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Has The Opposition Gone Too Far This Time?


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Do other TV readers think that the Editor of P*******n has really gone too far this time with the gutter press article about an Italians death in Patong.

He is directing people that are commenting fairly in disgust towards TV for some strange reason.

I personally think that he needs to take a vacation or see a doctor.

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I wasn't even aware of this bloke until 4 days ago! I certainly don't think a great deal of him already though.

Having said that, I believe the press, like comedians, have the right to push the boundaries of decency as far as they want. It is down to the majority to vote with their feet so to speak. Unfortunately, most people are gutless and lack principle, so they will carry on showing their support to people that should be ignored and allowed to disappear in to oblivion.

I do however draw the line with the freedom of speech, when lives are being endangered, like the muslim cartoons, and that dick from wiki leaks. I don't think the man in question has gone quite that far yet though!

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I certainlly think the editor is going to far,this is the second or third case were he has gone over the top concerning expats deaths..i know he likes to be differant and unpredictable,but hes either laughing or taking the piss out of us or hes lost his marbles...make your own minds up..tell us what you think?

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No, I do not think the editor went too far. Perhaps, the article was intended for the large number of foreign low class guttersnipes that live in Patong and engage in the same behaviour(s) as the deceased. I believe the intent is to drive home that there are consequences to one's behaviour.

The fact of the matter is that people that engage in the types of behaviour are buffoons and are the people that make life miserable for those of us able to behave in a discreet and low key manner. In Patong, when in a restaurant or having a drink with colleagues, I am sometimes obliged to sit in close proximity to people like this that are loud and totally bereft of manners. Their loudness and boob grabbing of their sleazy rent a dates is annoying and not a suitable side dish to my meal.

Perhaps the article will remind some people that disgard self control when they land in Thailand, that they need to reconsider that decision. It's all very simple. If one doesn't want to be ridiculed in death, don't make a fool of yourself in life.

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No, I do not think the editor went too far. Perhaps, the article was intended for the large number of foreign low class guttersnipes that live in Patong and engage in the same behaviour(s) as the deceased. I believe the intent is to drive home that there are consequences to one's behaviour.

The fact of the matter is that people that engage in the types of behaviour are buffoons and are the people that make life miserable for those of us able to behave in a discreet and low key manner. In Patong, when in a restaurant or having a drink with colleagues, I am sometimes obliged to sit in close proximity to people like this that are loud and totally bereft of manners. Their loudness and boob grabbing of their sleazy rent a dates is annoying and not a suitable side dish to my meal.

Perhaps the article will remind some people that disgard self control when they land in Thailand, that they need to reconsider that decision. It's all very simple. If one doesn't want to be ridiculed in death, don't make a fool of yourself in life.

I dont beleive what you have just posted..your talking about human beings here..who have just died..who do you think you are?

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No, I do not think the editor went too far. Perhaps, the article was intended for the large number of foreign low class guttersnipes that live in Patong and engage in the same behaviour(s) as the deceased. I believe the intent is to drive home that there are consequences to one's behaviour.

The fact of the matter is that people that engage in the types of behaviour are buffoons and are the people that make life miserable for those of us able to behave in a discreet and low key manner. In Patong, when in a restaurant or having a drink with colleagues, I am sometimes obliged to sit in close proximity to people like this that are loud and totally bereft of manners. Their loudness and boob grabbing of their sleazy rent a dates is annoying and not a suitable side dish to my meal.

Perhaps the article will remind some people that disgard self control when they land in Thailand, that they need to reconsider that decision. It's all very simple. If one doesn't want to be ridiculed in death, don't make a fool of yourself in life.

I dont beleive what you have just posted..your talking about human beings here..who have just died..who do you think you are?

Have you had a few sherbets tonight? You are being a bit over sensitive aren't you?

I take it you never go and see decent comedians? If you think he's being insensative, try watching Frankie Boyle do stand up. :o

I know comedians and journalist aren't the same, but it's the same principal. They're not imposing their views on you, without your permission. You need to push quite a few keys in the right order, before his page will open in front of you.

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Have you had a few sherbets tonight? You are being a bit over sensitive aren't you?

I take it you never go and see decent comedians? If you think he's being insensative, try watching Frankie Boyle do stand up. :o

I know comedians and journalist aren't the same, but it's the same principal. They're not imposing their views on you, without your permission. You need to push quite a few keys in the right order, before his page will open in front of you.

Your doing it again...why dont you become the new MOD? Its called freedom of speach and i respect yours even if i dont agree with it,why dont you join the editor of P.......N ..he might welcome you? maybe...

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Just read the article.

No worse than the "Darwin Awards".

Anyone that stirs up the righteous brigade is alright by me.

All very hypocritical.

If this man's behaviour and actions had come to light, but, he lived to tell the tale, many of the posters on here would be calling him names, heaping ridicule upon him and claiming that his behaviour reflects badly on the fine, upstanding community that they belong to.

Yet, his death seems to change peoples attitude.

Sorry, but, I've never believed in the "respect the dead angle". What a person was in life doesn't get changed due to death.

Flame away folks.

Edited by KarenBravo
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Just read the article.

No worse than the "Darwin Awards".

Anyone that stirs up the righteous brigade is alright by me.

The thing that gets me more than the article is his demeaning responses to every comment as if only his opinion counts mind you he is Australian.

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[i dont beleive what you have just posted..your talking about human beings here..who have just died..who do you think you are?

The deceased was a human being that froliced in the gutter and apparently met his demise due to his choice of lifestyle. Would you rather cover it up? Too often people like the deceased are discovered and the background information is not provided. The next day TVF is filled with conspiracy theories as to how the person was "murdered". If you can show that the story was incorrect, then please do so.

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The thing that gets me more than the article is his demeaning responses to every comment as if only his opinion counts mind you he is Australian.

Only if he disagrees with the comments. It is his blog........

But, have noticed that he has got more antagonistic lately.

Yes, of course he does, because he gets more publicity this way. That is all he is after, also judging from a discussion Alan and I had here a long time ago. And it's working, already a couple of threads here on TV.

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Sad to read such high example of journalism on Phuk..n, being Italian is marginal (the victim could be of any nationality). Being Italian I colud agree about Berlusconi valutations :whistling:), but what I really do not tolerate is the wannabe-funny way the guy writes (I cannot call him journalist) about a man's death.

I'm disgusted and reading the writer's answers to other readers I better understand the kind of people is behind that crappy website

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Sad to read such high example of journalism on Phuk..n, being Italian is marginal (the victim could be of any nationality). Being Italian I colud agree about Berlusconi valutations :whistling:), but what I really do not tolerate is the wannabe-funny way the guy writes (I cannot call him journalist) about a man's death.

I'm disgusted and reading the writer's answers to other readers I better understand the kind of people is behind that crappy website

I fully agree. Is not the news...is the use of words that the Editor believed to have fun. So, now we all know what fill the Editor's brain.

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Have you had a few sherbets tonight? You are being a bit over sensitive aren't you?

I take it you never go and see decent comedians? If you think he's being insensative, try watching Frankie Boyle do stand up. :o

I know comedians and journalist aren't the same, but it's the same principal. They're not imposing their views on you, without your permission. You need to push quite a few keys in the right order, before his page will open in front of you.

Your doing it again...why dont you become the new MOD? Its called freedom of speach and i respect yours even if i dont agree with it,why dont you join the editor of P.......N ..he might welcome you? maybe...

Doing what again??

You're quoting freedom of speech at me, yet having a hissy fit at the same time!

Why does my opinion make me more like a mod??

Like I said, not until you type several letters in a certain order, in to your computer, will this man enter your life. So have a stab in the dark, as to what the solution is.

(OK, I can see your struggling, it's don't type those letters in to your computer ;) )

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The thing that gets me more than the article is his demeaning responses to every comment as if only his opinion counts mind you he is Australian.

Sad to read such high example of journalism on Phuk..n, being Italian is marginal (the victim could be of any nationality). Being Italian I colud agree about Berlusconi valutations :whistling:), but what I really do not tolerate is the wannabe-funny way the guy writes (I cannot call him journalist) about a man's death.

I'm disgusted and reading the writer's answers to other readers I better understand the kind of people is behind that crappy website

I fully agree. Is not the news...is the use of words that the Editor believed to have fun. So, now we all know what fill the Editor's brain.

You're all talking as if it was the editor of The Indipendant, you were discussing.

This is a bloke who set up a two bit web site, for goodness sake. If you don't like it, don't read it.

You remind me of those people who write to tv programs like 'Points of view', complaining about some nudity or swearing or something.

The program started to upset them in the first ten minutes, yet they complain about things that happened near the end as well :D The thought of turning

the TV over, didn't enter their simple little minds.

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The thing that gets me more than the article is his demeaning responses to every comment as if only his opinion counts mind you he is Australian.

Only if he disagrees with the comments. It is his blog........

But, have noticed that he has got more antagonistic lately.

Maybe because this thread is discussing his ego bringing down what was a promising news site?

He even has a mention of TV forum at the top of the site home page. True it is his blog, or is it ? As foreigners are restricted from owning press outright, it isn't, really.

They hired an apparent novelist named Sert Tonglee who consistently inserts inappropriate, flowery descriptions regarding deaths into the articles. This Italian bashing piece has his mark on it.

I thought, by far the over the top editor responses came during the report of a hired hit man assassination of the French-Canadian man in Patong, what, two years ago? The accused was claiming he'd been hired for another hit on an western expat, and Editor warned us,

"...' Farang ' better watch their behavior... Sum Num Na .."

I notice they don't use slang " farang " anymore, so at least some semblance of being fair minded exists towards foreigners.

I credit the site with staying on top of those Phi Phi deaths the PG was trying hard to forget, and follow up on 1- 2 GO crash revelations , which was even banned off this site .

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