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Does A Fart Smell Any Worse...


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Does a fart smell any worse in North America than it does in Thailand? I was reminded of that today in two separate incidents. Earlier in the evening I was walking along the river road next to the flower market. Within 30 meters I was aware of at least 10 different smells along my way. There were at least 3 or 4 fragrances from the lovely flowers, but that was balanced with the putrid stench of sewrage, and a little bit further with a variet of scents from the food market nearby. I get that a lot in Chiang Mai.

Then, later in the evening a friend and I were sitting on chairs in front of his place, and Mike lifted his leg and farted. It was a quiet fart and the odour was barely discernable, but Mike apologized anyway. I hardly even noticed and didn't say anything until Mike apologized. Then, I replied that here in Thailand there are so many conflicting smells that we just take for granted and ignore them as just being normal. In North America there would be cause for concern and embarassment on the part of the person who farted. And, very often, jokes would be made about it.

It's nothing earth shattering, but just another day in the life of a Chiang Mai semi-expat. Earlier in the winter there was the lovely aroma from some plant/tree that you could only smell in the evening after dark. I think it might be jasmine, but I don't know for sure, but if you could market it as perfume it would be a big seller. It just hits you as you walk along some soi in the evening. I seldom get that in Canada where everything is cleaner, but almost antiseptically so.

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I have noticed what regards me that a fart made by me here in Thailand is much more deadly than back

home in Sweden. It smells really bad here in Thailand. Must be the food I guess!!


You could try buying these scented fart powders which came on the market a few years ago but surprisingly hasn't been a commercial success as yet. The powders come in sachets, you can get strawberry, lavender and wild flower. Mix the powder with a glass of water and for the next 12 hours your farts will caress the air with nasal delight. I believe you can get mint scented fart powder too but I never tried that one.

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I was at a resort in Khao Yai a few weeks back and following a family of locals through the lobby. Suddenly there was this almighty rip roaring trouser trumpet from their group. Because there were a number of kids with them playing grab ass and generally messing about I assumed that one of them had made a raspberry noise with his mouth.

Until I walked into the paint peeling stench of a fart wafting through the atmosphere that, judging from the look of embarrassment coming from granny at my uncontrollable " Jesus Christ!" exclamation, must have been dealt by her. She didn't need to understand my mild profanity. My face said it all.

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We've all had it happen, on an aeroplane :bah:.

Suddenly there's this horrendous stench teasing your nostrils, you look up

gingerly without moving your head to see if any one else is affected to find nobody dare move there head cos people will think it them, the culprit is the one quickly flicking through magazine pages with not a care in the world it wasn't me look :lol:.

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OP: You are out of your mind....you know the term "dine and dash right" ?

a-holes (no pun intended) all over america, "fart and dash" in crouds and leave people hanging...you should try being in Husky Stadium or our indoor college basketball arena "HecEd in Seattle. People fart and and walk away and then Bam it hits up...like <deleted>...."it wasn'y me?"

When I smell a fart in America in a croud, I always say something loud like "wow, whoever did that should at least have the nads to claim it, I know I would"

anyway the silent ones are always the worst...farting is global...unless you are like my ex-gf in Seattle that insists she never farts.

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I love to rip a silent deadly one around my friends and then ask, 'Does anyone smell anything burning?' Needless to say I'm usually battered by a bunch of punches as I'm laughing my arse off......

I remember one of the first times I let a loud one rip while around my Thai wife (girlfriend at the time). She exclaimed how 'ugly' that was and that she never farts.... I questioned her on 'never farts' and she restated that I would never hear her fart.... Needless to say that was 10 years ago and now she rips them louder than I do and is rightly proud of every single one.... laugh.gif

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OP: You are out of your mind....you know the term "dine and dash right" ?

a-holes (no pun intended) all over america, "fart and dash" in crouds and leave people hanging...you should try being in Husky Stadium or our indoor college basketball arena "HecEd in Seattle. People fart and and walk away and then Bam it hits up...like <deleted>...."it wasn'y me?"

When I smell a fart in America in a croud, I always say something loud like "wow, whoever did that should at least have the nads to claim it, I know I would"

anyway the silent ones are always the worst...farting is global...unless you are like my ex-gf in Seattle that insists she never farts.

I read somewhere that on average people fart 40 times a day :huh: As l don't my wife must suffer greatly when l am asleep. :D

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Q. Do men fart more than women?

A. No, women fart just as much as men. It's just that most men take more pride in it than most women. There is a large variation among individuals in the amount of fart gas produced per day, but the variation does not correlate with gender.I have read that men fart more often than women. If this is true, then women must be saving it up and expelling more gas per fart than men do.

Q. At what time of day is a gentleman most likely to fart? Lol 


A. A gentleman is mostly likely to fart first thing in the morning, while in the bathroom. This is known as "morning thunder," and if the gentleman gets good resonance, it can be heard throughout the household.

Q. What makes farts stink?

 A. The odor of farts comes from small amounts of hydrogen sulfide gas and skatole in the mixture. These compounds contain sulfur. The more sulfur-rich your diet, the more sulfides and skatole will be produced by the bacteria in your guts, and the more your farts will stink. Foods such as cauliflower, eggs and meat are notorious for producing smelly farts, whereas beans produce large amounts of not particularly stinky farts. 


Q.  Why do farts make noise?

 A. The sounds are produced by vibrations of the anal opening. Sounds depend on the velocity of expulsion of the gas and the tightness of the sphincter muscles of the anus. 

Q.Is it harmful to hold in farts?

 A. There are differences in opinion on this one. Certainly, people have believed for centuries that retaining flatulence is bad for the health. Emperor Claudius even passed a law legalizing farting at banquets out of concern for peoples' health.  There was a widespread belief that a person could be poisoned or catch a disease by retaining farts. 

    Doctors I have spoken to recently have told me that there is no particular harm in holding in farts. Farts will not poison you; they are a natural component of your intestinal contents. The worst thing that can happen is that you may get a stomach ache from the gas pressure. But one doctor suggested that pathological distention of the bowel could result if a person holds in farts too much.

Facts on FARTS

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Nigh time scent was likely night blooming Jasmine, open at dusk and close at dawn, very pleasant sweet smell, very common in these parts.. But nasty if you're allergic...

BTW thanks for sharing....

Edited by WarpSpeed
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I wasn't farting alot last week but I was seemingly pissing out my ass the second week here...haha

How about undercover farts? who traps their girl? my thai gf last year I dated 3 months and I may have herd her fart once on accident but she had no problem burping which I didnt care for while she would drive her car with me in it after we eat...I would have dumped her if she ripped one around me...

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It was actually a bit of a "troll" on my part that I thought we might have a few laughs over. It's always been an odd topic and common everywhere. They even make those little rubber fart toys that pranksters put on someone's seat just before they sit down. Fortunately, those don't come with the smell. But, a few of us in our younger days got up to mischief in the theater. We would eat pickled eggs, figs or dates, some partially cooked beef and enough beer to get things started. Then, we would choose the center seats in the theater on Saturday afternoon. Needless to say there was a big vacant area around us after nature started taking action. Occasionally, we were asked to leave.

Edited by IanForbes
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It was actually a bit of a "troll" on my part that I thought we might have a few laughs over. It's always been an odd topic and common everywhere. They even make those little rubber fart toys that pranksters put on someone's seat just before they sit down. Fortunately, those don't come with the smell. But, a few of us in our younger days got up to mischief in the theater. We would eat pickled eggs, figs or dates, some partially cooked beef and enough beer to get things started. Then, we would choose the center seats in the theater on Saturday afternoon. Needless to say there was a big vacant area around us after nature started taking action. Occasionally, we were asked to leave.

I suppose now smoking is banned in theatres, you won't be allowed to light your farts either.

Some people have no sense of humour.

I am just lucky that my farts are so sweet, like my children...


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It was actually a bit of a "troll" on my part that I thought we might have a few laughs over. It's always been an odd topic and common everywhere. They even make those little rubber fart toys that pranksters put on someone's seat just before they sit down. Fortunately, those don't come with the smell. But, a few of us in our younger days got up to mischief in the theater. We would eat pickled eggs, figs or dates, some partially cooked beef and enough beer to get things started. Then, we would choose the center seats in the theater on Saturday afternoon. Needless to say there was a big vacant area around us after nature started taking action. Occasionally, we were asked to leave.

My mate had a fabulous piece of kit. An electronic farter. Place the wee box behind a cushion or under a chair, he had a key fob, like to open your car door, so he could leave the room and create a fart without being in the room. Great stuff, and we had a few laughs. :D

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