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Who Is 'Or Was' The Best Singer In The World?


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I tried this topic on Koratfarang, and seemed to churn up some interesting choices.

So I thought i would regurgitate it on here.

Would it be a Thai singer for a Thai person?, a French singer for a French person?

But be honest, not just Biased, and try not to just pick your favourite like most people do.

So here it is... Who is or was the best singer in the world of all time??

Things to consider:

Performance value,

Vocal range,

Sheer power,

Unforgettable voice,

Flexible Style

You may choose male and/or female.

For me, I would have to Pick Queen's Freddie Mercury.. Unbelievable entertainer, amazing range, powerful, everyone knows his voice, could sing anything from rock/pop, ballads to opera.

Edited by newsite12
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Aretha Franklin.

Aretha has everything — the power, the technique.

Beat me to it. Most of her work is not for me but she just has to be admired and is also making a comeback so I hear. Freddie also had a massive voice for sure ( ;) ), and although Tom Jones isn't my cup of tea, in days gone by, some of those highs he'd hit!

For sheer range, power, accuracy, have a listen to Lisa Gerard. Aussie girl who has an operatic, contralto range but mostly scores movies - Gladiator with Mr Zimmer, Insider, ect. If one can't appreciate this clip, there's no hope:

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Yes a bit too wide a choice. As its hard to compare Pavarotti with Micheal Jackson. But I would do it on who has the best voice right now? For me there is no contest, its - Jackie Evancho, runner up Americas Got Talent 2010, - see her on You Tube. She has the voice that happens only once in a generation, and she's just 10 years old! Best voice I've ever heard.

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Back when I worked in the music business this topic came up on occasion. Let me preface this with the caveat that I have no musical ability but great respect for the extremely fine tuned hearing and ability of those who make music for a living.

The names I heard come up most often was Ella Fitzgerald and Aretha Franklin. We did the tours for Aretha and have some great road stories and she was highly regarded by all. Based on your criteria I think they fit the bill fairly well.

Last I heard Aretha was quite ill, must be getting up there in years by now I imagine.

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Without doubt Elvis Presley. Great voice, great range and also a velly hansum man.

Agree - "If I can Dream" is one of my all time favorites and still gives me shivers each time I hear it.

I give a vote for Dean Martin, cool good looking guy with great voice. He was always so relaxed.


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