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Vientiane Double Visa: Three Strikes And You'Re Out!

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Most countries allow six months? My Thai gf's last Schengen visa was for a very generous 15 days. UK, slightly better at thirty...after having interrogated her like she was a common whore for half an hour.

Hey Richard...

Seems like you and the poster known as "appropriate" have had a big day on this thread..you seem like you could be good mates :)

I do appreciate your views however, as that what makes the thread entertaining.

SO, you mentioned in the above post that you have a Thai GF and are not married (congrats there!) so you obviously havent got a marriage visa..

So what visa do you have may we ask?

From what you have mentioned it would have to be either ED, NON B, Work permit, or retired...actually you sound like you might have got nationality

Just be interested to know, as im sure others might appreciate knowing, so that all of us who are abusing the system could all do the same thing as you ;)

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Hey everyone. The "lawyer" here. I actually didn't post this on my blog - it was just a status update/response on my Facebook fan page, so apologies that the info wasn't quite complete - didn't realize someone would post it to Thaivisa.com. I had 3 prior visas over the course of the last 3 years, 1 single and 2 double entry.

The man working at the VIentiane embassy said that they were not concerned about days (adding up my days over the course of several years would still get me under the amount allowed by the visas as a family emergency meant that I did not even use one of them). Instead, they said I had too many prior visas (there were 3) and that as a Canadian I ought to be satisfied with the 30 day transit stamps. And that I was obviously trying to work in Thailand. I explained I liked Thai food (it's true!) and wanted to learn more about it, and that I was not employed in Thailand....but he did not want to hear it.

To answer the questions above: I have not stayed in the country longer than a few months at a time (have been travelling the region, but crossed in and out of Thailand and wanting to stay for longer periods when I did), and one of the visas was not even used as I had to fly home to Canada unexpectedly. The consular employee did not care about that either. I'm in Chiang Mai for the next few months but hadn't planned on staying past May. My plan was to eat as much as possible while here :) So I'm not a long-term farang, but I do love Thailand.

So would you be able to clear this up then?

The op said you were refused a double entry.Is that the case or was any tourist visa refused?

Do they just count tourist visas or non imm visas also?

Thinking of going to Savannakht later this month but if its too much hassle I'll just move forward my trip to Vietnam.

See my previous post regarding my recent experience with single / double entry visas in Vientiane!

I have only 1 previous tourist visa sticker in my 5 year old passport, 2008, and 2 'visa' on arrival stamps (arrival without a visa / 30 day on arrival) but some non-immigrant visas. they gave me single visa, not the required double. They count also non-immigrant visas or arrival stamps!

Some people receive in addition a red stamp, saying that they can not apply anymore for further tourist visas, is that only at that particular embassy or any embassy? Someone knows that?

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Tourists don't need 4 Tourist visas.

Good to see them cracking down on people illegally abusing the system.

Should really make it a limit of 2, not 3. Or even a limit of one in neighbouring countries.

I will agree, even though I think the current Immigration rules and procedures are overly cumbersome and treat long term 'residents' as if they were potential criminals.

Cycling visas is quite useless and I have never done that - I simply applied for a long term visa, following the overly cumbersomne procedure and stayed for a long term.

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My problem with this is that I am not old enough for a tourist visa and am retired. What other do I have besides going to the border every 15 days!!!??!?!?! And, I don't mean flying out every month either. Retired is not rich. Any advice?

"I am not old enough for a tourist visa and am retired" ... uh, OP, or anyone, what does this mean ?

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Tourists don't need 4 Tourist visas.

Good to see them cracking down on people illegally abusing the system.

Should really make it a limit of 2, not 3. Or even a limit of one in neighbouring countries.

That sounds like a Pad Thai Iron curtain. Tourists bring money into Thailand. The longer tourists stay the more money they spend.

What abuse are you referring too? Abuse means something that goes beyond the normal and that harms people or property.

Isn't enough that Thais have discriminatory practices: one price for Thais and another price for foreigners? If Thais were discriminated that way in any of the Western countries will you condone it or be in favor of it?

That attitude kept China isolated for centuries. The result was a culture that rejected any values, technology or knowledge that was not Chinese.

If Thailand continues exacerbating that nationalistic pride it will regress until it becomes our of step with the rest of the world.

If these crack downs have been planned the same way of the new airport and the rail link, it will produce likewise results.

Tourists account for about 7% of the total GDP.

I understand that in schools a stern nationalism is taught to the students from an early age. That has lead to the current state of affairs in which tourists are reluctantly tolerated as long as they pay higher prices.

Spain had a boom in tourism for many years (over 45 million each year consistently) and they began to developed such tendencies. Eventually, they had to beg tourists to return when these got tired of the underlying disdain and predatory practices. Currently Spain, which is an industrialized country, is on the verge of bankrupcy. They had the goose that laid gold eggs and their unbriddled nationalistic pride and lack of common sense and fairness killed it.

Is that what you wish for Thailand?


I don't know how your argument ties into nationalism. Aren't you just talking about shameless greed and everybody having their hand out. That's what's happening here in Thailand. Capitalists just hit on as many legs of your journey as possible. What does this have to do national pride?

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Tourists don't need 4 Tourist visas.

Good to see them cracking down on people illegally abusing the system.

Should really make it a limit of 2, not 3. Or even a limit of one in neighbouring countries.

I will agree, even though I think the current Immigration rules and procedures are overly cumbersome and treat long term 'residents' as if they were potential criminals.

Cycling visas is quite useless and I have never done that - I simply applied for a long term visa, following the overly cumbersomne procedure and stayed for a long term.

How are people illegally abusing the system if Thai immigration continues to issue the visas?? Are you saying the Thai immigration department is breaking its own laws?:huh:

Amazing this, the amount of people you read on here, and even those you meet face to face..They say "i SIMPLY got a long term visa"..bla bla

When you ask them EXACTLY what visa you got and what where the grounds and the requirements of the said visa (like visiting friends, business ect), you are often met with a lot of umming and ahhing and generally mumbling about some friend or contact who helped them and/or generally not being able (or prepared) to answer a direct question.

(BTW:One poster who has been vocal on here all day has suddenly became quiet when asked the question) B)

The truth is, as you will see from a lot of posters on here, it is not easy to stay here long term if you are under 50 and don't want to work, or study....and YES, admittedly it is probably impossible in any other country.

So, fair enough, even with the occasional restrictions, Thailand will probably still remain to have one of the most relaxed immigration policies on the planet.

As others have said, when the visas have to be paid for again, things may or may not return to same ol same ol.

I think the point remains, what a lot of people are hinting at is this....."tell us some solid rules we can count on, so we can either obey the law or choose something else"...not a hard ask is it?

If you fail to make the appropriate laws, you can hardly claim people are abusing the system if you are allowing them to do it.

Edited by ozzieovaseas
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Ozzie, I worked here for several years (legally), then started my own company (legally), applied and received Permanent Residence when I was qualified, then applied for citizenship five years later. After a wait of three years, I got my Thai ID card.

None of this was excessively difficult, so you can understand that I find the constant griping about Thai immigration policies utterly laughable.

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Simple soultion. Get a new passport. Americans can renew there passport even if the old one is not expired. New passport + blank pages = no stickers to count.

I think that's what is being hailed as retarded - though I wouldn't use those words - but it's just not clear.what the rules are and whether they are stopping the right people or whether the rule is stopping people with legitimate reasons for coming in 3 times in 10 years. It's not just annoying for those people but it's not good for the suffering thai tourism industry.

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Over a week ago i asked in a different thread if there was a general visa-crackdown going on, and there obviously is, and it is taking various forms. A whole range of bods coming ( or trying to come back ) over the NongKhai 'friendship bridge' have been refused any more Tourist Visas if they have more than 2 already in the Passport - but a common thread has been the fact that they have been challenged with the specific accusation: 'You have been working here' - and in the case of some long-haired, bearded, kaftan-wearing committed work-dodgers this has caused a good deal of dark chuckling, albeit tinged with paranoia. Only 2 hours ago i had a chat with a gang of farangs on the Mekong river-bank at N.Khai about precisely this change in the Visa climate. I'd love to have been a mossie on the wall of the govt. office when the real reasons for this shift were aired by senior Thai civil-servants and/or politicians. I mean - did they have a whole pile of empirical data on a direct correlation between repeat tourist-visa holders and a set of despicable crimes ?, as some of the idiotic references to n'er-do-wells in this thread have presumed - i mean, paedophilia or drug-dealing is bound to be directly related to repeat tourist-visas aint it ? :annoyed: Give me strengff. ( More likely to be engaged in by long-stayers ? ) Also worrying, it appears that BKK pressure has even been applied to Hull and its Cat 'O' one-year's - anyone returning to the UK to apply for one - DO take a copy of a rental-contract for where you've been staying in LOS - or at least a copy of the house-book and the owner's ID-card for the property you've been staying at before returning to home-country. BTW - i'm pretty sure that bods in other EU countries could use Hull by post - but phone them to confirm or deny. I wonder if all the praising of Hull ( golden-egg layer ) on any number of websites is going to backfire and kill/cook our goose ? ( Speaking for the over-50s of course.)

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,if they want to kick out their tourists. Nothing we can do about it .

They don't. They want people to have the correct visas, as to be regulated properly. Too many paedos and criminals working illegally just to stay here and not using the correct visa procedures and working/teaching on Tourist Visas.

The reigns should be tightened. You either qualify to work/live here, or you don't. Questionable people living/working here on tourist visas from neighboring countries should be reined in, and if they don't meet the requirements to live/work here legally, they should be shipped out, with a short stay in a prison cell to teach them some respect for another country's visa laws.

"respect for another country's visa laws." Respect granted where respect is warranted but in this case the laws have been drafted by myopic xenophobic idiots that impose nonsensical and impractical conditions for those who don't fit into or who object to their ridiculous conditions.

In any civilized western country such laws could be challenged as being racist and unjust but hey,.. this is Thailand so why bother trying to conduct an intelligent conversation about it? The greater majority of their rationale behind such ever changing laws and imposition thereof just defies logic,but this is not a land of logic so again why bother?

The 15 day walk,.. the 2 stamps limit, the 800,000bht in the bank before retirement/marriage visa is granted,.... all totally stupid, impractical, imbalanced and unjust. Then to have a farang singing praises to their righteousness is just too much to bear!

Sure makes the overstay model increasingly attractive. No border runs, no visa hoopla, and a simple 20,000 baht on your way out (provided you don't get arrested and black marked) and that can save you a bundle even if you overstay by a year.

Introduce sensible, fair and equitable laws and then you'll probably get fairer play.

How can you respect the laws of a country when they are both totally stupid and unjust and also when they mean nothing to the Thais themselves as corruption from the top all the way down to local government and the tea money collecting BIB prevails with no abatement in sight?

Did anyone claim that the marriage is fair or makes sense? Obviously the money in the bank is kind of crazy, only b/c it's so much. And, on top of that the laws are structured to siphon solid amounts of money away. Agreed, silly and unfair.

However, I think this thread is about consulates issuing visas in neighboring countries. Making it more strict has been a headache for me before, but if you looked around lately there are some people you want getting looked at a little more. Drugs are up, illegal workers are up, organized crime is up, etc. I'm not singing the praises of the corrupt, but I do live here, and it's okay with me if some people decide to go b/c, sorry, but there are real low lifes coming in these days. You can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs. I highly doubt that Thailand no longer wants tourists. It doesn't make sense. Unfortunately some of the people who represent the worst for the country also have money, and we all know where that gets you in the Kingdom. Life's not fair.

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Ozzie, I worked here for several years (legally), then started my own company (legally), applied and received Permanent Residence when I was qualified, then applied for citizenship five years later. After a wait of three years, I got my Thai ID card.

None of this was excessively difficult, so you can understand that I find the constant griping about Thai immigration policies utterly laughable.

I'd have to dip my hat to you mate, although i feel you are understating your own achievements if you say all of what you have gone through was'nt very difficult!

In my own predicament i wouldnt even be able to pass the first step of your journey, as i do not have the university degree needed to work legally, nor am i qualified to do a specialized job that a thai citizen cannot do.

Good for you though, you seem to have few worries as far as your life here. Sounds like you have set yourself up well.

I guess a good thing can never last forever though, so it seems the rest of us will be happy to live day to day. I guess after all, those with a bit of cash can easily buy an ED visa, and will always find a way as long as you have the dough, whereas the backpacker types who can't afford to do those things will have to leave.

I guess in one way these policies might have been designed to weed out the Cheap Charlies who don't spend much here ;)

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Thailand clearly needs a visa category for "just hanging out", like all civilized Western countries apparently do.

Richard have you ever tried to get a tourist visa for a Thai to visit NZ or OZ?

The NZ visa took 3 months and an inch thick stack of paper and we gave up on the OZ one and didnt go.

By comparison Thailand is so easy.

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Tourists don't need 4 Tourist visas.

Good to see them cracking down on people illegally abusing the system.

Should really make it a limit of 2, not 3. Or even a limit of one in neighbouring countries.

Are you saying that if you have a penchant for a particular country that 3 times is the number of times you should be allowed to visit it, in your lifetime?



Er, no.

*whisper* you don't need a tourist visa to visit Thailand.

Unless you want to stay for longer than a 30-day visit, which is perfectly reasonable. And it's also reasonable to think that you might want to do that more than 3 times IN YOUR LIFETIME. So your new comment does not make your original trolling response any less idiotic.

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I'm sure the entrepreneurial element of the sex industry here can invent a cheap marriage of convenience market here for all you younger cheap charlies if this becomes an issue. Might cut down on the repetitively boring TV posts "I don't buy girls drinks, I have a different girl any day I want, I never pay for it, never ever get married ......" :rolleyes:

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1983 to 2011 10 stamps,,, can you count? One IM officer said can you speak Thai, I said yes, he then said since this is crossing out of Thailand to Malaysia could I speak Malay I said yes. He then said ok any other languages I said yes! He said which ones I said all of them. He gasps and ask in Chinese if I am ok and I said Yes.

He ask in Malay I said Yes. He said in Malay I dont believe you. So I said in Hokien, I dont care give me a visa or go get another job.

He said in Thai Thank you see you next time.


So is the imm. rules..


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There is no reason why your work permit would not have been approved if you had presented a properly filled out application. Something is very wrong with this picture.

Not that I want to be the one to break it to you but people in the Thai gov't often do things that make no sense and don't follow their own rules NOTHING that I am told about dealing with them surprises me.

The first time I applied for an extension of my Visa we gathered up all the papers asked for on the website's checklist and a couple of other things we thought might come in handy. Off we went, everything appeared to be going fine until our case worker whipped out a piece of paper that quite frankly did not look overly official but rather like a page done in Word and photo copied a million times... on it she checked that we needed to provide my proof of divorce from my first marriage... HUH????

We calming explained we would be happy to give her a copy, no she insisted it had to be an original. We then calming explained the Thai gov't already had an original as we had to provide it in order to get married. Yes she was aware of that and now she wants a NEW original. Once again very calming explained that it would need to be ordered from the Ontario Gov't in Canada and might take a while. She gave me a 30 day extension and said in pretty clear English that if I did not have the document by the end of the 30 days I would have to leave Thailand my wife and son behind...

We got the paper and went back and dealt with someone other than her, he expressed surprise such a paper was asked for and concluded the other lady must be on "her period" when she ask, but laugh smiles around, stamp here ya go enjoy your extension of stay..

The entire country operates like its a hyper active child on speed...you must live in a very different Thailand than me if you can make the above statement...

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Most countries allow six months? My Thai gf's last Schengen visa was for a very generous 15 days. UK, slightly better at thirty...after having interrogated her like she was a common whore for half an hour.

Really how exactly would you know how they would go about interrogating a common whore? Just curious...

My wife had no trouble getting a 90 day Visitor's Visa to Canada, took about a week and that was that... even though it was single entry into Canada at the Peace Bridge the guys on the US side let us step out the building and back in so she could say she'd officially been on US soil.. the guys on the Canadian side were asked before we walked across the bridge if it would be ok, they laughed and said go for it.. we did, the earth did not stop rotating... we only used about 65 of the 90 days but we've traveled many places in the world and the West and never had a single issue getting a Visa when needed for my wife using her Thai passport.. and she was clearly visiting I live here own businesses and "things" here but still its like pulling teeth to get a clear straight answer from one person to the next in the Thai gov't offices.

Edited by bkkcanuck
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Tourists don't need 4 Tourist visas.

Good to see them cracking down on people illegally abusing the system.

Should really make it a limit of 2, not 3. Or even a limit of one in neighbouring countries.

Are you saying that if you have a penchant for a particular country that 3 times is the number of times you should be allowed to visit it, in your lifetime?



Er, no.

*whisper* you don't need a tourist visa to visit Thailand.

Unless you want to stay for longer than a 30-day visit, which is perfectly reasonable. And it's also reasonable to think that you might want to do that more than 3 times IN YOUR LIFETIME. So your new comment does not make your original trolling response any less idiotic.

A lifetime (no need to shout) passport? Where did you get one of those?

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Not necessarily people abusing the system. The decisions of these consulates are far too arbitrary and vary between all the consulates in Asia. My wife is Filipina and the Vientiane consulate just refused her a non immigration visa. My Thai ID carrying son's step mother is then refused a Non I O visa, despite Chiang Mai advising me to the contrary. After a 10 hour drive, they refused and gave her a tourist visa. She didn't request it. It was Vientiane who gave her the wrong visa. I am allowed to have her on to my retirement extension, but firstly she needs to get a Non I O visa which Vientiane doesn't seem to know she can legally have.

Tourists don't need 4 Tourist visas.

Good to see them cracking down on people illegally abusing the system.

Should really make it a limit of 2, not 3. Or even a limit of one in neighbouring countries.

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There is no reason why your work permit would not have been approved if you had presented a properly filled out application. Something is very wrong with this picture.

Not that I want to be the one to break it to you but people in the Thai gov't often do things that make no sense and don't follow their own rules NOTHING that I am told about dealing with them surprises me.

The first time I applied for an extension of my Visa we gathered up all the papers asked for on the website's checklist and a couple of other things we thought might come in handy. Off we went, everything appeared to be going fine until our case worker whipped out a piece of paper that quite frankly did not look overly official but rather like a page done in Word and photo copied a million times... on it she checked that we needed to provide my proof of divorce from my first marriage... HUH????

We calming explained we would be happy to give her a copy, no she insisted it had to be an original. We then calming explained the Thai gov't already had an original as we had to provide it in order to get married. Yes she was aware of that and now she wants a NEW original. Once again very calming explained that it would need to be ordered from the Ontario Gov't in Canada and might take a while. She gave me a 30 day extension and said in pretty clear English that if I did not have the document by the end of the 30 days I would have to leave Thailand my wife and son behind...

We got the paper and went back and dealt with someone other than her, he expressed surprise such a paper was asked for and concluded the other lady must be on "her period" when she ask, but laugh smiles around, stamp here ya go enjoy your extension of stay..

The entire country operates like its a hyper active child on speed...you must live in a very different Thailand than me if you can make the above statement...

God, how depressing ( again ) - i've had ( we've all had ?) similar experiences in Thai govt. offices - and the problem - well, my problem, is, we haven't all got the reserves of patience and self-control that you refer to in this great anecdote - and really, why should we have to have ? When i read this kind of tale, a few explanations pop into my feeble mind: a) pure jealousy/envy/resentment on the part of the civil-servant ( larf ) involved; B) genuine ignorance of the true regulations - especially when they are always shifitng; c) genuine, feeble-minded stupidity; d) a cynical gambit to provoke an inducement to clear away the obstacle ( bribe ); and e) sheer unadulterated hatred of farangs per se. And one things's for sure, it will be snowing in Phuket the day i push a bag of oranges / large cake / bottle of scotch...across the N.Khai immigration-office desk to get the sour-faced harpies in charge to treat me like the upright human being i am (try hard to be). Sit....on....this... you who think it's elegant to have your fat ugly mishaped feet massaged right in front of me while i try to fulfil my duty as a guest in this country in accord with your laws. Don't get me started - oh, too late, sorry (not).

Edited by crazydrummerpauly
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There is no reason why your work permit would not have been approved if you had presented a properly filled out application. Something is very wrong with this picture.

Not that I want to be the one to break it to you but people in the Thai gov't often do things that make no sense and don't follow their own rules NOTHING that I am told about dealing with them surprises me.

The first time I applied for an extension of my Visa we gathered up all the papers asked for on the website's checklist and a couple of other things we thought might come in handy. Off we went, everything appeared to be going fine until our case worker whipped out a piece of paper that quite frankly did not look overly official but rather like a page done in Word and photo copied a million times... on it she checked that we needed to provide my proof of divorce from my first marriage... HUH????

We calming explained we would be happy to give her a copy, no she insisted it had to be an original. We then calming explained the Thai gov't already had an original as we had to provide it in order to get married. Yes she was aware of that and now she wants a NEW original. Once again very calming explained that it would need to be ordered from the Ontario Gov't in Canada and might take a while. She gave me a 30 day extension and said in pretty clear English that if I did not have the document by the end of the 30 days I would have to leave Thailand my wife and son behind...

We got the paper and went back and dealt with someone other than her, he expressed surprise such a paper was asked for and concluded the other lady must be on "her period" when she ask, but laugh smiles around, stamp here ya go enjoy your extension of stay..

The entire country operates like its a hyper active child on speed...you must live in a very different Thailand than me if you can make the above statement...

God, how depressing ( again ) - i've had ( we've all had ?) similar experiences in Thai govt. offices - and the problem - well, my problem, is, we haven't all got the reserves of patience and self-control that you refer to in this great anecdote - and really, why should we have to have ? When i read this kind of tale, a few explanations pop into my feeble mind: a) pure jealousy/envy/resentment on the part of the civil-servant ( larf ) involved; B) genuine ignorance of the true regulations - especially when they are always shifitng; c) genuine, feeble-minded stupidity; d) a cynical gambit to provoke an inducement to clear away the obstacle ( bribe ); and e) sheer unadulterated hatred of farangs per se. And one things's for sure, it will be snowing in Phuket the day i push a bag of oranges / large cake / bottle of scotch...across the N.Khai immigration-office desk to get the sour-faced harpies in charge to treat me like the upright human being i am (try hard to be). Sit....on....this... you who think it's elegant to have your fat ugly mishaped feet massaged right in front of me while i try to fulfil my duty as a guest in this country in accord with your laws. Don't get me started - oh, too late, sorry (not).


I'm replying to my own post cos after trying 3 times to remove the stupid Smiley which i didn't insert in the first place, i've given up - the Smiley's not there. ok ? Anyone know why a Smiley resists all Delete operations ?

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Buy a condo, and you dont have any problem.

May i remind you all that the 2 million baht minimum investment and/or bank deposit wil be re-enforced this year.

Its a law that everybody seems to forget all the time.

Hi Ronny, as far as I know this type of visit was for an investment of 3 million for a condo and it expired in Oct. 2006. Confirmed this with Sunbelt website and the doing business in Thailand website (see attached quote from the latter pasted below). As of now the investment visa is 10 million! However if you have updated information on this issue please let me know as I and all the foreigners in my building are in the unfortunate position of having purchased 2 to 5 million baht condos AFTER Oct. 2006. and NONE of us qualified for an investment visa!

"What is the Non-Immigrant Visa Investment? 24 May 2010

The concept of the investment visa is not new in Thailand.

For example, after the crisis of 1997 an investment visa with a ceiling of not less than 3,000,000 THB of investment was created as an incentive to help Thai developers to sell their stock of condominiums units’ leftover of the crisis to foreign investors. This visa was discontinued in October 2006 once Thai economy picked up.

Note: Discontinued only means that new applications for this particular investment visa were not accepted after the 1st October 2006 but foreign investors who have invested not less than 3,000,000 THB, have entered Thailand and received a permission to stay before the 1st October 2006 and have since then renewed their visas each year without any interruption are still benefiting from this promotion. Now as a result of Thai political crisis and the world economic crisis Thailand has reintroduced the concept of the investment visa. The only difference with the former investment visa is that the minimum investment ceiling has been increased from 3,000,000 THB to 10,000,000 THB."

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hi - they are at all not very cooperative/helpful at the thai consulate in vientiane. i'm working in thailand at a governmet school - by the way under contract of a bullshit teacher agency - < name removed> - and i ask before new year fore a Non B visa to get a work permit. with my 3kg of papers - everything about my employment, the school, references, thai-culture course certificate, etc. - just one simple letter was missing, cause the agency has zero idea what you need for a Non B. we have done a lot of telephone-calls -<br>agency/school to consulate and return, but NO! so i have to wait till 03/01 for reopening after new year - all together i stayed one week in vientiane and spend about 10.000 baht and come back to thailand with a "nice" tourist visa which is useless for working in thailand - the agency is till today not able/willing to prepare the correct papers. an other teacher at our school went with exactly the same papers to penang - and got after the advise to bring next time "this magic letter of the MOE" his Non B and is worling now legal at y school - it depends not about current visa laws - it's depend on each single embassy staff member. thailand should rethink/correct the visa law especially for people working for thai education system and the future of their kids - if not they will have troubles to find any foreign teacher, cause in all countries around all is more easy and more friendly/resepectful - also the salary is better!<br>

Edited by metisdead
Name removed as per no naming & shaming policy
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hi - they are at all not very cooperative/helpful at the thai consulate in vientiane. i'm working in thailand at a governmet school - by the way under contract of a bullshit teacher agency - < name removed> - and i ask before new year fore a Non B visa to get a work permit. with my 3kg of papers - everything about my employment, the school, references, thai-culture course certificate, etc. - just one simple letter was missing, cause the agency has zero idea what you need for a Non B. we have done a lot of telephone-calls -<br>agency/school to consulate and return, but NO! so i have to wait till 03/01 for reopening after new year - all together i stayed one week in vientiane and spend about 10.000 baht and come back to thailand with a "nice" tourist visa which is useless for working in thailand - the agency is till today not able/willing to prepare the correct papers. an other teacher at our school went with exactly the same papers to penang - and got after the advise to bring next time "this magic letter of the MOE" his Non B and is worling now legal at y school - it depends not about current visa laws - it's depend on each single embassy staff member. thailand should rethink/correct the visa law especially for people working for thai education system and the future of their kids - if not they will have troubles to find any foreign teacher, cause in all countries around all is more easy and more friendly/resepectful - also the salary is better!<br>

This is from an 'English teacher'?


thailand should rethink/correct the visa law especially for people working for thai education system and the future of their kids

I agree completely... I think. :ermm:

it depends not about current visa laws - it's depend on each single embassy staff member.

it's depend, that's for sure.

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Passon, what would a Thai need to do to hang out in your civilized home country indefinitely?

Thank you for referring to my country as civilized, that's a good start to answering your question. Indefinitely is an unknown quantity, but to be specific, a second visa stamp in my civilized country entitles a Thai person to enter and exit the country for a period of ten years. My country also allows foreigners things like resident alien status, green cards and a path to citizenship. How does that match up to Thailand's alien resident program?

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