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Farang Men/thai Girlfriends -what's The Thai View?


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So many farang men (me included) walking around with Thai girlfriends - I get the impression most of the Thais don't care but is there not an underlying feeling of us coming over and stealing their women? There must be a certain degree of resentment, right?

You'd think so . I thought the same thing , but most locals I have hung around with urge me to pick up a girl. I think they understand "NO MONEY NO HONEY"

They know the ATM(you) are supporting the villages,maybe them too.I bought a lot of rice in my day,still am.Glad that I can do it.Can't take it with you!!! :o:D:D

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My mother has a really dislike for foreign people in Thailand. I think she dislikes farang married to thai girls too. I'm not sure about this subject though, because she never wants to talk about it. Also she doesn't want me to bring up the subject, she always get angry or irritated at me. I think thai people just don't want to say their true opinion.

Your mother is a hypocrite , she has spawned another one in you.

I married a Thai lady who is happy to live in another country , she is also happy to see foreign people in her country.

If what you say is true, you Mother also hates you , ergo you are the product of her hatred.

My half Thai half farang sons are too busy getting on with their lives to be as bigotted as you appear to be.

I get a strong racist flavour through your dim witted generalisations you calll posts.


Have to strongly disagree. Certainly the dim witted generalisation here was yours, chonabot. :D

How so ?, Fanta Rood is a half Thai half European , his mother married a European and lives in a European Country ( Holland ).

She dislikes foreign people in Thailand ( originally her Husband fell into this category ) , and dislikes Farangs married to Thai girls ( Herself and Hubby again ).

Fanta Rood is a product of these generalisations that she dislikes , how does he prove the exception to the rule? From his postings it appears the lad has a lot of lopsided ideas that have been fed to him by a similarly unbalanced idiot...

If this is all too "general" for you , please elaborate why you disagree ?

Otherwise keep your dimwitted generalisations to you dim self ...


ps do a search on Fanta Rood's posts if you want to see some racist flavoured postings.

Edited by chonabot
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So many farang men (me included) walking around with Thai girlfriends - I get the impression most of the Thais don't care but is there not an underlying feeling of us coming over and stealing their women? There must be a certain degree of resentment, right?

its like vultures clean up all the carion ,so it is with farangs cleaning up all the unwanted divorcees and women unwanted by thais .why should they worry ?

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So many farang men (me included) walking around with Thai girlfriends - I get the impression most of the Thais don't care but is there not an underlying feeling of us coming over and stealing their women? There must be a certain degree of resentment, right?

ever thought of reversing the opinion and debating the view of the country the falang men are from...ie what do people think of you when your walking around London with your thai wife etc.., if it bothers you that much....

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ever thought of reversing the opinion and debating the view of the country the falang men are from...ie what do people think of you when your walking around London with your thai wife etc.., if it bothers you that much....

I think we all know the sort of opinions that most people will form of you, back in the U.K. Narrow minded and unpleasant ones, generally.

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So many farang men (me included) walking around with Thai girlfriends - I get the impression most of the Thais don't care but is there not an underlying feeling of us coming over and stealing their women? There must be a certain degree of resentment, right?

....trying to work up energy to post low-winded rant on this topic....

---trying to work up energy to read through 3 pages of posts this topic which, of course, will certainly contain some posts by racist idiots deserving of much flamage....

...trying to work up energy to get up from the computer and go get an ice cream at Dairy Queen before it closes....

...aw f'k it. think i'll just log into an online game and fall asleep at my keyboard, that seems like a more productive use of my time....

farang men who think they "being naughty" (as if they were "stealing girls" from this country) because they are walking around with a thai girlfriend need to get a ef'ing clue.

you may be tickled pink that you scored yourself a hottie, but nobody else gives a s__t so just get over it already. Thai guys aren't exactly hurting for dates, so I really don't think they give a d_mn what you do with your time.

and now, I'm off to more exciting things...

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....................... :o:D:D

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TGF and I were enjoying a fruit shake at JJ Market a few weekends ago, watching the crowds wander by.  A few feet away a few young Thai guys were busking - they are regulars there.  They were talking in Thai and TGF was looking increasingly uncomfortable.  It seems they were making pointed comments to the effect that so many Thai girls want a farang BF these days that there will be no girls left for them.

Next time tell them quit complaining, get a job & education and stop hanging around JJ market, may be the girls will interested in them abit more. :o

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I have no problem with resentful looks in LOS. It's in the UK where I get funny looks - mainly from fat and saggy old farang women!

It's quite funny sometimes. We'll be walking along minding our own when coming the other way is a local couple that look just the way you promised yourself you would never look at their age - miserable as sin and fed up with each other. She spots handsome man (me!) then suddenly clocks beautiful wife (mine!). Her eyes narrow and face freezes as she then turns her gaze back to me and shows me with her eyes how much she hates me. Her hubby first spots beautiful wife (mine!), jaw drops a fraction then he gives me a whistful look and they both pass by. Or maybe I just imagine it all. I say to wife, 'You very lucky, Darling' and she says to me, 'You very lucky too Darling'. I nod and agree and try to divert her attention away from the jewellers that we are approaching. I wouldn't swap for one moment!

I call this 'Mr & Mrs silver wedding' syndrome; I had it today while taking my wife to buy my weekly newspapers. It marks the start of the tourist season each year and lasts until a week or so after sonkran.

(I've lived in Thailand for years; they've been here 2 days yet look at us with that 'there's another one with a bar girl' look!)

Edited by evadgib
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