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Renaming Files

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Cant figure out how to rename multiple files on my mac. In windows I open the file, select all, right click and there is a rename option. I rename one file and the rest will have that name with a increasing number next to it. example, renaming them all food i would get food1 food2 food 3

Can this be done on the mac? I cant see how to do it, there is no multiple name option anywhere I can find and i don't want to rename each one manually

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dont install any software !

OSX can do this out of the box using the automator ...

you can make rules based on almost anything ... rename to almost anything.

you can also do this based on a search (which is sure not possible at all on windows)

in the search or finder window simply click on actions (or right click) Actions - Automator - create new ...

set up the action, and automator will do this for you ... just like almost anything else you may need to be automatically done

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dont install any software !

OSX can do this out of the box using the automator ...

you can make rules based on almost anything ... rename to almost anything.

you can also do this based on a search (which is sure not possible at all on windows)

in the search or finder window simply click on actions (or right click) Actions - Automator - create new ...

set up the action, and automator will do this for you ... just like almost anything else you may need to be automatically done

this would take me a minute in windows, by the way. open files, select all, right click a file click rename. all done

I appreciate all your help. I am pretty smart and can follow directions but they dont work

"in the search or finder window simply click on actions (or right click) Actions - Automator - create new ..." I go to the finder window, click on actions but there is no automater there at all. I right click the searchlight at the top right of the screen and nothing happens.

I try the sample link. I go to applications and open automater, I follow the directions exactly but it doesnt work, something is left out. I open automater, then workflow icon, then I drag files into the "get specified finder item window. they are there. then I click "rename finder items" and on the example it comes up with rename. On mine it comes up with "add date or time to finder item names" Tried a variety of ways and always the same. All I want to do is rename all the files in a folder, but so far cannot. If you can help great otherwise I will have to try to download one of the suggested programs. Mac 0sx 10.6.6


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its really simple to do

i just recreated the steps for you

i make a folder with some objects


Start Automator

add 2 Actions

- "Get Specified Finder Items"

- "Rename Finder Items"

if you add the Rename Action you will get a warning since this action can not be undone ... (just click "dont add")

you have now 2 actions ...

in Get items .. you select the items you want to rename ... browse to the folder and press command+a for all of them

then in Rename .. you have lots of choices how you want to rename them ... ad numbers, characters, spaces you exen can read exif data or MP3 Tags and other shit .. its really easy to do.

afer press Command+R to start it ..

it will then looks like this:


going back to the folder and TaDA:


really simple isn't it ?

you can compile this action and put in the actions folder ,.. then you can just exeute it on right click anywhere

automate is a very powerfoul tool with you can do almost anything

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its really simple to do

i just recreated the steps for you

i make a folder with some objects


Start Automator

add 2 Actions

- "Get Specified Finder Items"

- "Rename Finder Items"

if you add the Rename Action you will get a warning since this action can not be undone ... (just click "dont add")

you have now 2 actions ...

in Get items .. you select the items you want to rename ... browse to the folder and press command+a for all of them

then in Rename .. you have lots of choices how you want to rename them ... ad numbers, characters, spaces you exen can read exif data or MP3 Tags and other shit .. its really easy to do.

afer press Command+R to start it ..

it will then looks like this:


going back to the folder and TaDA:


really simple isn't it ?

you can compile this action and put in the actions folder ,.. then you can just exeute it on right click anywhere

automate is a very powerfoul tool with you can do almost anything

color me stupid but.... I have been doing what you said before. I am assuming I click the workflow icon to get to those two actions, I have also tried the folder opion. First step works fine, got the files up on the window, the problem is when i get to the second step and click rename I get "add date or time to finder item names window, not the one you are showing with a spot for name change. I have tried multible combinations and get the same thing. Either I am a dummy or your leaving out a step that I am not doing.

thanks for trying to help, but really frustrated

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No you are on the right way, i have to admit that its may little confusing because automator set the Topic of the action based on selection, In my example it show "sequential" in the first pulldown box, yours show something about "date & time".

Click there and select sequentiell, the whole apearance with options will change then.

Can't recall it now since im on the road

If you still got trouble i can make a screenshoot later

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No you are on the right way, i have to admit that its may little confusing because automator set the Topic of the action based on selection, In my example it show "sequential" in the first pulldown box, yours show something about "date & time".

Click there and select sequentiell, the whole apearance with options will change then.

Can't recall it now since im on the road

If you still got trouble i can make a screenshoot later

I have given up, I think I will load them on windows, rename them in about 30 seconds and then reload onto my mac. seem easier and I can make it work.

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