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How To Stop Ants From Gathering?


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ok firstly... those really tiny small ants gather up whereever theres food stuuf.

but strangely they also gather up on my bath towel, whenever i finshed using the towel and hang it on the rail, antes stars gathering up!!! what the hell?

my soaps do dont contain sugar btw... also its been happening for a week now.

so whats up?

as for gathering on foods, they disappear once the source is gone. so basically whenever i have a feed for late nights, i just keep the rubbishes on the balcony, and take it down the next day...

im too lazy and somehow scared to go 1st floor to dispose the rubbishes


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Those little ones are difficult to get rid off. They live in the tiniest of places. Next time you have a gathering check where they are coming from, follow their trail it could be just a pin size hole in the tile grouting.

You have to zap them in their home but be aware they may have several entrances and while you may zap the living ones if there are eggs the next generation will be gathering again soon.

The simplest zapper is the bug spray cans with a long nozzle that will direct the spray directly into their little holes.

I once found these little critters living in the plastic molding of the wardrobe and in the electric kettle just behind where the plug goes in, don't know how they survived the heat.

Resilient little blighters

Good hunting B)

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The simplest zapper is the bug spray cans with a long nozzle that will direct the spray directly into their little holes.

I was once told by a doctor that I thought about sex too much. I don't need any help in that direction, thank you.

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I've noticed over the years that these little ants seem to get more aggressive the longer we have a dry spell. As we've had no decent rainfall for quite a while in my area of Thailand, the little buggers are eating things and going places they wouldn't usually. They seem to be worse this year in numbers and where they'll venture to, and I really feel it's directly related to our very dry climate lately.

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hey thx for replies.. anyone have any idea why they gather up on bath towels?

is it something to do with peelings on the skin with the mixture of soap that attracts these ants....?

as for hole, i blocked couple with a tape... but holes seem to be everywhere...

if theres no food, hanging used towels outside, no problem... im just afaraid when i wake up, im covered with ants!!! ... seriously...

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I've had trouble with aunts, and uncles as well. I found not getting married solved that problem.

As for those tiny black ants, I solved that problem with the powder. I used it a couple of times in my hotel room and haven't been bothered since. My hotel room down in Pattaya was infested in them. They didn't bite, but got into everything imaginable. The tiny red ants are far worse, even when their numbers are less. They WILL bite you and leave a welt. The powder works on them as well. Spray only works on the visible ones and doesn't seem to stop others from coming.

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declare a state of emergency and ban gatherings of more than five

(unlikely to work though as these are Thai ants.............)

of cos it'll work.....for red ants only....

I thought someone called Exterminator would have a little more to add to the thread. :rolleyes:

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A successfull method I devised a few years ago which works very well , ants will attack anything that contains nutrition , hair , skin flakes , dead insects , tidbits of food etc , they send out trackers that once they find food , go back and bring a whole army to collect and take it back to the nest . When you find a collection of them , follow the workers to where they are coming from , a hole or crack in the wall , down from the ceiling , up a drain pipe etc . Buy some ant chalk at 7/11 , preferably the octagonal not the round as in blackboard chalk , draw a circle around the area they are in , as in around your towel , leave a gap in the circle where they are entering leaving to and from thier nest , now draw a line of chalk along each side of the columne of ants back to where they dissapear , then draw lines between those lines of chalk like the rungs of a ladder about 4 cm's apart . In the time it takes to smoke a ciggy or drink a beer , the majority of ants will have gone back to the nest carrying chalk on thier feet , this will kill of the majority of ants in the nest . For survival of the fittest , the remaing ants will move the nest elsewhere .

This has worked so well , we rarely see an ant in our apartment as apposed to when we moved in , I tried plugging holes etc but thier were far to many , spraying down the holes does not kill off the nest because it could lead god knows where inside the wall and the whole object of the excersise is to kill off the nest . Hope this gets rid of your annoying problem as it has mine .

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1.get yourself a wafer biscuit

2. sprinkle the crumbs on the doorstep of a neighbour who has been rude or causing problems.

3.sweep as many ants as you can into a dustpan and dump them on your neighbours doorstep.

4.give your apartment a good sweep and then mop the floor with disinfectant.

hopefully then they will get pissed off travelling from yours and set up home at your neighbours

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1.get yourself a wafer biscuit

2. sprinkle the crumbs on the doorstep of a neighbour who has been rude or causing problems.

3.sweep as many ants as you can into a dustpan and dump them on your neighbours doorstep.

4.give your apartment a good sweep and then mop the floor with disinfectant.

hopefully then they will get pissed off travelling from yours and set up home at your neighbours

hey dude nice idea man... have u ever tried with pee pee? lol basically u pee pee in a plastic bottle, it will smell really bad and u pour them under or on the door....

lol... mmmm... i know the smell.... lol....


but me apartment got them securities camera.... lol... no ninja moves allowed..... lol.... also they might suss out whos the ninja and cum spanking... lol... maybe some fried <deleted> on ur door? lol...

anyhow.... those smelly pee pee bottle can also be used as projection bomb, u hear some loud bass playing downstairs? some bus dudes? give it to em, they want it sooo bad... lol... mmm~~~ smelly of pee pee weee~ lol.... omg it's just lol

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A successfull method I devised a few years ago which works very well , ants will attack anything that contains nutrition , hair , skin flakes , dead insects , tidbits of food etc , they send out trackers that once they find food , go back and bring a whole army to collect and take it back to the nest . When you find a collection of them , follow the workers to where they are coming from , a hole or crack in the wall , down from the ceiling , up a drain pipe etc . Buy some ant chalk at 7/11 , preferably the octagonal not the round as in blackboard chalk , draw a circle around the area they are in , as in around your towel , leave a gap in the circle where they are entering leaving to and from thier nest , now draw a line of chalk along each side of the columne of ants back to where they dissapear , then draw lines between those lines of chalk like the rungs of a ladder about 4 cm's apart . In the time it takes to smoke a ciggy or drink a beer , the majority of ants will have gone back to the nest carrying chalk on thier feet , this will kill of the majority of ants in the nest . For survival of the fittest , the remaing ants will move the nest elsewhere .

This has worked so well , we rarely see an ant in our apartment as apposed to when we moved in , I tried plugging holes etc but thier were far to many , spraying down the holes does not kill off the nest because it could lead god knows where inside the wall and the whole object of the excersise is to kill off the nest . Hope this gets rid of your annoying problem as it has mine .

thanks... ill give that a go...:ph34r::unsure::whistling::(B):bah::lol:

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