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What Are They Lugging Around


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wellllllllllllllll: lets see: a simple trip to tel aviv and ive got : small pocketbook with all the stuff that most of us women carry with us; a light weight sweater/wrap cause temp changes/air conditioner levels differ in different places and the busses are like antartic; two 500 mil. bottles of water from home since its cheaper then buying drinking water every where i go; a snack since its cheaper then buying croissants or bagels or whatever fastfood stuff is around and less fattening; toilet paper cause here in the middle east there is never enough; stuff that i've bought while waiting for a bus/friend/bought at the market for dinner/stuff i picked up at the bazaar/pastries to take back home/change of clothes if im going to be at a different place in the evening entailing different attire (change of shirt/etc).... its all in a regular school style backpack.

everyone i know goes around like this. even business men. its more convenient when taking public transport then those james bond briefcases, or tote bags and pocketbooks, and better then having everything in plastic bags like the little old ladies or polish refugees....

backpacks (day packs) are standard gear here, not just among students. real backpackers have those big packs on them/or over stuffed day packs cause they dont want to leave all their more important stuff in a hostel/cheapy hotel.

.........and why do u care anyhow?



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wellllllllllllllll: lets see: a simple trip to tel aviv and ive got : small pocketbook with all the stuff that most of us women carry with us; a light weight sweater/wrap cause temp changes/air conditioner levels differ in different places and the busses are like antartic; two 500 mil. bottles of water from home since its cheaper then buying drinking water every where i go; a snack since its cheaper then buying croissants or bagels or whatever fastfood stuff is around and less fattening; toilet paper cause here in the middle east there is never enough; stuff that i've bought while waiting for a bus/friend/bought at the market for dinner/stuff i picked up at the bazaar/pastries to take back home/change of clothes if im going to be at a different place in the evening entailing different attire (change of shirt/etc).... its all in a regular school style backpack.

everyone i know goes around like this. even business men. its more convenient when taking public transport then those james bond briefcases, or tote bags and pocketbooks, and better then having everything in plastic bags like the little old ladies or polish refugees....

backpacks (day packs) are standard gear here, not just among students. real backpackers have those big packs on them/or over stuffed day packs cause they dont want to leave all their more important stuff in a hostel/cheapy hotel.

.........and why do u care anyhow?



are there many of them in israel?

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good post,its one of the hidden mysteries off los,ive wondered for years why people lug all the belongings around with them,at one stage in my life it did irratate me,especially in walking street on a sunday,but what the hell,as long as there happy.and enjoying themselves,carry on.

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It depends on where I've been earlier in the day...

or where I'm planning to go -

Bundles of used notes, carefully counted, and wrapped with rubber bands.

Gold bullion.

Stolen art treasures.

Hacked-off body parts.



I could go on like this all day...


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question 1: yes there are tons of backpackers in israel, mostly israelis (we as a group do more outdoor travleling then most people i saw a statistical thingy about it once; everyone here does hiking/day trips otu to see flowers in spring, water trips, desert hikes, historical digs... and the army of course, so lots of people lugging stuff around and annoyiing others on the busses)

question 2: ferrets. apropo ferrets, since i previously ran a petting zoo - we had three lovely females that i would tote around in a small back pack, they would lay curled up in it and poke their heads out to see around them. this way children were able to pet them, and i didnt have three little beasts climbing up and down my sleeves and shirt scratching me up (ferrets love to slither inside small openings and curl up ). i forgot about thta pasttime, and went to the states a while ago, using said backpack (after laundering).

howevr, ferret musk doesnt wash out of stuff. at US airport, the agricultural beagle dog sat down (signalling to her handler that i have fruit/meat/veggies in bag). stupid me, when the guy asked who this bag belonged to, i, being israeli, answered "its mine", thinking that he was worried it was a 'left alone' bag (meaning a potential bomb), and wanting him to know it was mine. then of course, i got the questions: do or did i have meat etc in the bag. have i been on a farm (im on kibbutz of course it s farm.. duh) but all i said was 'oh, my dog must have pee'd on the bag... so no further problems...

have had pythons in backpacks taking them on public transport to the snake vet in jeruslaem ; as a matter of fact, had a lot of wierd things in my back pack. but never never never bum pack although actually they are handy and better then having a huge pocket book loaded down on one shoulder causing bursitits. btw. daughter lugs rocks around (she collects them on her hikes and forgets about them in her backpack for school...she's got the entire world in her backpack including moldy sandwhiches... go figure).


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I consider as long as you see them lugging around their backpacks, they are still looking for a decent hotel or guesthouse ! Or would you go for a drink at happy hour dragging your stuff around ? You see what you see, and it's not what you thought it is . . . . . .

Could also be that their guest house has no security, especialy where 2 or 3 or more unknown people are sharing a room which has no individual lockers.

In that case, I would carry everything with me, 24 hours a day.

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They pack EVERYTHING except antiperspirant deodorant. Any backpackers reading, please use the bars inside the Skytrain instead in order to not kill everyone in the car. Don't use the hand grips up top! Thanks!

Edited by Caliguy
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They pack EVERYTHING except antiperspirant deodorant. Any backpackers reading, please use the bars inside the Skytrain instead in order to not kill everyone in the car. Don't use the hand grips up top! Thanks!

There are not many backpackers in the Skytrain, because it is too far from Khao Sarn Road.


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when i went travelling i had a 120L bag full of all my stuff. 6 months is a long time to be away with only a handfull of posessions. in hindsight i could of brought a lot less stuff had i gone before and knew what i needed, but i was travelling to countries like Thailand where it was always stuff and to NZ where it was autum so about 8 Deg C in places... Travellers generally lug everything that they will need for all the different countries they are visiting/going to visit as its cheaper than buying good quality stuff new, when u already have it at home.

Walking about in the day around bkk i would bring a 'school' type 20L rucksack that i would put my shopping, camera, water in. we never really spent the day just sat in a bar watchin the world go by but went and did 'stuff'. hence why the bag was needed.

these days i just bring my clothes, hard drive, work to do whilst im at the missus appartment in the usual suitcase.

When we travel around i still have to bring my rucksack because we still need water whilst we are out, her jumper daughters jumper, things for the day/stuff we have brought etc..

isnt this just normal stuff? when u went out for the day back home didnt you see people that brought bags with them? If i go to the beach here i still pack a bag rather than buy everything new when i get there...?

Yes , if you go for a jungle trek. But walking around the city, there is water to buy everywhere and it is cold, not the lukewarm stuff

you will take out of your rucksack.

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question 2: ferrets. apropo ferrets, ... we had three lovely females that i would tote around in a small back pack,


have had pythons in backpacks



That would explain what happened to the dismembered body parts, then; gone with no more trace than a pythonesque belch or a gentle whisper of ferret-flatulence


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wellllllllllllllll: lets see: a simple trip to tel aviv and ive got : small pocketbook with all the stuff that most of us women carry with us; a light weight sweater/wrap cause temp changes/air conditioner levels differ in different places and the busses are like antartic; two 500 mil. bottles of water from home since its cheaper then buying drinking water every where i go; a snack since its cheaper then buying croissants or bagels or whatever fastfood stuff is around and less fattening; toilet paper cause here in the middle east there is never enough; stuff that i've bought while waiting for a bus/friend/bought at the market for dinner/stuff i picked up at the bazaar/pastries to take back home/change of clothes if im going to be at a different place in the evening entailing different attire (change of shirt/etc).... its all in a regular school style backpack.

everyone i know goes around like this. even business men. its more convenient when taking public transport then those james bond briefcases, or tote bags and pocketbooks, and better then having everything in plastic bags like the little old ladies or polish refugees....

backpacks (day packs) are standard gear here, not just among students. real backpackers have those big packs on them/or over stuffed day packs cause they dont want to leave all their more important stuff in a hostel/cheapy hotel.

.........and why do u care anyhow?



I could not care less what you are lugging around in Israel. And btw, what's wrong with "polish refugees" :ermm:

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wellllllllllllllll: lets see: a simple trip to tel aviv and ive got : small pocketbook with all the stuff that most of us women carry with us; a light weight sweater/wrap cause temp changes/air conditioner levels differ in different places and the busses are like antartic; two 500 mil. bottles of water from home since its cheaper then buying drinking water every where i go; a snack since its cheaper then buying croissants or bagels or whatever fastfood stuff is around and less fattening; toilet paper cause here in the middle east there is never enough; stuff that i've bought while waiting for a bus/friend/bought at the market for dinner/stuff i picked up at the bazaar/pastries to take back home/change of clothes if im going to be at a different place in the evening entailing different attire (change of shirt/etc).... its all in a regular school style backpack.

everyone i know goes around like this. even business men. its more convenient when taking public transport then those james bond briefcases, or tote bags and pocketbooks, and better then having everything in plastic bags like the little old ladies or polish refugees....

backpacks (day packs) are standard gear here, not just among students. real backpackers have those big packs on them/or over stuffed day packs cause they dont want to leave all their more important stuff in a hostel/cheapy hotel.

.........and why do u care anyhow?



So,you don't mind if I call you a C.CH :rolleyes:

Edited by Semper
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They pack EVERYTHING except antiperspirant deodorant. Any backpackers reading, please use the bars inside the Skytrain instead in order to not kill everyone in the car. Don't use the hand grips up top! Thanks!

There are not many backpackers in the Skytrain, because it is too far from Khao Sarn Road.


Dont believe it!

I encountered five of the pesky buggers the other day, going from Mochit to Nana.

I'd better not mention their nationality, but suffice to say they all stank to hi hell. They'd spread themselves out in a huddle, right in the middle of the aisle so as absolutely no-one could get around them, all talking loudly at once as if they were the only ones on earth.

Although the three guys had their packs by their feet, both the females could'nt be bothered taking theirs off and one girl was mooving about unawares of her pack being about 20cms away from the nose of the poor thai girl sitting next to me. And yes, she had what looked like dirty smelly undies and swimwear stuffed in the outside net part of the pack...disgusting :annoyed:

The Thai girl tried to look unbothered, but honestly its no wonder some have such a low opinion of farangs :angry:

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wellllllllllllllll: lets see: a simple trip to tel aviv and ive got : small pocketbook with all the stuff that most of us women carry with us; a light weight sweater/wrap cause temp changes/air conditioner levels differ in different places and the busses are like antartic; two 500 mil. bottles of water from home since its cheaper then buying drinking water every where i go; a snack since its cheaper then buying croissants or bagels or whatever fastfood stuff is around and less fattening; toilet paper cause here in the middle east there is never enough; stuff that i've bought while waiting for a bus/friend/bought at the market for dinner/stuff i picked up at the bazaar/pastries to take back home/change of clothes if im going to be at a different place in the evening entailing different attire (change of shirt/etc).... its all in a regular school style backpack.

everyone i know goes around like this. even business men. its more convenient when taking public transport then those james bond briefcases, or tote bags and pocketbooks, and better then having everything in plastic bags like the little old ladies or polish refugees....

backpacks (day packs) are standard gear here, not just among students. real backpackers have those big packs on them/or over stuffed day packs cause they dont want to leave all their more important stuff in a hostel/cheapy hotel.

.........and why do u care anyhow?



I could not care less what you are lugging around in Israel. And btw, what's wrong with "polish refugees" :ermm:

I hope would have been nothing wrong with them, if they only existed :)

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wellllllllllllllll: lets see: a simple trip to tel aviv and ive got : small pocketbook with all the stuff that most of us women carry with us; a light weight sweater/wrap cause temp changes/air conditioner levels differ in different places and the busses are like antartic; two 500 mil. bottles of water from home since its cheaper then buying drinking water every where i go; a snack since its cheaper then buying croissants or bagels or whatever fastfood stuff is around and less fattening; toilet paper cause here in the middle east there is never enough; stuff that i've bought while waiting for a bus/friend/bought at the market for dinner/stuff i picked up at the bazaar/pastries to take back home/change of clothes if im going to be at a different place in the evening entailing different attire (change of shirt/etc).... its all in a regular school style backpack.

everyone i know goes around like this. even business men. its more convenient when taking public transport then those james bond briefcases, or tote bags and pocketbooks, and better then having everything in plastic bags like the little old ladies or polish refugees....

backpacks (day packs) are standard gear here, not just among students. real backpackers have those big packs on them/or over stuffed day packs cause they dont want to leave all their more important stuff in a hostel/cheapy hotel.

.........and why do u care anyhow?



So,you don't mind if I call you a C.CH :rolleyes:

4 people order 1 bottle of water and 4 straws in a bar. What country do you think they are coming from ? :whistling:

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They pack EVERYTHING except antiperspirant deodorant. Any backpackers reading, please use the bars inside the Skytrain instead in order to not kill everyone in the car. Don't use the hand grips up top! Thanks!

There are not many backpackers in the Skytrain, because it is too far from Khao Sarn Road.


Dont believe it!

I encountered five of the pesky buggers the other day, going from Mochit to Nana.

I'd better not mention their nationality, but suffice to say they all stank to hi hell. They'd spread themselves out in a huddle, right in the middle of the aisle so as absolutely no-one could get around them, all talking loudly at once as if they were the only ones on earth.

Although the three guys had their packs by their feet, both the females could'nt be bothered taking theirs off and one girl was mooving about unawares of her pack being about 20cms away from the nose of the poor thai girl sitting next to me. And yes, she had what looked like dirty smelly undies and swimwear stuffed in the outside net part of the pack...disgusting :annoyed:

The Thai girl tried to look unbothered, but honestly its no wonder some have such a low opinion of farangs :angry:

Sex tourist meets backpacker :D Don't feel insulted but your really putting the backpackers down. I think they are harmless.

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I'm not a catholic, but the old spectacles, testacles, wallet and watch comes to mind!

My version is fags (cigarettes for you US boys), keys, phone wallet, if I'm out for the day/evening.

If I'm planning to stay out all night, more fags, cacks and spare socks in the UK or a sarong in Thailand!

If any longer, then my wife packs everything and I only utillise 1/4 of what she packs!

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Hate to wade in here, but I was a backpacker for about 2 full years, then off and on for another 3 or 4. Visited some 50 countries, and had quite a few fantastic adventures. Started off with a 35L pack, which was OK here in hot Asia, but ended up with a 65L full on pack when headed to South America, Mongolia/China and Africa for trekking.

A lot of the backpackers you see are on round the world trips. You have to pack for snow, rain, and hot places. And since you will probably be doing some "adventure" treks, you need appropriate clothes. Full on winter jacket, sweater, hat, gloves, HEAVY hiking boots, extra shoes, sandals, rain jacket, 4 season sleeping bag, and some even carry a tent. Add to that your fairly large medical kit, changes of clothes, books, iPod, swim suit, sun hat, souvenirs, etc, etc, etc...and you've got a large bag. For sure, many over do it....as I did and ended up giving quite a bit of stuff away as I traveled so I could get it OFF my back.

Before my trips I would lay everything out I thought I would need...and it was obviously too much...so cut, cut, cut until you have the bare essentials. But if you are headed to Siberia for the TransSiberian railway trip, or to Tanzania for Kili and a safari....you will be in locations where you won't be able to get many items you might require...so on your back they go.

Now that I am older, I use a roller. Haven't found the need to put a bag on my back recently...though what serious "backpacker" would dare to check into a hostel with a roller! :lol: Luckily, I don't usually stay in hostels.

Why do they walk around town with them on? Probably they either just got here, or are cruising around sightseeing until they have to head to the airport/bus station to catch their ride onward. I attached a pic of my friends as we crossed the border between Ecuador and Peru. Notice all the people walking with us? Theft was rampant and we had to travel in groups for protection. The guy on the left had his day pack stolen in Guatemala and the guy in front had his backpack razored and a bunch of stuff removed in Ecuador.


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They pack EVERYTHING except antiperspirant deodorant. Any backpackers reading, please use the bars inside the Skytrain instead in order to not kill everyone in the car. Don't use the hand grips up top! Thanks!

There are not many backpackers in the Skytrain, because it is too far from Khao Sarn Road.


Dont believe it!

I encountered five of the pesky buggers the other day, going from Mochit to Nana.

I'd better not mention their nationality, but suffice to say they all stank to hi hell. They'd spread themselves out in a huddle, right in the middle of the aisle so as absolutely no-one could get around them, all talking loudly at once as if they were the only ones on earth.

Although the three guys had their packs by their feet, both the females could'nt be bothered taking theirs off and one girl was mooving about unawares of her pack being about 20cms away from the nose of the poor thai girl sitting next to me. And yes, she had what looked like dirty smelly undies and swimwear stuffed in the outside net part of the pack...disgusting :annoyed:

The Thai girl tried to look unbothered, but honestly its no wonder some have such a low opinion of farangs :angry:

Sex tourist meets backpacker :D Don't feel insulted but your really putting the backpackers down. I think they are harmless.

you call me a sex tourist?...takes one to know one i guess...hang on, you dont even know me..so.....:huh:

Oh, thats right, your married and im not, so that avails you of the sex tourist tag eh??

Anyway,I wasnt attcking them personally, just their poor hygeine and general disregard for others.

Yes, as far as im concerned such people are harmless, they werent bothering me at all, not in the slightest, but to those who are a little more sensitive to smells and certain other forms of behaviour ( ie, the young thai girl sitting next to me) whom have probably not been exposed to such things so often, i was quite embarrassed that i'd be tarred as one of them by way of being a farang.I don't think Thais pay to much attention to all the labels you (we) use for our fellow farangs...at least none of them have ever insinuated, or called me a sex tourist ;)

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What is the motive of this thread?

Genuine interest in peoples packing lists? If so, odd but interesting.

Or is it an opportunity for people to chime in and take some shots at backpackers?

If so, small.

:lol: No interest in what people are packing. My point is, after you have checked in to your hotel and want to explore the city, all that you need to bring is your passport,some money and maybe your tickets. No need for a bag for these things. :)

Not to mention all the scam artists, songtaeos and tuk tuk drivers that will be attracted to you if using a backpack. B)

Edited by Semper
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What is the motive of this thread?

Genuine interest in peoples packing lists? If so, odd but interesting.

Or is it an opportunity for people to chime in and take some shots at backpackers?

If so, small.

:lol: No interest in what people are packing. My point is, after you have checked in to your hotel and want to explore the city, all that you need to bring is your passport,some money and maybe your tickets. No need for a bag for these things. :)

A few posters have explained that sometimes the average backpacker style accomodation does not always have the best of security. In some of the places ive been ive noticed the lockers were substandard and very easy to get into if you really wanted to.

I am always a bit wary about my laptop when travelling and prefer not to leave it anywhere theres a possibility it might get "borrowed".

The trouble being, that a smaller pack is preferable when walking about, but obviously you need something big enough to house your laptop and a few other items. I don't carry mulitiple bags around, nor do i like to advertise by carrying a laptop bag around by itself, so i am usually forced to take the bigger bag, just with the laptop and a few other daily neccessities..clothes and what not can stay back at the hotel..no probs


funny that some posters seem to think that others are having potshots at backpackers..couldnt anyone who's ever travelled anywhere be classed as a "backpacker" to some extent??

does it depend on what type of bag/luggage you have?

or do you stop being a backpacker when you take of your pack or stay at a more expensive hotel? :huh:

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What a sheltered, (substitute sheltered with bored, if you like) life some people seem to live, the “what’s in the bag debate” Who cares? Hang in there guys, there must be a “socks and sandals”….Do there really go together topic coming soon.

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