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Guest IT Manager

Bags first go.

I agree. Hugely. Any of my customers confused or incensed by it I don't care.

I would strongly recommend anyone, before bagging out or complaining, read THIS..


I being an ATHEIST have no use for them and in fact fired a few shots over their heads when they would come miles off the beaten path ,up to my house in the rocky mountains of Idaho,

I have just finished a very good and informative book by James Michener called THE SOURCE, a very good read.

I have not been bothered by them here and hope that they never come to my home as I really hate being terribly rude to anyone.

But if pushed I can be about the rudest Bastard you ever saw.

Guest IT Manager

That's the chap alright.

Found copies of his book for sale in a Hotel last week. 250 baht and a very worthwhile read.

If anyone wants copies of his stickers, PM me. Both Thai and English available and he comes into CM quite regularly.

Guest IT Manager

Pete this pick-up referred to is something else.

Call me when you are coming to town next. Maybe have a beer somewhere and I will see what I can dig up in the way of books and stickers.


He's been around for a while and frequently flies close to the wind, with the authorities. Tends to be a little outspoken at times - but all power to him.

As regards missionaries. I have met two for whom I have immense respect. One runs a children's home and the other spends all his time way up country, both in LOS and neighbouring countries. He works for the benefit of the truly poor, arranging clean water and other infrastructure necessary for life. Both refuse to preach or try to convert anybody. They are both good men.

The others are totally misguided idiots who should be shipped home in chains. The damage they do to the indigenous peoples here and elsewhere is beyond measure.

Guest IT Manager

P1P know someone may be of use to your water man. Give him my address and I will pass his details on.


maerim - really well written mate, superb!

I wonder if the war against Muslims is because the Jesus lovers/rulers of the "free" world, are getting jealous of Alla, and portraying "them" in the worst light as Christianity is losing "members", right here on CNN, we will be back after these short messages! :o


Just returned home from Ngam Wong Wan Road and almost ran over two of them standing about 50mtrs apart on the divider in front of the Mall, with loudspeakers and huge yellow signboards. Apparently extolling the virtues of the virgin mother assorted family members and the holy land to all the local masses! Merry Xmas.



I have a christian background, and have experienced abuse with in the christian comunity therefore I would like to give a few comments to this post...

I agree totally that all missionaries with wrong priorities should be trown out of Thailand and never alowed back...

But because SOME are IDIOTS teach and learn the wrong message for there own winnings sake, there own popularitys sake and there own prosperitys sake... These people who claim they spread the LOVE of Jesus to the POOR in the world should have there priorities straightent up. And those are the people you guys talk about in this forum, and I understand why you dont like them a bit, neighter do I and they should be trown in Jail all of them...

Then there is missions like the missionaries of charity - it was started by a nun called Mother Teresa - she went out "serving the poor" at the streets of calcutta. She took care of them, binding there wounds, feeding there mouths, teaching there children. She say that she sees JESUS in every person and because she loves Jesus, she loves every person just as much.

She did not have to preach, all she did was showing her love to these people

Showing love opens the way to a persons heart - true christianity is about love, compasion and caring.

Real missionaries "serve" and "love" there inner source is there deep faith of the love of Jesus!

Fake missinaries want to be "served" and they want to be "loved" In there mind they think they "serve" and "love" all they do is read there bible, pray there prayers and therefor are more holy than other people... They are the saved ones, and every body has to believe the same they do. They will manipulate, and do everything they can to make conversions. They use an "outer source" what they see is what they believe... money comes in, people getting saved, children removed from there non christian families and ect... this is there "outer source" of worship and has nothing at all to do with christianity in GENERAL



May I suggest you check out Christopher Hitchen's critique of the late great

Mother Therasa. "The missionary position" before you get blinded by the light.

You can find it easily on the web, it seems to me that the only contribution the betterment of the world this old fraud made was to increase the sale of tea towels


Mother Teresa has many critics but that does not mean what she did was not a good thing... I have meet Mother Teresa personaly on one of my trips to India, I have seen her work, and worked in one of her homes.

She is if any a true missionary - when you read critical articles often it is viewpoints from the author and not based interely on facts.


I thought the photo opportunity she had with Papa Doc Duval from Haitai was absolutely charming. I bet she got on like a house on fire with his ton ton macoute.

That alone was worth her cannonising, by the way the Pope put her on the fast track for this(most other miracle workers have to wait years after they have snuffed it to be fitted with a halo) by the way because he will soon find out if a life of celibacy was worth it or not.


My grandfather was a baptist missionary in India for over 40 years. He sent my father to boarding school in Australia from the age of 8 yrs, my father saw him (& his mother) for a total of 36 days after that.

Just before his death my father told us (his chilren) of the 'Family secret" [read: disgrace] my grandfather not only molested Indian kids in his mission but some of his grand children as well.

I am highly thankful that I was born after the disgusting bastard died.



It would seem to me that this deviant behaviour is a prerequisite reading about the scandals of Catholic priests and young boys recently and that it is an abosolute must if you want this job.

The bigger scandal is that the hierarchy in the Catholic church knew what was going on and said and did nothing about it for years.

They have been forced to pay out vast sums in compensation to the the victims of these vile people preying on innocent young boys who trusted them.

Money that could be,if they want to pester villagers here, spent on infrastructure

or perhaps the odd hundred schools or so.

More tea vicar?

Guest IT Manager

I am quite amazed by how few supporters the xtian missionaries appear to have on here.

I need to make a point second to P1P's. There is a Kiwi Lady who is from the big church in Chiang Mai, who seems to do incredible amounts of work with the inmates at CM prison, visiting a few days a week, getting letters home for them etc and transferring messages between inmates and their families.

She doesn't proselytise or preach, just appears to have a genuine concern for them and their welfare including going to court with them.

I suspect she is a christian though, not a missionary.


I have an inkling that the reason there is not a great deal of support for these people is because anyone who has been for more than the odd week or so knows about these charlatans.

I would like to bet if the people who were actually funding these people knew just how and where their money was being spent they might have one or two points to make on this issue.

As for me I don't care what religion people are just as long as they keep it to themselves. I have been here a while and I have never been pushed to embrace Buddism but of all the religions and philosophies in the world it seems to me to be the most benign.

I am a bit worried about Moses and his support for Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhio ( any wonder the old goat changed her name) Albanias one and only export if you disregard asylum seekers in the U.K. perhaps he is in shock after reading Christopher Hitchens expose of her.

Guest IT Manager
I am a bit worried about Moses and his support for Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhio ( any wonder the old goat changed her name) Albanias one and only export if you disregard asylum seekers in the U.K. perhaps he is in shock after reading Christopher Hitchens expose of her.

Subtle Pete, Subtle..



I am a bit worried about Moses and his support for Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhio ( any wonder the old goat changed her name) Albanias one and only export if you disregard asylum seekers in the U.K. perhaps he is in shock after reading Christopher Hitchens expose of her.

I never cared to read Christoper Hitchens, why should I?

There is nothing in the world that can chance my opinion about Mother Teresa. What is so speciel about you ? That you obviously can make judgements on her as an individual?


I was worried about you, but as it's Sunday you were probably down at the God factory praying for me.

Save your knees, I have a belly full of Christians in this life, I sure as eggs is eggs don't want to be knocking around in eternity with your mob.

As to Christopher Hitchens, why let the truth get in the way if a good story?

I assume you know this "saint" did not give her charges the best of medical care as you were there, thankfully I was not, but old Aggie whenever she got sick didn't go to her dispensery for the odd aspirin she got on a plane to see proper doctors.

Try reading what he says about this "saint" I promise it won't bring you out in warts.

More tea vicar?

I was worried about you, but as it's Sunday you were probably down at the God factory praying for me.

Save your knees, I have a belly full of Christians in this life, I sure as eggs is eggs don't want to be knocking around in eternity with your mob.

Thank you for your genuin concern maerim :o

My past is in the Christian Community (Prothestant free church) I left that in 1999. Had i still gone to church I would probably pray for you... anyway it sounds like you have many christian admires who pisses you of... Good luck!

As to Christopher Hitchens, why let the truth get in the way if a good story?

I assume you know this "saint" did not give her charges the best of medical care as you were there, thankfully I was not, but old Aggie whenever she got sick didn't go to her dispensery for the odd aspirin she got on a plane to see proper doctors.

Try reading what he says about this "saint" I promise it won't bring you out in warts.

Would they have gotten the proper medical care laying dieing out in the streets of Calcutta?

Calcutta has 10 million registered citizens (probably 10 million unregistred) and only about 50 procent are fortunate to live above powerty level.... How many million people are in urgent need of medical attention....? If you feel like giving a helping hand or make a contribution to the missionareis of charity i'm sure that it would be more than welcome. As for Mother Teresa seeking medical attention abroad - if it is true - what is wrong with that?



Please, let us not let this thread degenerate into a slanging match between you

and I.

Although I do pose questions to to to you that you do not address.

Tell me and the rest of us what use the Christian missionaries are of use to my adopted country in a reasonable manner.

The next time you get off your high horse take a quick look at what ###### said in his post re Akha people and the missionaries.

Where it said look here, I also promise this will not bring you out in warts either.

Vicar, I swear you drink more tea than a Thai customs man


Please, let us not let this thread degenerate into a slanging match between you

and I.

Although I do pose questions to to to you that you do not address.

Tell me and the rest of us what use the Christian missionaries are of use to my adopted country in a reasonable manner.

The next time you get off your high horse take a quick look at what ###### said in his post re Akha people and the missionaries.

Where it said look here, I also promise this will not bring you out in warts either.

Vicar, I swear you drink more tea than a Thai customs man

Allright Mearim, I dont want a slanging match bewtween you and I eigther!

I defend (in my opinion) one of the greatest women on modern times and get a little upset when people disrespekt her work.

I have read the post by ###### and the Akha people. These so called missionaries are destroying the "Akha culture" and its people - and yes that upsets me. I am not defending that kind of missionary work, I understand why people are put off by missionaries if that is whats happening. I dont like missionaries who drive in big cars, and have big fancy homes. That is not the purpose of being a missionary.

This will be my last post on this subject - have a good x-mas every one!


Thank you Moses for your input to this debate it is certainly worth thinking about, you know, what you have not said.

Nuff said ( Thank's Trink)

Any one else who can enlighten the general populace as what good missionaries are to this wonderful country?

They used to come years ago with a bible in one hand and a gun in the other, usually with a load of armed men, soldiers.

These people went on to stop anyone having fun,and everyone knows you can't have fun if you are a Christian except if you are banging a tambourine at a happy clappy church (pass the sick bag please).

Now these degenerates come with a bible in one hand and a load of money in the other, so what they are doing now is buying or bribing people into salvation and if you don't want do be saved, fine, no problem, but you won't get the new school, village hall, new well, or whatever,, I think they would have to dig deep to save me, but's thats by the by.

You only have to look at what these people have done not only here but in many countries, ruined indeginous peoples way of life, they seemed to be doing O.K. till this shower turned up.

I really would welcome some positive input to this debate without old Aggy( tea towels T.M.) and her mates being mentioned.

Just how much tea do you drink vicar?

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