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Thief Takes 150.000 Baht In Cash Forgotten By Bank Customer


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Thief Takes 150000 Baht In Cash Forgotten By Bank Customer


A bank customer lost 150,000 baht when cash he had forgotten on a counter was stolen. Pictures from the CCTV have been distributed in the hope that someone will recognise the thief.

Sriracha, 7th January 2011 [PDN]: At approximately 2 pm, a building contractor, Mr. Nat Jaichum (37), residing at 5/10 Moo2 Surasak, Sirracha, Chonburi, informed the Sirracha press about an event that occured on the 11th December 2010, when he went to the Bank ( Kasikorn branch, Pacific Park Sirracha, at Robinsons department store) to deposit 150,000 baht in cash. He put the cash on the counter while he filled out a deposit slip. Inadvertently leaving the cash on the counter, he went to press the ticket machine for his queue number, and sat on the bench waiting for his turn. It wasn’t until the staff asked for the cash that Mr. Nat realized he had forgotten about it. He ran back to the counter where he found the money was gone. [more...]

Full story and pictures HERE

-- Pattaya Daily News 2010-01-09


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What an idiot. If I am depositing that sort of money, I don't take it out of my pocket/bag until I am at the counter.

But this man obviously has so much money he doesn't need to worry about taking care of such a smll amount as 150000.

In the article it says the thief also made a transaction at the bank. So any competent police investigation could easily track the name of the customer, address etc.

Unfortunately this man only has the Thia police to rely on, so ne had better offer a big reward.

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An opportunist, not a thief!

I was just about to say the same thing, but dishonest customer doesn't have the same ring to it in a news headline.

So there are degrees of dishonesty - taking money which does not belong to you is not theft in your world, only opportunism? Will you say the same next time if it is your money?

The MaiPenRai culture is strong in this one, Obi Wan.

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An opportunist, not a thief!

I was just about to say the same thing, but dishonest customer doesn't have the same ring to it in a news headline.

So there are degrees of dishonesty - taking money which does not belong to you is not theft in your world, only opportunism? Will you say the same next time if it is your money?

The MaiPenRai culture is strong in this one, Obi Wan.

Didn't say that.

I'm sure that whoever took it didn't wake up that morning intending to commit a robbery, so not a thief by nature.

So would you prefer..... "Theft of 159,000 Baht in cash committed by bank customer of low moral integrity, possibly honest up to this point bank client turns to robbery"

You would, of course, have to use a smaller font.

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An opportunist, not a thief!

I was just about to say the same thing, but dishonest customer doesn't have the same ring to it in a news headline.

So there are degrees of dishonesty - taking money which does not belong to you is not theft in your world, only opportunism? Will you say the same next time if it is your money?

The MaiPenRai culture is strong in this one, Obi Wan.

Didn't say that.

I'm sure that whoever took it didn't wake up that morning intending to commit a robbery, so not a thief by nature.

So would you prefer..... "Theft of 159,000 Baht in cash committed by bank customer of low moral integrity, possibly honest up to this point bank client turns to robbery"

You would, of course, have to use a smaller font.

So would you prefer..... "Theft of 159,000 Baht in cash committed by bank customer of low moral integrity, possibly honest up to this point bank client turns to robbery"

Or, how about, more reductively, using your premises: "Thief steals cash". :huh:

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Strangely enough; I was at a Siam Commercial Bank branch the other day when an old thai lady came wobbling in with one of those medium sized green heavy paper Robinson's shopping bags. She placed it near an empty chair, walked over to get a transaction slip and queue number from the service person.

As I'm the nosy sort and it was my turn to be waited on, I walked past her still empty chair and glanced down into the bag. It was full to nearly the top with bundles of 1000baht bills!! I mean, there had to be hundreds of thousands of baht in that bag. It was just sitting there whilst the old thai lady tottered around to and fro inside the bank seemingly without a care in the world or even a second thought about leaving that kinda money sitting on the floor in the general seating area in a shopping bag. Even when my transaction was finished, the old lady hadn't made it back to her seat yet.

Sadly stupidity knows no borders, no nationalities, and is something you find everywhere in the world. Now is the 'thief' a bad guy, dunno. However if I saw a well stuffed envelope lying around with no one looking after it, I too might be tempted to pick it up (if only to see if I could return it to its rightful owner :whistling: ).

I will concur “Opportunistic Person Pockets Envelope of Cash a Stupid Customer Left on the Counter", just doesn't have the same sensationalistic spin to it, nor does it do much to elicit sympathy for the moron who left it sitting there in the first place.

FWIW: I hope they never catch the opportunist ;) .

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What an idiot. If I am depositing that sort of money, I don't take it out of my pocket/bag until I am at the counter.

But this man obviously has so much money he doesn't need to worry about taking care of such a smll amount as 150000.

I'd say he's missing it or maybe feeling the slight sting of loss. Most of 'don't really need to worry' crowd doesn't even use the queue/ticket system at most local banks, they usually use branches where they can take care of their business on a different floor or separate area from you perpetually cutting to the front of the queue.


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