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Somali Pirates 'Seize Danish Children' In Indian Ocean


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28 February 2011 Last updated at 16:58 GMT

Somali pirates 'seize Danish children' in Indian Ocean

Three Danish children and their parents have been snatched by pirates who hijacked their sailing boat in the Indian Ocean, Danish officials say.

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This hijacking by Somalian pirates of another -Danish- sailing boat occurred AFTER another group of pirates hijacked and executed 4 Americans on board of their sailing vessel, the S/V QUEST* on February 22nd- 2011...(after the pirates hijacked the sailing boat on February 18th..........) .....:ph34r:



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Danish family's sailboat hijacked in Indian Ocean


The Associated Press

Monday, February 28, 2011; 12:59 PM

COPENHAGEN, Denmark -- Pirates have hijacked a Danish sailboat with four adults and three children aboard as they were crossing the Indian Ocean, Denmark's government said Monday.

Continued Here


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You can stomp on the ants on the sidewalk until your shoe wears out and never stop the ants.

You have to go to the source and not let the mission get changed into some kind of meals on wheels program like last time, where more effort and money was switched into the brain dead idea they will love us if we build a sewer system for them. They don't love us never will and who cares if they do anyway, just stop the BS.

Liberate the crap out of them and then leave, you can come back and do it as often as you like.

If you do it this way it cost less in lives and money in the long run and they get the message without the wasted money, time, and enabling of tin horns.

Maslow's methods "A significant event changes behavior"

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So they join the 660 other folks being held hostage in Somalia.

But Denmark is a small country. It doesn't have aircraft carriers.

If the US military were tasked with solving the problem they could. Let's see. We use drones to assassinate bad guys in Afghanistan & Pakistan. Naw that would never work.

But a multi-national force could probably go in & rescue most of the hostages dealing harshly with any resistance. You know drop leaflets the day before advising women & children to leave the area ASAP.

Just a wild pipe dream because the President of the United States would never be onboard a plan like that. Unless France England Germany Italy Spain & a few nations like that urged him to join them. Others are just too busy making money.

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It's time for the USA and a "coalition of the willing" to just take over the coast of Somalia. It would be pretty easy to do. Put a fence around it like one giant military base. Deport ALL of the locals to the interior and bring in other nationalities to do any labor required like they do here in the Gulf with Indians and Filipinos. Problem solved.

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A minefield spanning Somali waters should do the trick.

This would create more problems with the possibility of mines breaking loosing from their moorings and straying into the busy shipping lanes. While I totally agree something needs to be done, this is not the answer.

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A minefield spanning Somali waters should do the trick.

This would create more problems with the possibility of mines breaking loosing from their moorings and straying into the busy shipping lanes. While I totally agree something needs to be done, this is not the answer.

First they should go after the Pirate Bosses...like the one on the photo in this link:

But, a UN resolution is needed to do that and operate on foreign soil, even in the Somali case where there is no legal government in place; but the world opinion is now focused on the uproar in North Africa and Middle East.

It's sad but more victims (than the tragic killing of the 4 Americans) are "needed" to wake the international community before an outcry for justice and elimination of those pirate bosses is spread, worldwide.

Another problem is that insurance companies -and ship owners- pay the ransoms these criminals ask.....and the hijackings continue. :(


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It's time for the USA and a "coalition of the willing" to just take over the coast of Somalia. It would be pretty easy to do. Put a fence around it like one giant military base. Deport ALL of the locals to the interior and bring in other nationalities to do any labor required like they do here in the Gulf with Indians and Filipinos. Problem solved.

why usa?

most of us could care less about pirates :lol::lol::lol: . for gods sake...............pirates!

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It's time for the USA and a "coalition of the willing" to just take over the coast of Somalia. It would be pretty easy to do. Put a fence around it like one giant military base. Deport ALL of the locals to the interior and bring in other nationalities to do any labor required like they do here in the Gulf with Indians and Filipinos. Problem solved.

why usa?

most of us could care less about pirates :lol::lol::lol: . for gods sake...............pirates!

These lowlifes are not just pirates. They are cold bloodied murderers. Why the U.S.? Because the U.S. has a huge military presence in the area and has the resources and intelligence apparatus necessary to stop these atrocities.

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  • 2 weeks later...

March 10, 2011

Somalia: Pirates Repel Effort to Rescue Danish Family


An attempt by armed forces from the semiautonomous region of Puntland to free a Danish family from a pirate gang failed Thursday, when the security forces were ambushed by pirates, a pirate and a Puntland official said.

The soldiers tried to surround the village of Hul Anod, where the seven Danes are believed to be held, but were beaten back before they were in position. A senior Puntland official said that five soldiers were killed and vehicles were burned.



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Somali pirates move Danish family onto ship

By Abdi Guled, Associated Press - Fri Mar 11, 8:54 am ET

MOGADISHU, Somalia – Pirates moved a captive Danish family onto a ship off the Somali coast on Friday and threatened to kill them if further attempts were made to free them.

The developments follow a botched rescue attempt by forces from Somalia's semiautonomous northern region of Puntland on Thursday evening. Five soldiers were killed in the attempt to rescue the Danish couple, their three children and two Danish crew members.

"We have moved the hostages onto a ship our friends are holding for security reasons," said a pirate who gave his name as Hassan Abdullahi. "But our armed troops are on the shore to fight those trying to attack us. The hostages are healthy and safe now but suffering from homesickness."

Abdullahi said they were only looking for "ransom" but those attacking them want "hostages' deaths.

Another pirate, Bile Hussein, warned Friday the hostages will be killed if there are any more rescue attempts.

"We know they are still in the process of trying to attack us again, but I am telling them that will cost the lives of the Danish people," Hussein, a self-proclaimed pirate, told The Associated Press.

Story continues here:



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