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How To I Prounounce The Following Words In Thai ?

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Someone please give me the prounciations for these words. Just the word, no sentence needed. I will figure the whole sentence with hand language :)




What time(when)




Which direction

Please wait

fried egg



one hour

how many times ?

Thank you.:jap:


More/many eek/mak

less noi

time wela

what time gee mong

starting, assuming we are talking about time here, tang tair

ending teung

where tee nai

which direction tang nai

please wait, ror sakru or diaw gon

fried egg gai dao

ice naam keng

one hour neung chua mong

how many times gee krang

sorry for the crap transliterations, its so much easier just to write in Thai to convey the vowel lengths and pronounciations.


Obviously pronounciation is hard to do with text - depends on where you are from as to how you will pronounce them. But the transliterated Thai terms are as follows (there will be alternmatives of course - especially with context):

More(many) - Mahk มาก

Less(little) - Lek เล็ก / nit noy นิดหน่อย

Time - This one is harder, because it depends on the context, โมง mohng (also short for an hour) perhaps, or กาล Gahn (meaning an era or time that something happened, but also used in a lot of pre/suffixes about time),

What time(when) - Mueh Rai เมื่อไร for the question When? (also Kran ครั้น can be used as in an event - when sonething happened) - กี่โมง Gee Mong what time?

Starting(beginning) - Again context - จุดเริ่มต้น Jud rerm dton for geographic starting point - ฐานกำเนิด tahn gum nert for a starting point (like a base line etc), ขึ้นต้น dtang dohn Comense/begin -there are words for starting an engine, origin, and so on\ - Thai also uses the word open where in English we would use start too in some cases.

Ending(finishing) - จบ Jop Finish/end, สำเร็จ sahm reht to complete (accomplish) - หมด Mot (All Gone - common none that) - เสร็จ Set (Finished)

Where - ไหน Nai for a question (suffix) - also อยู่ที่ไหน Yoo Tee Nai Where is... and ไปไหน Bai Nai Going where?

Which direction - ทางไหน thang nai which direction ไปทางไหน bai thang nai which direction to go in (which way is it)?

Please wait - กรุณารอ ga-roo-na raw Please wait กรุณารอสักครู่ ga-roo-na raw suk kru Please wait a moment

fried egg - ไข่ดาว Kai Dow sunny side up

omelette - ไข่เจียว Kai Jow

ice - (literally hard water) น้ำแข็ง Nam Keng

one hour - ชั่วโมง Chuah Mong (Hour) put หนึ่ง Neung in form for one, but Thais usually leave it off for one (like we do)

how many times ? กี่ครั้ง Gee Krung How Many times...


More/many eek/mak

less noi

time wela

what time gee mong

starting, assuming we are talking about time here, tang tair

ending teung

where tee nai

which direction tang nai

please wait, ror sakru or diaw gon

fried egg gai dao

ice naam keng

one hour neung chua mong

how many times gee krang

sorry for the crap transliterations, its so much easier just to write in Thai to convey the vowel lengths and pronounciations.

Thank you very very much rgs & wolf.

Is it ror sa-kru or ror sak-ru ?

gee is as you pronounce "g" or ge... as in "gear" ?


More/many eek/mak

less noi

time wela

what time gee mong

starting, assuming we are talking about time here, tang tair

ending teung

where tee nai

which direction tang nai

please wait, ror sakru or diaw gon

fried egg gai dao

ice naam keng

one hour neung chua mong

how many times gee krang

sorry for the crap transliterations, its so much easier just to write in Thai to convey the vowel lengths and pronounciations.

Thank you very very much rgs & wolf.

Is it ror sa-kru or ror sak-ru ?

gee is as you pronounce "g" or ge... as in "gear" ?

สักครู่ Suk - Kru (Both)

gee in gee mong is pronounced like bee with a 'g' instead of a 'b'.

Also note that egg is Kai not Gai (Gai is chicken)


Hi :)

sak kru

If anything the 'sak' has a very cut-off end syllable, like half a 'k' if you get what I mean! :)

gee has a hard 'g' like gear not soft like the name of the letter 'g'

You will also need to be aware of the tones, which is hard to get from typing.

If you can, practice with a native speaker. Ask them if you're saying it correctly. Don't forget your 'kh®ap/ka's as well :wai:


Is it ror sa-kru or ror sak-ru ?

gee is as you pronounce "g" or ge... as in "gear" ?

รอสักครู่ is raw sák-khrû: , a bit like "raw suck crew"

กี่ is gèe, with g as in gorgeous :whistling: (gear actually was the right guess)

Trying to read transcriptions (or worse: transliterations) is prone to mistakes, especially with tons of methods around (and I bet I didn't use a consistent one).

It's a good idea to learn your first words from audio files, as you can find them on http://www.thai-language.com/ for instance. Just enter all the words you asked for.

Try to carefully mimic the pronunciation, and take some time to hear and learn the difference between มาย ใหม่ ไม่ ไม้ หมาย (maai mài mâi mái mǎai, didn't find an audio example with same vowel lengths) and ดี ตี ที (dii tii thii) to find out what's important. Like in English, take heed of vowel length (you sure know the famous Italian "sheet" mis-pronunciation). งุ่มง่าม is another good thing to practice (ng- sound at start of syllable, not too common in European languages).

for your convenience:

Many มาก

More มากกว่า

Little (small) เล็ก

Little (few) น้อย

Less น้อยกว่า

Time เวลา

What time (is it) กี่โมง

When? เมื่อไร

begin (e.g. school) เริ่ม goes with end: เลิก

where? ไหน / อยู่ที่ไหน

Which direction ทางไหน

Please wait กรุณารอสักครู่

fried egg ไข่ดาว

deep fried egg ไข่ทอด

omelette ไข่เจียว

ice (frozen water) น้ำแข็ง

ice cream ไอศกรีม

(one) hour (หนึ่ง) ชั่วโมง

how many times กี่ครั้ง


More(many) มากกว่า maak gwaa

Less(little) น้อยกว่า noy gwaa

Time เวลา wehlaa

What time(when) กี่โมง or q กี่โมงแล้ว ? gii mong or gii mong laew

Starting(beginning) เริ่มต้น or เบื้องต้น rerm ton or beaung ton

Ending(finishing) จบแล้ว or เลิกแล้ว jop laew or lerk laew

Where ที่ไหน or ตรงไหน thii nai or trong nai

Which direction ทิศไหน or แถวไหน thit nai or thaaw nai

Please wait รอสักครู่ raaw sak khruu

fried egg ไข่ดาว khai daow

omelette ไข่เจียว khai jiiaw

ice นัำแข็ง naam khaeng

one hour ชั่วโมงหนึ่ง or ชั่งโมงเดียว chua mong neung or chua mong diiaw

how many times ? กี่ครั้ง gii krung


Thank you all of you again :)

Those pronounciations will be enough for me. Together with sign language, Thais can catch what I mean. Learning more like tones and Thai words will only confuse me.

Puschi, thanks for the Thai words but they are useless to me as I don't learn to write them. It is useful to know the Thai words for places though. Everytime I take the long distance bus and reach a station, I have difficulty knowing what town is it as the bus terminals only have the Thai name. Do you how can I find out Thai names of all cities/towns from any internet source ?


Learning more like tones and Thai words will only confuse me.

I know what you mean but tones and vowel length are very important, if it's a different tone, it's a different word altogether!

If you learn anything, learn tones and how long the vowels are, really, it's worth it.

Good luck :)


Puschi, thanks for the Thai words but they are useless to me as I don't learn to write them. It is useful to know the Thai words for places though. Everytime I take the long distance bus and reach a station, I have difficulty knowing what town is it as the bus terminals only have the Thai name. Do you how can I find out Thai names of all cities/towns from any internet source ?

Not sure if this is what you're looking for but it helped me with reading Thai signs and has some insight into Thai language basics, have a look, maybe it will help you :)


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