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Good amount of organic vegetables on sale at the Doi Kham royal project store right now. (Corner of Canal Road and Suthep Road (Ping Payom intersection), on the CMU side).

Big bags of excellent tomatoes for 20 baht, same for zucchini, etc. I think I got the last pack of jalapenos though. Result of the aforementioned: a huge pan of excelent chili con carne!! (After sourcing some ground beef and beans elsewhere).

I mention it because it's a bit hit and miss at that store when it comes to things on sale. Sometimes there's almost nothing on sale, at other times it seems they're giving it all away for next to nothing.

Another top tip in these difficult times: For some reason a tiny tiny loaf of JJ bread manages to get a price tag of 80 baht attached to it at Rimping, while a much bigger and infinitely more interesting loaf of wholegrain bread only costs 55 baht at Oriental bakery. And that's without discount.


Where did you get the beans ? :licklips:

Local market I think; (Dried red kidney beans) I can confirm in the morning. They just magically appeared in a kitchen cabinet. Either way if reviving dried beans is too much work Makro and Rim Ping (and likely Tops) probably have cans.


I had to move back to Bangkok for work after a couple years in Chiang Mai. I sure miss that Doi Kham shop. What a great source for fresh vegetables!


Where's Oriental Bakery ?

At the Oriental Dhara Dhevi's shopping village. After entering the Oriental (driving in across the bridge with the noisy wooden planks), park somewhere on the right side, that's where the shopping village is.

Pricing is a mixed bag: if you order any kind of coffee you will drop 160-180 baht. However in an effort to gain a local customer base they do the following:

* There is usually monthly promotion which will give you any kind of coffee/cappucino together with either cake or ice cream (depending on the promotion) for 90 baht total. So that's about half of just ordering a coffee by itself. ;)

* Their bread is incredible and reasonably priced.

* After 7pm there is a good discount on their cakes.

* Their macaroons have to be experienced to be believed; I've head these in several countries abroad now and as yet none came close to these. Dare I say 'the best outside of Paris'..

While we're on the topic of cake's and coffee, I would also like to put in an honourable mention of the "Yam Roll" shop on the old Lamphun road. They do excellent cake (cheese cake and others), coffee drinks and fruit shakes in a fun little shop on the Lamphun road. It's South of the outer ring, so pretty far from town but if you live anywhere South of town and you're in the area it's well worth stepping into. Cheap cheap cheap. I remember what the cake & coffee situation used to be like in Chiang Mai, and we've come a LONG way. Friendly people too.


Oriental: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Oriental+Dhara+Dhevi+sankamphaeng,+chiang+mai,+thailand&aq=&sll=18.796464,98.660059&sspn=5.271347,9.876709&ie=UTF8&hq=Oriental+Dhara+Dhevi&hnear=San+Kamphaeng,+Chiang+Mai,+Thailand&ll=18.781862,99.039195&spn=0.0103,0.01929&z=16&iwloc=B

It's on the soi that runs between the Sankhampaeng Road with the Middle Ring (3029) The sign on the Middle Ring is the more easily noticed. (A big stone slab with the name on it on the side of the soi.)

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