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Why You Prefer Thailand Over Your Homeland.


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No wonder you could not get a girlfriend back home. :o


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Ohhhhhhhhh I had plenty, TRUST ME. All of them want want want.......... very few return much. They love the money and the material things but most have no idea how to appreciate it and no it was not about sex. it was about values and attitudes.

I made my mistakes, I owned up to them. I was an executive in America for 2 companies over 20 years. I was part of the trap too. I just wised up and decided to leave....... Let someone else fill my spot.....

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In the Canadian winter, why would I NOT prefer Thailand to my home in British Columbia? I get the best of both worlds... Canada from spring to fall, and the winter in Thailand. There is good and bad with any country... all through the year.

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Post #62 In the Canadian winter, why would I NOT prefer Thailand to my home in British Columbia.

I don't know IF ... It didn't happen for me often but when I lived in Denver there was something to be said about snugling in bed with a leggy blond when it is 25 DG F below zero (-32C)

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Why do we need to make such a dramatic choice ? Thaiand over home country, home country over Thailand.

Not so long ago I realized I was making a stupid mistake by not getting more in touch with my family and childhood friends and not spending more time in my home country. But it doesn't mean that I'm going to leave Thailand altogether, I'll just try to have a more balanced life between my home country and Thailand, between my old friends and family and my new friends and family.

We are in Buddhist country, have you ever heard of the middle way ?

Edited by JurgenG
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i just waved goodbye to a 26 year old girl this morning who i have started seeing (i am 37) in the UK i tried joining a dating site and the girls who messaged me average age was 42 - cheeky mares - I didn't meet this new girl through dating site, she is a friend of a friend.

cost of living over here is the other one, in the uk, a nice 3 bed detached is about £800 a month rent for something half decent, over here I have seen 3 bed private houses in Phuket for £500 inc private pool - bills in uk work out more expensive than my rent and bills together over here.

yep its too hot a lot of the time but its not that bad - love being able to walk out in shorts and tshirt at whatever time i like.

always able to buy a cold beer if i want one in the local shop 24 hours a day.

Cheap beer and easy women is what swings it for most people it seems.

the beer isn't cheap - only in bars it is cheap compared to western bars.

But the street price of a liter of beer is pretty steep in Thailand.

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It is easier here to have an interesting life than it is back home.

I was looking for a one liner canuckamuck. Yours just about sums it up. I agree with most of the others too. I'm never bored here, even when we go through a few ups and downs, life in Thailand is still good.

My wife and I went out to our favourite local restaurant by the river recently for a quick meal and a quiet drink. One of the owner's sons was having a 30th birthday dinner,- just family, a bit later on, and invited us. The whole family work 24/7 and have very little time to enjoy anything. So we were a bit surprised, but pleased to be asked. It was a really great evening, great food, enough booze and very friendly company. So It's these unpredictable events that makes being here so enjoyable. There was also no expectation that we would contribute towards the event.

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The new 'political correctness' is to criticise 'political correctness'. To me, it is just an excuse by people to behave like boorish morons.

As for the immigrants taking over back home. Always amazes me that one - especially when it comes from the immigrant from ole blightly who hangs out down the pub with other whities watching the footy on telly.

But 'noooooo..' cries the 'immigrant'. I integrate, i shag local chicks and I'll learn at least 50 words of Thai by which to communicate when I'm living there.

The rednecks down here in OZ like attaching the 'fit in for f-off' stickers to the back of their utes/pickup trucks. Perhaps I can organise a Thai language version for the locals in LOS. I mean, it is alright not to be politically correct, right?



How many Thais have Australian citizenship? Compare that with the number of Australians that have Thai citizenship. I think you want it both ways SR :cheesy:

You've missed my point, I'm talking about hypocrisy, rather than how many countries naturalise each others citizens. But obviously, you can't see the hypocrisy in your own comments. Knocking immigrants in one breath and then becoming one yourself.

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I dunno. 16 years here. Married for 10. It just became home. Felt comfortable. Something I can't real put my finger on. Although a stable, normal, family life with nary a problem or cross word spoken must go some way towards it.

You are so very fortunate and blessed....

I am much envious.... :jap:

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Thailand has an amazing variety of temples.....in America we take pilgrimages to look-alike Super Walmart's to get everything we need.

In Thailand you can go into any pharmacy and get your medicine at a reasonable price......in America we have to first see a doctor for even the most trivial of prescriptions (these people spent a lot of $ on med school, you know).

In Thailand if you accidentally bump into someone, they're likely to say they're sorry even if it's YOUR fault........In America you'd better be careful because that person just might have had a bad day and is looking to take the next person's head off.

In Thailand you can usually feel safe even at night.....in America it's possible to be afraid in some areas of Washington DC even during the daytime.

In Thailand if someone yells out their window as they drive by, it's probably to say HELLO......in America we have rednecks who drive pickup trucks and yell STOP WALKING AND GET A JOB YOU BUM

In Thailand the women don't seem to have something to prove all the time.....in America a woman isn't a real woman unless she's discussing women's lib on the first date (we're all supposed to have causes there or we're not important).

In Thailand the government runs the media.....in America the media is run by conglomerates and 24 hour news organizations who want to sell you things...lots and lots of things.

In Thailand they have neighborhood markets.....in America we now have to get on the highway and drive clear out in the middle of nowhere just to go to a big box store (the same one that ran all the little "mom & pop" stores out of business 3 years ago).

In Thailand the people live so close together, sometimes several in the same room....in America our goal is to move into a gated community where we STILL don't talk to our neighbors because we're so afraid all the time (thanks to the media, who tells us to be afraid all the time).

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I guess the number will be about the same. If they are Thai citizens and Austrralian citizens, then they will be the same people, whichever order you count them in.

The difference is that Australia is a nation built by immigrants at the expense of the indigenous culture, while Thailand seeks to retain its culture by discouraging immigration.


I think you accidentally made my point. Thais can become Australian citizens much easier than Australians can become Thai citizens. And yes, the Thais don't want us here-longer than 30 days :D

The US, Canada, UK, Australia do a far better job of integrating naturalized citizens. Unless your face is asian, you'll never be truly accepted in Thailand.

I am not sure, why there are so many assume that the Thai don't want them....?

Perhaps, next time, you could be more specific in terms of why you think the Thai does not want us, farang, here?

As far as our group is concerned, the Thai love us.... adore us.... and follow us.... mainly because we treat them as human beings with similar human rights and dignities.... to start off....

Why is there such a huge difference in terms of perception and acceptance....?

What is it that the Thai would accept....?

What is it that the Thai would not accept....?

Perhaps, the above two questions would help many of us to re-evaluate ourselves....

in terms of.... do the Thai detest us as a human being or do they detest our attitudes and some of our mannerisms... so to speak? :jap:

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Thailand has an amazing variety of temples.....in America we take pilgrimages to look-alike Super Walmart's to get everything we need.

In Thailand you can go into any pharmacy and get your medicine at a reasonable price......in America we have to first see a doctor for even the most trivial of prescriptions (these people spent a lot of $ on med school, you know).

In Thailand if you accidentally bump into someone, they're likely to say they're sorry even if it's YOUR fault........In America you'd better be careful because that person just might have had a bad day and is looking to take the next person's head off.

In Thailand you can usually feel safe even at night.....in America it's possible to be afraid in some areas of Washington DC even during the daytime.

In Thailand if someone yells out their window as they drive by, it's probably to say HELLO......in America we have rednecks who drive pickup trucks and yell STOP WALKING AND GET A JOB YOU BUM

In Thailand the women don't seem to have something to prove all the time.....in America a woman isn't a real woman unless she's discussing women's lib on the first date (we're all supposed to have causes there or we're not important).

In Thailand the government runs the media.....in America the media is run by conglomerates and 24 hour news organizations who want to sell you things...lots and lots of things.

In Thailand they have neighborhood markets.....in America we now have to get on the highway and drive clear out in the middle of nowhere just to go to a big box store (the same one that ran all the little "mom & pop" stores out of business 3 years ago).

In Thailand the people live so close together, sometimes several in the same room....in America our goal is to move into a gated community where we STILL don't talk to our neighbors because we're so afraid all the time (thanks to the media, who tells us to be afraid all the time).

Good post, Art. It's not the same all across America, but it covers a LOT of places just as you described. Americans and Canadians want to be pampered and they've lost a lot of their adventurous spirit. It has crept up on everyone without anyone noticing. There a freedom in Thailand that was once in America.

As the French used to say.... Vive la differance"

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Thailand has an amazing variety of temples.....in America we take pilgrimages to look-alike Super Walmart's to get everything we need.

How about the Smithsonian Institute or all the other great museums in the U.S?

A lot of rejects wash up in Thailand who couldn't make it back home. but I still like it here anyway. :)

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In Thailand you can go into any pharmacy and get your medicine at a reasonable price......in America we have to first see a doctor for even the most trivial of prescriptions (these people spent a lot of $ on med school, you know).

Yes it's great in Thailand, you can medicate yourself. You can buy yourself antibiotics when you feel a little ill, like if you have a virus. In the US you probably have to have an actual trained doctor diagnose the problem. Ha, what do they now about medicine.

In Thailand if you accidentally bump into someone, they're likely to say they're sorry even if it's YOUR fault........In America you'd better be careful because that person just might have had a bad day and is looking to take the next person's head off.

Yes it's not like we hear of people shooting each other here for minor disagreements. I didn't see a news story on TV last night in which a man had paid some thugs to shoot and kill a stranger over a driving incident. That kind of thing never happens, except in the USA.

In Thailand you can usually feel safe even at night.....in America it's possible to be afraid in some areas of Washington DC even during the daytime.

I feel much safer with my house fitted top to bottom with steel bars, just like every other building here. I don't know how I managed in my home country with windows without bars.

In Thailand they have neighborhood markets.....in America we now have to get on the highway and drive clear out in the middle of nowhere just to go to a big box store (the same one that ran all the little "mom & pop" stores out of business 3 years ago).

There are many on here that wish many of the markets, bars etc would move out of town so that they could get some peace and quite.

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no offense but thailand offers very little besides thaigirls :lol::lol::lol: ....if you into that kind of thing.

I suspect you have not even scratched the surface of Thailand.......................

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Thailand has an amazing variety of temples.....in America we take pilgrimages to look-alike Super Walmart's to get everything we need.

How about the Smithsonian Institute or all the other great museums in the U.S?

A lot of rejects wash up in Thailand who couldn't make it back home. but I still like it here anyway. :)

Ditto.... ditto.... ditto.... and I am presumably one of those misfits too.... B)

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Thailand has an amazing variety of temples.....in America we take pilgrimages to look-alike Super Walmart's to get everything we need.

How about the Smithsonian Institute or all the other great museums in the U.S?

A lot of rejects wash up in Thailand who couldn't make it back home. but I still like it here anyway. :)

Ditto.... ditto.... ditto.... and I am presumably one of those misfits too.... B)

Me too, but that does not mean that I hate where I come from or have to make silly claims about how "terrible" it is. I am happy here and that is good enough.

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I think there are many categories of 'farang' here and therefore differing reasons for coming (sorry to state the obvious). For me I'd done with my stale and souless career as an executive and could hardly face the meetings and drivel and materialistic cravings constantly (not to say I have completely got over that of course). Now I lead a simpler, sometimes more boring life but with hugely reduced stress levels. I don't miss the career focus - I do sometimes miss the discipline of laws (but mostly only when driving) - but we make our choices and I'm happier!

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IMHO, why you are here or why you came should not be judged. I will state not all the reasons some came are what the greater majority of us would find acceptable, In fact the Thai's probably do not care for those reasons either, but hey each of us should be accountable for our own behavior, just please stay in Pattaya and Phuket.laugh.gif

I agree there are many things in the US that are funto see and I know we all speak of our own personal experiences or views and why we left. All have merit but it(The US) has, over the years, lost its appeal. The cost to go see or do anything is simply ridiculous. Most will work until they die. Not for me. The US is slowly being paved over by Walmarts,Targets and strip malls as the US is a debt driven, consumer country. That is it's culture. We should remember the US is a new and emerging country when compared to Thailand or countries in SE Asia. There is hate and poverty in every country. Every country has its own set of atrocities. I do not have rose colored glasses on here. I see Thailand for what it is and what it is not and what it can offer me, nobody else. Here is like starting over on a new learning mission. Many things to see and do. Many places to go and all of this is affordable and it is quite enjoyable and rewarding. I did not come here because the beer is cheap(actually it is not and the beer selection is poor IMHO unless you think Singha or Leo are good) nor did I come for the bar girls. I came to see this part of the world. Thailand will be home base but I will travel to many surrounding countries as well. This part of the world is rich in culture. I went to Angkor Wat in Cambodia lastyear. If you have not been, you should go. Vietnam is enjoyable to see, Laos etc.

Enjoy your stay or life here. I know I will. I am here to stay. The food is great, the weather is warm(I prefer warm and hot weather) and my life is far less stressful. That you cannot put a price on.

Edited by JPPR2
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If Thailand is so bad b&gg&r off home.

Just because Thailand may be bad doesnt mean that home isn't worse. There are degrees of badness and personally I would choose to live in the least bad place.

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I have lived through 44 Wisconsin winters of my 54yrs, Yes, I down hill ski. Yes, I snowmobile, ice fish (not scooping cubes out of my cocktails) and hunt.

I do love Thailand and I hope and pray to never see another winter except on a postcard.

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Thailand has an amazing variety of temples.....in America we take pilgrimages to look-alike Super Walmart's to get everything we need.

How about the Smithsonian Institute or all the other great museums in the U.S?

A lot of rejects wash up in Thailand who couldn't make it back home. but I still like it here anyway. :)

Ditto.... ditto.... ditto.... and I am presumably one of those misfits too.... B)

Me too, but that does not mean that I hate where I come from or have to make silly claims about how "terrible" it is. I am happy here and that is good enough.

I never said I hated America (notice I capitalized it for you?).

I only hate Americans who can't take criticism of America. They're the ones who give the rest of us a bad name.

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- Reserved seating at Cinemas

- 100 Baht contribution to BiB for speeding/driving while white instead of $200 + points/increased insurance

- Tolerance ... straight, gay, katoey ... just does not matter to most Thais

- Toilet paper for dinner napkins ... cheap and often with designer holders

- Bum guns

- Street food stalls

- No admission to the Farang freak show at Nana

- Incredible variety of fresh fruit ... virtually year-round

- Thais respect and care for their elderly rather than just dispose of them in nursing homes

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- Reserved seating at Cinemas

- 100 Baht contribution to BiB for speeding/driving while white instead of $200 + points/increased insurance

- Tolerance ... straight, gay, katoey ... just does not matter to most Thais

- Toilet paper for dinner napkins ... cheap and often with designer holders

- Bum guns

- Street food stalls

- No admission to the Farang freak show at Nana

- Incredible variety of fresh fruit ... virtually year-round

- Thais respect and care for their elderly rather than just dispose of them in nursing homes

Curious. What experience do you base this on?

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- Reserved seating at Cinemas

- 100 Baht contribution to BiB for speeding/driving while white instead of $200 + points/increased insurance

- Tolerance ... straight, gay, katoey ... just does not matter to most Thais

- Toilet paper for dinner napkins ... cheap and often with designer holders

- Bum guns

- Street food stalls

- No admission to the Farang freak show at Nana

- Incredible variety of fresh fruit ... virtually year-round

- Thais respect and care for their elderly rather than just dispose of them in nursing homes

Curious. What experience do you base this on?

Be fair - most Thai women still do their best to give money to their parents. Otherwise they would not leave their homes and go to tourist destinations looking for more money and preferably, someone to support them and their family. Not to mention, there is no way that most could afford to send their parents to nursing homes!

Times are changing, but it will take a few more years before they expect their parents to look after themselves.

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- Reserved seating at Cinemas

- 100 Baht contribution to BiB for speeding/driving while white instead of $200 + points/increased insurance

- Tolerance ... straight, gay, katoey ... just does not matter to most Thais

- Toilet paper for dinner napkins ... cheap and often with designer holders

- Bum guns

- Street food stalls

- No admission to the Farang freak show at Nana

- Incredible variety of fresh fruit ... virtually year-round

- Thais respect and care for their elderly rather than just dispose of them in nursing homes

Curious. What experience do you base this on?

Be fair - most Thai women still do their best to give money to their parents. Otherwise they would not leave their homes and go to tourist destinations looking for more money and preferably, someone to support them and their family. Not to mention, there is no way that most could afford to send their parents to nursing homes!

Times are changing, but it will take a few more years before they expect their parents to look after themselves.

I think you are talking about only women so that is only 50% of the population. Mothers and grandmothers are excluded because they were farmers without the means of financially supporting parents so that leaves daughters and in my experience that is only one out of two daughters.

So what you are really saying is maybe 10% of the current Thai population will give money to support their parents.

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It's cheap (I live in the most expensive city in the world), beautiful people (I have very specific requirements, e.g. SE), great food and I actually prefer 30 degrees celsius..

So pretty much a nobrainer.. Moving when I can..

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