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Stuttering Audio On Video Playback (Using Vlc)


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Hi,For many months now i have been using VLC media player to watch downloaded avi files. In the last week or so though, the audio has started to stutter every minute or so for a few seconds. Picture seems ok. Tried downloading the latest updates but problem remains. Any ideas people? Thanks.

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In VLC player, while it is playing, go to Audio > Audio Device > Mono (instead of Stereo)

If that doesn't solve it, delete the program and then reinstall it

VLC does have a tendency to become corrupted over time, but is still, IMHO, the best player out there

Thanks for the tips.

I tried switching to Mono. No change.

As far as deleting and reinstalling goes, i think i have effectively already done this, as when i requested updates it made me uninstall before it installed the latest version.

Anything else it could be?

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