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Help! Which Visa For Egyptian National

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Hi, I am british and have very easily obtained a years non immigration O type visa from U.K, my partner is Egyptian and the criteria for obtaining this type of visa seems to be different for him although he can get a tourist visa. What is the best way for us to move to thailand and legally work. I could get a retirement visa, would that give my 'spouse' rights to a visa? or maybe it is best to look to other countries such as malaysia to settle as it seems to be easier to stay? please help as we are going round in circles and want to make a move in the next few months. We are both teachers but would like to open our own language school. thanks in anticipation.

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A 'partner' is not a spouse under Thai laws so unless a legal male/female marriage that option would not be open on any entry. If he is your legal husband it would only serve him as on a retirement extension of stay you would not be able to obtain a work permit. Expect you would have to set up joint Thai company and extend for work for your plans (and that would involve legal matters beyond a simple forum answer).

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