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Wife Thinking Of Doing A Midnight Run !


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My wife i think maybe thinking of doing a runner with my daughter, she is thai and has both british and thai passports same as my daughter ! Going through a domestic at moment you know how it is !. Have just found hers and my daughters passports missing from usual place was wandering what course of action i can take to prevent her from doing this, i think she is just making back up plans !. I have read that she needs written consent to leave the country if the other parent isnt present but this is not the case as i have left two times on holiday with my daughter and never had any such requests, do i have any options to stop her from doing this ?? Thanks.

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If married at Amphur office, either of you can take the child, first come first served, no laws about parental abduction in Thailand

If divorced at Amphur office, custody will be set on the divorce, usually 50/50

If never married at the Amphur office, and you have never been to court to gain any rights, the child is considered to be the property of the mother.

So if you were properly married in Thailand, snatch and run first!

Edited by pjclark1
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You have not specified what country you are in.

If your wife is in the UK, I doubt that she would return to Thailand and become poor again, unless she came from a wealthy family in the first place.

If your wife is in Thailand, then I guess she has met someone else and is preparing to do the crap on you.

The answer to your question is: yes, she can leave with the child unless there is a court order already established confirming otherwise.

You have several options, confront your wife and ask her directly what is going on (which is what I would do) take the child completely into your care away from her, hire a lawyer or wait and see what happens.

My question to you is, what brought this situation?

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moving to the family forum where more replies might be forthcoming.

AFAIK if you are in the UK you can phone the home office & tell them your wife has taken your daughters passport & you are concerned that she may be attempting to take your daughter out of country without your permission. I believe they can then flag the passport so that any attempt to leave will raise the authorities. Might be worth giving them a call anyway. Or else contact a family solicitor or citizens advice bureau for advice

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No we are in thailand and it was me who caused the badness, just being an arse i suppose ! But it's all sorted now and cleared up !. She wasnt being sneaky just covering her back incase i really wanted to be an arse as she has no access to my funds but i know her friends would of lent her the money if needed so as she could go back to the u.k . Thanks for all the advice ! feel free to close this thread mods.

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