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My Number One Problem With Hua Hin


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I recently returned from my first visit to HH. I don't live in Thailand but I visit often. I have looked at HH as a place to spend a few weeks each year, so I wanted to check it out.

The beaches are ok, and it is a relatively clean town. BUT, what is it with the dogs? I like dogs, and when there is a problem dog it is usually the owner that is the problem.

But as I am walking along the beach I see all the scruffy, obviously homeless dogs wandering the beach. Then I decide to get up early one morning and go for a walk. As I am walking along one of the sois near the beach this dog is sitting on the steps of a house and comes out to me growling. I am a bike rider, so I have learned over the years to distinguish between dogs that come toward you, but don't bite, and those that come toward you to bite. After a few seconds I determined that this one was all bark and no bite, but it was a scary few seconds.

Is there some reason why the people who are in charge of Hua Hin cannot do something about this? It is hitting their pocketbook big time, because I think that is a big negative of Hua Hin!

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There are many stray dogs everywhere in Thailand but the municipality in Hua Hin especially does not seem to want to deal with the problem. We live near a big Wat and people dump unwanted dogs there because they know the Monks will take care of them (barely) but they hang around in front of the Wat in packs. I personally haven't had a problem with them but when my dogs occasionally get out of the yard they get into fights with them and my male has had to get stitches a couple of times (almost died once with his throat ripped open) when the pack tore him up.

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It is indeed a huge problem in Hua Hin and I don't believe it is all down to the Thais, you see many farang feeding these strays and that certainly does not help.

There was a post recently on the local Hua Hin forum where a guy claimed that during his recent holiday there he did not see one stray dog, can you believe that?

Edited by stander
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Soi dogs in some sois at night can be vicious in packs, apart from that I don't mind it. However the soi where my dad lives they aren't too friendly wjhen its dark and i've heard storys. But I've never had a prob yet and i'm an animal lover, quite sad to see.

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In Thailand it seems to be generation after generation of dumb-ass soi dogs that lay in the road and wait to get hit. That is a shame, you see 3 legged dogs quite a bit.

I have even seen them laying on the railroad tracks sleeping.

When I lived in BKK there were soi dogs outside my apartment and after giving them some snacks here and there they accepted the 'farang' without barking. A stranger, good luck at night, they could take a piece of your leg if hungry. I remember muay thai fighters training on the soi next to us and going for a jog and coming around the corner to our soi and having to break into a full on Olympic 50 yard dash just to get out of there.

There were quite a few howls each night when 'Pee-ghosts' come by. The weirdest thing was one time when the alpha male dog of the pack ran right past me at full speed and chased what appeared to be a ghost down the soi biting at it like a savage.

Dogs have never scared me, and I have only been bit one time as a kid by a dog that was so small it chomped into my leg while I was running away. It wouldn't let go and so I had to stop running and punch it in the head 5 times before it let go of my calf.

Hua Hin has some very interesting monkeys on the way up to the Wat near my house. They are a trip, families of monkeys including grandpa who looks like he wants a beer chang while grandma monkey just wants lottery tickets.

ok, my worthless post end here i guess...

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Feed them with poison as they do else where in Los , it takes care of the problem for awhile. whistling.gif

Yes i like those soi dogs really , they can be both nice , bright and friendly if you learn to know them. wink.gif

I'm not so sure, i'll continue with the Bat & if one goes for me i'll have no qualms about hitting it with it whilst Jogging..;)

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Feed them with poison as they do else where in Los , it takes care of the problem for awhile. whistling.gif

Yes i like those soi dogs really , they can be both nice , bright and friendly if you learn to know them. ;)

I'm not so sure, i'll continue with the Bat & if one goes for me i'll have no qualms about hitting it with it whilst Jogging..;)

I hope one jumps out the bushs and bites you in the arse and you drop the bat and run screaming like a school girl.;)


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  • 3 weeks later...

I have a dog that can take care of its self but when I am walking it, I just carry a BB gun with ceremic pellits. It hurts like hell being shot by one of these. There are several realy bad aggresive packs on the route I take and I have shot a few of them over the last year or so. When I walk towards them with my dog now, they run away as they know what they are going to get.

I am a dog lover but to hell with it..... If a pack of dogs come at me, ill shot the hell out of them. I dont care what lasting injuries it leaves. Its dog eat dog, isnt it?

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Last night I was trying to find my thai friends house (he lives in a shitty apartment in a tiny lane off a soi) could fit maybe 2 bikes in the soi and it's lumpy grass / graveil. Well I took the wrong turning and ended up with a dog (not small) chasing me at about 20km/h trying to bite my girlfriends legs on the back of the bike in pitch black. I had to turn around at the dead end as well and he had kept up lol .. It was amusing but serious at the same time, there were a lotty shitty thai houses / apartments not just one house and a guard dog. The dog wasn't playing and I feel sorry for the next person that ends up there by accident, hope it's not a little thai girl because it's not easy ground to control a bike there also, nearly had me off.

Dogs seem ok in the day but in the evening they are nothing but <deleted> in Hua Hin, sit in the road trying to chase you in some sois. Bangkok they are 100x smarter, I've seen a dog use the fuc_king over pass at sukmvit lol ...

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Dogs seem ok in the day but in the evening they are nothing but <deleted> in Hua Hin, sit in the road trying to chase you in some sois. Bangkok they are 100x smarter, I've seen a dog use the fuc_king over pass at sukmvit lol ...

I've seen that too - many times, bkk dogs do use the over pass

Edited by phillies
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In Thailand it seems to be generation after generation of dumb-ass soi dogs that lay in the road and wait to get hit. That is a shame, you see 3 legged dogs quite a bit.

I have even seen them laying on the railroad tracks sleeping.

Maybe these dogs aren't so dumb after all. If I was born a soi dog in Thailand, I think I'd look for fast exit from life,

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  • 2 months later...

Soi dogs in some sois at night can be vicious in packs, apart from that I don't mind it. However the soi where my dad lives they aren't too friendly wjhen its dark and i've heard storys. But I've never had a prob yet and i'm an animal lover, quite sad to see.

The fact is house break ins are rife in Hua Hin, happned to me whats the answer ? get a dog, cos for sure the cops dont care, I had an alarm system installed only to learn the police will not respond unless the owner of the house calls , no good the guy living next door calling so alarm total waste of money best just post some signs this house alarmed. back to the dog seriously they are they are there for breakins.

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My alarm will nearly burst your eardrums and if at night it also has powerful strobe lights. I suspect that only a very determined burglar would continue entry once the sound and light show started. My system also has a dialer that calls my mobile phone if it is tripped so that if nearby I can go home or wherever I am I can call the police or neighbor or friend to investigate. Of course I also have a high wall, two guard dogs, security night lighting, and camera surveilance. :whistling:

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In Thailand it seems to be generation after generation of dumb-ass soi dogs that lay in the road and wait to get hit. That is a shame, you see 3 legged dogs quite a bit.

I have even seen them laying on the railroad tracks sleeping.

When I lived in BKK there were soi dogs outside my apartment and after giving them some snacks here and there they accepted the 'farang' without barking. A stranger, good luck at night, they could take a piece of your leg if hungry. I remember muay thai fighters training on the soi next to us and going for a jog and coming around the corner to our soi and having to break into a full on Olympic 50 yard dash just to get out of there.

There were quite a few howls each night when 'Pee-ghosts' come by. The weirdest thing was one time when the alpha male dog of the pack ran right past me at full speed and chased what appeared to be a ghost down the soi biting at it like a savage.

Dogs have never scared me, and I have only been bit one time as a kid by a dog that was so small it chomped into my leg while I was running away. It wouldn't let go and so I had to stop running and punch it in the head 5 times before it let go of my calf.

Hua Hin has some very interesting monkeys on the way up to the Wat near my house. They are a trip, families of monkeys including grandpa who looks like he wants a beer chang while grandma monkey just wants lottery tickets.

ok, my worthless post end here i guess...

Congratulations you are exacerbating the problem by feeding them.

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Congratulations you are exacerbating the problem by feeding them.

Some farangs (like me) feed strays so we can gain their trust. We then catch them and pay (out of our own pockets) to have the dogs spayed/neutered. Do you have any idea how many puppies a single female (and her offspring) can have in just a couple of years? Hundreds. Even if we fix just one dog, it makes a huge difference. Males that have been neutered are less aggressive too. So next time you see a farang feeding a dog, keep that in mind. Some of us are trying to make a difference.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Congratulations you are exacerbating the problem by feeding them.

Some farangs (like me) feed strays so we can gain their trust. We then catch them and pay (out of our own pockets) to have the dogs spayed/neutered. Do you have any idea how many puppies a single female (and her offspring) can have in just a couple of years? Hundreds. Even if we fix just one dog, it makes a huge difference. Males that have been neutered are less aggressive too. So next time you see a farang feeding a dog, keep that in mind. Some of us are trying to make a difference.

Commendable but am sure just as many are feeding them and not neutering, many of these people wont have a word said against such dogs, they call themselves "dog lovers" always makes me laugh.

Edited by travelmann
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Never been to Hua hin but I have been to Ko Samet and they are a issue there.

Do what I do! Buy them some food from 7/11 and not only do you have a new friend but some handy protection against other dogs or thieves if you have one too many changs and fall to sleep on the beach!

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I live a sanitized life here in Hua Hin, because I hardly see any feral soi dogs. I live on Soi 80, and there are a couple of happy, well-mannered canines who have been unofficially adopted by a few human residents, so I guess technically are still soi dogs, but they are friendly as all get-out (one actually followed me into my house when I left the gate and door open) and usually go to their adopted family's yard to sleep at night.

I've walked along long stretches of Phetkasem, the Rot Fai road, Sois 84, 86, 88, 10, Sa Song, and the dogs are few and far between. Compare with Pattaya/Jomtien from whence I moved, where YIKES, there are dogs EVERY place, including main streets.

I guess as a "city boy," I don't get to the Hua Hin "suburbs" enough to see the feral dog action?

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Congratulations you are exacerbating the problem by feeding them.

Some farangs (like me) feed strays so we can gain their trust. We then catch them and pay (out of our own pockets) to have the dogs spayed/neutered. Do you have any idea how many puppies a single female (and her offspring) can have in just a couple of years? Hundreds. Even if we fix just one dog, it makes a huge difference. Males that have been neutered are less aggressive too. So next time you see a farang feeding a dog, keep that in mind. Some of us are trying to make a difference.

Commendable but am sure just as many are feeding them and not neutering, many of these people wont have a word said against such dogs, they call themselves "dog lovers" always makes me laugh.

I guess what I was trying to say is "please don't judge when you see a farang feeding a dog." Because you never know. Maybe it's one of the "good" ones.

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I have a dog that can take care of its self but when I am walking it, I just carry a BB gun with ceremic pellits. It hurts like hell being shot by one of these. There are several realy bad aggresive packs on the route I take and I have shot a few of them over the last year or so. When I walk towards them with my dog now, they run away as they know what they are going to get.

I am a dog lover but to hell with it..... If a pack of dogs come at me, ill shot the hell out of them. I dont care what lasting injuries it leaves. Its dog eat dog, isnt it?

Pack of Dogs against a BB Gun? Interesting.

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I have a dog that can take care of its self but when I am walking it, I just carry a BB gun with ceremic pellits. It hurts like hell being shot by one of these. There are several realy bad aggresive packs on the route I take and I have shot a few of them over the last year or so. When I walk towards them with my dog now, they run away as they know what they are going to get.

I am a dog lover but to hell with it..... If a pack of dogs come at me, ill shot the hell out of them. I dont care what lasting injuries it leaves. Its dog eat dog, isnt it?

Pack of Dogs against a BB Gun? Interesting.

Ceremic pellits. They work. More often than not just the sound of the pellits wizzing past the pack is enough. They really are a problem on the walk I used to take. I used to carry an extendable cosh also but worried that I would have to get too close to use it. I also tried pepper in a water gun but that didnt work because again, you have to get real close. There are two dogs in particular that used to stand in the middle of the soi just waiting for you to get near them barking like mad. I used to fire the BB gun for 20 yeards away and as I said, the pellits wizzing past them would scare them off.

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