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I was just having a chin wag with a good friend and I am not sure if vegies can eat things with fish sause in it. Can they or can't they. Then I was told more information and thought, how do vegies eat in Thailand. I cook alot of Thai Food (not always with meat in it) and have done for years and nearly everything I do as some kind of animal extract in it. How strict are Vegies, in regards to what is in their Thai Food. I am interested to know how vegies cope and what they do to ensure a good Vegetarian Thai Dish.


there are different types of vegetarians.

"Vegans: Strict vegetarians who do not eat meat of any kind, eggs, dairy products, or even do not consume processed foods containing any animal-derived ingredients such as gelatin are termed as vegans. There also includes a subset of vegans who call themselves as ‘raw vegans’ who only consume unprocessed vegan foods.

Fruitarians: Some people have carried the concept of vegetarianism to another extreme wherein the people only eat fresh fruits, these people are called fruitarians.

Lacto-ovo-Vegetarians: Vegetarians who do not eat pork, beef, poultry, fish, or animal flesh of any kind, but do consume eggs and dairy products are called lacto-ovo vegetarians.

Lacto Vegetarians: Vegetarians who do not eat any type of animal meat or even poultry and eggs but consume milk are called lacto vegetarians.

Ovo Vegetarians: Vegetarians who do not eat any kind of animal flesh or meat, and do not even consume milk, but eat eggs are called ovo vegetarians.

Pescatarian: Pescatarians are those who refrain from eating all types of meat with the exception of fish. Usually this type of diet results owing to the demand for nutritional requirements fulfilled by fish.

Flexitarians: Flexitarians are those who mostly stick to a vegetarian diet but occasionally eat meat.

Pollo-Vegetarians: People who eat poultry, such as chicken, turkey, and duck but no other type of animal flesh and meat and the regular vegetarian ingredients are termed as pollo vegetarians."

And lastly their are Airhead-atarians who don't know fish and chicken are not vegetarian.

Fish sauce has fish so an issue for some. Some of the fish sauces are fermented fish which carries parasites called liver flukes which infect the fish. The fermentation process which uses salt can sometimes not kill the flukes and they can infect the human. Liver cancer in eastern Thailand is among the highest rate in the world partly or largely caused by these flukes and the practice of eating the uncooked fish and fish sauces.


Glad you clarified that, cobraSnakeNecktie. I had this vision of carnivorous vegetables chowing down on other critters... sort of like the Venus Flytrap.

Carry on.

My daughter in law is a vegan and only recently would she eat any fish product. But, that was only because she wasn't getting certain things in her diet for her own health. Being a staunch vegan is a personal choice and not particularly good for you.

Me... I'm a meatatarian. :lol:


At The Olde Bell we have a failry decent range of vegetarian dishes and when asked for Thai vegetarian dishes we use Soy Sauce instead of Fish Sauce. The taste is slightly different , but, I am told no less enjoyable.

Cold Beer, Warm Atmosphere


I think most 'proper' vegetarians wouldnt eat anything with fish sauce (I know my mother wont).. Also many of the nam prik pao and other curry type pastes have crushed goong etc.


fish sauce shouldn't be cooked anyway you just add it before serving or put it on the table just like prik nam pla and let people ruin their food themselves, it will be added in somtam of course.

since it is bad for the blood pressure i stopped using it without missing anything.


Often stir-fry veggies are prepared with oyster sauce, which is made from guess-what! oysters. Also a no-no for strict vegetarians. Fortunately, there is a mushroom-based substitute for oyster sauce which also works well with stir-fry veggies.


there are different types of vegetarians.

"Vegans: Fruitarians: Lacto-ovo-Vegetarians: Lacto Vegetarians: Ovo Vegetarians: Pescatarian: Flexitarians: Pollo-Vegetarians:

Amazing. And what actually inspires this amazing collection of eccentric cults ; is it nutrition,religion or defective DNA?


Glad you clarified that, cobraSnakeNecktie. I had this vision of carnivorous vegetables chowing down on other critters... sort of like the Venus Flytrap.

Carry on.

My daughter in law is a vegan and only recently would she eat any fish product. But, that was only because she wasn't getting certain things in her diet for her own health. Being a staunch vegan is a personal choice and not particularly good for you.

Depends. Thai/Chinese Buddhist 'Jay' food is very strictly vegan. Actually more strict than vegan because also some non-animal related things are banned, such as garlic and alcohol.

Jay food never seemed unhealthy to me. (Guess it's more difficult in North America though.)


there are different types of vegetarians.

"Vegans: Fruitarians: Lacto-ovo-Vegetarians: Lacto Vegetarians: Ovo Vegetarians: Pescatarian: Flexitarians: Pollo-Vegetarians:

Amazing. And what actually inspires this amazing collection of eccentric cults ; is it nutrition,religion or defective DNA?

it's a good question and my guess is all of the above. Lots of reasons like religion, superstitions, past safety issues, cultural practices, personality formation, control issues, striving for success, experimentation.

I was a vegetarian for a long time. Seemed to work for quite a while and then had some issues. I have since incorporated some choice animal proteins and fats for much better health.

It's a little about extremism. Back in the 60's and 70's western cultures did see a lot of health issues with the common diets and ascertained that more plant based foods would be healthy. They just took it to the extreme thinking if more is better then all must be ideal. I think science today is largely disagreeing with "All" part of that belief. Definitely eating more plants is wise for health.

Thee have been some stunning examples of athletes who are vegetarian's like Carl Lewis, Edwin Moses, Herschel Walker, Jack LaLane, Martina Navratilova and many others. It's hard to argue with their success but also hard to know exactly what they were eating and what expensive supplements they might be using to balance the nutritional issues.

It's all food for thought.


fish sauce shouldn't be cooked anyway you just add it before serving or put it on the table just like prik nam pla and let people ruin their food themselves, it will be added in somtam of course.

since it is bad for the blood pressure i stopped using it without missing anything.

Sound, next time you you order some thai food tell them "mai sai nam pla" and they will look at you and say "alrai wa". Unless you know more than me. Which is quite possible actually. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Which I normally am, judging by all the know it alls on TV ( Not all Thai is food is made with fish sauce). (Oh and MSG) and (GM products)


fish sauce shouldn't be cooked anyway you just add it before serving or put it on the table just like prik nam pla and let people ruin their food themselves, it will be added in somtam of course.

since it is bad for the blood pressure i stopped using it without missing anything.

Sound, next time you you order some thai food tell them "mai sai nam pla" and they will look at you and say "alrai wa". Unless you know more than me. Which is quite possible actually. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Which I normally am, judging by all the know it alls on TV ( Not all Thai is food is made with fish sauce). (Oh and MSG) and (GM products)

Still it tastes good though. Well McDonalds tastes good, but is it good food?


there are different types of vegetarians.

"Vegans: Fruitarians: Lacto-ovo-Vegetarians: Lacto Vegetarians: Ovo Vegetarians: Pescatarian: Flexitarians: Pollo-Vegetarians:

Amazing. And what actually inspires this amazing collection of eccentric cults ; is it nutrition,religion or defective DNA?

I've reached the age where I no longer ask such questions!! Personally I enjoy the whole gammut of God's wonderful kitchen (as anyone who knows me will verify) Nevertheless I've come to respect those who have specific dietary requisits for any of the reasons you mention above Asmerom. Vegans, I find difficult to deal with though! Many Veggies seem to still enjoy food, Vegans suffer it! Just my experience as a Publican!!


there are different types of vegetarians.

"Vegans: Fruitarians: Lacto-ovo-Vegetarians: Lacto Vegetarians: Ovo Vegetarians: Pescatarian: Flexitarians: Pollo-Vegetarians:

Amazing. And what actually inspires this amazing collection of eccentric cults ; is it nutrition,religion or defective DNA?

I've reached the age where I no longer ask such questions!! Personally I enjoy the whole gammut of God's wonderful kitchen (as anyone who knows me will verify) Nevertheless I've come to respect those who have specific dietary requisits for any of the reasons you mention above Asmerom. Vegans, I find difficult to deal with though! Many Veggies seem to still enjoy food, Vegans suffer it! Just my experience as a Publican!!

Hey that is just not true. I am a vegan and I do not suffer at all! In fact it is easier than being vegetarian, although it was hard to convert at first. But I love vegan food and love cooking etc, so I usually do it myself to avoid the fish sauce, or go somewhere that is vegetarian or somewhere where I know they won't put any fish sauce in when I ask for it like that. Pretty easy, actually.

To confirm, vegetarians will NOT eat fish sauce.

Khopkhun kaa!


To confirm, vegetarians will NOT eat fish sauce.

Khopkhun kaa!


  • Oily fish (Mackerel, Herring, Sardines) contain Omega-3 fatty acids, a type of polyunsaturated fat which can help to reduce total blood cholesterol. Omega-3 in the diet protects the heart and circulation and may reduce the risk of heart disease and certain cancers.
  • Medical studies have shown that Omega-3 oils play an important part in aiding the development of our brains.
  • Sea food contains an abundance of essential minerals - iron, zinc, iodine and selenium.
  • Fish is a good source of Vitamins helping to maintain healthy nerve tissues, strong bones and teeth and a glowing complexion.
  • Fish is a low fat and/or good fat source of protein, essential for the healthy growth and maintenance of muscles and body tissue

Fish may be good for you, but they are also a living being so vegetarians do not eat them.

I do not know how they can go without tuna and salmon sushi however. :licklips:

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