you. been there done that and all that. I think i still have the teeshirt. ha ha Pat


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Pat I tried with my chic a year ago. Everything was in order or so we thought . We are both the same age.We had lived together for over a year and had the proof. She is university educated and has worked the same job for the last 4 years plus has money in her bank account. We asked for a 2 month tourist visa and her boss wote the letter to say her job would be waiting.Sounded bullet proof to me but It was refused so waisted no time and appealed. Decided to bring out the big guns and call the local TD he said he would sort it no problem. Got refused again( should have know not to listen to a polititian).Have not tried since.

What i got from the whole thing was, the biggie is ''the reason to return'' which is unfortunatley near impossible to prove. My only advise is to ask for a shorter period of time.

Sorry i cant be more help but the TD told me himself that in truth they dont even need a reason to refuse it. Maybe because tourism is at a mayjor low right now maybe they will cop on and stop making it so difficult for people who just want to holiday. Might be a good idea to wait until after general election.

Keep your chic up and 3rd time lucky.



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Working less than than a year and employer will keep job open for 3 months? I think that will take some convincing.

There are a lot of people who have successfully applied for visitor visa to Ireland so hopefully some with similar situation to yours can pass on some advice.

Thanks B I would have thought so, but not much luck so far. Pat

I would like to know how much money should be in my girlfriends bank account

and if it would be ok for me to top up her account each month

A lad in my thai language class who successfully got his thai gf here a few times said 100,000 baht in her bank account and a couple of grand in your account also.

He didnt have problems about his reasons to return to thailand so was really lucky, he said he mentioned she had to go back to work and her family live there. That was about all he said about obligations to return. I guess he got lucky with the visa officer.

not finished reading through the topic yet so I may have more answers or questions myself :)

Pat do you have a list of all the documents the Thai agency asked you to supply them with?

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Hi Rob,

Everybody has different circumstances believe me some girls might have children, maybe have a Thai husband, own a house in Thailand, have a business to go back to, Have long term work, Lots of guys might not tell you that, so unless you know the facts no two applications are the same.

I think a job to go back to is very important, but she must show proof of that,

100,000 Baht seems a lot, you know if they see lump sums going into girlfriends bank account that can be a problem I believe,

Yes sorry its a bit long winded,

Regards The Visa Agent in Pattaya who I engaged to apply for the visa after my first refusal I was afraid to ask them for any paper work they had, I dont know what they put in my 2nd application but it was refused also. I did ask them to appeal for me but they did not seem interested so I tried to do myself but i ran out of time. they were disapointed and very suprised i did not get the visa too,but then i paid nothing as it was no visa no fee, They sent back passport to my girlfriend no problems, I will look for the list of documents and will post

We will be trying again ourselves for a Tourist Visa to Ireland for the third time in 3 months time, Wish us Luck,

So there you go, if anybody has anything else to add i would appreciate it. I don't think i can say any more.

Final verdict it was down to "Reason to Return"

Thanks to everyone who gave advice

Kind Regards


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It is a pity that you do not have all the information submitted as the embassy will have, as the embassy will probably refer to the previously submitted documents looking for inconsistencies.


Sorry to here your problem, I think the 2 months may have been pushing it a bit, the fact that her boss wrote a letter saying he wanted her back need not necessarily mean she wanted to return, they want convincing evidence.


As I have posted before IMHO putting money in a GF's bank account is trying to deceive, they know a Thai lady who dose not earn mega bucks will spend every baht within minutes of getting paid and saves nothing, better going with the "Referee" (sponsor) route which is honest and more convincing.

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I was thinking about that too, I would like to know what the visa agent said in the last application, maybe they lied, how will find out, I don't really want to go back to them, I would say your looking at 30,000/40,000 baht now. I was hoping they would see this tread and say something, some chance, Pat

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I was thinking about that too, I would like to know what the visa agent said in the last application, maybe they lied, how will find out, I don't really want to go back to them, I would say your looking at 30,000/40,000 baht now. I was hoping they would see this tread and say something, some chance, Pat

Did you receive the refusal notice ? Did the agent give it to your girlfriend ? If not, then get your girlfriend to write to the Embassy to request a copy. She should enclose a copy of her ID card and/or passport ( get her to sign the copies ), and explain that the agent did not release the refusal notice to her.

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