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Why You Prefer Thailand Over Your Homeland.


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It's cheap (I live in the most expensive city in the world), beautiful people (I have very specific requirements, e.g. SE), great food and I actually prefer 30 degrees celsius..

So pretty much a nobrainer.. Moving when I can..

In your circumstance, I think I would prefer the relative proximity of my home country, and presumably, the employment opportunities.

You can get thai tarts pretty much wherever you go, and in my experience, the ladies who are willing to travel overseas are nicer (though not prettier, so if you are particularly superficial ... ) than those that stay at home...

Vis a vis food; well, each to their own. Personally I prefer great food - shortcrust mutton pies, brown sauce, haggis, tripe; each to their own. But your great may be others' foul.

So as you say - a no-brainer.

I love being able to develop a superiority complex!



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- Reserved seating at Cinemas

- 100 Baht contribution to BiB for speeding/driving while white instead of $200 + points/increased insurance

- Tolerance ... straight, gay, katoey ... just does not matter to most Thais

- Toilet paper for dinner napkins ... cheap and often with designer holders

- Bum guns

- Street food stalls

- No admission to the Farang freak show at Nana

- Incredible variety of fresh fruit ... virtually year-round

- Thais respect and care for their elderly rather than just dispose of them in nursing homes

Curious. What experience do you base this on?

Personal experience with my wife's family here in Thailand and indeed everyone in the general community up here in Nong Bua Lam Phu ... and none that I am aware of are bar girls, former bar girls, reformed bar girls, or bar girls of any flavor.

Up here if there is someone without support from their own children they seem to be taken in by another. It is indeed what is meant by community in the West but which I seldom observed including with my former wife's family. She farmed her parents who had Alzheimers (sp?) to nursing homes. I used to visit those homes and nursing is far from what was going on there.

I pity those cynics who think it is only Thai bar girls that care for their parents here. But a cynic is going to be a cynic regardless.

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Hear you regards

'She farmed her parents who had Alzheimers (sp?) to nursing homes. I used to visit those homes and nursing is far from what was going on there.'

And the 'terminal bloody not-care wards' in general hospitals haunt me to this day.

For all of you who believe the Thais to be a compassionate race.

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1. As for the rest, the weather here sucks,

2. it is no longer a cheap country to live

1. true, it sucks²!

2. disagree as this depends on the individual situation. all our living expenses are paid for (and much more) by the money we don't pay to Herr Wolfgang Schäuble (the german finance minister) who would use a good part to finance military excursions in far away countries like Afghanistan, house and feed asylum seekers from five dozen far away countries, pay for lazy country fellows who's attitude is "why should i work for the pittance in difference?"

One never wins when it comes to a discussion on the weather. I don't think any of us is partial to extremes in the weather.

Yhink about your point no. 2. There are hundreds of thousands of asylum seekers in Thailand, but they are often mistreated and subject to horrific living conditions. Is that what you really want? Are you really that comfortable knowing that refugees from Burma are exploited, that young boys and girls are sexually assaulted and denied an access to education to break the cycle of poverty? You have no problem with Rohingyas being abandoned at sea?

Germany and other western countries pour hundreds of millions of dollars into the charities and state sponsored organizations that try and care for the displaced people that end up in Thailand. It is those German taxpayers that are making sure you don't have a starving Burmese refugee on your doorstep. Germany is hardly on the frontlines in Afghanistan. If you believe that Germany's sponsorship of schools and social services to help the poor and to provide an alternative to opium growing in Afghanistan is wrong and should be stopped, ok. Unfortunately, the people that come from the stone ages don't like people like you and short of killing them all off, the only alternative is to try and divert them away from violence.

Yes there are lazy people that abuse western social systems, but those social systems also provided you with an opportunity for an education and health care when you lived there, didn't they? Those social systems also respond to keep from the sick and elderly from starving to death. I read your position as a statement of selfishness. Here's an example to make it clear. Some people don't understand why hundreds of millions of baht are spent on R&D for HIV, Malaria, Dengue, Tuberculosis etc. in Thailand. These are infectious diseases that typically kill off the old, the weak, and the poor. Unfortunately, until those people die they are in the general population spreading their disease, putting the safety of everyone at risk. They oblige their family members to care for them interfering with the economy (labour supply) of Thailand. We respond to their needs because it is in the best interests of the population at large. And btw, Germany's taxpayers are paying for that research in Thailand, research that directly benefits you. You are happy not to pay tax in Thailand. Fine. Then who pray tell is going to pay for the treatment of a 35 year old service worker with TB walking about coughing sputum up, infecting others? We have to deal with corrupt police, but it is because they are not paid a decent salary and are instead obliged to raise money through their activities. Life is an investment. If we put nothing in, we aren't going to get anything back.

your rebuttal is nothing but bla-bla with interspersed [wrong] assumptions concerning my personal attitudes and thinking. it's too tedious to go into details and rip 90% of what you posted as irrelevant apart.

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- Reserved seating at Cinemas

- 100 Baht contribution to BiB for speeding/driving while white instead of $200 + points/increased insurance

- Tolerance ... straight, gay, katoey ... just does not matter to most Thais

- Toilet paper for dinner napkins ... cheap and often with designer holders

- Bum guns

- Street food stalls

- No admission to the Farang freak show at Nana

- Incredible variety of fresh fruit ... virtually year-round

- Thais respect and care for their elderly rather than just dispose of them in nursing homes

Curious. What experience do you base this on?

Personal experience with my wife's family here in Thailand and indeed everyone in the general community up here in Nong Bua Lam Phu ... and none that I am aware of are bar girls, former bar girls, reformed bar girls, or bar girls of any flavor.

Up here if there is someone without support from their own children they seem to be taken in by another. It is indeed what is meant by community in the West but which I seldom observed including with my former wife's family. She farmed her parents who had Alzheimers (sp?) to nursing homes. I used to visit those homes and nursing is far from what was going on there.

I pity those cynics who think it is only Thai bar girls that care for their parents here. But a cynic is going to be a cynic regardless.

Alzheimers is indeed a nightmare. It effects everyone involved with the patient.

Have you seen the treatment of the terminally ill here?

They are often stuck in some back room, covered with a net, and fed. Period.

Whats the obsession with bar girls? There everywhere, soon you won't even notice them.

Enjoy the weekend.

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1. So tax in Germany only works out at 45% top whack, plus 17% or so VAT;

2. compared to 37% here plus 10% Sales Tax; the difference is that in Germany,

3. I would not be the only one paying all that tax...

4. Personally, I'd rather spend money on a war propping up a democratic government in Afghanistan against drug lords and terrorists than on kick-backs to buy over-priced and unnecessary Western fire engines

Interestingly, my wife probably thinks that the school here is better than what we could afford in the UK, though I have my doubts...


1. besides the taxes and the 19% VAT on goods and services there are a bunch of other cost factors to be taken into consideration. what about...

-€UR 80 (3,300 Baht) per manhour the workshop charges you to repair your car,

-a "sewage tax" per m² sealed surface of your property (roof, terraces, driveway, garage, etc) because rain water cannot drain into the soil,

-garbage collection per weight costing an average household up to €UR 60 (2,400 Baht) a month and mandatory sorting of garbage into 5 different containers,

-general foodstuff triple the price of Thailand,

-domestic staff (to which we are used since many years) completely out of question.

2. didn't i mention that Thailand does not levy any income tax on retirees?

3. a big consolation! :whistling:

4. the german Tornado fighter jets are of course a big help to prop up a democratic government where the head of state is corrupt to the bones, elected by vote cheating and having a brother who is one of the biggest drug dealers in the country.

question: when and how much was your last financial contribution for a democratic Afghanistan? :huh:

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- Reserved seating at Cinemas

- 100 Baht contribution to BiB for speeding/driving while white instead of $200 + points/increased insurance

- Tolerance ... straight, gay, katoey ... just does not matter to most Thais

- Toilet paper for dinner napkins ... cheap and often with designer holders

- Bum guns

- Street food stalls

- No admission to the Farang freak show at Nana

- Incredible variety of fresh fruit ... virtually year-round

- Thais respect and care for their elderly rather than just dispose of them in nursing homes

Curious. What experience do you base this on?

Personal experience with my wife's family here in Thailand and indeed everyone in the general community up here in Nong Bua Lam Phu ... and none that I am aware of are bar girls, former bar girls, reformed bar girls, or bar girls of any flavor.

Up here if there is someone without support from their own children they seem to be taken in by another. It is indeed what is meant by community in the West but which I seldom observed including with my former wife's family. She farmed her parents who had Alzheimers (sp?) to nursing homes. I used to visit those homes and nursing is far from what was going on there.

I pity those cynics who think it is only Thai bar girls that care for their parents here. But a cynic is going to be a cynic regardless.

Alzheimers is indeed a nightmare. It effects everyone involved with the patient.

Have you seen the treatment of the terminally ill here?

They are often stuck in some back room, covered with a net, and fed. Period.

Whats the obsession with bar girls? There everywhere, soon you won't even notice them.

Enjoy the weekend.

Agreed AH is a nightmare no one should have to experience. I have seen the care in Thailand under the "30 Baht" plan and it seemed to me not much different than the no care plan in the US. My reference to bar girls in a previous post was some of the comments before it alluding to only bar girls took care of their parents in Thailand.

At the risk of being thought to be obsessed with bar girls I do not agree with your opinion that they're everywhere. It's sad that some of those interesed in Thailand know so little of it to think so.

Enjoy your weekend.

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It's cheap (I live in the most expensive city in the world), beautiful people (I have very specific requirements, e.g. SE), great food and I actually prefer 30 degrees celsius..

So pretty much a nobrainer.. Moving when I can..

It is cheap for a reason. Are the people really that beautiful? Is the food so great? The food is nice for sure, but becomes monotonous after a while like any food. What is SE? 30 degrees is not a problem. 36 degrees with very high humidity is a different story. I'm guessing that you are only a past visitor here. I pretty much used to feel the same way when I was only a visitor.

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It's cheap (I live in the most expensive city in the world), beautiful people (I have very specific requirements, e.g. SE), great food and I actually prefer 30 degrees celsius..

So pretty much a nobrainer.. Moving when I can..

It is cheap for a reason. Are the people really that beautiful? Is the food so great? The food is nice for sure, but becomes monotonous after a while like any food. What is SE? 30 degrees is not a problem. 36 degrees with very high humidity is a different story. I'm guessing that you are only a past visitor here. I pretty much used to feel the same way when I was only a visitor.

Why is it cheap then? Yes. Yes. Been eating thai-food daily for 2-3 years and still think it's better than western food, although variety doesn't hurt sometimes. South east asia. I'm fine with 36-38 and high humidity. Yes, only visited for 5+ months the last couple of years. Well, hope I don't change how I feel about it, but I'm sure if I started hating it I wouldn't stay like some people..

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At the risk of being thought to be obsessed with bar girls I do not agree with your opinion that they're everywhere.

Woman of easy virtue are easy to find all over the country. :blink:

"Easy Virtue" would be a Western concept ?

Is there a Thai transliteration ?

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At the risk of being thought to be obsessed with bar girls I do not agree with your opinion that they're everywhere.

Woman of easy virtue are easy to find all over the country. :blink:

"Easy Virtue" would be a Western concept ?

Is there a Thai transliteration ?

A low number Baht
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At the risk of being thought to be obsessed with bar girls I do not agree with your opinion that they're everywhere.

Woman of easy virtue are easy to find all over the country. :blink:

"Easy Virtue" would be a Western concept ?

Is there a Thai transliteration ?


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At the risk of being thought to be obsessed with bar girls I do not agree with your opinion that they're everywhere.

Woman of easy virtue are easy to find all over the country. :blink:

"Easy Virtue" would be a Western concept ?

Is there a Thai transliteration ?


No, that's a translation.

A transliteration would be something like: อีซี่ เวอร์ทิ่ว

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For me, it's largely a George Costanza thing.

In the US, if you don't have work for whatever reason, you're a nogoodnik bum.

Here, it's official! With the retirement visa it is ILLEGAL to work, even if you really want to. Wouldn't want to break the law!



me too good point.

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Easy for me, In thailand I can go months without seeing or hearing a fat arsed loud mouthed white woman, screw your political correctness its just a plain simple truth for me at least. Thailand can double,triple in price, but for me it is paradise and i am thankful I can be here

Right on bro.

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At the risk of being thought to be obsessed with bar girls I do not agree with your opinion that they're everywhere.

Woman of easy virtue are easy to find all over the country. :blink:

Farangs of easy virtue are also to be found all over the country.

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At the risk of being thought to be obsessed with bar girls I do not agree with your opinion that they're everywhere.

Woman of easy virtue are easy to find all over the country. :blink:

Farangs of easy virtue are also to be found all over the country.

I am sure you meant to use Farangs as a term defining both male and female foreign people. That being the case do you really think there are female Farangs of easy virtue all over the country? I must be living in a shell. If there are any Farang females of easy virtue feel free to PM me.

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At the risk of being thought to be obsessed with bar girls I do not agree with your opinion that they're everywhere.

Woman of easy virtue are easy to find all over the country. :blink:

Farangs of easy virtue are also to be found all over the country.

I am sure you meant to use Farangs as a term defining both male and female foreign people. That being the case do you really think there are female Farangs of easy virtue all over the country? I must be living in a shell. If there are any Farang females of easy virtue feel free to PM me.

Hang out at Soi 11/Sukhumvit and/or Thong Lor. Last visit last week the Thai company group I was with was impressed with the dress sense (lack thereof) but that doesn't seem as if it would bother you.

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Woman of easy virtue are easy to find all over the country. :blink:

Farangs of easy virtue are also to be found all over the country.

I am sure you meant to use Farangs as a term defining both male and female foreign people. That being the case do you really think there are female Farangs of easy virtue all over the country? I must be living in a shell. If there are any Farang females of easy virtue feel free to PM me.

Hang out at Soi 11/Sukhumvit and/or Thong Lor. Last visit last week the Thai company group I was with was impressed with the dress sense (lack thereof) but that doesn't seem as if it would bother you.

I don't know, Maybe Mrs. Miller is on to something. Maybe it is something in the water or food that turns normally upstanding Farang women into women of easy virtue. Who am I to argue with Mrs. Miller. I'll give her the benefit of the doubt.

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Farangs of easy virtue are also to be found all over the country.

I am sure you meant to use Farangs as a term defining both male and female foreign people. That being the case do you really think there are female Farangs of easy virtue all over the country? I must be living in a shell. If there are any Farang females of easy virtue feel free to PM me.

Hang out at Soi 11/Sukhumvit and/or Thong Lor. Last visit last week the Thai company group I was with was impressed with the dress sense (lack thereof) but that doesn't seem as if it would bother you.

I don't know, Maybe Mrs. Miller is on to something. Maybe it is something in the water or food that turns normally upstanding Farang women into women of easy virtue. Who am I to argue with Mrs. Miller. I'll give her the benefit of the doubt.

Probably a wise choice.

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30+ years ago first set foot in SEA, 20+ years in Thailand, married 20+ years to a lovely Thai lady and still am, lived mostly in non tourist areas in the south and loved it. But .... time changes things as time also changes people and I made the move back to my homeland 4 months ago. No regrets whatsoever. Sure, miss a lot but I 'think' I'm far happier here now with my 'new' life than I was for many differing reasons. I have stated before all the good things I'm reading here on this thread at some time in the past but in my case (and I'm sure many others too), the 'novelty' has eroded so much that it has worn away. It might take 1, 5, 10, 20 or more years but it will wear off - eventually. The country has changed, and changed a lot and I'm sure will continue changing as it develops. Nothing wrong with that but in my case, the 'novelty' has long since disappeared and the time had come to move on.

Each to their own I suppose.

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I am sure you meant to use Farangs as a term defining both male and female foreign people. That being the case do you really think there are female Farangs of easy virtue all over the country? I must be living in a shell. If there are any Farang females of easy virtue feel free to PM me.

There are plenty of such women in Patong. However, they prefer the beachboys. Can you compete for the affections of the young western women as they drool over the creepybeachboys?

Ok, sure these girls are usually a few cards of a full deck and come with alot of emotional baggage, but I've also seen the Australian and English women on the hunt for their Thai penis bearers. One of my friends is a finance manager for a property group in Patong. He is constantly being propositioned, despite his having a very noticeable wedding ring. Another aquaintance of mine has had his crotched grabbed and buttocks pinched by aggressive older western women. I have was with him one night for a friend's birthday and these women swarmed the bar like a pack of hungry hyenas. These women don't take no and can becme quite hostile when rejected. I couldn't believe the abuse that poured out of one of them when my friend politely declined the advances.

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30+ years ago first set foot in SEA, 20+ years in Thailand, married 20+ years to a lovely Thai lady and still am, lived mostly in non tourist areas in the south and loved it. But .... time changes things as time also changes people and I made the move back to my homeland 4 months ago. No regrets whatsoever. Sure, miss a lot but I 'think' I'm far happier here now with my 'new' life than I was for many differing reasons. I have stated before all the good things I'm reading here on this thread at some time in the past but in my case (and I'm sure many others too), the 'novelty' has eroded so much that it has worn away. It might take 1, 5, 10, 20 or more years but it will wear off - eventually. The country has changed, and changed a lot and I'm sure will continue changing as it develops. Nothing wrong with that but in my case, the 'novelty' has long since disappeared and the time had come to move on.

Each to their own I suppose.

I see exactly where you are coming from. A number of posters have pointed out the virtue of Thai women and that they are in fact the major asset of Thailand. If you are married and take your Thai wife home you have 100% of the good part of Thailand still with you.

However, for those of us who are not married and who don't wish to get married transporting Soi Six back to Seattle might be a logistical problem.

Soi Six would fit in nicely in Pike Place Market along with the fresh fish and hot off the griddle crumpets but there may be some immigration problems.

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30+ years ago first set foot in SEA, 20+ years in Thailand, married 20+ years to a lovely Thai lady and still am, lived mostly in non tourist areas in the south and loved it. But .... time changes things as time also changes people and I made the move back to my homeland 4 months ago. No regrets whatsoever. Sure, miss a lot but I 'think' I'm far happier here now with my 'new' life than I was for many differing reasons. I have stated before all the good things I'm reading here on this thread at some time in the past but in my case (and I'm sure many others too), the 'novelty' has eroded so much that it has worn away. It might take 1, 5, 10, 20 or more years but it will wear off - eventually. The country has changed, and changed a lot and I'm sure will continue changing as it develops. Nothing wrong with that but in my case, the 'novelty' has long since disappeared and the time had come to move on.

Each to their own I suppose.

I see exactly where you are coming from. A number of posters have pointed out the virtue of Thai women and that they are in fact the major asset of Thailand. If you are married and take your Thai wife home you have 100% of the good part of Thailand still with you.

However, for those of us who are not married and who don't wish to get married transporting Soi Six back to Seattle might be a logistical problem.

Soi Six would fit in nicely in Pike Place Market along with the fresh fish and hot off the griddle crumpets but there may be some immigration problems.

You're obsessed with crumpet, aren't you, Marky?


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Few comments from the last few posts

Firstly, western women here attempting to dress like Thai women really need to look in the mirror before leaving their place of dwelling. I am sorry. But they simple do not have the physique to make the short dresses or skinny jeans and high heel shoes look flattering. I have seen quite a few.

Secondly, and I speak with hands on knowledge of this from my days in global manufacturing, When you take a women from this country and move her to the US she ultimately becomes heavily tainted. There is HUGE stares and discrimination. If the age gap is large their is the constant judging which is uncomfortable. If they get through this painful transition then the western materialize ways take over, it is unavoidable. The 'Keep up with Joneses" happens quickly. I witnessed that well over a couple dozen times, especially with Vietnamese and Filipina women. Almost all the "Brought her to the US marriages" have ended in divorce. IMHO some of the beauty of a Thai women is her culture. You make her move, she will lose it. Its the nature of the beast.

Now of course we all know some want to go to the US and will do most anything to get there. In many cases disappointment awaits them. Witnessed that too.......

Edited by JPPR2
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30+ years ago first set foot in SEA, 20+ years in Thailand, married 20+ years to a lovely Thai lady and still am, lived mostly in non tourist areas in the south and loved it. But .... time changes things as time also changes people and I made the move back to my homeland 4 months ago. No regrets whatsoever. Sure, miss a lot but I 'think' I'm far happier here now with my 'new' life than I was for many differing reasons. I have stated before all the good things I'm reading here on this thread at some time in the past but in my case (and I'm sure many others too), the 'novelty' has eroded so much that it has worn away. It might take 1, 5, 10, 20 or more years but it will wear off - eventually. The country has changed, and changed a lot and I'm sure will continue changing as it develops. Nothing wrong with that but in my case, the 'novelty' has long since disappeared and the time had come to move on.

Each to their own I suppose.

I see exactly where you are coming from. A number of posters have pointed out the virtue of Thai women and that they are in fact the major asset of Thailand. If you are married and take your Thai wife home you have 100% of the good part of Thailand still with you.

However, for those of us who are not married and who don't wish to get married transporting Soi Six back to Seattle might be a logistical problem.

Soi Six would fit in nicely in Pike Place Market along with the fresh fish and hot off the griddle crumpets but there may be some immigration problems.

You're obsessed with crumpet, aren't you, Marky?


I have always liked crumpets and hot buttered tarts but save the tarts for another time, it's a Canadian thing.

The first shop I ever saw offering fresh off the grill crumpets was in Seattle. Do they have them in the UK or Australia?

I was used to buying then in the grocery store and they are available all over the US but fresh ones hot off the grill with jam or cream cheese or whatever are a whole different culinary experience.

Do you think Thais would like crumpets?




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Few comments from the last few posts

Firstly, western women here attempting to dress like Thai women really need to look in the mirror before leaving their place of dwelling. I am sorry. But they simple do not have the physique to make the short dresses or skinny jeans and high heel shoes look flattering. I have seen quite a few.

Secondly, and I speak with hands on knowledge of this from my days in global manufacturing, When you take a women from this country and move her to the US she ultimately becomes heavily tainted. There is HUGE stares and discrimination. If the age gap is large their is the constant judging which is uncomfortable. If they get through this painful transition then the western materialize ways take over, it is unavoidable. The 'Keep up with Joneses" happens quickly. I witnessed that well over a couple dozen times, especially with Vietnamese and Filipina women. Almost all the "Brought her to the US marriages" have ended in divorce. IMHO some of the beauty of a Thai women is her culture. You make her move, she will lose it. Its the nature of the beast.

Now of course we all know some want to go to the US and will do most anything to get there. In many cases disappointment awaits them. Witnessed that too.......

Would you not get similar looks if you were wandering around with an American girlfriend on your arm who was very much younger than you? A 50+ man with a 23 year old wife/girlfriend would be viewed as a little suspect in most European countries regardless of being Thai or not.

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