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Bangkok Vocational School Shooting Leaves 1 Killed And 2 Injured


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Sad situation for all concered. Eventually the killers will be caught and probably sent to jail for a couple of days or less and then released again into society having payed their debt to the victims and society. Just another walk in the park for the macho techy students. They really did not need to be so dramatic using a drive-by shooting. They could have simply used a car as there seems to be no penalty for a youth to kill someone by crashing a vehicle into someone and causing multiple deaths..

The continue fighting and killing among rival students is a perfect mirror of the today's Thailand :(

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Let the Thai people handle these matters,

it is NOT our business.

It's ok to read aboud the fact,but dont comment on it.

Look at your own garden ,you will never be a Thai and Thai never

listen to a farang,why should they?

In a country without adults, visiting adults must help with such matters.

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I was surprised to see Thailand no. one on this list... (nationmaster.com)

Crime Statistics > Gun violence > Homicides > % homicides with firearms (most recent) by country

VIEW DATA: Totals Definition Source printable.gifPrintable version Bar Graph Map function selectDate(e) { var d = e.options[e.selectedIndex].value; var url = window.location.toString(); url = url.replace(/&date=\d\d\d\d(-\d\d-\d\d)?/, ''); if(d) { url += '&date=' + d; } else { url = url.replace('/red/', '/'); } window.location = url; }

Showing latest available data. .td70 { width: 70px; text-align: right; white-space:nowrap; } .td40 { width: 40px; text-align: right; } .td150 { width: 150px; } .td180 { width: 180px; text-align: right; } .td225 { width: 225px; vertical-align: middle; }Rank Countries opacity.gifAmount down.gif # 1 Thailand:79.5805 # 2 South Africa:59.2028 # 3 Colombia:45.2092 # 4 Slovakia:45 # 5 Guatemala:42.0706 # 6 Zimbabwe:39.6026 # 7 United States:39.5604 # 8 Paraguay:37.8987

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Thais are poor innovators but excellent copiers. They particularly love to copy Americans. America made a cult out of teenage gangs with plays and films like West Side story. School shootings in America become global news, the occasional events in Canada or Europe rarely go global.

This is the most unfortunate thing about American cinema, especially the violent movies. Americans, and a lot of other people around the world, know it's just an action movie or a gangsta rap video, or whatever, and it doesn't pose as any sort of reality for the majority of the population. However, some people in some other countries don't know that, and they go around and start acting the same way. In most cases it's just comical, but a terrible side effect is when somebody thinks the violence in a movie is anything other than just entertainment. And, you see very sexually repressive countries editing out the nudity, but it doesn't matter if a kid sees someone get their head turned into a canoe. It's too late now, all that's left is for some cultures to grow up socially and get responsible.

'Americans .... know its just a gangster movie or a gangsta rap video, or whatever, and it doesn't pose as any sort of reality...' 'Americans know..' You sure about that? THAT's ONE HELL OF A GENERALISATION considering all the shootings, needless murders etc in the US...!!!!!!!



If you keep watching FOX news you might be persuaded to believe all sorts of false things, or maybe it's too late. ;-)

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Of course what means anything without some data?



Pretty interesting statistics referenced... I was actually surprised myself. Thanks, dumb farang. At .04 murders per 1000 people (#24) compared to .08 murders per 1000 people (#14), the referenced statistics would seem to suggest that peaceful Buddhist Thailand has 2X the murders per capita as the "Wild West" in America. What was someone else saying about learning to tend your own garden first before telling others how to tend theirs?

Clearly neither country has much to brag about, but I hardly see justification in the numbers for the arogant attitude of, "it's our business and we'll never listen to you!" The sad fact is, your children are dying; you should be trying to listen to anyone and everyone who might be able to help. Remember (and I paraphrase), "a conceited man (or nation!) can never be an intelligent man, for how can you learn what you think you already know?"

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Of course what means anything without some data?



Pretty interesting statistics referenced... I was actually surprised myself. Thanks, dumb farang. At .04 murders per 1000 people (#24) compared to .08 murders per 1000 people (#14), the referenced statistics would seem to suggest that peaceful Buddhist Thailand has 2X the murders per capita as the "Wild West" in America. What was someone else saying about learning to tend your own garden first before telling others how to tend theirs?

Clearly neither country has much to brag about, but I hardly see justification in the numbers for the arogant attitude of, "it's our business and we'll never listen to you!" The sad fact is, your children are dying; you should be trying to listen to anyone and everyone who might be able to help. Remember (and I paraphrase), "a conceited man (or nation!) can never be an intelligent man, for how can you learn what you think you already know?"

Wise words my friend. I'll try to keep those in mind.

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Let the Thai people handle these matters,

it is NOT our business.

It's ok to read aboud the fact,but dont comment on it.

Look at your own garden ,you will never be a Thai and Thai never

listen to a farang,why should they?

Ok - I hereby declare ThaiVisa.com officially closed... :blink:

At last !

Finished with those old fards yek yek !

Puching their fat noses in other people businesses !

Complaining and explaining !

And their is nothing to complain nor explain !


again TIT

and again TIT

Like it or not .

Greetz to the kast-springer , black belt,9th dan

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Let the Thai people handle these matters,

it is NOT our business.

It's ok to read aboud the fact,but dont comment on it.

Look at your own garden ,you will never be a Thai and Thai never

listen to a farang,why should they?

In a country without adults, visiting adults must help with such matters.

The visiting adults are refugies from their own country,they didn't fit in their own country and

now they "think" they know it all?

The whole of europe etc.... is drowning in dephts,coruption.............

they can take an example at Thailand !

Just look at your money compaired to the bath ......yes ,thats reality

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The continue fighting and killing among rival students is a perfect mirror of the today's Thailand :(

The continued fighting and killing among rival students is a perfect mirror of the today's America.

Not just today but 50 years ago in the US and Germany. I know I attended schools in both countries. Lets not forget today news travels around the world fast

and I read some place where thousands of years ago someone wrote in Egypt hieroglyphs " What has ever become of todays youth"

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The continue fighting and killing among rival students is a perfect mirror of the today's Thailand :(

I don't know where you are from anguid.But you only have to look at London. The amount of children as young as 12/13 being stabbed to death on a frighteningly regular basis. I'm afraid that it is a world wide problem, that the powers to be seem to ignore.


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Let the Thai people handle these matters,

it is NOT our business.

It's ok to read aboud the fact,but dont comment on it.

Look at your own garden ,you will never be a Thai and Thai never

listen to a farang,why should they?

In a country without adults, visiting adults must help with such matters.

Agree with the text in red, don't understand the text in blue :ermm:

EDIT/ I get it now, I was reading it wrong :rolleyes:

Edited by MaiDong
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Let the Thai people handle these matters,

it is NOT our business.

It's ok to read aboud the fact,but dont comment on it.

Look at your own garden ,you will never be a Thai and Thai never

listen to a farang,why should they?

In a country without adults, visiting adults must help with such matters.

Agree with the text in red, don't understand the text in blue :ermm:

:huh: Us westerners are only visitors here - even after 30 years - so digihambra is implying we (westerners) are the adults.

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This thread's getting silly. Maybe Thai teens should learn Romeo and Juliet, then Macbeth, Othello, and Hamlet. Oh wait, we want to reduce violence right? Catch y'all later on some other post. cool.gif

Or maybe an history of the early Popes of Rome & the inquisition?


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after living her a short time, I see Thai's have placed no value on life!They seem to jump to fight without fully understanding what the fight is about!
The continue fighting and killing among rival students is a perfect mirror of the today's Thailand

From today's British press

A 15-year-old schoolboy was killed in a ‘merciless’ knife attack planned on Facebook, during rush hour at Victoria station, a court has heard. GCSE student Sofyen Belamouadden was ‘hunted down’ by a heavily armed group of 20 teenagers before being stabbed, punched and kicked, jurors were told.

Sofyen was killed after tensions between pupils from two west London schools, some of whom saw the station as ‘home territory’, the Old Bailey heard.

Sofyen was stabbed nine times, including to the lung and chest.

The attack on the schoolboy, in March last year, was said to have been in revenge for an ‘inconsequential’ skirmish at Victoria the previous day when a boy from a rival school had been left with a bloody nose.

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Since inter-school brawls between relatively small groups of kids are on average far deadlier than most sizable political rallies, shouldn't there be more focus on these kind of stories?

Why isn't there more investigative journalism here? Interview teachers, interview kids, get stats on the worst areas and schools with the worst reputation, look into the motivating factors and characters involved etc etc. But there's none of this.

It appears that the lives of a-political kids have no value to those who would need a real reason to get upset about their deaths.

Why would they bother.... its not like anyone important has kids going to Vocational Schools... now if it had happened in front of Chula or Thammasat, then we would have a real problem and I an sure the movers and shakers would do what ever it took to ensure the safety of the students

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A large number of off-topic posts have been deleted. The topic is about Thailand; it's not about the evils of America. It is perfectly acceptable to use statistical comparisons--and in most cases, it's enlightening. Please keep your posts related to the topic.


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Let the Thai people handle these matters,

it is NOT our business.

It's ok to read aboud the fact,but dont comment on it.

Look at your own garden ,you will never be a Thai and Thai never

listen to a farang,why should they?

Thats all good and well, but they don't seem capable of solving too

many problems that plague Thai society these days. Actually they

don't really seem interested in doing anything unless there is

financial reward for themselves. One just has to look at the ROYAL

Thai police as a shining example of Thai society.

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I believe it's a school where students learn technical skills. A lot of students who are failing academically, or not academically inclined will stop 'regular' school after G. 9 and will then attend a vocational school.

We have posters that have worked at some of these schools, so maybe they can fill us in more specifically.

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Thats all good and well, but they don't seem capable of solving too many problems that plague Thai society these days.

Unlike the rest of the world's people who have solved all their problems! (No doubt your country is now problem free).

But seriously...I see nothing wrong with commenting on Thai societal ills. I do it plenty. But let's not kid ourselves that our complaining does any good. (Your comment seems to imply that we should get concerned because the Thais won't but A] do you know what to do? and B] even if you are right and they aren't doing anything, it still isn't our within our job descriptions either)

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Bring back corporal punishment, set these pieces of shit straight. There are 23 States in the US that still support "reasonable force". Unfortunately Thais don't seem to have the brains to know what is reasonable and what's not.

But since it's technically illegal now, I will turn a blind eye to the cun_ts I teach in regular program who don't understand the word "sit down". Although every once in a while the belt comes off and some wise-ass scumbag gets it in the face.

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Our boss said herself, society was much better with corporal punishment as most parents couldn't give two-sh1ts about their punk ass brats. Then came along the fabled Thai politicians, who took the reigns as "Education Ministers" -- otherwise <deleted> that don't know titty about education. These are the same sort of people who head English Departments yet speak not a word of English. It doesn't matter what your qualifications are -- as long as you're good at saving face.

Thailand works through corruption. If there's ANY idea out there, good or bad, the only reason it'd fail is because no one's making tea money from it.

Next time any of you have any brilliant ideas about helping this country, run em through the Thai Rule of Corruption -- if it can't make money for us -- FORGET IT.

Here are examples:

Cracking down on would-be drug users? NAAAAH. Wait till they become fat with billions of baht, kill an 8-year old before we book em.

Better education through better teachers? NAAAAH. Parent's don't know the difference and believe what they're told. Why bother?

More efficient grading system using technology? NAAAAH. Something "efficient" will no doubt plug all the loopholes and other grey areas we use to make students who fail, actually PASS.


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Let the Thai people handle these matters,

it is NOT our business.

It's ok to read aboud the fact,but dont comment on it.

Look at your own garden ,you will never be a Thai and Thai never

listen to a farang,why should they?

What a weird post right after the op, and I'm sorry, but <deleted> are you 'don't comment on it'! It most certainly is my business when my son goes to school here. Have another case of chang or go back to sleep!

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Let the Thai people handle these matters,

it is NOT our business.

It's ok to read aboud the fact,but dont comment on it.

Look at your own garden ,you will never be a Thai and Thai never

listen to a farang,why should they?

I'm pretty sure commenting is the very point of Forums. Even if the comment is garbage, anyone who can register can comment.

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Numerous posts and replies have been removed from view as being inflammatory troll posts:

Trolling can be defined as the act of purposefully antagonizing other people on the internet by posting controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.

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The comments about the rest of the world's children are spot on! Children these days are being raised as sociopath automatons.

Thanks to lack of responsible and disciplined parental upbringing, as well as the media and corporations.


This is the medias answer to a pseudo Daddy. Where's the real Daddy, or, do these tough-looking losers

celebrate every father's day just in case?


This is the medias answer to a pseudo Mommy.

See any similarity in the way girls dress and behave?

And then these ignorant girls wonder why sexually charged,

testosterone oozing boys follow them around like packs of

coyotes in heat, and see them for one thing and one thing only.

Where's your daughter tonight?


And then there is Justin Bieber; the latest preteen wunderkind who

appears in sexually charged music videos and makes sexual overtures

and innuendo towards adult women almost twice his age. Hooray

for Hollywood and young boys getting theirs! And don't even think

about making a video with the roles switched!

That's how far we've gone down the slippery slope. One should be able to switch the roles and not lose the balance. If you lose the balance, then something is extremely wrong, and someone is leading your child like a pied piper.

To say that no one can see what is wrong with these kids makes one a fool. To say that these kids have rights, when they are not old enough to have earned any rights, makes one a fool. These kids are behaving exactly as any human being at that age would behave if they had no one to point them in a certain direction. These photos demonstrate the direction that children are being pointed in by today's pseudo mommies and daddies, and no one seems to give a dam_n beyond lip-service.

With regards to Thailand, being such a small country with a low population and large military:

The government should transform all of their schools into military academies, and put their useless soldiers to work raising the next generation of feral beasts - transforming them into respectable citizens, who at least gain a sense of self respect.


Place qualified teachers in the classroom with and a couple of commandos standing in the back. No punk teenager is going to threaten or take a swing at a commando.

When derision breaks out, send the little monsters down into the yard, give them a shovel, and have them dig a 4 foot by 4 foot by 4foot hole, and then fill it back in. Force these little beasts to physically work out until they drop onto the ground in utter exhaustion.

Build barracks and put the trouble makers there 24/7. Work them from dawn until dusk until their hatred, feral attitudes and testosterone are sweated out through their pores and they beg to be given a chance to behave and try to act human.

Separate the females and males and give them military style haircuts.


It would be a marriage made in heaven, to give the kids an education that was originally intended, and to also give them a clear sign that any stepping out of line will be met with corporal punishment by capable soldiers.

I guarantee that no mafia punk, rich spoiled brat, or any other sordid type of Thai that is caustic to a harmonious society will give any kick back when they know that they are dealing with military trained staff and personnel who are capable of making their life a living hell.

This would be a swift remedy to the current problem.

The schools have failed!!!


It is time to make a dramatic change.

It seems to me that schools around the country are nothing more than a meeting place for kids to gather and waste their lives away by focusing on sex, porn, drugs, gang activities, MP3, Twitter, SMS'ing, romance, and any other activity that conflicts with the reason for even being at a school.

Bring in the military, and give the kids a chance with some tough love, self discipline training, and a little kick-ass physical training.

When you remove the outs, the support groups, the distractions, and draw the line in the sand, and provide an alternative that is reasonable, the kids will back down.

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