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Phuket Nipple Alert: Staying Abreast Of Nude On Our Beaches


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on the selected beaches it should be legal, but what I can see, it's acceptable on many beaches.

never heard about ‘quasi-nudism’, sound like a neologism

Neologism? Sounds like a newly made up word to me. Must look it up.

Anyhow, more like Neil Morrisey to me and on drugs too.

Who wrote this garbage for the Phuket Rag? Something surely meant for the back side of life? Can't write a single paragraph for what is meant to be a newspaper article. Unlike the 'e' media we use, that stuff is still in print and therefore subject to certain rules of grammar. One of them being the use of paragraphs. Awful trash.

There's no story. There's some attempt at sensationalism though god knows how any of us can be mildly amused or interested at beach tits when sex is in your fcae 24-7 at any of the so called entertainmemnt places of Pattaya and Phuket.

Now maybe 30 years ago when I was a lad and tits had just started peeping out of page 3 then maybe, just maybe this sort of story could have been worth the two minutes it took to compose. But really, now?

I just hope they don't get paid for this trash.

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The funny thing is that in the rural parts of Thailand I have seen many very old ladies who never cover their breasts. Most 60 year old plus women seem not to suffer from modesty when bathing publicly and bare breasted.

I can only surmise that covering the breasts is a fairly recent development in Thai culture.

Or maybe it's because not too many are interested in ogling a 60+ year old :blink:

Thats a good point. I recall seeing photos of (then) Siam, circa 1900, and many rural Thai ladies were topless, no big deal. Didn't this newfound modesty start with dictator General Phibuns campaign to westernise Thailand, in matters of dress and other superficial changes?

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"Prudish as it may sound, Western ladies – and men in some cases – should be a tad more sensitive to the culture we live in. Exposure of one's privates in public is definitely frowned upon here."

I don't see anyone frowning upon young Thai women showing their privates every time they sit on a chair or walk up the stairs :unsure:

Yes I think we should act in a sensitive manner and respect the culture, but that doesn't mean we need to be blind to the fact that there is a lot of hypocrisy in this culture.

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what a pathetic statement, gogo bars are where adults go to see this sort of thing, beaches are public places where children can go, this is a Muslim area where such things are frowned upon and decent Thai parents struggle to bring up children without the bad influence of us westerners. This is Thailand, it is illegal! end of story!

OMG so children are in danger of seeing... gasp!... breasts?

How's that for evil Western influence... :whistling:

You sure sound like someone straight from a medieval era where woman and her sex were the pure manifestation of the devil...

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Many times here in Kamala i have approched topless females and told them that this is a Moslem communnity and to please cover up as they are offending their host.

I'd say 95% of them should not have gone topless in the privacy of their own homes much less in Public. :bah:

Some would cover up and apologize and say they didn't know, some would say its not my country, others would tell me that no thai had told them that so they assumed it was ok,

There should be signs on every beach that it is NOT acceptable behavior in Thailand. Note not just the words but a pair of sagging breasts with a big red X thru them

This is a predominately Buddhist country.

I think you'll find that he said "here in Kamala" which is a predominantly Muslim village, Thailand in general is predominantly Buddhist, bet here in southern Thailand Islam is the predominant religion.

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Some years ago, my friend wanted to go to Jomtien Beach to look at the farlang women going topless. By the way, they were really good looking but to my surprise, we looked out onto the beach and there were two Thai ladies going topless also. One was the girl friend of a farlang and the other a dancer somewhere in Walking Street.

So it is not only the farlangs, some Thais also. For those who are interested, the Thais were rather nice looking also. My friend took pictures that day and they did not seem to mind at all. It did surprise me even as I was shyly looking. Yeh, right.

Repeat after me .....

Falang farang falang farang falang farang falang farang !

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Many times here in Kamala i have approched topless females and told them that this is a Moslem communnity and to please cover up as they are offending their host.

I'd say 95% of them should not have gone topless in the privacy of their own homes much less in Public. :bah:

Some would cover up and apologize and say they didn't know, some would say its not my country, others would tell me that no thai had told them that so they assumed it was ok,

There should be signs on every beach that it is NOT acceptable behavior in Thailand. Note not just the words but a pair of sagging breasts with a big red X thru them

This is a predominately Buddhist country.

I think you'll find that he said "here in Kamala" which is a predominantly Muslim village, Thailand in general is predominantly Buddhist, bet here in southern Thailand Islam is the predominant religion.

Wrong. Not even close.

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Ahh yes........the old "respect the local culture" argument.

In that case, I suppose we must respect:-

Female circumcision in the Sahel countries because it's the culture.

The caste system in India because it's the culture.

Bull-fighting in Spain because it's the culture.

Cock-fighting to the death in the Philippines because it's the culture.

The oppression of women in Arab countries because it's the culture.

Frankly, any culture that makes "face" more important than "truth", I regard as inferior to my own.

:thumbsup: the voice of reason. Great post!

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I just couldn't agree more! This issue really gets my goat. I see them all the time and what's worse is one regular offender LIVES here and goes topless at the beach in front of her nanny!!!! The audacity of this woman to be soooooo disrespectful is just mind-boggling. At least I tell myself that the tourists are just dumb, after all, we all know by now they leave their brains behind when they come on holiday heresorry.gif.....some are just pain rude and don't care, but I dare-say most are just plain ignorant *sigh*.

Does anyone have any more creative ideas about how to deal with this? I was recently faced with 5 topless women whilst trying to have lunch with my husband...a little distracting as you don't have to live here long for modesty to become your mantra and so whereas a set of boobs a few years ago may not have raised an eyebrow, it certainly raises more than that now! Mostly my blood-pressure!angry.gif

Why do you find the human body so offensive? Boobs are natural. It's your attitude that's unnatural. Why should you be the judge of what other people do?

my thoughts exactly. I also love the posts from the newbies, people just having moved here that are ultraprotective of all things Thai (yet to discover the great hypocrisy)....reminds me of my first year here ahhhh the memories :jap:

You need to read my previous response to this....AND you're clearly saying that respecting someone else's culture means that you've not been here long and aren't aware of the hypocrisies? Says it all here - and will now make an assumption you're one of those lovely Farang men who haven't see their 'equipment' for the last 20 yrs due to the gorgeous beer gut they've been tending to so lovingly, who is in his 50s, been living here for the last 20 yrs on and off, and rides around on his scooter with his very petite and pre-pubescent looking girlfriend on the back..... hypocrisy exists in many forms and you display it by living in a country where you show disdain towards other's basic cultural norms. If I get as jaded as you clearly are, then it will indeed be time for me to depart wai.gif

haha Well Im sitting in my office with my colleague (Thai man 38 years old) and we are both laughing at your post and at the fact that SOME farang are making a big deal about what my friend here would call "normal". Normal and not a big deal for tourists ladies to tan without their tops. It's funny how TOURIST, English teachers etc. like you feel the need to protect the locals 'culture'

Im 41 by the way, 70 kg., married to a southern girl, I have a Toyota not a scooter, I've worked here for the past 5 years, I speak Thai AND I would laugh in the face of anyone Thai or farang that says this is a threat or assualt on Thai culture :lol: As I said in other posts - at every resort I have worked at here there have been ladies laying out topless around the pool and NEVER had ANY of the Thai staff I worked with be the LEAST bit put off by it but clearly YOU know what's best for them right?

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Who is the prudish, backwards, mentally-immature, puritanical freak who wrote this article? I agree that one should consider the local customs, but if you are from a 'western' country and you find nudity in public a problem, like the author of the article, then you have some mental problems you need to confront.

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I just couldn't agree more! This issue really gets my goat. I see them all the time and what's worse is one regular offender LIVES here and goes topless at the beach in front of her nanny!!!! The audacity of this woman to be soooooo disrespectful is just mind-boggling. At least I tell myself that the tourists are just dumb, after all, we all know by now they leave their brains behind when they come on holiday heresorry.gif.....some are just pain rude and don't care, but I dare-say most are just plain ignorant *sigh*.

Does anyone have any more creative ideas about how to deal with this? I was recently faced with 5 topless women whilst trying to have lunch with my husband...a little distracting as you don't have to live here long for modesty to become your mantra and so whereas a set of boobs a few years ago may not have raised an eyebrow, it certainly raises more than that now! Mostly my blood-pressure!angry.gif

thai double standards. Dont fully enforce nudity laws, but fully cover up smoking, drinking, and guns on tv. Go figure. We have similar laws in Hawaii, but Europeans disrespect the laws there too. The law enfarcement should book em, fine em 1000, euro, dollars BP, hold for 24 hrs :lock:, then transport to airport and send em home. Word would spread fast internationally.

Thank god you're not in charge - why not move to Saudi Arabia then you can be happy that people are forced to obey the law better yet why not behead people for laying in the sun with bare breasts - word would really spread fast then right and you would have an end to the horror that is a naked breast - hey monkeys and apes should be made to cover up too heaven forbid an inoccent child sees one of their breasts.


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As expected most of the complaints are from women who don't like the competition of young nubile breasts.:lol:

What is funniest is you can go to most gogo bars and see the lot, no problems. Perhaps this is the problem, the professionals hate the amateurs offering the same for free.

I think the problem is that other people don't want that sort of thing in public. I'm the kind of guy you're likely to find in the red-light area of town, simply because I love the excitement and danger, the party life and sometimes the girls. But I would be a bit surprised if a place like Thailand, with a (let's face it) reputation for its red-light industry, allowed that side of things to infringe upon the family friendly tourist spots, such as beaches, hotel pools, parks and shopping districts, shopping malls etc... I mean really. What's the difference between being naked at the beach or at a park? They're both outdoor recreational areas frequented by people of all ages, races, and cultures.

Once you allow girls to go topless at the beach in Thailand, the next step is night-life girls using the beach for some $ on the side. The beach turns into a daylight red-light district, tourism takes a dive and the place gets a bad rep. Some idiots will do things on the beach they should do in the privacy of their own home, and it all turns to custard.

I'm no prude, but I don't fancy seeing kids playing in a place where working girls are looking for clients, posing sexy, and flashing their wares not for a tan but as bait for men willing to pay. In Thailand, it's a very different scenario to Saint-Tropez in France.

Freelancers are already at the beach and where exactly are the "red light" districts here? One can find a "karaoke", bar with bargirls, massage............on and on where you can get some all over the place here. Idiots will do things they are not supposed to do anyways why because they are idiots.

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..... and the lady went back to her stall to sell the porn dvd's i bet.

Some things you just couldnt make up in Thailand, how is it so acceptable to sell SEX and SEX DVD's but showing a bit of flesh on the beach or surrounding area is frowned upon. Is it one rule for Farangs and obne rule for locals here ?

As i see it, its the same rule. There is more than likelihood that the woman is selling porn dvd's or owns a stall selling sex aids, but these products in most cases are there to satisfy the farang needs, same as the showing of naked parts of the body in general public.

As much as i appreciate the female form, I do think that tourists should show more respect for the Thai culture as voiced by the majority of thais.

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..... and the lady went back to her stall to sell the porn dvd's i bet.

Some things you just couldnt make up in Thailand, how is it so acceptable to sell SEX and SEX DVD's but showing a bit of flesh on the beach or surrounding area is frowned upon. Is it one rule for Farangs and obne rule for locals here ?

As i see it, its the same rule. There is more than likelihood that the woman is selling porn dvd's or owns a stall selling sex aids, but these products in most cases are there to satisfy the farang needs, same as the showing of naked parts of the body in general public.

As much as i appreciate the female form, I do think that tourists should show more respect for the Thai culture as voiced by the majority of thais.

This is of course agreeable in spirit, but which laws in any society are really held dear when not enforced? In this country (Thailand) a law that's not enforced is held dear b/c locals simply feel it in their hearts, okay fair enough. But, you rarely hear of instances where foreigners are punished for exposure in Arabic countries b/c there they know it's punished swiftly. Maybe it's just my view, but it seems to me that exercising the law discourages crime and ignoring it not so much. If police started punishing public nudity according to the law the word would spread, but since they often don't who can blame people for feeling free to do as they wish? And, perhaps this carefree approach to law enforcement will lead to a change in the culture. Maybe this is how cultures change and we're witnessing the transition. Of course there's always the fact that police officers in Thailand don't get great salaries so they tend to take the ventures that lead to money on the side far more seriously. This is also their culture, like it or not.

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Does anyone honestly think the BIB would arrest a girl for being topless?

Oh come on, the first sighting of a jet ski by the BIB's and they would immediately make a beeline with the collection plate and have forgotten why the hell they were there in the first place. :D

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I have to love this topic, mainly because of the farang ladies talking about modesty. 100 years ago it was quite normal for all thai women to walk around with breasts exposed, and I dont just mean the beach. The idea of modesty and breasts is not a thai cultural thing at all but an imposition brought on by western influence.

Before you start complaining about immodesty please please look at the whole history of thailand, and do please leave your western/middle eastern cultural/religious rules at the door as you enter.

Current Thai moral thinking has no place in the history of thailand, but is instead another way of exerting control on a population that wishes to remove itself from the serf history of its past. I personally see nothing wrong with a Thai lady exposing her breasts, after all the only reason they are covered up is due to the cinical western (catholic) thinking that it is somehow a sin. So please dont post about it is not socially acceptable or culturally wrong., that is bullshit, Learn about the history of the country from a few more sources than the gutter press and accept that what is happening is not a revolution but simply an acknowledgement of the countries history.

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..... and the lady went back to her stall to sell the porn dvd's i bet.

Some things you just couldnt make up in Thailand, how is it so acceptable to sell SEX and SEX DVD's but showing a bit of flesh on the beach or surrounding area is frowned upon. Is it one rule for Farangs and obne rule for locals here ?

What a broad-sweeping generality. If you broadened your horizons beyond sex you'd realize that only a small percentage of Thais are involved in sex-related commerce and most are indeed offended by public nudity. It is their country and culture you know.

You hit the nail on the head.

Plus this is the usual case of people with too much time on their hands

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..... and the lady went back to her stall to sell the porn dvd's i bet.

Some things you just couldnt make up in Thailand, how is it so acceptable to sell SEX and SEX DVD's but showing a bit of flesh on the beach or surrounding area is frowned upon. Is it one rule for Farangs and obne rule for locals here ?

What a broad-sweeping generality. If you broadened your horizons beyond sex you'd realize that only a small percentage of Thais are involved in sex-related commerce and most are indeed offended by public nudity. It is their country and culture you know.

You hit the nail on the head.

Plus this is the usual case of people with too much time on their hands

Of course a majority of Thais aren't involved in the sex industry, but it sure is a big business, and it's growing. Now, at least where I live, the roaming prostitutes seem to be doubling in number daily, and add to that that a lot of the ones who sit in bars for the evening then go out to late parties/bars/clubs etc. They're now doing quickies on the beach in the middle of the night and then walking back into the bar/club/etc. for more action. A lot of this has been bolstered by the dance club scene where there's plenty to capitalize on with loud music, drugs, and a lot of drunken staggering around. It's easy pickings.

Make no mistake, it's a large industry. But, obviously we don't have to waste our time with ridiculous assumptions like, "majority of the population."

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Sadly you had to get a dictionary to find out what you had written? Kind of sums you up?

Secondly, if you know your history you will know that St Paul's is actually a fake dome - they didn't know how to make a real one - which would account for the US's obsession with constructing false tits I suppose.

BTW - I"m guessing you think I"m British? - you are good at jumping to conclusions.

The concept of "dome" comes from Italy/Latin cathedral - again another country with an obsession with tits - NB the current PM.

The dictionary quote was for your edification since you felt it your place to make editorial comments about my post's English usage. And St Paul's dome is as real as it gets, regardless of what's happening inside, since it's the external form that's the subject of your comparison to breast form. And the dome as structural solution actually pre-dates Rome, even as they did evolve it as no one before them.

In any case, back to the point of your off-topic, off-base, tangential Amerika rant. The examples you used (US Capitol building dome, McD's Arches, ...milk for god's sake?!) to attack American culture as being sexually prude are pretty lame. There are so many other, better ways to have fun with America, and your second post re: the increase in breast augmentation via plastic surgery gets closer to the mark IMHO, as it's pretty bizarre - but hardly speaks to prudeness. It actually disproves your point.

So have at it, I'm not the US' biggest fan BTW, but you'll need to replace your sloppy, broad brush with something finer, and leave behind your grinding axe, as you'll find plenty of material for humor there - as for anywhere - but also a lot of great aspects to the culture & people... as for anywhere. But you probably don't get any of this, which I guess sums you up. Take your ignorant, prejudiced, anti-any country rants and start a thread somewhere else for your dim views.

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I just couldn't agree more! This issue really gets my goat. I see them all the time and what's worse is one regular offender LIVES here and goes topless at the beach in front of her nanny!!!! The audacity of this woman to be soooooo disrespectful is just mind-boggling. At least I tell myself that the tourists are just dumb, after all, we all know by now they leave their brains behind when they come on holiday heresorry.gif.....some are just pain rude and don't care, but I dare-say most are just plain ignorant *sigh*.

Does anyone have any more creative ideas about how to deal with this? I was recently faced with 5 topless women whilst trying to have lunch with my husband...a little distracting as you don't have to live here long for modesty to become your mantra and so whereas a set of boobs a few years ago may not have raised an eyebrow, it certainly raises more than that now! Mostly my blood-pressure!angry.gif

Just give me a call. I'll be glad to talk to the offenders for you :D

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Ancient history is irrelevant as to this discussion, else one could make the argument that head-shrinking is perfectly acceptable behavior when visiting Sarawak. Current Thai culture is modest as far as public nudity is concerned. Those who chose to ignore this fact may face some 'inconveniences' with the BIB as a consequence of their insensitivity. Not a problem AFAIC - one needs to be respectful of the local culture when an auslander.

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I just couldn't agree more! This issue really gets my goat. I see them all the time and what's worse is one regular offender LIVES here and goes topless at the beach in front of her nanny!!!! The audacity of this woman to be soooooo disrespectful is just mind-boggling. At least I tell myself that the tourists are just dumb, after all, we all know by now they leave their brains behind when they come on holiday heresorry.gif.....some are just pain rude and don't care, but I dare-say most are just plain ignorant *sigh*.

Does anyone have any more creative ideas about how to deal with this? I was recently faced with 5 topless women whilst trying to have lunch with my husband...a little distracting as you don't have to live here long for modesty to become your mantra and so whereas a set of boobs a few years ago may not have raised an eyebrow, it certainly raises more than that now! Mostly my blood-pressure!angry.gif

thai double standards. Dont fully enforce nudity laws, but fully cover up smoking, drinking, and guns on tv. Go figure. We have similar laws in Hawaii, but Europeans disrespect the laws there too. The law enfarcement should book em, fine em 1000, euro, dollars BP, hold for 24 hrs :lock:, then transport to airport and send em home. Word would spread fast internationally.

It's a thought hey - one can only try wink.gif

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...Does anyone have any more creative ideas about how to deal with this? I was recently faced with 5 topless women whilst trying to have lunch with my husband.

ok, I'm here to help - next time, just post on TV where specifically this unacceptable behavior is occurring, and I'll go have a talk with the girls.


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...Does anyone have any more creative ideas about how to deal with this? I was recently faced with 5 topless women whilst trying to have lunch with my husband.

ok, I'm here to help - next time, just post on TV where specifically this unacceptable behavior is occurring, and I'll go have a talk with the girls.


No, don't let him do it. That'll only scare them right out Thailand. I better go and have a word with them and handle it in a calm, professional manner so as to make sure they're properly educated on this paramount issue. cool.gif

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I just couldn't agree more! This issue really gets my goat. I see them all the time and what's worse is one regular offender LIVES here and goes topless at the beach in front of her nanny!!!! The audacity of this woman to be soooooo disrespectful is just mind-boggling. At least I tell myself that the tourists are just dumb, after all, we all know by now they leave their brains behind when they come on holiday heresorry.gif.....some are just pain rude and don't care, but I dare-say most are just plain ignorant *sigh*.

Does anyone have any more creative ideas about how to deal with this? I was recently faced with 5 topless women whilst trying to have lunch with my husband...a little distracting as you don't have to live here long for modesty to become your mantra and so whereas a set of boobs a few years ago may not have raised an eyebrow, it certainly raises more than that now! Mostly my blood-pressure!angry.gif

Why do you find the human body so offensive? Boobs are natural. It's your attitude that's unnatural. Why should you be the judge of what other people do?

my thoughts exactly. I also love the posts from the newbies, people just having moved here that are ultraprotective of all things Thai (yet to discover the great hypocrisy)....reminds me of my first year here ahhhh the memories :jap:

You need to read my previous response to this....AND you're clearly saying that respecting someone else's culture means that you've not been here long and aren't aware of the hypocrisies? Says it all here - and will now make an assumption you're one of those lovely Farang men who haven't see their 'equipment' for the last 20 yrs due to the gorgeous beer gut they've been tending to so lovingly, who is in his 50s, been living here for the last 20 yrs on and off, and rides around on his scooter with his very petite and pre-pubescent looking girlfriend on the back..... hypocrisy exists in many forms and you display it by living in a country where you show disdain towards other's basic cultural norms. If I get as jaded as you clearly are, then it will indeed be time for me to depart wai.gif

haha Well Im sitting in my office with my colleague (Thai man 38 years old) and we are both laughing at your post and at the fact that SOME farang are making a big deal about what my friend here would call "normal". Normal and not a big deal for tourists ladies to tan without their tops. It's funny how TOURIST, English teachers etc. like you feel the need to protect the locals 'culture'

Im 41 by the way, 70 kg., married to a southern girl, I have a Toyota not a scooter, I've worked here for the past 5 years, I speak Thai AND I would laugh in the face of anyone Thai or farang that says this is a threat or assualt on Thai culture :lol: As I said in other posts - at every resort I have worked at here there have been ladies laying out topless around the pool and NEVER had ANY of the Thai staff I worked with be the LEAST bit put off by it but clearly YOU know what's best for them right?

Well, just because everyone here thinks it's ok to drink and drive (I would sadly classify it as 'normal' here) doesn't mean that it's acceptable, no matter what you or your friend think.

I am neither a tourist nor a teacher and have lived here for some time now so you're also wrong there also. I choose to live here and so no matter what the hypocrisy of whatever laws exist or don't, or the hypocrisy of cultural norms and practices (as you and so many keep pointing out) - given I am a guest here, I will do my utmost to abide by them none-the-less and respect the culture of the people who's country I reside in.

And my apologies, I should have clarified myself by pointing out that a Toyota is interchangeable with a scooter for this exercise.....I also note you don't put the age of your Thai wife?? And none of us will ever know the reason/s you married this women - genuine or not, nor will I go there, but there are certain generalisations that can be alluded to and that we are all aware of....nothing you have said has removed you from being under the microscope as being possibly 'one of those men'.

All that aside, topless bathing is culturally insensitive as the original article points out, and that is that.

I'm going to assume that you 'manage' the Thai staff you refer to? This puts you in a position of superiority and would ergo mean that they would not feel comfortable complaining to you about this issue. Even if you are working at the same level as your Thai colleagues, I will make an assumption that you are being paid more as is common practise. Whatever way you cut the cake, they would be highly unlikely to complain to you about topless customers who have paid to be there and spend more on one pool-side drink that your Thai colleague earns in a day!

So, would you like to put your arrogance aside, show some consideration for your Thai colleagues/neighbours/friends/staff etc etc, and respect the dominant culture!

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