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What Is It About Thai`s?


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Riding here is not more dangerous than in other countries-

Road deaths per 1000 inhabitants.

UK: 3.59

Japan: 3.81

France: 6.9

Switzerland: 4.7

Germany: 4.5

Netherlands 4.1

Sweden 2.9

Australia 6.8

Thailand: 19.6

just remember that two objects can not be in the same spot at the same time...

Ah, is that all. If I had only known that before that cement mixer U-turned directly in front of me.

Just because the west has a better system (but for sure more boring) does that mean we should complain about the way they ride here?

I would like to see more people getting trained but I still think it would not get better out there- might even get more dangerous and boring...

So you would prefer a system that is exciting at the cost of the lives of thousands of innocent men women and children? Nice priorities there.

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I think those figures are VERY misleading. Since most traffic deaths in Thailand are from Motorcycle accidents (85% ?) and Thailand has more motorcycles than most of those countries combined, the figures mean little except that motorcycles are much more dangerous than other vehicles.

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I think those figures are VERY misleading. Since most traffic deaths in Thailand are from Motorcycle accidents (85% ?) and Thailand has more motorcycles than most of those countries combined, the figures mean little except that motorcycles are much more dangerous than other vehicles.

Agreed the figures are misleading. They are low. It has been discovered time and again that deaths aren't properly recorded in Thailand.

Regardless, the fact that there are more motorcycles is irrelevant. The statement was made that riding in Thailand is as safe as any other country. Clearly that is false.

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I don't drive in Bangkok; thats why I have a bike!

If its really hot, you have too much shopping, or you don't feel like biking, take a taxi.

One of the major reasons I don't drive in Bangkok is trying to find somewhere to park, especially in multistory car parks. Not to mention it really reduces the chance of a car accident; well if it happens to the taxi, pay your fare and get another one!

But the pickup is useful for out of city trips. Then I meet all your frustrations. The mini bus drivers are the worse in my opinion; I just get out of the way and let them go. Also Bangkok plated cars are the most inconsiderate and rude.

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-No matter what Thais say, use the horn, it's there for a reason
And what DO Thais say about using the horn?

Using it may upset the social harmony of beautiful Thailand, and result in stab/bullet wounds.

Poor little things cant take being beeped at. :cheesy:

Edited by appropriate
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I've been riding in the Chiang Mai province for quite a while now...


-Most of the time drivers us the wrong turn lights here, don't use turn lights or worse have broken turn lights (especially on older vehicles, like trucks).

-Lots of people drive on the wrong side of the road especially those not wearing helmets and those that don't know how to drive properly. I come across these very often and they just come at you with a big grin on their faces, like they'll be glad to have a head on collision with you. They drive on the wrong side of the road because either their scared, or too lazy to go use the U-turn ahead.

-Truck drivers have no respect for motorcyclists, actually they have no respect for everyone else on the road on the road they'll use their size to run you off the road. They usually like to use the fast lane even if they're prohibited by traffic rules to do so. The same goes for most local well-off SUV drivers. They will bully you off the road!

What you can do be a little safer...

-Check your bike before and after every ride

-Plan routes and try to avoid roads where there is a high concentration of idiots on the road

-Always stay on alert and identify potential hazards ahead , speed up or slow down as necessary (slow does not always mean safe)

-Always leave yourself an out

-Even when driving in the motorcycle lane, always expect a moron to come from the opposite direction, expect dogs coming at you or someone out of his mind lying on the road

-Don't get goaded into racing with other riders, on the street

-Never drink while driving (I know it's kind of difficult for most of us)

-No matter what Thais say, use the horn, it's there for a reason

-Be visible to the other drivers as much as possible (I know black is cool, but pink/orange/yellow is the new black... I guess that's why Yellow Corn jackets are popular among Thais even if they look like walking billboards)

-Always wear protective gear

-Always remember car vs bike in an accident, car always wins

-Most importantly, never be overconfident or overestimate your riding skill

I recommend reading "Proficient Motorcycling: The Ultimate Guide to Riding Well" by David L. Hough.

Thanks for the posting and recommendation ... that is something that might help save people (maybe also me).

There is no use in complaining, just accept the way it is. It is not going to change.

And realize that every time you get on your bike (or in your car).

It is a jungle out there, and there is only 1 person that can take care for your saefty : YOU! And you alone. Nobody else.

Taking care of your saefty takes out 70% of the chances becoming a road-accident-statistic as 99% of the drivers here do not care of there saefty at all.

On a side note I find my wife funny when I am driving my car. She complains about other drivers, going too slow, driving on the wrong place or whatever. She drives herself too .... and I am sure she would complain if she could see herself driving.

Chang Noi

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-No matter what Thais say, use the horn, it's there for a reason
And what DO Thais say about using the horn?

Using it may upset the social harmony of beautiful Thailand, and result in stab/bullet wounds.

Poor little things cant take being beeped at. :cheesy:

They actually have it on the video they show you when you get your driver's license...:D

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I think those figures are VERY misleading. Since most traffic deaths in Thailand are from Motorcycle accidents (85% ?) and Thailand has more motorcycles than most of those countries combined, the figures mean little except that motorcycles are much more dangerous than other vehicles.

Agreed the figures are misleading. They are low. It has been discovered time and again that deaths aren't properly recorded in Thailand.

Regardless, the fact that there are more motorcycles is irrelevant. The statement was made that riding in Thailand is as safe as any other country. Clearly that is false.

Those figures will probably get worse as more people start driving cars. There will be even more car/scooter accidents.

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-No matter what Thais say, use the horn, it's there for a reason
And what DO Thais say about using the horn?

Using it may upset the social harmony of beautiful Thailand, and result in stab/bullet wounds.

Poor little things cant take being beeped at. :cheesy:

They actually have it on the video they show you when you get your driver's license...:D

I kind of remember that.

What do they say again, 'try to refrain from beeping your car horn as Thais can not deal with this criticism and find it extremely rude and offputting as they pull out from an intersection at 5kph and cross three lanes without any indication'?

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What you can do be a little safer...

-Check your bike before and after every ride

If you check before why check after.:D

-Plan routes and try to avoid roads where there is a high concentration of idiots on the road.

Are these Roads sign posted. :)

-Always stay on alert and identify potential hazards ahead , speed up or slow down as necessary (slow does not always mean safe)

Yep !! nearing the lights on Green, nail it.

-Always leave yourself an out

That's assuming you have the time to carry it out.

-Even when driving in the motorcycle lane, always expect a moron to come from the opposite direction, expect dogs coming at you or someone out of his mind lying on the road ......................................... Don't ride in the motorcycle lane there maybe someone wanting to go in the other direction. Dogs are protecting there territory. Maybe someone in the road has been hit by a motorcyclist going the wrong way.

-Don't get goaded into racing with other riders, on the street.

No !! No !! I like racing with others.

-Never drink while driving (I know it's kind of difficult for most of us)

No not difficult !! you can get one of those can holders they fit on scooters and a straw.

-No matter what Thais say, use the horn, it's there for a reason.

That's very right everytime you pass a Temple.

-Be visible to the other drivers as much as possible (I know black is cool, but pink/orange/yellow is the new black... I guess that's why Yellow Corn jackets are popular among Thais even if they look like walking billboards)................................. Flashing yellow lights with a siren is better.

-Always wear protective gear

I do,... me flipflops,...a builders helmet,...Bemuder shorts,...and sun glasses.

-Always remember car vs bike in an accident, car always wins.

If a bike is going fast enough it can cut a car in half.

-Most importantly, never be overconfident or overestimate your riding skill.

Yes !! borrow someone else bike when you want to know the limit.

I recommend reading "Proficient Motorcycling: The Ultimate Guide to Riding Well" by David L. Hough.

Jokes apart good book this and learning from a skilled instructor.

Ride to live.

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