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Thai Police Free Women From Illegal Baby Farm In Bangkok

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Charging $32,000 and going on about quality and sincerity assured but their website is a joke, looks like it was made using FrontPage, and the English a cross between a Taiwanese and a Thai attempting to show off their English language skills.


So if this occurred in Thailand. How many other countries such as Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam are having the same crime activity?

Are other companies (criminals) doing the same thing. Maybe they also have poor Chinese and Thai girls there.

By staying under the radar and possibly more rural areas where telephone & internet access are not so available, taking these girls out of their home country

also increases the security of the criminal activity.

As far as the Thai Police are concerned they maybe far from having completed their investigation.

Meaning more and more charges will be brought forth as the investigation continues and the Prosecutor is made aware.

In Thailand the Prosecutor has no means or authority to investigate.

Many times the news only gives you a charge they are being held on, they (The Police) need to start somewhere.

Also Thai Police do not bring the formal charges.

This is done by the Prosecutor.

Then a judicial review to see what charges are supported and which are not.

I would always hope & wish for these things to never ever happen, but they do.

prvtdetdave (CDI ret.)


Vietnamese women?

What do they have against our lovely Thai ladies?

I lived in Taipei and had some amazing discussions.

Many Asians, particularly Chinese, Taiwanese, view Thais as culturally less than desireable as mates ... "fun" girls, but not the sort of woman a quality person would take home to meet the family, or marry. Overwhelmingly, Asians still believe in the DNA as the predominant determinate of a child's potential, not the environment. So, a Thai-bred child (that sounded horrible, but it is what this Thai baby factory is doing) would be destined to be a Thai, regardless of what the parents do and the environment in which the child is raised.

Vietnamese women are viewed by Chinese as culturally superior.

But, of course, Thailand is the perfect place to perpetrate such soulless and illegal activities. Such people blend-in well here, especially if they are also similar-minded as Thai Buddhism. Thais make pretty good money by selling their own children, so why not make money by selling other's children?

It just makes good sense.


Of course no sane person condones illegal activity however I do believe that surrogacy should be a legal practice subject to the same kind of strict rules as apply to adoption. There are many childless couples in the world who have the means to give a good home and upbringing to a child. It is not about trafficking in people but about allowing a fertile woman to carry your child and give birth to it and at the same time maybe improve that womans life and circumstances. Of course like this it is baby selling but controlled and managed properly it could be about bringing children into loving homes and help to further diversify the worlds population. Sadly in recent years many good couples have been denied the opportunity to rescue babies from situations where they have little hope - because societies PC do gooders believe that cultural heritage is more important than happiness and wellbeing.

What utter codswallop. You ever heard of Children's Homes? They're everywhere! There's one in Bangkok where visitors are actively encouraged to bond with any given affection starved baby, there being a severe staff shortage. But I digress. What we're talking about here is exactly the type of mindset of someone wanting to buy a puppy rather than rescue one from an animal shelter.



Follow the trail to the hospital. How could all these children be born and no one not notice? There were attending physicians and nurses. A birth cannot occur in a hospital without there being a notation. Someone broke the rules. The physicians associated with this business violated the Thai medical council code of professional ethics and are subject to serious sanction and even loss of a license to practice.

I will be surprised if the implicated medical personnel and hospital suffer anything more than the loss of a lucrative sideline.


Another stupid report (sans any Thai involvement) by an even more stupid reporter, who has likely prostituted their services to the payroll of the arresting officers and PHM's office.

This story reeks of "Pot + Kettle = Black".

But if you are Thai, you'll refuse to pull your head out of that warm, moist hole, and look around you.

If you are Thai, you will refuse to look around at the similarities and draw conclusions at the hypocrisy; the irony.

Every allegation made in this cheap, dime novel story can be experienced right under our noses - right here amongst the Thai people - but under any other euphemism.

It's about money and greed and that damnable curse called "face". It's not about humanity, so save your mock indignation for your guilty accomplices; and I hope you sleep well at night. You probably do, no doubt. All you need to do is go down to the local temple and pay a bribe for a blessing, but only after they clean up the bloody little corpses down there.

You people aren't human! You allow this, and that incriminates you right here.

Lip service might satisfy the Thais, but your average foreigner knows better.

We wouldn't disrespect you so much, and think so little of you if you simply told the truth and did the right thing, instead of acting like a pack of ruthless chimpanzees.

These stories remind me of the articles you find in the National Inquirer back in the US. "My Stepmother Was Held Captive and Impregnated by Aliens from Area 21"

You just can't make this up.


I don't really find much wrong with what they were doing. I believe in reproductive freedom.

The prices they were charging seemed high and they were not paying the surrogates good wages, but isn't it a free market?

There seems to be so many stupid restrictive laws and so much righteous indignation everywhere.

Nobody does anything about street kids on drugs. But if someone tried to put them to work in a factory and feed them, then people get upset about the exploitation.

Look at all aspects of this article. Read the website....

The article isn't completely clear, but this paragraph implied something that might be "wrong" with what they're doing:

Vietnamese women, some of whom were offered thousands of dollars per baby, were held in two houses in Bangkok and had their passports confiscated.

I also have no problem with paid surrogacy. But if the women agreed to be surrogates, then were held against their will, to me that is a crime. Agreeing to be a surrogate does not = agreeing to be a prisoner. The fact that the women's passports were confiscated (if true) shows that the women weren't completely doing this freely. Not to mention that we don't know what the conditions inside the houses were really like.


aren't their enough poor ISSAAN women to do the business with ? Guess they had no work permit for that baby factory as not Thailand made, right :)


I don't really find much wrong with what they were doing. I believe in reproductive freedom.

The prices they were charging seemed high and they were not paying the surrogates good wages, but isn't it a free market?

There seems to be so many stupid restrictive laws and so much righteous indignation everywhere.

Nobody does anything about street kids on drugs. But if someone tried to put them to work in a factory and feed them, then people get upset about the exploitation.

Look at all aspects of this article. Read the website....

The article isn't completely clear, but this paragraph implied something that might be "wrong" with what they're doing:

Vietnamese women, some of whom were offered thousands of dollars per baby, were held in two houses in Bangkok and had their passports confiscated.

I also have no problem with paid surrogacy. But if the women agreed to be surrogates, then were held against their will, to me that is a crime. Agreeing to be a surrogate does not = agreeing to be a prisoner. The fact that the women's passports were confiscated (if true) shows that the women weren't completely doing this freely. Not to mention that we don't know what the conditions inside the houses were really like.

They could not have been any worse than the native people who live just down the street from me: A filthy brick shanty with flee ridden curs who regularly urinate and poop in the footpath, and lay on their outdoor concrete table eating surface to escape the Sun. The same surface that never gets wiped down when the people eat on it. And several grubby children running all around the area and on the roads dressed like Nigerian poster kids. The mom and dad regularly visit the monkey house due to their drug habit and dealing the stuff. You got it; grandma lives there and takes care of everything.

It looks like the mom is pregnant again, as the man does not have a job, and they must lay around all day and breed babies (as the article suggests).

But that's ok, because by any other name; it's Thai living as a norm.


Not to mention that we don't know what the conditions inside the houses were really like.

They could not have been any worse than the native people who live just down the street from me: A filthy brick shanty with flee ridden curs who regularly urinate and poop in the footpath, and lay on their outdoor concrete table eating surface to escape the Sun. The same surface that never gets wiped down when the people eat on it. And several grubby children running all around the area and on the roads dressed like Nigerian poster kids. The mom and dad regularly visit the monkey house due to their drug habit and dealing the stuff. You got it; grandma lives there and takes care of everything.

It looks like the mom is pregnant again, as the man does not have a job, and they must lay around all day and breed babies (as the article suggests).

But that's ok, because by any other name; it's Thai living as a norm.

Yeah they could. Besides being filthy & unsafe for fetuses, the women could have been physically, verbally, or psychological abused.


But that's ok, because by any other name; it's Thai living as a norm.

Where I come from we definitely have some "trailer trash" parts of town that sound similar to what you described. That doesn't mean it's the American norm. Maybe try not to generalize so much.


Charged with illegally working in Thailand!!!

This is all Thailand's finest could manage against the Scandwegians allegedly up to no good in Pattaya the other day... Is this the best the boys in brown can do against these foreign criminals???

i would think they start out with this charge and then add to it after the investigation is done. anyway working without a work permit is not such a small charge up to 5 years in prison and 100,000B fine. I think they should get more time than 5 years, but that is a good start.


But that's ok, because by any other name; it's Thai living as a norm.

Where I come from we definitely have some "trailer trash" parts of town that sound similar to what you described. That doesn't mean it's the American norm. Maybe try not to generalize so much.


Yeah they could. Besides being filthy & unsafe for fetuses, the women could have been physically, verbally, or psychological abused.

I understand the downplaying of what I am saying, but firstly I am not describing "America"; North, South, or Central. Those are totally different cultures and mindsets. Also, what westerners make the mistake in doing is deciding that the rest of the world needs to be "Americanized" and there you have the problem!

Your interpretation of physical, verbal and psychological abuse more than likely do not fit in with Thai standards, as these standards are played out in the "the daily norm" that I am subject to continuously.

Americans from the USA have just about run their limit of credibility with finger pointing at the rest of the world.

This is an industry that I am describing. It is an industry that has roots in every corner of power, both "legal" and "illegal"; whichever way you want to interpret it.

At the end of the day, the humans are the resource. They are disposable, easily replaced, and easy to manufacture to ensure a plentiful supply in the future. There are people who see it this way, and they give a dam_n about anyone interfering because they are usually the ones at the top, or they have a pair of pliers firmly gripped onto the bits of those in power. You mess with big money and you will not be long for this world. Humans, as a resource are big money!

Hell! Even the NGOs play this card in order to perpetuate their existence. Even religion plays this card to perpetuate their existence. Breed'em, keep'em living in fear and crisis, and work'em and tax'em to death, and don't let them aspire to your position of power in this world.

I understand your view, but I gave that one up long ago; way before stories about 2000 dead fetuses and other heinous acts by humans towards one another.

My view is that as time progresses, the value placed on human life will be reduced to the point that the freedom to breathe will be decided by a very few, and the sad thing is that the sheep will bleat their acceptance of this. That is of course after you weed out the smart ones and replace them with the sociopaths being raised today by pseudo mommy and daddy.

In summary, this article is not about the plight of human beings and caring about it. It is trash reporting that describes the water, and conveniently ignores the person drowning in the water.


Obviously some important details are being left out of this story. The story states that the women expected to be surrogates and even agreed to the payment. It doesn't sound like they woke up one day and suddenly noticed that their bellies were larger. They didn't come to Thailand to be a waitress and then were held in bondage. So what went sour? Once they were pregnant did they change their mind and decide to keep the baby themselves, or perhaps negotiate a higher price? What caused the girl( to change her mind and reneg on her contract?

It may have changed when their passports were taken away and they were held as slaves...may have had something to do with the change of heart?


Yeah they could. Besides being filthy & unsafe for fetuses, the women could have been physically, verbally, or psychological abused.

Yeah, could have been. That's why I said we don't know what the conditions were like - not that this actually happened - so we can't fully understand what "crimes" were committed based solely on the information contained in this article.

I understand the downplaying of what I am saying, but firstly I am not describing "America"; North, South, or Central. Those are totally different cultures and mindsets. Also, what westerners make the mistake in doing is deciding that the rest of the world needs to be "Americanized" and there you have the problem!

Your interpretation of physical, verbal and psychological abuse more than likely do not fit in with Thai standards, as these standards are played out in the "the daily norm" that I am subject to continuously.

I posted two separate replies for a reason - my abuse comment & my comment about you saying that your trashy, poor neighbors represent the "Thai norm" were two completely different issues. I obviously realize that you weren't talking about any of the Americas. The only reason I mentioned "America" was to point out how ridiculous it is to generalize an entire culture based on one small subset of that culture, whether it's in Thailand or in a western country . It's unfortunate that you seem to think that all Thai people behave the way your neighbors do.

I understand your view, but I gave that one up long ago; way before stories about 2000 dead fetuses and other heinous acts by humans towards one another.

Do you? What exactly do you think is my "view?"


Obviously some important details are being left out of this story. The story states that the women expected to be surrogates and even agreed to the payment. It doesn't sound like they woke up one day and suddenly noticed that their bellies were larger. They didn't come to Thailand to be a waitress and then were held in bondage. So what went sour? Once they were pregnant did they change their mind and decide to keep the baby themselves, or perhaps negotiate a higher price? What caused the girl( to change her mind and reneg on her contract?

It may have changed when their passports were taken away and they were held as slaves...may have had something to do with the change of heart?

Yeah, there is an updated article in the newspaper today (the one we can't quote) that indicates that the women came to Thailand with the promise of well-paying jobs. They didn't know about the surrogacy until they arrived, and they were supposedly told that if they refused to comply and accept the offer, their passports would be withheld.


I wish I could say unbelievable, but there are evil and desperate people in the world...and the evil reference regards the people arrested.

if ever having surgery here should go check after, if both lungs , kidneys and the liver is still complete........:unsure: ....or they are not doing that business yet ? :ermm::D

I don't know how true it is but an ex g/f told me , that in the wilds of Korat, people take children, kill them and take their eyes, to sell, then dump the bodies.



Vietnamese women?

What do they have against our lovely Thai ladies?

I lived in Taipei and had some amazing discussions.

Many Asians, particularly Chinese, Taiwanese, view Thais as culturally less than desireable as mates ... "fun" girls, but not the sort of woman a quality person would take home to meet the family, or marry. Overwhelmingly, Asians still believe in the DNA as the predominant determinate of a child's potential, not the environment. So, a Thai-bred child (that sounded horrible, but it is what this Thai baby factory is doing) would be destined to be a Thai, regardless of what the parents do and the environment in which the child is raised.

Vietnamese women are viewed by Chinese as culturally superior.

But, of course, Thailand is the perfect place to perpetrate such soulless and illegal activities. Such people blend-in well here, especially if they are also similar-minded as Thai Buddhism. Thais make pretty good money by selling their own children, so why not make money by selling other's children?

It just makes good sense.

The fact that Vietnamese woman are viewed as superior to Chinese is very questionable as many Chinese farmers who live in towns with no available Chinese woman buy Vietnames brides as they are so cheap to buy, cheper than Chinese ones from other parts of the country.

Trusting a Taiwanese viewpoint in regards to what Chinese think about it is not very reliable.

If I am correct Jewish people have a similar belief. If the mother is Jewish, no matter what the surroundings etc the child is Jewish.


Of course no sane person condones illegal activity however I do believe that surrogacy should be a legal practice subject to the same kind of strict rules as apply to adoption. There are many childless couples in the world who have the means to give a good home and upbringing to a child. It is not about trafficking in people but about allowing a fertile woman to carry your child and give birth to it and at the same time maybe improve that womans life and circumstances. Of course like this it is baby selling but controlled and managed properly it could be about bringing children into loving homes and help to further diversify the worlds population. Sadly in recent years many good couples have been denied the opportunity to rescue babies from situations where they have little hope - because societies PC do gooders believe that cultural heritage is more important than happiness and wellbeing.

What utter codswallop. You ever heard of Children's Homes? They're everywhere! There's one in Bangkok where visitors are actively encouraged to bond with any given affection starved baby, there being a severe staff shortage. But I digress. What we're talking about here is exactly the type of mindset of someone wanting to buy a puppy rather than rescue one from an animal shelter.


What utter codswallop. You ever heard of someone wanting to have their own genetic child? The biological imperative to pass on your own DNA? The comfort about knowing that you or a sibling might be a donor in the event of some disease?

Everybody supports orphanages. That is not the point. This is a direct affront by elite government organizations trying to make a political statement using the lives of defenseless children and grieving infertile parents as pawns.

What the government and the police did is abominable. Law or no law it is plain and simply wrong. This whole story stinks. I don't believe any of it. It is a manufactured cess pool of lies for political reasons.



Obviously some important details are being left out of this story. The story states that the women expected to be surrogates and even agreed to the payment. It doesn't sound like they woke up one day and suddenly noticed that their bellies were larger. They didn't come to Thailand to be a waitress and then were held in bondage. So what went sour? Once they were pregnant did they change their mind and decide to keep the baby themselves, or perhaps negotiate a higher price? What caused the girl( to change her mind and reneg on her contract?

It may have changed when their passports were taken away and they were held as slaves...may have had something to do with the change of heart?

Yeah, there is an updated article in the newspaper today (the one we can't quote) that indicates that the women came to Thailand with the promise of well-paying jobs. They didn't know about the surrogacy until they arrived, and they were supposedly told that if they refused to comply and accept the offer, their passports would be withheld.

A likely story to cover their own ass in case of charges. I'd lie too if the police raided my place of business. No officer, I'm innocent. I had no idea. I'm here against my will. I don't believe for an instant this is what happened. I'm quite certain they all knew. The pay was excellent. Anything that happens at this point is nothing more than theater.

This story is already so full of lies and unthruths as to be meaningless. The government should be ashamed of itself for allowing this farce to continue. Really just reading such utter politically motivated sewage makes me want to vomit. I'd be surprised if 20% of what the police are saying has any basis in fact.


Vietnamese women?

What do they have against our lovely Thai ladies?

I lived in Taipei and had some amazing discussions.

Many Asians, particularly Chinese, Taiwanese, view Thais as culturally less than desireable as mates ... "fun" girls, but not the sort of woman a quality person would take home to meet the family, or marry. Overwhelmingly, Asians still believe in the DNA as the predominant determinate of a child's potential, not the environment. So, a Thai-bred child (that sounded horrible, but it is what this Thai baby factory is doing) would be destined to be a Thai, regardless of what the parents do and the environment in which the child is raised.

Vietnamese women are viewed by Chinese as culturally superior.

But, of course, Thailand is the perfect place to perpetrate such soulless and illegal activities. Such people blend-in well here, especially if they are also similar-minded as Thai Buddhism. Thais make pretty good money by selling their own children, so why not make money by selling other's children?

It just makes good sense.

What are you rambling about? There was no information at all, anywhere, that said these innocent babies had any genetic material at all from their Vietnamese surrogates. In nearly all cases today the child has no genetic relation to the surrogate caregiver. That minimizes the likelihood of the surrogate establishing a bond with the baby when it is born and making problems. And the babies would be raised by their real parents. The Vietnamese culture would not even enter into it.

It is almost certain these surrogates are not the baby's genetic parents. They are simply providing a service for infertile couples who desperately want to have their own children. It is even more likely the people contracting the service had no idea of the nationality of the surrogate. Then we get this (and I have to thank a previous poster for this word) codswallop about some website that may or may not actually be involved. A tactic designed strictly to support a political ideaology to disparage the very real needs of infertile couples and the life giving service that surrogate caregivers provide.

Of course, the fascist police and government organizations are more interested in killing the babies they see as abominations coming from a non approved form of conception than they are about genuine human rights and dignities.


I wish I could say unbelievable, but there are evil and desperate people in the world...and the evil reference regards the people arrested.

if ever having surgery here should go check after, if both lungs , kidneys and the liver is still complete........:unsure: ....or they are not doing that business yet ? :ermm::D

completely right! as with the cars in the repair shops, where they exchange your original parts with third party parts if you not stand next to them...


Surrogate mothers worried about their baby's future

By Pongphon Sarnsamak

The Nation


Vietnamese women, who were lured into becoming surrogate mothers for children to be adopted by rich foreigners, are now worried about the future of their babies.

Director of Nopparat Rajathanee Hospital, Dr Passakorn Chaivanichsiri, said seven of the 13 women had undergone pregnancy checkups at his institute. Tests showed that the motherstobe were in a good physical condition, but appeared to be stressed out. Of the women, aged between 20 and 30, one was 12 weeks into her pregnancy, another 20 weeks, and two others 18 weeks. The woman who is 20 weeks into her pregnancy is carrying twins, and she and the other two who are 18 weeks pregnant want to abort their foetuses. The hospital, meanwhile, is only willing to consider abortions for women who are early into their pregnancies.

All of the 13 women are being sheltered at the Kredtrakarn Protection and Occupational Development Centre.

Meanwhile, this case will be tabled at a meeting of the Medical Council's subpanel next Friday to see if any of the doctors involved knew about the scam. The Public Health Ministry called on all related agencies to convene and come up with means to help the women and arrest the wrongdoers.

Initially, the Department of Special Investigation (DSI) has been told to shutdown the website run by the Taiwanese gang, which lured these women into becoming surrogate mothers. The ministry has also told DSI to look into the background of the gang and the private hospital that provided invitro fertilisation for the women.

One of the women said she agreed to become a surrogate mother because she was poor, and she and five of her friends had been offered US$5,500 (Bt168,500) each for the pregnancies. During the pregnancy period, they were each given about $100 per month, and another $50 from their Taiwanese employer.

She said she had delivered her baby on February 21 by Caesarean section, but it was underweight and had to be kept in hospital. Though she claimed to not know where, the baby is said to be in safe hands.

Serirak Hospital's director Dr Manit Sirikangwankul said a Vietnamese woman had visited his hospital on August 18 last year for a check up, but the hospital did not know where she had received invitro fertilisation.

This hospital provides invitro fertilisation for 20 to 30 women a month, and about 10 of them per year are surrogate mothers. He said most of the women were Taiwanese.


-- The Nation 2011-02-26


Obviously some important details are being left out of this story. The story states that the women expected to be surrogates and even agreed to the payment. It doesn't sound like they woke up one day and suddenly noticed that their bellies were larger. They didn't come to Thailand to be a waitress and then were held in bondage. So what went sour? Once they were pregnant did they change their mind and decide to keep the baby themselves, or perhaps negotiate a higher price? What caused the girl( to change her mind and reneg on her contract?

It may have changed when their passports were taken away and they were held as slaves...may have had something to do with the change of heart?

Yeah, there is an updated article in the newspaper today (the one we can't quote) that indicates that the women came to Thailand with the promise of well-paying jobs. They didn't know about the surrogacy until they arrived, and they were supposedly told that if they refused to comply and accept the offer, their passports would be withheld.

A likely story to cover their own ass in case of charges. I'd lie too if the police raided my place of business. No officer, I'm innocent. I had no idea. I'm here against my will. I don't believe for an instant this is what happened. I'm quite certain they all knew. The pay was excellent. Anything that happens at this point is nothing more than theater.

This story is already so full of lies and unthruths as to be meaningless. The government should be ashamed of itself for allowing this farce to continue. Really just reading such utter politically motivated sewage makes me want to vomit. I'd be surprised if 20% of what the police are saying has any basis in fact.

By Jove! I think you're on to something here. This is brilliant! Seriously! I believe that this could be the entire genesis of the matter.

Regarding this recent article, I believe all has been said that could be said, and I agree with most of the posts; especially the ones that do not believe this story and call it out.

I just got an intuitive thought that made me wonder; what would be the plight of these girls were they from Cambodia, Laos or Myanmar?

You can not convince me that they would not first have been placed in a detention center, and been denied any medical treatment, and then shipped back to the border.

It's funny how Thailand behaves towards the refugees of certain neighbors who have the might to crush them in a face off; both economically and militarily.

This story is the candy coating on a much more political motive, albeit I haven't the faintest clue what it could be. Something mundane and abysmal, I am sure. I am certain that this has nothing to do with the welfare of Asian women, their babies, or the matter of these two genders types being used as a resource to line the pockets of greedy sewer scum. I am sure that once the NGOs and other organizations get their claws into them, they can begin the abuse process all over again and ask for more grants at the next annual budget meeting. Funny that; abuse when you're simply trying to survive (and lying out of fear is the only way out - let's be honest here), and then abuse when you are rescued and used as fodder to pad the budget.

These girls have no where to go, and this is all they know, and they will be right back in the thick of it very soon; once the bribes are paid and they are returned to their stables, or they run away from the sweat shops that the NGOs have mercifully placed them in for protection..


Anytime anyone holds your passport for any reason, report them. It is illegal, and you shouldn't be scared to admit that someone won't give you your passport.

Also anytime someone offers you big money in Thailand for some wierd job, it is a scam.


Yea know? Everyone here is talking about working illegaly. Why haven't you said anything about the people working in schools with no work permits and or degrees. There are a lot and no onr does anything so why worry about this.


Thailand will not do anything, never had never will. Aside from rounding them up like cattle to the slaughter or slaves to be carried off to be auction to the highest bidder. Who knows what will become of these innocent babies. The woman who turned themselves in will into detention and then deport them back to their country of origin.

Thailand does not care; this is another black mark on Thailand's so perfect reputation. I looked at Baby101.com website and they make them sound like they are a religious relief agency, not telling people or their customers what they really do. Exploit women and their newborns and selling the babies like slaves at an auction house. Thailand has become their partner in their crimes as well.

Hopefully, some Thai will come forth and say to the government. “Let us have the child and we will raise it as our own.”

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