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Car Wash


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Took the car for a clean today as I was waiting for the water to be delivered. Took it to a place just before you get to Nathon on the right before the cars 4 U place coming from Lippa Noi. Good job I wasn't in any rush as it took over 2 hours. Having said that I have never in my driving life had a car washed so clean or had it done by people that obviously took pride in their work. The washing of the outside took over an hour with at least 5 different stages. Every nook and cranny was washed and even down to getting a toothbrush out to get the fiddly bits on the wheels. The complete underside was also done and then the ladies started on the inside. It was blown dry, then waxed the the glass polished and the interior vacumed and polished till it shone. As said in my whole driving life I don't think I have ever had a car washed so thoroughly. I walked round it and didn't find a smudge or bit they had missed as you normally do.

All this for just 300 baht to boot. it just doesn't make the effort of doing it yourself, I couldn't do the same job anyway, worth the effort.

It made for a refreshing change to see Thai's take pride in what they do and the end result was worth it. Both the guy that washed it and the girls that cleaned the inside got a good tip for their efforts.

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