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I am using TOT ADSL with Pacific ISP.

Since a few days I have been unable to access my Gmail and Yahoo Mail accounts and as far as I can guess the access is blocked by Pacific somewhere in their network because the accounts can be accessed from other ISP's (non Thai)

I have also difficulties with my pop3 accounts as I am unable to send anything.

This worked fine a couple of days ago.

What is going on? Is this some sort of censorship? When I try to check out the issue via independent proxies I am brought back to life with a message from the Thai government in the form of a warning from http://ict.cyberinspector.org/.

Is this the new Burma, where civil liberties are curtailed and free speach a thing of the past?



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George mentioned some international network problems yesterday, it might be related to that. I'm not having any problems with Gmail, and as far as I know there aren't any restrictions on it from the Thai government.

As for freedom of speech, its always been a pretty thin veneer here, and a degree of censorship is practiced by the authorities from time to time - sometimes within the law and sometimes without.

Edit: Forgot to mention, international connections (via True) seemed completely bollocksed up last night.

Edited by Crushdepth
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As said above, it's usually more of a networking problem, rather than censorship. Gmail and Yahoo are too common to be censored.

The Thai internet infrastructure is shaky and unreliable, and there aren't many failsafes or backups, so problems like this are not uncommon. I've seen it happen with True several times. The problems usually resolve themselves within a few days.

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Talked to a TOT engineer just recently and he confimed that this problem started already on thursday and appears to effect only Phuket??.

If the problem actually started on thursday how can it take such a long time to fix it? Is it a technical or political problem?

PS Also unable to post on this forum from my location here in Phuket.

Have to get help from a friend overseas!!!!

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Censorship?. It wasn't as bad as that.

Now some light is appearing on this debacle.

Since thursday Pacific Internet is blocking all web based e-mail access and SMTP through their servers from TOT-Pacific ADSL accounts in Phuket.

TOT-KSC and TOT-Loxinfo accounts out of Phuket is not affected.

The reason for this whole matter seems to be politically related within the TOT Pacific Internet cooperation.

When it will be resolved nobody seems to know.

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I just back my TOT ADSL after 10 days of nada. Now I can't link to any Google search results or my Yahoo mail accounts. Que Pasa.

A side note about ADSL speed tests. Just did the McAffee one: gave me greater than 2megs, another gave me between 150 and 350 over a few tests and the others won't work at all. Actually, not much works.

Any more info about the "international network problem"?

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As per other forums.. really short posts seem to go through..

Not only email but msn moneycentral, my banking, maybe 25% of websites.. Add in hotmail / yahoo / msn messenger / the SMTP servers / my other webmail hangs on the send mail button / most 'forum' posts / etc..

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Essentially goldcyber on phuket has become useless as of last thursday.. Calls to Arjin (The best TOT ADSL guy on Phuket) got lots of apologies.. Today 2 engineers came.. Sheepishly looked then suggested I buy JI net or CSLoxinfo if I want service..

Then sad thing is the current price is for line and ISP.. If I buy another ISP and dont use pacific you still pay for line and ISP even if you get no service (like now huh !!!)..

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I am going to the TOT office in a few mins and am going to attempt to get the @totgoldbiz account for one month.. I will try for it for my current package price or I will agree for one month.. Not leaving thier offices until I get some service..

Any info on the internal issues with pacific would be very welcome..

This was written last night.. Maddening !!!

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grrrr... Goldbiz requires the usual 2 - 3 day sign up delay... and it needs the passport copy of the line holder (who is in UK) so thats me screwed..

Pacific internet in BKK (02 299 0299 suggest speak to Nitis) initially claimed they had never heard about the issue and it was all new.. 3 phone calls and letting them have my IP etc and they now say thier network team is on it and 'hopefully' today it will be fixed..

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The question remains why is it a major network outage like this and there is NO idea on solutions, timescale, no offer of alternative service.. Nothing from TOT.. The TOT had no idea of pacifics tel numbers.. I force them to go online to get them, and the idiot comes back with the dial in numbers for BKK..

Speak to them about traceroute / ping tests / packet loss and its like a dog thats been shown a card trick.. With so many smart Thais out there and wages so low couldnt they hire one for the ADSL office.

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Well in even a short period I have had 2 return phone calls from pacific's network team asking details about traceroute etc.. Seems like pacific actually want to solve the problem and might even have an idea about what they are doing..

I reserve judgement of course..

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Just when you start to think that someone knows whats happening.. Pacific have called me back about 5 times today... Most recently they got Khun Arjin's number from me.. Then after calling him they call me back to explain its a TOT problem not a pacific problem.. Of course TOT maintain its a pacific issue..

To me it feels like its a gateway server (probably either at CAT phuket town or the other end at pacifics end of the same trunk) thats only partly configured.. I had a cryptic comment that this is a result of adding much needed additional bandwidth and can confirm that a download from Japan last night was coming in at 95KB/s which is about 800Kb of international speed...

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Well I just spoke to Arjin.. made out like 'ohh it still doesnt work ??' when (its seems as though) pacific are calling him to quiz.. He then acted shocked and morally outraged that Pacific say its a TOT issue..

Lots of great Thai 'face' coming into play here.. They must hate conference calls where they cant all point the finger at the person who isnt there..

Is anyone else chasing this madness ???

Does anyone on Phuket have a working gold/silver/bronze cyber account that works ??

Theres 100's of people with these accounts.. I cant imagine I am the only one complaining..

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im lad it started workin for you!! Lets hope it keeps up.

As far as TOT/Pacific in Phuket is concerned, whenever i called them, some woman answer the fone with a 'HalloooOOO' which didnt inspire much confidence from the outset. Nothin like a "Sawasdee Ka, Pacific Internet' insite!!

I had so many problems with these muppets at my hotel in Phuket i stopped tryin. We were without internet for over a week as the Phuket branch blamed BKK for out outae. When i threatened to head to their offices it was amazinly repaired and back online within 4 hours. We allways had the unavaiable server problem, especially with international servers. Absolutely unbelieveable.

I wonder if PAcifics parent company Cisco Systems knows that their name and reputation are bein draed thru the mud.

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Well despite being a vocal complainer and the kind of person who is quite happy to sit in the ADSL office at the TOT and (while smiling) cause them embarassement and face issues by repeatdly questioning how when etc... Having been trying broadband since the IPStar days I am a glass half full kind of guy..

Pacific seemed to me actually pretty good.. Got a customer service rep immediately.. The one I first talked to (in good english) gave me his name and followed the issue through with multiple return phone calls through the day.. If they ot TOT solved the issue I will never know but thier customer service was as good or better than a Euro or UK company IMHO.

TOT well its like any government telco.. Seen them all over Europe and believe me Belgacom were not much better.. Infrastructure here is awful.. Pay rates and training for these new systems is behind the curve.. Bad service but I sympathize. Remember they deal with CAT and even worse Gov beasts..

My real international speeds are floating between 400 - 800kbps of actual usable speed.. If the line stays like this I am happy with my 1000 baht package.

Tips for surviving TOT.

Find a good Engineer and call them with any problems.. On Phuket Arjin actually follows through with issues and calls you back and solves them... I offered him 500 baht when he came at about 6:30 - 7 PM after I had been stressing him all day.. He turned it down and said it was his job !!!! Never report issues to the TOT office or 1175 system if you can get a good engineer on his mobile.

Always have a backup system that completely eliminates TOT... I did have a left over 80 hour card around but my big mistake was I had started to rely on TOT's / Pacifics SMTP servers.. My mail is sourced from a bunch of POP3 servers and even though they should have allowed SMTP via authentication etc none seemed able to work (neither would running my own).. I will solve this so that I am 100% free of them with a simple dial up scarcth card.

Breathe and lay of the coffee.. :o

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