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Smelly Cloth Or Body Odour


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shocking i was told by some ppl that i smell very bad...

i dont know if it's from the clothing or my body odour or combo of both.

i do take shower everyday.

i use public coin laundry to wash me cloth, but dry in shade. my veranda got no sunlight.

also i only use a bit of washing powder. should i put more? im worried that there will be colour loss, or mix with othe colours etc...

any good advices? oh and i dont want to pay for services just to wash me clothes..

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Sorry, Im not laughing at you, just at some of the posts that are yet to come.

Do you wear deoderant?

I was going to ignore this one as l thought a Troll BUT as you have offered advise then, eeeeer, l am still going to ignore it. :lol:

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Some people suffer for BO (me for one) and it takes some courage to actually tell the offender (you never smell yourself). I drew the short straw to tell a work colleague that he had a problem, unfortunately he didn't take it well and never spoke to me again.

Use a medicated soap as well as your regular shower gel, change ALL your clothes every day (ok I get 2 days out of a pair of chinos but everything else goes in the wash) and also before going out for the evening, try a neutral deodorant (I use Lynx not too strong smelling).

Use a good washing powder, we use Breeze (it looks like USA on the package), there's a 'color' variant which won't remove your colours so fast.

Try to avoid foods that contain lots of garlic and/or chilli, these come out in your sweat and can be rank.

Good luck sorting your problem, hopefully the person who told you will be able to give feedback that things are improving. I know how embarrassing it can be when you now know everyone was talking about you :(

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Some people are natural breeding grounds for bacteria that emit foul odours. In the people with folds of fat there are dark moist areas that give rise to some awful smelling things. Tight fitting synthetic clothes especially polyester blend underwear doesn't help. Metabolism has an impact. Additional exercise can help speed up the metabolism and allow the body to process the substances that give rise to stench. Sometimes perspiration is good, provided one drinks lots of water and doesn't dehydrate. If the urine is strongly coloured and the perspiration really stinky, it's a sign of inadequate hydration. An increase in some vegetables like parsley can help. Poor dental health, smoking and excess alcohol consumption all add to the problem.

There is also a rule of thumb in life. One's own farts rarely offend oneself, but can be lethal to others.

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Sorry, Im not laughing at you, just at some of the posts that are yet to come.

Do you wear deoderant?

I was going to ignore this one as l thought a Troll BUT as you have offered advise then, eeeeer, l am still going to ignore it. :lol:

I have the opposite problem to this. I always seem to have the ladies telling me I smell nice. I always reply with the same response, " I taste even better" .

A cupla guys also have tried the same comment with me, the reply was always different :ph34r: .

Seriously though, some people dont take the time to clean their bits and the OP admits to not using much soap on his clothes, perhaps he needs to look at this from a multiangle approach. Stale clothes are the quickest way to smell bad. Try washing the clothes correctly and also applying some fabric softner at the end of the cycle.

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Howgh, geriatrickid spoke right ! I just want to add my two Satang, avoid eating butter, buttery cakes and cream topped food ! On most of freshly arrived farang there hangs the smell of old butter and sour milk , I often notice. Joined with your own sweat, a heavy attack to non-sweating Asian's noses ! Take two showers a day, using the good old LUX soap instead of balmy,sticky shower foams ( they actually do not clean the pores deep enough as they should do) , you will notice it when soaping down the first time - your own smell becomes apparently noticeable for yourself then. Rinse, and then soap a second time , you will notice all the odor gone ! If you sweat a lot, why not shower on every occasion. Once in Thailand for a few weeks, the fat lumps of your skin will have been sweated dry . . and such your olfactory character will dwindle. And that 's then a good chance to shop for a decent deodorant and a flask of a manly Eau de Perfume

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ah, and I forgot to add . Own experience. When wearing polyester shirts and pants, I soon after begin to smell rising odor. Fact, the collar of polyester shirts I used to wear started to STINK , and laundering did not remove all of the stench ! I have switched to cotton clothing succesfully . . never had this kinda stench reappear again . . . .

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The humid heat of Thai weather does not help westerners in terms of their BO. The cheesy smell emanating from your people's bodies is expected and unsurprising. Taking a shower a few times a day can help to some extent, but the profuse sweat that comes out is difficult to deal with even for the locals. Whatever you wear is going to absorb sweat and consequently your clothes will smell of your odour. Still, bathing yourself with perfume or formalin, whichever you prefer, might assuage the intensity of your rancid body.

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Am I the only one in shock that full grown adults dont know how to clean themselves and their clothes? What is so important in your life that you dont have the time to figure this basic shit out? Barstool going somewhere if you dont rush over their fast enough? And why do you not want to pay a service to clean your clothes? Obviously you suck at it and are in dire need of actual professional services. JEEZE!

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thanks for useful info...

ai i need a lady to clean for me ya?

anyways i did meself some research. and came across:

use towel only once after the shower. cuz it seems some stuff is left on the towlie which bacteria grow.

but u know im living in ghetto and i only got one towlie + small towlie, i do not want too much baggage, i notice the smell on me towlie after 2 days.

im not sure, but i really need some methods to dry me cloth, cuz me verandda got to access to sunlight, so seems im drying in da shade and i tink bacterias r growin.

so im assuming, even if u use cologne or some stuff, and if u sweat or get ur clothes wet, the hood starts smelling yo. and people starts hatin.

man i was so depressed today during my exercise, i had to go...

i also learned the smells from shit in ur body. yeh, basically ur body is sack of <deleted>, so im assuming, when ppl get messed up by jumping down from the balcony or being run down by buses or being chewed by soi dogs, area starts smelling yo... oh dear

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I don't know you personally so can't speak for your personal hygiene only my own. But actually pay attention to the clothes you're wearing when they comment. I have a few shirts, 3 are blue in color and 2 are yellow and they smell almost immediately after wearing them.

I keep very clean as is my clothes and I do have a lady to clean them though I cleaned my own clothes for more then 30 years previously and there is most definitely something in them likely the dye but possibly the material that sets off a terrible body odor type smell within an hour or so whether I sweat or not even though we use color bleach...

None of my other shirts have this problem it's distinct and after some thorough investigation I finally narrowed it down..

BTW a fan works really nicely to air out and dry your clothes indoors without exposing it to the nasty smells outside and making it all stiff. In the absence of a dryer we've been drying our clothes quite quickly that way for years especially when we wash at night when they can get stale smelling and as quick or quicker then outside too. Definitely use some softener too, but in the past I've had a host of issues with some of the softeners available here too so only use Downy now...

Edited by WarpSpeed
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thanks for useful info...

ai i need a lady to clean for me ya?

anyways i did meself some research. and came across:

use towel only once after the shower. cuz it seems some stuff is left on the towlie which bacteria grow.

but u know im living in ghetto and i only got one towlie + small towlie, i do not want too much baggage, i notice the smell on me towlie after 2 days.

im not sure, but i really need some methods to dry me cloth, cuz me verandda got to access to sunlight, so seems im drying in da shade and i tink bacterias r growin.

so im assuming, even if u use cologne or some stuff, and if u sweat or get ur clothes wet, the hood starts smelling yo. and people starts hatin.

man i was so depressed today during my exercise, i had to go...

i also learned the smells from shit in ur body. yeh, basically ur body is sack of <deleted>, so im assuming, when ppl get messed up by jumping down from the balcony or being run down by buses or being chewed by soi dogs, area starts smelling yo... oh dear

I took the last 2 or 3 topics you started seriously and tried to help.

I'm now kicking myself for being so stupid as you are obviously a idiot/troll (both).

Come back to a forum where adults talk once you have grown up.


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Oh dear! Poor old gravion, first the shaving cuts problem, now this. My advice here would be to actually reduce the frequency of your clothes laundry and similarly reduce the number of showers to, perhaps, one a week. Next, embrace a diet rich in raw garlic and sator beans. Stop brushing your teeth and ensure you begin each day with a good gargle of lao khao. Be sure to swallow the lao khao. After moving your bowels, press on with your day without using either the bum gun or toilet tissue. Shoes should be worn until they fall off naturally. Finger and toe nails are best left to their own devices, in my opinion. Got a comb? Chuck it out and grow your hair fashionably long and tousled.

"Now", richardjm, you may ask, "how does this help deal with people who say I smell?" Good question - you will smell and look so appalling that people will naturally leave a healthy distance between you and them. Think how this benefits you - no more pressing crowds at bus stops or on the skytrain. Only the most determined of the ladies of the night will approach you, thereby saving you money. You'll be saving even more on laundry soap and fabric softener too and, who knows, you might also collect a few baht from the generosity of passing pedestrians. Vendors might tip you to stay clear of their pitch. As I see it, you're already half way there and need only a few well meant tips from TV volunteers to further enrich your life. Don't view your personal freshness as a challenge, instead view the lack of it as a financial asset. And, by the way, check out of that ghetto - it's way too up market - find a nice cardboard box in one of the quieter sub-sois of Klong Toey. Good luck, old chap.

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Howgh, geriatrickid spoke right ! I just want to add my two Satang, avoid eating butter, buttery cakes and cream topped food ! On most of freshly arrived farang there hangs the smell of old butter and sour milk , I often notice. Joined with your own sweat, a heavy attack to non-sweating Asian's noses ! Take two showers a day, using the good old LUX soap instead of balmy,sticky shower foams ( they actually do not clean the pores deep enough as they should do) , you will notice it when soaping down the first time - your own smell becomes apparently noticeable for yourself then. Rinse, and then soap a second time , you will notice all the odor gone ! If you sweat a lot, why not shower on every occasion. Once in Thailand for a few weeks, the fat lumps of your skin will have been sweated dry . . and such your olfactory character will dwindle. And that 's then a good chance to shop for a decent deodorant and a flask of a manly Eau de Perfume

Funny, many years ago when I first arrived in Thailand for the first week, every dog on the street seemed to be following and barking at me and only me, the Thais all thought it was hilarous. :lol:

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i shower at the very least 3 times a day in thailand , also you can use some anti bacterial detol soap as well. wear flip flops when in thailand , not shoes, you must stink a lot for these people to tell you to your face ?

hope you get things sorted out soon.

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This may or may not apply to the OP, but a lot of people are completely unaware that a lot of modern materials used for manufacturing game shirts and similar as well as other fancy stuff (not to mention copies) from Armani and so on - is NOT supposed to be exposed to fabric softener.

What does this got to do with the OP question? Well, a known result of using fabric softener is that the fabric loses its ability to breathe and traps sweat inside the material. Try using fabric softener on a golf or football shirt in a modern material and it will stink rotten sweat after half an hour.

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