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Still amazes me,people stick there personel information on a website,your mothers maiden name is used for all type of identification.Put it together with your place of birth,who know whos behind that webpage and what they might do with the info.

Mine is nono busyy up-oyous

Flame away lol

Still amazes me,people stick there personel information on a website,your mothers maiden name is used for all type of identification.Put it together with your place of birth,who know whos behind that webpage and what they might do with the info.

  Mine is   nono busyy up-oyous

Flame away lol

No flame from here mate. Absolutely no way I'm putting that info into some anonymous website.

Here is a safe way to generate something similar, been around a while also gives a more interesting result :o

I suspect that the web script works the same way, perhaps someone who's already used the script can try it to confirm.

**How to determine your NEW Star Wars Name:**

For your new first name: take the first 3 letters of your

first name and add the first 2 letters of your last name.

For your new last name: Take the

first 2 letters of your mother's maiden name and add the

first 3 letters of the name of the city where you were born.

For your Star Wars honorific name and title:

take the last three letters of your last name and reverse them,

then add the name of the first car you drove/owned.

Next insert the word "of"; now tack on the name of the

last medication you took.



Greetings from:

Lisen Habri, Hcomimicro of Ibuprofen

Sutfo Jasta, Retcorsica of Humibid

Micki Becoc, Tikford of Claritin

Kimbr Mulos, lubug of Phenazopyridine

Romsa Crsan, Uhdbug of Zantac

Ranbo Lonew, Hsigranada of Demerol

Joeda Vesan, Alitoyota of Immodium

Merpe Tored, Sredodge of Famvir

Jaymi Hasea, Llenash of Naldecon (in the Alduran system)

Suzmi Mames, Llemustang of Tylenol (in the Sinus System)

Shema Dasco, Nitmustang of Toradol

Seada Biwor, Nosvega of perkaset

Kimba Epric, Rekbuick of Demoral

Racho Laday, Moocavalier of Orthotricyclen

Laumc Leurb, Ediescort of Evista

Jefli Gooxn, Morsu Baru of Asp Irin

Lorco Jowol, ounchevette of ibuprofen

Cista Oscyn, RolRamb Ler of PepCid

Ricta Oscyn, Rolrambler of Sudafed

Pauha Cyphi, LedMalibu of Calan

Jeaan Basai, Natcamaro of azmacort

Eribo Evstl, Yeltoyota of Amoxicillan

Jesre Shmin, Erhjetta of Tylenol (in the allergy system)

Katmy Shmin, Erhskylark of Prozac

Micmy Fimin, Erhbuick of Lipitor

Eliwi Stply, Smamalibu of Allegra

Emipi Oblan, NamJeep of Zithromax

Jussm Horog, Hti-falcon of Whiskey (in the gastric system)

Danka Comin, Eravolvo of Thermidrine (where ripped fuel is mined.)

Sunch Milos, Nesvolvo of Advil

chrfr Tewin, Nesbug of Miller

Janta Maphi, Nibacura of Halls

Davmc Cacha, Ydrgto of Attenol

Wayst Chlos, Enoolds of Advil

Marst Bawin, Enoford of Hydrocodone (the water planet)

Lukla Wabin, Nosgtx Of Cipro

Sheph Haeph, Spiduster of Midol

Maras Gilim, Tfomini of Epanutin

Elawh Colon, Etiviva of Ferrous Sulphate

Steco Webel, Atsrenault of Triclizade

Isasi Rilon, Enofiat of Echinacea & Tylenol

Jamgi Aslon, Yebbeetle of Nuro Fen (head galaxy)

Kimle Wohon, Eelraider of Ginseng

Serch Wohon, Gnucelica of Vitaminc

Senan Amman, Oi'nlaser of Phosphagen (creatine galaxy, where

stars are born)

Colgr Eanto, Mahmassey-ferguson of Melatonin

Sarro Maadl, Srecolt of Betacarotine

Dugro Brcle, Serap 5 of Astragalus

Annol Weade, Loccorolla of Telfast

Aliwe Pooxf, sllcortina of Venlafaxine

Elimo Shbal, Erecorolla of Amoxillin

Natha Sasyd, Sir Laser of Echinacea

Katco Wrsyd, Yllgalant of Mersyndol

Danan McSea, Inotransam of Drixine

Stepi Hasyd, Dipmer of Codral

Robho Liulv, Niksprinter of Teldane

Chapa Rybla, Reklaser of Nurofen

Annwe Brsco, Nodcharade of Klacid

Cried Miter, Deefairlady of Disprin

Douyo Hobri, Gnu Laser of Ecstasy

Yuvav Mojer, Ami Imafia of Acamol

Deafa Absyd, Worexpress of Nurofan

Joaon Bopor, Noscorolla of Ventolin

Julan Mibri, Nosdatsun of Aspirin

Shamc Albri, Hgumazda of Fefol

Amyke Casyd, Enagemini of Pulmicort

Sussl Rubri, Yrecelica of Panadol

Marbu Hobri, Rellaser of Panadol

Matke Frbri, Yllexcel of Cepacol

Catli Smbl, Hcidatsun of Oroxine

Brili Frepre, Hcimini of Boibotanical

Phicr Lasyd, Hculedgend of Brycanyl

Katpo Saalb, Sllcamry of Norimin

Katta Shmac, Atcamry of Panadol

Paueg Simac, Nagbubble of Bourbon

Sopcl Dosyd, Esomini of Multivitamin

Leidu Jetoo, Nifcivic of Augmentin Forte

Erifr Jubri, Greford of Lustral

Gisho Shsyd, Uarcorona of Caltrate

Pauch Bosyd, Reiej of Forte (no relation)

Marma Brlam, EarPrincess of Vitc

Kenwo Yepur, Gnogalant of Septosporin

Petsu Modar, Dnacorolla of Nurofen

Joaka Pinew, Zsamagna of Ginseng

Luksi Fisyd, Ndsgolfbuggy of Berroca

Aliwoo Lelon, Doocamery of Vitc

Jamla Desyd, Ecnvolvo of Nurofen

Triyer Rysyd, Reykingswood ofTriphasal

Davwe Josyd, Hclcorolla of Chlorsic

Joaon Wyauc, Noslancer of Panadol

Tanfu Aiwel, Droford of Propolis

Gavre Pohun, Sdl sixtwosix of Gin

Sarki Wagra, Gnihonda of Savlon

Sarcu Jeply, Silbelmont of Hepatitus A

Emda Irbri, Siv-Micra of Antifect

Sanbe Bebro, Tnomini of Arak(of the pstqwik galaxy)

Neida Bubar, Yev-toledo of putanesca

Jertu Jobar, Yre-allegro of Salbutamol

Robel Wacar, Ttoviva of Disprin

Davcr Jabol, Ssoreliant of Glenfiddich

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


I wanna play but sorry .... I don't buy that disclaimer for a second.

It's crazy to volunteer than kind of information. These are some of the key questions that companies ask for verifying financial records, credit records and transactions. It is just inviting someone to launch an attack on your banking, credit and cyber-records.




Hi Spee, How's Birmingham?

They don't ask address, so can't see how they could use your name and mother's maiden name. However, I would agree people should be careful what they key into public forms.

Start Wars: Lri Jelo

Crossy: Ricle Jelon, Eelhonda of Viagra ( :o  joke) of Paracetamal

Obviously the webscript doesn't work in quite the same way as the 'hand job', probably used it as the model though.

I got the instructions about ... well a long time ago shall we say.

A thought to ponder:-

People tend to remain in the locale where they were born, the phone book will easily provide your address.

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


Watda Panew - Sounds slightly Thai to me.

Also, this is the very reason I've never watched any stars wars films, because the names are absolutely rediculous :o

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