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Thailand Invites Obama To Patch Up


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Oh dear - the US (which for those who don't know is an abbreviation in England for USELESS) have managed to worm their way in even further to Asia - Hmmmm, lets look at the great job they've done in the US shall we? and let's not forget the completely mindless and idiotic / unessecarry destruction of human beings that they imposed on Laos, Cambodia, Japan and of course Vietnam - oooops, suddenly it don't matter 'cos this is the Thais and the US will undoubdtebly be offering a lot of cash to the bigwigs - oh happy days - Vive Le Corruption!

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Don't even equate the Thai/US Amnity Treaty with Obama. That treaty was established five years after he was born so connecting him with it is bull. If the Thais was oratory, yes, let him come. Substance, forget it.

Yes, I am an American who is watching my country go to hell in a hand basket due to him and his Chicago type politics. The only thing he will bring is a bunch of planes and synchophants costing millions for the US taxpayer. He could care less for this part of the world other than maybe China. Possibly Indonesia due to his childhood.

By the way, the definition of "investment" in the Obama dictionary is spend, spend, and more spending of the US tax dollars..

The Amity treaty was not signed again, leaving it in a tenuous state.

The US has a government, but even that is run by the "powers that be". Every elected president for the last forty years (since LBJ...) has met with the "powers that be", the US government is just the "front man". Presidents don't really have a choice in the matter.

Let's think big picture here for a moment. Consider this recent event from a different angle.

Let's say I am a big bank and I decide that I want to have more power, since I already have lot's of money. So I develop sophisticated investment instruments like credit default swaps and derivatives. Then I go to the market and say, here is all the available credit you can stand. Got a pulse, here's a loan. Your 89, on your second liver with a heart condition, here's a loan. No paper work (aka liar loan) here's a loan. Now the market goes crazy and everybody thinks the good days are here, we're going to be rich baby.

When the market reaches a fever pitch, the banks pull back the credit and the market crashes. What happens? The banks get all the houses back under contract law, some banks fail, (making more room for the remaining banks because now it is a smaller pie) And the government bails out the remaining banks with the TARP program. Now the banks are sitting on this huge transfer of wealth, and are not loaning it to the people stuck with the bill, the American citizen.

Obama is not capable of this all by his lonely.

This is just the tip of the iceberg.

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