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All the places you are visiting are amongst the nicest/safest in the UK. you should not have problems, have your family arrange a car to collect from the airport,

Travelodge are a cheapish motel group, cheap rooms suitable for 2+2children are available, the earlier you book the cheaper they are.

have a great time and don't worry,the UK is safe, just be aware of what is going on around you, same as most places in the world.

evaair are doing open returns about 33,000baht 3 month open.

sorry steve but hudersfield is not one of the nicest/safest in the uk and i know cos i live a few miles away in keighley,they are both rough northern towns with a large number of immigrants and they both have problems plus we are right next to the pennines which means the weather is rubbish.the surrounding areas are very picturesque and there is some beautiful places as the OP will know,i would say to the OP though,dont go into bradford! Its not a nice place anymore and is certainly not an english city and it wouldnt suprise me if the rioting started again soon.

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Bradford must be the best place for curries outside Asia though, so it has something going for it.

You can always come down to Brum for a Balti...

But on a more serious note patongpanda it is not as bad as some trolls make out, not sure what your accommodation plans are but if you end up shoehorned into a 3 bedroom semi with your parents you are going to need some fresh air, I presume your finances may be tight so getting away for a few days like a trip to London maybe out of the question, but I would consider what you could do to get out and about and plan an itinerary of possible things you could do and get a more positive view of the trip.


Basil, just seen your avater.

I do miss scrumpy cider....the stuff obtained from ecentric South Western farmers that usually have a face like an apple and a dog with three legs.

So, there you go, one for the list....a visit to Sommerset and get bladdered on scrumpy and thers every chance that you'll find an Indian take away at hand.

Might go myself now thinking about it.


7th!!! I knew it was rough, but . . . :ph34r: . . . Linky pleasy!

I reckon the OP has perhaps become a little sessile in his ways, I know I have and no longer relish the thought of all that long haul nonsense, hell I can't even be bothered with stage 1, driving to the local airport.

It's all such a terrible bore!

Blighty Burnout, a known condition. Fear of form filling. Of ice falling from a gray sky. Of long (yet honest, wink, wink) faces shuffling around the BOGOF end of isle specials in Asda. Of the prices of basic necessities but not of the unnecessary. Of the Daily Mail, Richard Littlejohn and Liz Jones columns. Of questionable dress sense. Of traffic wardens and speed cameras. Of fuel stations where you actually have to fill the dam_n car yourself and pay 135 pence a litre for the privilege (an outrage, I mean you have to contaminate yourself with hydrocarbons in the process!) Of the droll Bland Biased Broadcasting Corporation's (one too many a bee there!) daily conditioning sessions. Of fish n' chips, which still to this day always seem like a good idea but without fail constitute a greasy culinary disappointment and indigestion and righteous indignation. Of bankers and bonuses and . . .

You get the idea.

Art of living in Blighty? Remain in your homes. Close all windows and doors. Duck n' cover! (Tesco home delivery, ebay, amazon . . . oh the joys of modern living).

Thing is, having been away so long, we only remember the good things. This country teaches us irreverence deep deep irreverence, a lesson I shall take back with me one day if I make it out of here alive. Reckon I could now quite happily exist in a state of perpetual irreverence in Blighty (never take the place seriously again, no more econobooms and associated 90 hour working weeks . . . HOO-F'ING-RAY!)

Fear not OP my dear. Remember this. Blighty is where they store all the Branston Pickle Original (in the big jars, with the big chunks!), a sizable block of proper mature cheddar and no bloody Som Tam!

Civilization!!! :)

Just go on to MSN as if you were signing into your Hotmail Account,

on the Home Page, you should see the article entitled: the 10 Safest Countries in the World and the 10 Unsafest Countries in the World.

Thailand was 7th Unsafest in the World!



Sorry, but I feel far safer in the village in Thailand than I do in a city centre in the UK.

Saying that, I would fear of suffering from extreme boredom in a village in the UK. Been there and done it.

Main problem I can see is schooling for my kids, but that is another topic.

7th most unsafe country in the world?

As in Somalia, Afganistan, Iraq, Haiti, Pakistan?

Get a grip

You need to travel more.


The UK is only scary if you live here permanently & have to rent / pay the mortgage, bills & taxes.:blink:

Thanks to the gutter tabloid press, everyone thinks that there is a paedophile on every street & a 'hoodie' waiting to stab you outside every shop.:ph34r:

Constant 'fly on the wall' documentaries, which follow the police for 6 months & 'edit' the footage down to 6 bite size half hour programs, convince us that town centres are no-go areas during the weekends, because they are full of 'boozed-up' fighting young males & puking young 'ladies'.:huh:

Apart from that, the UK's not bad.:lol:


I have not lived in the UK since 1979, however I go there at least two times a year for a few days on business and at least once a year to see Man U and from what I see two to three days is more than enough for me.


I have not lived in the UK since 1979, however I go there at least two times a year for a few days on business and at least once a year to see Man U and from what I see two to three days is more than enough for me.

Watching Man U can't help mate.


I have not lived in the UK since 1979, however I go there at least two times a year for a few days on business and at least once a year to see Man U and from what I see two to three days is more than enough for me.

Watching Man U can't help mate.

Well somebody has got to support them :thumbsup:


The UK is only scary if you live here permanently & have to rent / pay the mortgage, bills & taxes.:blink:

Thanks to the gutter tabloid press, everyone thinks that there is a paedophile on every street & a 'hoodie' waiting to stab you outside every shop.:ph34r:

Constant 'fly on the wall' documentaries, which follow the police for 6 months & 'edit' the footage down to 6 bite size half hour programs, convince us that town centres are no-go areas during the weekends, because they are full of 'boozed-up' fighting young males & puking young 'ladies'.:huh:

Apart from that, the UK's not bad.:lol:

totally agree

the media have alot to answer for,they thrive off peoples niavety and stupidity,they know people are interested in crime weather they are a criminal or not so they bombard us with this bullshit,i remember when i were young hardly anybody used to steal cars but then the press came up with the name "joy riding",glamourising the stealing of cars and everybody wants to have a go.Its the same now with chav's and hoodies,has anything really changed? I remember growing up there were the mods and rockers,skin heads,when i were in my teens i were "a dresser" and then in the nineties it were "the casuals".Are the chav's and hoodies any differant to these groups "NO" but the media want us to be afraid,they are just kids growing up looking for direction and if you try talking to them you might be pleasantly suprised.


I agree.

In the late eighties / early nineties I was labelled by the media as a " New Age Traveller", and the general public had the conception that these new age travellers were murderers and rapists because of this labelling and media manipulation. Ridiculous.

This is one of the reasons I left the scumbag country of England ( my birthplace ), bought a one way ticket to Delhi and have never looked back since :)


The UK is only scary if you live here permanently & have to rent / pay the mortgage, bills & taxes.:blink:

Thanks to the gutter tabloid press, everyone thinks that there is a paedophile on every street & a 'hoodie' waiting to stab you outside every shop.:ph34r:

Constant 'fly on the wall' documentaries, which follow the police for 6 months & 'edit' the footage down to 6 bite size half hour programs, convince us that town centres are no-go areas during the weekends, because they are full of 'boozed-up' fighting young males & puking young 'ladies'.:huh:

Apart from that, the UK's not bad.:lol:

totally agree

the media have alot to answer for,they thrive off peoples niavety and stupidity,they know people are interested in crime weather they are a criminal or not so they bombard us with this bullshit,i remember when i were young hardly anybody used to steal cars but then the press came up with the name "joy riding",glamourising the stealing of cars and everybody wants to have a go.Its the same now with chav's and hoodies,has anything really changed? I remember growing up there were the mods and rockers,skin heads,when i were in my teens i were "a dresser" and then in the nineties it were "the casuals".Are the chav's and hoodies any differant to these groups "NO" but the media want us to be afraid,they are just kids growing up looking for direction and if you try talking to them you might be pleasantly suprised.

Absolutely right.

I often see a group of people hanging out outside a row of shops or something, looking all tough, hats on backwards and jeans round their <deleted> (:lol: that 'style' always makes me laugh btw) and if you were to believe the TV programmes or the newspapers, you wouldn't go near them. However, when you just treat them as normal, and walk past, or through the group in a normal way, not scared but not defensive either.You'll most likely find that they're just kids, they'll move out of your way, say sorry if they bump into you, that kind of thing.

Or just cut you and go to jail laughing! :lol: sorry, just kidding.

The problems come when they meet other youngsters not from their 'manor' those are the things that make the headlines. And bad headlines they are too! I feel sorry for them growing up in all that. Having said that, it was pretty dangerous being young when I was their age too.


In the late eighties / early nineties I was labelled by the media as a " New Age Traveller", and the general public had the conception that these new age travellers were murderers and rapists because of this labelling and media manipulation. Ridiculous.

Ridiculous indeed; as the media placed no such label!

What some media and many ordinary folk labeled "New Age Travelers" as was scroungers; due to the travelers stated desire not to be part of the system and to disdain said system; until it came to collecting their social security!

Plus them taking over someone else's land and leaving a mess of litter and sewage behind when they eventually left.

This is one of the reasons I left the scumbag country of England ( my birthplace ), bought a one way ticket to Delhi and have never looked back since

England's gain is India's loss!


In the late eighties / early nineties I was labelled by the media as a " New Age Traveller", and the general public had the conception that these new age travellers were murderers and rapists because of this labelling and media manipulation. Ridiculous.

Ridiculous indeed; as the media placed no such label!

What some media and many ordinary folk labeled "New Age Travelers" as was scroungers; due to the travelers stated desire not to be part of the system and to disdain said system; until it came to collecting their social security!

Plus them taking over someone else's land and leaving a mess of litter and sewage behind when they eventually left.

This is one of the reasons I left the scumbag country of England ( my birthplace ), bought a one way ticket to Delhi and have never looked back since

England's gain is India's loss!



In the late eighties / early nineties I was labelled by the media as a " New Age Traveller", and the general public had the conception that these new age travellers were murderers and rapists because of this labelling and media manipulation. Ridiculous.

Ridiculous indeed; as the media placed no such label!

What some media and many ordinary folk labeled "New Age Travelers" as was scroungers; due to the travelers stated desire not to be part of the system and to disdain said system; until it came to collecting their social security!

Plus them taking over someone else's land and leaving a mess of litter and sewage behind when they eventually left.

This is one of the reasons I left the scumbag country of England ( my birthplace ), bought a one way ticket to Delhi and have never looked back since

England's gain is India's loss!





FYI I wasn't claiming anything from the social, I was working as I went. (I expect some crass remark here ).

Thing is, the cards were against me as I was labelled as this when in fact I did not do things that you are saying I did.

Oh what's the point, explaining the story to yet more blinkered, closed minds.

To the OP.......have a good trip.

( left the UK with a bag, now earning more than 75,000 pounds a year, Englands loss....think of all that tax! )


Thing that scares me most about the UK is the housing, so small you may as well just sit in the car, the average 3-bed semi having the floor area of an iron lung.

I can't believe anyone thinks Thailand is safer than the UK. Only place anyone has tried to murder me was here in Thailand but they went a bit light on the poison dose. This is a serious sh!thole in pretty much every respect once the rose tinted specs come off.

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