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Garden Full Of Insecticide-Resistant Little Mosquitoes


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Frogs eat many mosquitoes, disadvantage is some noise in the evening and night but almost no mosquitoes. :D

Another disadvantage is that frogs can't fly :lol:

They don't have to. A mosquito lives only 1-3 weeks, but lay many eggs. Frogs eat the larva's.

But your problem has to do with some open standing water in the neighborhood.

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I have some cane toads that will eat anything and everything, they would love to come and visit.laugh.gif

Do the cane toads eat the adult mosquitoes? or just the larvae?

I heard bats and dragonflies are mosquito predators. Build a bat box or get a pond.

According to the guy with the insect museum near nimman, the is a larger species of mosquito that feeds on the larvae of the dengue carrying striped mosquito. This larger species doesn't feed on humans, only animals. He said that if he was the government, he would be breeding large colonies in an attempt to wipe out dengue fever. The spraying that the government do is never going to do the job. But then, it wouldn't surprise me if it's a rich politician who owns the spraying companies.

I've noticed a marked increase in the number of mosquitoes recently, as the cold season comes to an end. More flies too.

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Thank heaven for bats.

Problem with frogs and toads is that they eat all my little fish when they run out of mozzies :unsure:

Homepro now sell fans that as well as blasting out air have little capsules that you can insert when needed and it will launch repelant attack on the mozzies, about 4,600B :)

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Well, although mentioned before in this thread- have you eliminated absolutely every bit of standing water on your property?

One humble little plant in a clay pot, with a clay water dish below, could possibly breed hundreds of these pests.

Good luck in your endeavors.

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When ever you can empty out standing water in small containers do it, but in bigger ones, I throw in some 10b little fish that eat the lava's, works very well.

I read that if you get bitten by a mosquito at home, there is a 90 something percent chance it was born and will die within 100m of your house.

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