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Down In The Market


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For the past five years my wife has either been pregnant or taking care of young children at home or both. Well my youngest son is off to school in May so my wife has been thinking about going back to work of some kind and helping me out financially. Not one to dampen that idea I'm supporting her . She got the idea through someone else to make strawberrry juice and sell it round the markets. You don't really see it around in Thailand so we thought we would give it a go. It took us a while to get everything set up and to buy all the stuff we needed but now it is up and running and things are going well and she is making money.

Anyway, most of the time she is at a big market down on Rama 2 just by Tesco at the Kanchanapisek Road end of Rama 2. I went down there myself on Friday as it was a holiday to see what was happening and help her sell some. Before I went I was expecting to get a lot of people making remarks about the foreigner selling stuff but I was quite surprised that even though a few ( literally ) people made the odd remark on the whole absolutely no one batted an eyelid even though I do stick out a mile. It was good to have a bit of banter with the customers and made me think of markets where I grew up.

I quite enjoyed myself really and I went again on Saturday to help out. My wife would do an hour and then I would do an hour and I actually sell more of the stuff than my wife which is quite funny. I don't call out to the customers either like most of the Thais do. My philosophy is that if people want it they will buy it. My wife doesn't agree and says that you have to call after the customer. Each to their own.

I was also surprised that apart from one woman no one made any attempt to even speak a little bit of English, which is what Thais normally try to do with a foreigner. Maybe it's different when you are selling rather than a customer.

Anyway, I was wondering if any one else has got any experiences they would like to share and how was it for them ?

Also, if you are down by Tesco on Rama 2 come to the market , get your strawberry juice and say hello. 20 baht a bottle or 3 for fifty baht ( that's not an advert ).

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Before i was ever a resident here i once helped my gf and her mom to sell flowers on some market. Calling out in Thai and so on. Cant say that i liked it much as i am not a seller. You better be careful workpermit wise. I could not care less but some jealous people might rat you out.

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Also, if you are down by Tesco on Rama 2 come to the market , get your strawberry juice and say hello. 20 baht a bottle or 3 for fifty baht ( that's not an advert ).

If it walks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck its a duck ! Looks awfully like an ad to me ;) Only jesting. :D

I would though as said be careful as all it takes is an immigration guy having a bad day to walk by and he can make yours even worse.

Good idea though as I have never seen strawberry juice anywhere :D

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Also, if you are down by Tesco on Rama 2 come to the market , get your strawberry juice and say hello. 20 baht a bottle or 3 for fifty baht ( that's not an advert ).

If it walks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck its a duck ! Looks awfully like an ad to me ;) Only jesting. :D

I would though as said be careful as all it takes is an immigration guy having a bad day to walk by and he can make yours even worse.

Good idea though as I have never seen strawberry juice anywhere :D

Made from real strawberries too !

Also not an advert, just giving some background information .:whistling:

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Doi Kham ready-to-drink fruit juices are all-time

refreshments, made from selected nutritious fresh fruits which have

undergone a UHT production process for sterilization and are packaged

with the latest technology. They contain no artificial colours,

flavours, or preservatives, and are high in nutritious values.

Edited by jazzbo
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I'm not sure there is another crop here in Thailand that Thais spray more poison onto. I hope you have a very thorough cleansing regime. Good luck with your business and as others have said watch out for petty competitors and self righteous farangs if you intend to work at the stall.

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Just be careful.

The local Thai's may find it amusing to buy from a farang.

However the Labour Dept will no be so amused, and you could easily be arrested a deported.

Is it worth the risk?

Not to forget....

If business is going well, then it'd likely ruffle a few feathers. There's plenty out there who'd be spiteful enough to make a call just out of jealousy and/or to stifle the competition.

I'd keep a very low profile.

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Arghhhh....you guys are making me thirsty!!!!!! Wifey makes me a fresh fruit smoothie pretty much every day. Will have to get some fresh berries from the market.

Best of luck with your venture...and don't piss anybody off...you'll be an easy target for sure....

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Don't really think I'll be down there too much. I just helped my wife out for a bit because it was a holiday and the weekend. Might do the odd hour sometime just for a laugh so I think I will be okay. I've got my own job so that keeps me pretty busy, good to see her trying to make a go of it though as it means less money out of my pocket !

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