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Beach Road Chaweng, One-Way Reversal

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Warning - The following is a "rumour only".

I heard from a source, unfortunately not a very reliable one, that the one-way system along Beach Road in Chaweng will be changing direction.

It currently starts at the Northern end and is one-way in a Southern direction.

The change will obviously mean from the South to the North.

He also told me that the start and begining of the one-way section will most likely remain at the existing locations.

The change is due to be an annual event. And is due to many compaints by businesses that say their decline in customers coincides with the change from the old two-way road to the one-way system.

I stress, i heard this rumour only once, and from a source that at times "would have trouble finding his rear using both his hands".

Can anyone confirm, deny or further explore this rumour?

Edited by ysamui
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You are right. The pedestrians do appear to walk in circles, zig zag, backwards and in a daze all at once........

But, no, he was talking about the cars and bikes.

Really?! Thought that the one-way system is always a two-ways system, and in both sides.....no?

Are you talking about pedetrians?

Edited by ysamui
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I'm trying to figure out how reversing the traffic flow will help any business that is in the one way system ? Surely it matters little which way the traffic flows as long as it flows ? :o The majority of people just ignore it as it is.

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I have a better idea: let's change the direction of traffic every day. That would make sure the businesses can get straightforward supplies every second day and everybody else is totally confused as they should be. Maybe there would be some money to be made out of this? Like extra 100 THB taxi surcharge to avoid dead bodies in the road. Or police fees for road users changing the direction too early or too late.

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I think you have a wealthy career in local government and politics ahead of you!

When you get to the top... make sure you remember the one who got you started !!

I have a better idea: let's change the direction of traffic every day. That would make sure the businesses can get straightforward supplies every second day and everybody else is totally confused as they should be. Maybe there would be some money to be made out of this? Like extra 100 THB taxi surcharge to avoid dead bodies in the road. Or police fees for road users changing the direction too early or too late.

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am i in the Phuket forum????? or do i just have dejavu?

Just got back from Phuket and got lost in Patong. They've changed three soi's one way directionality (If you see what I mean)! Not too bad during the day but not very nice at night after a few beers, trying to direct a tuk tuk driver to a hotel he doesn't know and I can't find.:angry:

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am i in the Phuket forum????? or do i just have dejavu?

Just got back from Phuket and got lost in Patong. They've changed three soi's one way directionality (If you see what I mean)! Not too bad during the day but not very nice at night after a few beers, trying to direct a tuk tuk driver to a hotel he doesn't know and I can't find.:angry:

Old Irish Tale, author unknown

Some Guinness was spilt on the barroom floor

When the pub was shut for the night.

When out of his hole crept a wee brown mouse

And stood in the pale moonlight.

He lapped up the frothy foam from the floor

Then back on his haunches he sat.

And all night long, you could hear the mouse roar,

“Bring on the goddamn cat!”


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I think you have a wealthy career in local government and politics ahead of you!

When you get to the top... make sure you remember the one who got you started !!

I have a better idea: let's change the direction of traffic every day. That would make sure the businesses can get straightforward supplies every second day and everybody else is totally confused as they should be. Maybe there would be some money to be made out of this? Like extra 100 THB taxi surcharge to avoid dead bodies in the road. Or police fees for road users changing the direction too early or too late.

Thank you ysamui for your believe in my future. I seldom think I have one so it really lifted me up. I will run for a local government soon, as soon as they allow farang to the manger. In a meantime I will look to acquire some small cement factory to be ready for big time when it comes. And of course I will remember all the people who are supporting me now and offer them right cuts along with what they supposed to get, or even more :-)

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:o The majority of people just ignore it as it is.

I think the majority of people observe the one-way rule in Chaweng; it's Lamai where it was never taken seriously (and for good reason, since aside from cars, it makes no sense).

I can tell you why the beach road in Chaweng was made one way. Two reasons: one was the fact that the sound trucks would crawl through there at walking pace, and there was no way to pass them, thus creating a large back-up of cars and bikes; two was the fact that people would park their cars on the side of the road to "pop into a shop" and in doing so create a bottleneck that often became a roadblock.

I believe that if you banned curb parking unless in designated areas and told the sound trucks that they could be on the road but must maintain a proper speed, a two-way system would be workable (again).

Having to go all the way around the lake and up the road to finally hit the beach road is a very annoying and long detour.

Having said all that, it might make more sense -- if the beach road must be one-way -- to have it continue from south to north, and make people exit the road in the north and then head around the lake.

... or maybe they should set up a toll booth....

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