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Thai Teens Urged To Prevent Unwanted Pregnancy, Unsafe Sex

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Another lip-service campaign; to ignore the past lip-service campaigns; and to be totally Thai and say anything and do nothing!

News headlines from the past...

Thai Boys Having Unprotected Sex From 14 Y. O. (76% did not wear condoms)

Thai Student Leaders Against Condom-vending... (... machine on campus)

Dark Side Of Thai Student Behaviour (Sex, rape, gambling by "Student Mafia")

Thai Students Having Sex - Again! (Hair dye, revelry, sex . . .)

Punishments Agreed For Student Acts (No swearing, no sex, no gambling etc.)

Thai School System Turns Quite Spooky

Thai Teens Only Interested In Sex, Drink, Horror (Academics lash out at Thai youths)


80,000 Young People In Thailand Suffer From Aids

Young Thai People Increasingly Keen On Sex: Poll

Teenage Sexual Behaviour In Crisis: Aids Experts

Ministry To Tackle Harassing Males

Sex, Drugs, Fights Welcome New Students (BANGKOK STUDENTS BEHAVIOUR)

University Hazing Sex-pic Sparks Witch Hunt (Oral group sex at university hazing)

Debate Held Over Condoms In Schools (SEX IN CAMPUSES)

Keep Pregnant Girls In School: Teen Expert

Thaksin Asked To Curb Casual Sex Among Youth

Young Teens Happy With Sex Work: Study

Lusty Teens Await Loy Krathong

Teenagers More Likely To Contract HIV Or AIDS

Crackdown On Thai Students Mini Skirts (University clamps down on sexy outfits)

Thai Teens Find Porn Cartoons The Most Arousing

Condom Vending Machines To Be Installed In Universities

Teenagers Warned Against Having Careless Sex In February (The Month of Love)

Teenagers To Be Monitored On Valentine's Day

Thai Teens Can't Get Enough Of Online Porn

Bangkok Teens Only Want Love - Or A New Mobile

Crackdown On Flashy, Skin-tight Uni Uniforms (THAI UNIVERSITIES NEW DRESS CODE)

Thai Minors Claim Sexual Harassment

You could equally say this about numerous topics in the west, US, Australia etc. Maybe not on this particular topic, but the same behaviour occurs from Goverments everywhere. If you believe otherwise, you really need to open your eyes.

Either way, hopefully this achieves something. Any action is better then nothing, however successful it is.

Totally agree with you regarding western families, but only where daddy is not castrated and feminized, or totally removed from the picture at the whim of the mother and her entourage of legal representation. I am, though, well past the attitude that "anything is better than nothing". That is a cop-out to me; more of a way to accept a third rate solution when the ones giving lip-service could clearly do so much more.

I have said it before: In the west, the government does everything to get the daddy out of the home, and in the east, they can't do enough to get the daddy back into the home. Yes; that is the solution: Bring back the dads!

These people want to be lead like sheep. They do not want to be self-disciplines and take the reigns of responsibility for their own children. Everywhere you look, you do not see dads participating in their children's development. Boys grow up not knowing anything about being a man, or acting like one. I think you know what I mean.

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The social programs proposed to prevent unwanted pregnancies (what teenage girl wants to get knocked up) are/have been going on for decades, seemly with a success ratio which does not meet various targets. I am not sure what the term "unsafe sex" is referring to, as I cannot recall having experienced same. Granted, I draw a line at potential married partners and the boyfriend must be at least a days travel away.

The age of consent for sexually activity has been proposed to be raised to the age of 20 while the kids are maturing at a earlier age, thus the hormones are kicking in earlier. The boys with the aid of older fellows encouragement, know what to use to break down the defenses (if there are any) of a potential conquest. (alcohol, gifts grovelling,promises, media etc). The exclusion of the pregnant female from school apparently did not work, nor have 'the pill', nor condoms, so what tactic has a chance of addressing the problem?

How about a piggy back vaccine, coupled with polio that would eliminate female fertility for the teenage years? A similar vaccine for the males that delayed sperm production? Another option may be to promote oral/manipulative gratification for the little randy buggers. Another alternative may be to instill in the teenagers that life is a bitch, when you make a mistake you loose your carefree life style and enter the work force and the social scene becomes dirty diapers, sleepless nights and setting aside money for the kids education, illness, and playtime which both of the parents have foregone. Otherwise scare the hell out of those who have a few minutes to listen.


Compel the men/boys to pay proper amounts of child support and watch how quickly condom sales go up and unwanted teen pregnancies go down in the country.

Whilst I don't disagree with your comment it does take two to make a baby. Therefore the GIRLS should be made equally responsible....

The females are already responsible--they can't run off and make believe that they had nothing to do with the problem.

I agree with the original comment - Thai men seem to have no consequences to deal with if they choose to leave the mother and kid(s). Maybe going into a different arena / topic but if there's no fnancial obligation (imposed by the government or anyone else - and I can't relate to the lack of paternal / moral obligation Thai men could impose on themselves) then it creates an environment / society / culture where the man can hop from one bed to the next with no other thoughts than self gratification.


Compel the men/boys to pay proper amounts of child support and watch how quickly condom sales go up and unwanted teen pregnancies go down in the country.

Whilst I don't disagree with your comment it does take two to make a baby. Therefore the GIRLS should be made equally responsible....

The females are already responsible--they can't run off and make believe that they had nothing to do with the problem.

But a lot do (run off) dumping the unwanted kid on a grandparent.


Compel the men/boys to pay proper amounts of child support and watch how quickly condom sales go up and unwanted teen pregnancies go down in the country.

Whilst I don't disagree with your comment it does take two to make a baby. Therefore the GIRLS should be made equally responsible....

The females are already responsible--they can't run off and make believe that they had nothing to do with the problem.

I agree with the original comment - Thai men seem to have no consequences to deal with if they choose to leave the mother and kid(s). Maybe going into a different arena / topic but if there's no fnancial obligation (imposed by the government or anyone else - and I can't relate to the lack of paternal / moral obligation Thai men could impose on themselves) then it creates an environment / society / culture where the man can hop from one bed to the next with no other thoughts than self gratification.

If the man hops from bed to bed so do the girls....it takes 2 to tango...don't blame just one party...anything that has been said for the man applies equally to the girls. This is not rape we're talking about here..it is consensual sex..both parties are equally responsible..to continually blame or condone the male is discriminatory.


Well at what average age is menstralation now for girls ?Surely teaching from just before or then is when sex education has to be implemented as from then on all girls should be classed and treated as vunerable!Not that hard isit?

educate teenagers aged between 15 and 19 years old

I think they should start earlier than 15...perhaps as young as 12.

15 might be trying to close the barn door after the horse has bolted.

From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Menarche

Average (first menstrual cycle) age is 11.75 years....hence my original "I think they should start earlier than 15...perhaps as young as 12."


Thailand is not alone in this problem of teenage sex. The UK has just started a TV series named "The Joy of Teen Sex" on Channel Four. Watched the first episode....alarming similarities with Thailand.

Here's some info on it...

Sex is part of every teenager's life. They think about it, they worry about it and they do it.

This new series offers a frank exploration of the love and sex lives of today's teenagers - presenting solutions to the emotional and physical problems many of them experience.

Fronted by Dr Rachael Jones, social worker Ruth Corden, and resident sex coach Joanna Wierzbicka, the series revolves around visitors to the Sex Advice Shop walk-in clinic, where the team are on hand to offer young people, and sometimes their parents, support and professional advice.

If the man hops from bed to bed so do the girls....it takes 2 to tango...don't blame just one party...anything that has been said for the man applies equally to the girls. This is not rape we're talking about here..it is consensual sex..both parties are equally responsible..to continually blame or condone the male is discriminatory.

The difference is here (like most places?) the man can do it and not be ill thought of and in fact sometimes be admired; whereas as a woman is viewed much more unkindly for the same behavior.


Is this because Thai behaviour is built on the patriarchal domination in all facets of Thai culture and that's why males can and do get away with it here?Men are classed as 'studs/lady killers ..women are classed as sluts,prostitutes and ostrasized!!

Is this because Thai behaviour is built on the patriarchal domination in all facets of Thai culture...?

It's a bit less black and white when it comes to patriarchy or matriarchy in this country but...yeah.

Men are classed as 'studs/lady killers ..women are classed as sluts,prostitutes and ostrasized!!

Isn't this true -- to a lesser or greater extent -- in a vast array of cultures, including nominally more enlightened western countries with a seemingly more emancipated female populace? I mean in the US (just for one example) it's changed to a great degree (from a point relatively recently where it was no different from Thailand in terms of women's sexual liberation), I'm sure, but I suspect an American man with dozens of partners in his sexual history would not be regarded -- by men or women -- the same as an American woman with an equal number.


A good initiative and good luck to the minister for at least attempting a positive change. My biggest fear is the age of the target group 15 - 19 year olds. Most teens are sexually active by then. Talk about shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted. I would suggest staring at a much earlier age - works well in the Netherlands.

Either way lets stop with the negativity and try to be positive. Thankfully the Thais dont have a former member of the Hitler youth who now likes to wear dresses telling them that 'condoms are evil'!!! :rolleyes:

Compel the men/boys to pay proper amounts of child support and watch how quickly condom sales go up and unwanted teen pregnancies go down in the country.

Whilst I don't disagree with your comment it does take two to make a baby. Therefore the GIRLS should be made equally responsible....

The females are already responsible--they can't run off and make believe that they had nothing to do with the problem.

Agreed. The tradition here in Thailand is girls suffer the full burden of unwanted babies. Inseminating men can simply walk away. There are no legal repercussions, and little social stigma for men to cop out, and it happens dozens (or hundreds?) of times weekly. Thai legislators have to grow spines, and enact laws that compel randy men to take at least some responsibility for unwanted pregnancies and births.

The tradition here in Thailand is girls suffer the full burden of unwanted babies.

As has been pointed out, that's not always precisely the case -- it's very common indeed for kids to be turned over to the grandparents to be raised (sometimes even if the father hasn't done a runner).

In any case, I couldn't agree more that it would be great if Thai men could somehow be compelled to be more responsible for their actions in regards to procreation; but I'm not sure you can force that sort of fundamental cultural shift by enacting legislation.

The tradition here in Thailand is girls suffer the full burden of unwanted babies.

As has been pointed out, that's not always precisely the case -- it's very common indeed for kids to be turned over to the grandparents to be raised (sometimes even if the father hasn't done a runner).

In any case, I couldn't agree more that it would be great if Thai men could somehow be compelled to be more responsible for their actions in regards to procreation; but I'm not sure you can force that sort of fundamental cultural shift by enacting legislation.

You're right on both points: unwanted babies are very often placed with grandparents. I doubt if there's ever been a survey of that in Thailand, but I be the stats would be well over 25%. The girl goes off somewhere (most often to find work in a big city or Pattaya), and the boy just swings his dick around looking for his next score without a backward glance.


Let me just make this clear again.

Anytime anybody states that the male should take responsibility for the child, mention should also be made of the girl. It took BOTH parties to make this child and BOTH should be equally responsible. This is regardless of what normally happens here (e.g the girls normally looks after the child or dumps it on grandparents.)

Please do not single out the male for responsibility...the girl is equally responsible.


Agreed. The tradition here in Thailand is girls suffer the full burden of unwanted babies. Inseminating men can simply walk away. There are no legal repercussions, and little social stigma for men to cop out, and it happens dozens (or hundreds?) of times weekly. Thai legislators have to grow spines, and enact laws that compel randy men to take at least some responsibility for unwanted pregnancies and births.

Any law should make both parents equally responsible. Don't single out the male.


All these comments about "what the law should be" are ridiculous.

Thai laws are far behind the norm, and they probably will never catch up with what Thai people do. So, when someone suggests that a law be enforced or enacted in order to compel another Thai to do something, or not, then be advised that this will not happen, for one simple reason:

Thais make their own law, and when their actions and behaviors conflict with their government laws, they are willing to pay the price or pull a runner, and sum it all up to Karma for some bad behavior in the past.

Make all the laws that you want, but they will amount to nothing. It is the dysfunctional Thai family social structure that reigns supreme here, and the dysfunctional males and females that get churned out of these dysfunctional families know little or nothing about their own laws, much less their own politicians. The Thai people and their government are two separate worlds and they are light years apart from having anything in common.

I see a lot of the behavior going on around me as a group think behavior, and hence the laws are unwritten, but understood, and this is all based more or less on the geographic location of the community you are in at the time.

Not even the BIB will mess around with the temperature of the local group think if they think it will cause the locals to get too upset.

So all this talk about laws is meaningless, until you can prove to me that your average Thai can cite even one law, and give you the legal measures to enforce it, or to take legal action in the event that law is broken.

Yes, Thais make their own laws, and they have their own systems of justice depending on the community or family social structure.

Waiting around until your next life for the current government laws to be enforced or to be administered judiciously is something that these undisciplined people will never tolerate, and I can not say I blame them.

The sex issue, and who is responsible is playing out just like this society wants it to. The funny thing is, that most of us see it as wrong, whereas I suggest that there is nothing wrong whatsoever. Be a Thai man, impregnate with impunity. Be a Thai girl, get pregnant and have an abortion, or toss it off to grandma, and move on with life.

If you ask them, and they see a camera or a reporter they will dance and complain and regale you with stories of hardship.

If you say nothing, they will simply get on with their lot in life and you or I will never hear about it and they will still smile tomorrow.

If you put western ideas into their greedy little minds, then you will create a system of loafers and freeloaders, who will take this life of theirs and use it as a means to get money or benefits from your kind-hearted, christian hand, all the while continuing this behavior in perfect, harmonious bliss.

No matter what, they will all smile tomorrow!


Let me just make this clear again.

Anytime anybody states that the male should take responsibility for the child, mention should also be made of the girl. It took BOTH parties to make this child and BOTH should be equally responsible. This is regardless of what normally happens here (e.g the girls normally looks after the child or dumps it on grandparents.)

Please do not single out the male for responsibility...the girl is equally responsible.

I don't agree. In most cases, unwanted pregnancies are the result of coercion by the male. Note, I said 'most cases' not 'all cases.' More often than not, that coercion is alcohol and/or drug fueled, and often the pregnancies are the result of one or more of the following:

>>>>> physical overpowering

>>>>> telling lies to get what they want

>>>>> (related to the above commonality) making promises they know they will never keep.

>>>>> date-rape

>>>>> rape

>>>>> promising to use a condom, but not using one (it's easy to take off a condom, particularly when she's taking it from behind).

>>>>> Convincing a girl that she can't get pregnant because (....fill in the blanks).

>>>>> promising the girl he will pull out - but doesn't.

So, if any fair minded person were to look at all the instances of unwanted pregnancies, they would see that it's not an even playing field by a long shot. That's not to say women/girls aren't conniving and manipulative, it's just the overwhelming majority of unwanted pregnancies stem from males doing anything and everything they can to stick their you-know-what in a girl's you-know-what.


Let me just make this clear again.

Anytime anybody states that the male should take responsibility for the child, mention should also be made of the girl. It took BOTH parties to make this child and BOTH should be equally responsible. This is regardless of what normally happens here (e.g the girls normally looks after the child or dumps it on grandparents.)

Please do not single out the male for responsibility...the girl is equally responsible.

I don't agree. In most cases, unwanted pregnancies are the result of coercion by the male. Note, I said 'most cases' not 'all cases.' More often than not, that coercion is alcohol and/or drug fueled, and often the pregnancies are the result of one or more of the following:

>>>>> physical overpowering

>>>>> telling lies to get what they want

>>>>> (related to the above commonality) making promises they know they will never keep.

>>>>> date-rape

>>>>> rape

>>>>> promising to use a condom, but not using one (it's easy to take off a condom, particularly when she's taking it from behind).

>>>>> Convincing a girl that she can't get pregnant because (....fill in the blanks).

>>>>> promising the girl he will pull out - but doesn't.

So, if any fair minded person were to look at all the instances of unwanted pregnancies, they would see that it's not an even playing field by a long shot. That's not to say women/girls aren't conniving and manipulative, it's just the overwhelming majority of unwanted pregnancies stem from males doing anything and everything they can to stick their you-know-what in a girl's you-know-what.

Sir, you couldn't be more wrong. Most of the things you state would be non-consensual sex i.e. rape. That is not what this thread is about. It is about consensual sex. Rape cases should be dealt with in an entirely different fashion. My original comment about equal responsibility stands.


Let me just make this clear again.

Anytime anybody states that the male should take responsibility for the child, mention should also be made of the girl. It took BOTH parties to make this child and BOTH should be equally responsible. This is regardless of what normally happens here (e.g the girls normally looks after the child or dumps it on grandparents.)

Please do not single out the male for responsibility...the girl is equally responsible.

I don't agree. In most cases, unwanted pregnancies are the result of coercion by the male. Note, I said 'most cases' not 'all cases.' More often than not, that coercion is alcohol and/or drug fueled, and often the pregnancies are the result of one or more of the following:

>>>>> physical overpowering

>>>>> telling lies to get what they want

>>>>> (related to the above commonality) making promises they know they will never keep.

>>>>> date-rape

>>>>> rape

>>>>> promising to use a condom, but not using one (it's easy to take off a condom, particularly when she's taking it from behind).

>>>>> Convincing a girl that she can't get pregnant because (....fill in the blanks).

>>>>> promising the girl he will pull out - but doesn't.

So, if any fair minded person were to look at all the instances of unwanted pregnancies, they would see that it's not an even playing field by a long shot. That's not to say women/girls aren't conniving and manipulative, it's just the overwhelming majority of unwanted pregnancies stem from males doing anything and everything they can to stick their you-know-what in a girl's you-know-what.

I really do not understand the line of logic here. Applying that to any other similar scenario makes it rather skewed.

Evolution selected the female to be the one to bear this burden. It's sort of like being born an heir to a throne. You do not have a choice to do what you want to do. You do not even have the option to delegate YOUR responsibilities onto the shoulders of other individuals. Similarly, your life will not be like the lives of those who are not born with this responsibility; namely, men.

I am describing how evolution selected women as the child bearers in this life, not men. The way I see it, this is a revered and great responsibility women are born into this world with. A woman gets pregnant, not the man. When a woman blames a man for getting pregnant, then something is wrong! It is like an heir to the throne blaming the people when it comes time to step up and take the seat of responsibility.

So, it is your body; I agree with that. SO, please respect it, and what it is capable of creating, and have a little humility for the great gift that evolution has bestowed upon you, and do whatever it takes to make sure the mechanism doesn't engage before you decide it should. Protect it. Love it. Shield it. Do not allow it to engage no matter what it takes to do so.

It sounds a lot like whining to me for something one does not want to accept and be responsible for. Simply not taking pills, and damning any man for not wearing a condom, all on a matter of principle, sounds very irresponsible to me.

It is your body. It is your destiny to be selected for this great gift. Therefore it is your responsibility to make sure YOU take the preventative measures if you know that you are going to engage in behavior that may or may not activate the mechanism.

I am intentionally not describing any criminal violation of a woman's right to select the male she wishes to endeavor having a pregnancy. I am describing a basis for sanity in an otherwise childish argument by women, who do not want to accept their lot in life as the child bearers, and hence the governing authority on the manner in which they get impregnated. Again, I am excluding criminal violations by men, simply because this is a separate issue from a normal and natural manner in which the female gets pregnant. Ignorance and coercion can not be used to avoid responsibility.

Playing the victim card simply translates out that you are not responsible enough, or humble enough to see this gift for what it is.

Any responsibility that is bestowed upon me creates within me the desire and sense of obligation to protect that responsibility at all costs, and with or without the aid of others. When the the sole power of upholding that responsibility is indeed placed within my grasp, I have a duty to see it through, and not place guilt and blame and accusation on the shoulders of others who may or may not respect my responsibility.

Men may or may not respect the woman's risk of getting pregnant, but at the final call, it is the woman who has been selected to bear this responsibility; with or without the assistance of men. Take a pill. If you think it may happen, or want it to happen; take a pill. Don't wait around for the next feminist rally and rant and rave against men who do not wear condoms. Take a pill. Evolution chose you and installed the mechanism. Its yours. Be responsible and take a pill if you are going to be promiscuous.

Regrettably, there are exceptions to this when men behave criminally and use physical force. That is why we have laws and a justice system.

I'm going to get Bar-B-Qued over this, but I find that many times where a man is blamed, the case usually can be traced back to the women being irresponsible and not taking preventative measures in advance of anticipation of a sperm finding its way to her egg.

Taking a pill may go against your principles, and really gall you, but you are the heir apparent, and you can not expect others to prevent what you alone have the power to prevent with absolute, abject certainty.

For the criminal cases? It is indeed the man who is to blame; but this is a small percentage when comparing the women who should accept their role as sovereign protector of the mechanism inside their body. It is your body, and yes; maybe I am irresponsible, and do not wear a condom. I accept that guilt. That is no excuse for you avoiding being an heir to this great gift and acting out of a sense of responsibly and obligation and keeping the fish at bay.

Take a pill!


Let me just make this clear again.

Anytime anybody states that the male should take responsibility for the child, mention should also be made of the girl. It took BOTH parties to make this child and BOTH should be equally responsible. This is regardless of what normally happens here (e.g the girls normally looks after the child or dumps it on grandparents.)

Please do not single out the male for responsibility...the girl is equally responsible.

I don't agree. In most cases, unwanted pregnancies are the result of coercion by the male. Note, I said 'most cases' not 'all cases.' More often than not, that coercion is alcohol and/or drug fueled, and often the pregnancies are the result of one or more of the following:

>>>>> physical overpowering

>>>>> telling lies to get what they want

>>>>> (related to the above commonality) making promises they know they will never keep.

>>>>> date-rape

>>>>> rape

>>>>> promising to use a condom, but not using one (it's easy to take off a condom, particularly when she's taking it from behind).

>>>>> Convincing a girl that she can't get pregnant because (....fill in the blanks).

>>>>> promising the girl he will pull out - but doesn't.

So, if any fair minded person were to look at all the instances of unwanted pregnancies, they would see that it's not an even playing field by a long shot. That's not to say women/girls aren't conniving and manipulative, it's just the overwhelming majority of unwanted pregnancies stem from males doing anything and everything they can to stick their you-know-what in a girl's you-know-what.

I really do not understand the line of logic here. Applying that to any other similar scenario makes it rather skewed.

Evolution selected the female to be the one to bear this burden. It's sort of like being born an heir to a throne. You do not have a choice to do what you want to do. You do not even have the option to delegate YOUR responsibilities onto the shoulders of other individuals. Similarly, your life will not be like the lives of those who are not born with this responsibility; namely, men.

I am describing how evolution selected women as the child bearers in this life, not men. The way I see it, this is a revered and great responsibility women are born into this world with. A woman gets pregnant, not the man. When a woman blames a man for getting pregnant, then something is wrong! It is like an heir to the throne blaming the people when it comes time to step up and take the seat of responsibility.

So, it is your body; I agree with that. SO, please respect it, and what it is capable of creating, and have a little humility for the great gift that evolution has bestowed upon you, and do whatever it takes to make sure the mechanism doesn't engage before you decide it should. Protect it. Love it. Shield it. Do not allow it to engage no matter what it takes to do so.

It sounds a lot like whining to me for something one does not want to accept and be responsible for. Simply not taking pills, and damning any man for not wearing a condom, all on a matter of principle, sounds very irresponsible to me.

It is your body. It is your destiny to be selected for this great gift. Therefore it is your responsibility to make sure YOU take the preventative measures if you know that you are going to engage in behavior that may or may not activate the mechanism.

I am intentionally not describing any criminal violation of a woman's right to select the male she wishes to endeavor having a pregnancy. I am describing a basis for sanity in an otherwise childish argument by women, who do not want to accept their lot in life as the child bearers, and hence the governing authority on the manner in which they get impregnated. Again, I am excluding criminal violations by men, simply because this is a separate issue from a normal and natural manner in which the female gets pregnant. Ignorance and coercion can not be used to avoid responsibility.

Playing the victim card simply translates out that you are not responsible enough, or humble enough to see this gift for what it is.

Any responsibility that is bestowed upon me creates within me the desire and sense of obligation to protect that responsibility at all costs, and with or without the aid of others. When the the sole power of upholding that responsibility is indeed placed within my grasp, I have a duty to see it through, and not place guilt and blame and accusation on the shoulders of others who may or may not respect my responsibility.

Men may or may not respect the woman's risk of getting pregnant, but at the final call, it is the woman who has been selected to bear this responsibility; with or without the assistance of men. Take a pill. If you think it may happen, or want it to happen; take a pill. Don't wait around for the next feminist rally and rant and rave against men who do not wear condoms. Take a pill. Evolution chose you and installed the mechanism. Its yours. Be responsible and take a pill if you are going to be promiscuous.

Regrettably, there are exceptions to this when men behave criminally and use physical force. That is why we have laws and a justice system.

I'm going to get Bar-B-Qued over this, but I find that many times where a man is blamed, the case usually can be traced back to the women being irresponsible and not taking preventative measures in advance of anticipation of a sperm finding its way to her egg.

Taking a pill may go against your principles, and really gall you, but you are the heir apparent, and you can not expect others to prevent what you alone have the power to prevent with absolute, abject certainty.

For the criminal cases? It is indeed the man who is to blame; but this is a small percentage when comparing the women who should accept their role as sovereign protector of the mechanism inside their body. It is your body, and yes; maybe I am irresponsible, and do not wear a condom. I accept that guilt. That is no excuse for you avoiding being an heir to this great gift and acting out of a sense of responsibly and obligation and keeping the fish at bay.

Take a pill!

Well said..thank you

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