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Just like to say, to the regular writer on this forum how much I have enjoyed reading the majority of topics.As you can see by the amount of posts, I am not much of a writer and only recently subscibe as a member.Not that I'm the silent type, it's just that I'm crap when it comes to doing anything on a computer.And to be honest living in the uk, and only holidaying in the LOS for 4-5 weeks of the year, doesn't really qualify me on the do & donots advise on topics ?Anyway well done too all who take the time, to help and advise people who visit CR, keep up the good work.


Mate, contribute as much as you like.

Not knowing what they're talking about hasn't stopped some of the regulars.

Seriously, we're often asked travel questions we're not up to date on, simply because most of us live here.

A short post saying where you stayed,what it was like and how much it cost is going to score lots of brownie points. :)


As it happens we are coming out at the end of the month, one week in Pattaya & 3 weeks in CR. Haven't been down there for about 4 years, be good to catch-up with afew

expats I know down there. Be glad to write something ( hotel/bars/grub) if it's of interrest ? ;)


Hi TJ.

Welcome to CR and the forum.

Feel free to write here. I too, am lousy with the computer but they haven't thrown me off of the forum yet. It is a great place to share stories, argue, and to share ideas and experiences.

Feel free to stop by the house here for a cup of coffee when you hit town.


iv been longtime but same same as you :D

I wonder how many readers and not writers we have ?

. I suspect they are in the Majority. Don't be shy it can't physically harm you. Apart from maybe cramp if you abuse it :)


I repeat my earlier post on this topic....

Mate, contribute as much as you like.

Not knowing what they're talking about hasn't stopped some of the regulars.

Seriously, we're often asked travel questions we're not up to date on, simply because most of us live here.

A short post saying where you stayed,what it was like and how much it cost is going to score lots of brownie points. :)


As it happens we are coming out at the end of the month, one week in Pattaya & 3 weeks in CR. Haven't been down there for about 4 years, be good to catch-up with afew

expats I know down there. Be glad to write something ( hotel/bars/grub) if it's of interrest ? ;)

Nice to see your input TJ, I'm mostly resident in the UK too (hopefully that will change this year!)

Hope the visit this month goes well, if you're going to 'come out' I suppose Pattaya would be the place to do it :)


Likewise myself mtb, hoping to up-sticks in the next 12 months or so. Been planning since meeting the better half, that's let me see............ 20 years ( doesn't time fly ?). Burnt many a midnight oil with wifey, North, South, village or city ???? My vote was Pattaya, hers village so after 20 years we hit a compromise Chiang Raiiiiii ! Ever felt like you've been conned ?

And by the way if ever I've been spotted in Boy's Town, it's only a short cut I use to Beach Rd. :ph34r:


Likewise myself mtb, hoping to up-sticks in the next 12 months or so. Been planning since meeting the better half, that's let me see............ 20 years ( doesn't time fly ?). Burnt many a midnight oil with wifey, North, South, village or city ???? My vote was Pattaya, hers village so after 20 years we hit a compromise Chiang Raiiiiii ! Ever felt like you've been conned ?

And by the way if ever I've been spotted in Boy's Town, it's only a short cut I use to Beach Rd. :ph34r:

:lol: yeah I know those kind of 'compromises' :lol: but I think there are worse places to end up in. I must admit, I was a little nervous of what to expect up in 'Nakhon Nowhere' (small village just outside Chiang Saen, which is small enough itself!) but I love it. Right on the Mekong and not too far from the airport, although the g/f-soon-to-be-wife seems to have a, so far unexplainable, love for buses. Me, I can't stand a bus, but hey, I'll wait for her at the airport :)

So, where in CR do you stay when you're there?




Hi Biff, we got a fish farm which is very-very basic out in a place called Thoeng. Which many moons ago was going to be where we would settle down, but the better arf reckons she couldn't handle it after living in the UK for the past 20 yrs. So we will be staying in a small apartment that we have in CR, behind Big C .

We bought a plot near by and had the architect draw up the plans, so hopefully we will start the build towards the end of the year ?

I started this topic as a reader not a writer, and here I am waffling on wifey reckons I can talk for Wales. Maybe that how she's developed her funny Welsh accent ? How do u manage with the lingo in the village, I've given it up as a bad job ?


Hi Biff, we got a fish farm which is very-very basic out in a place called Thoeng. Which many moons ago was going to be where we would settle down, but the better arf reckons she couldn't handle it after living in the UK for the past 20 yrs. So we will be staying in a small apartment that we have in CR, behind Big C .

We bought a plot near by and had the architect draw up the plans, so hopefully we will start the build towards the end of the year ?

I started this topic as a reader not a writer, and here I am waffling on wifey reckons I can talk for Wales. Maybe that how she's developed her funny Welsh accent ? How do u manage with the lingo in the village, I've given it up as a bad job ?


Lingo in the village is a confusing (to me anyway) mixture of Northern Thai, Lao and Gibberish. Fortunately I'm fluent in the latter so I get on ok :)

I'm learning to read and write Thai (like a 5 year old if I'm lucky!) and can kinda get by if I smile a lot. It's improving, slowly, I study almost every day and the reading is really helping, it was hard at first but I didn't give up. Now I can read words quite well in Thai, the next thing will be to know what the hell they all mean! :lol:

Good luck with the build, it's something I wanted to do. Maybe I'll get the chance one day, but for now I've bought a small house near Chiang Saen which will do us just fine for now.

:lol: at the thought of the Welsh/Thai accent. Almost as funny as my mrs version of cockney! I think it's the extended long vowel at the end of "awight geezaaaah" that gets me the most! :)


Hi Biff, we got a fish farm which is very-very basic out in a place called Thoeng. Which many moons ago was going to be where we would settle down, but the better arf reckons she couldn't handle it after living in the UK for the past 20 yrs. So we will be staying in a small apartment that we have in CR, behind Big C .

We bought a plot near by and had the architect draw up the plans, so hopefully we will start the build towards the end of the year ?

I started this topic as a reader not a writer, and here I am waffling on wifey reckons I can talk for Wales. Maybe that how she's developed her funny Welsh accent ? How do u manage with the lingo in the village, I've given it up as a bad job ?

Well the fish farms in Thoeng are doing very well.

Could not stand to live in CR proper even though it is a nice place to visit. Being hicks and hillbilly types wWe live out in a small village past Thoeng, nearly Chiang Khaem and after living in a few global mega-tropoli around the world we will stick with here. Its not a rat race thing as even in Bangkok and Hong Kong we still did our thing rather than everyone elses and with no pressing need to justify ourselves or seek kindred spirits we do quite well.

So good luck with your postings and possible expatriation. By the way where in Wales? Lived there for a few years a long time ago


HI Raylo, nothing against village life in-fact Thoeng is getting bigger and more modern every year we go back. I think it's just the comfort of knowing, that there is a bar or restaurant if the urge takes me, which it rarely does. But take them away and boy-o-boy !!! It's like where I live in Swansea a modern city I seldom use, and some of the finest coastline in Europe which I visit even less, but it's there, if that makes sense


HI Raylo, nothing against village life in-fact Thoeng is getting bigger and more modern every year we go back. I think it's just the comfort of knowing, that there is a bar or restaurant if the urge takes me, which it rarely does. But take them away and boy-o-boy !!! It's like where I live in Swansea a modern city I seldom use, and some of the finest coastline in Europe which I visit even less, but it's there, if that makes sense

Thoeng's got Bars and restaurants Taffy. Quite a few Farongs too, but they are mostly readers not writers . Like yourself ;)

Best to have a place in the country and a place in town methinks :) Bets of both worlds


HI Raylo, nothing against village life in-fact Thoeng is getting bigger and more modern every year we go back. I think it's just the comfort of knowing, that there is a bar or restaurant if the urge takes me, which it rarely does. But take them away and boy-o-boy !!! It's like where I live in Swansea a modern city I seldom use, and some of the finest coastline in Europe which I visit even less, but it's there, if that makes sense

Thoeng's got Bars and restaurants Taffy. Quite a few Farongs too, but they are mostly readers not writers . Like yourself ;)

Best to have a place in the country and a place in town methinks :) Bets of both worlds

Totally agree Jubby (that must be a first for this First for this Forum, but then I am a Newbie) :lol: I could use my fish farm for R&R, sort of like my very own Betty Ford clinic where I could dry out and detox ?? I know they have bars and restaurants there, using the plural very loosely but I tend to start feeling thirst about 8-9pm, followed by a late night supper. Which is Mission Impossible in Thoeng as it's all in darkness by 9pm, don't get me wrong I'm all for this early to bed, early to rise. After all I am an avid fan of Emmerdale and Country File.

But there again at this moment in time I see everything through the eyes of a holiday-maker and not of a settler, maybe when my time comes to join the ranks of expats I wont want to party so hard ??

And also due to the fact I wont have 11 months to save my hard earned pennies, to blow in 4 weeks :( .


Emmerdale and Country file, Wow, not seen for yonks. John Craven still alive !?

Emmerdale, Mmmm. I thought I was cured but obviously not

Eeeee Ahhh ! :o

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