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Australia Lags Behind Thailand On Women Bosses


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This is so foolish, the only reason Thailand has more women in these kinds of positions is because on average Thai women work harder then Thai men. For whatever reason, culturally, women here are way more responsible than men. Its certainly not because Thailand is somehow more enlightened and ahead of the game in equality.

Agreed, and also, management positions in thailand must be thought of with a grain of salt; the only person in most Thai business heirarchy that have any real power are the owners (ceo's), slap whatever title you want on someone, they have little decision or policy making power.

You guys are amazing (note heavy sarcasm). Any study that might suggest something positive about Thailand, you guys have to sh*t on it. If the results had been the opposite, i.e., "Thailand lags behind Australia on Women Bosses," I'm sure you guys wouldn't be questioning the findings, but rather blasting Thailand for being discriminatory against women. How about give it a rest, why don't you.

I agree Berkshire. This reminds me to go watch that movie "Grumpy Old Men" again for some odd reason.


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Well, this certainly has brought out the people who just can't stop themselves from breaking forum rules. So, a reminder before I just close it:


4) Not to flame fellow members.

Flaming will not be tolerated. 'Flaming' is defined as posting or responding to a message in a way clearly intended to incite useless arguments, to launch personal attacks, to insult, or to be hateful towards other members. This includes useless criticism, name-calling, swearing and any other comments meant to incite anger.

5) Not to post inflammatory messages on the forum, or attempt to disrupt discussions to upset its participants, or trolling.

Trolling can be defined as the act of purposefully antagonizing other people on the internet by posting controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.

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8) Not to post extremely negative views of Thailand or derogatory comments directed towards all Thais.

and those are just the ones that have been broken in the first page.

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Australia certainly has an appalling history itself of oppression of women, race and minorities.

over the last few decades they have done a lot to redress this - most hampered by the old Howard govt - but it is still a country where in certain areas the genders still lead almost completely separate lives.

There was a famous comment made I think in the 1970s by a commentator who failed to see how Australians could procreate as she had observed that the sexes appeared to live totally separate lives.

I don't think Australia has an 'appalling history'. Maybe going back well before my time.

What I can say now is that women and minorities are pandered to, they have more rights than anyone else. If you are a married minority woman with children you get the world given to you. If you are a single white male you get nothing.

I'd love to get $5k given to me for having a baby, then having 2 years maternity leave, a large portion of which is paid. Then there is affirmative action in employment, go to any interview for a large organisation and they specifically ask if you have an ethnic background. These companies actually go out of their way to employ minorities and women. I'm a single white male and have sat in a number of interviews for my employer, all things being equal, we employ women and minorities over single white men.

Companies like to employ minorities and women as it looks good on their stats. Not because they are better employers, but because the govt actually tells them to employ them.

When the GFC was hitting the govt gave out money to families first, last off the rank to receive were single men with no children.

On top of that, when a single mother received the money, none of it was for the father, he didn't get half (even if he had shared custody), he didn't get his child support delayed for a week, he got nothing.

We have a female PM, A female GG, a couple of female premiers. It doesn't get much higher for them to go.

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What are you talking about? There's plenty of good things to say about Thailand but this is not one of them! FULL STOP. Are you telling me you honestly believe an extremely sexist society like Thailands is the leading forerunner of equality and allowing women to get ahead and be the most successful women in the world? You be serious lol.

Thailand IS lacking in so many ways, pointing it out will help make change, ignoring it and pretending it doesnt exist to save face is exactly why Thailand is in the shape its in! More criticism! More pointing out the glaring problems! MORE! MORE! Not less you foolish man.

For a "Laughing Man," you seem to get bent pretty quick. Have you ever had a real job in Thailand? I'm telling you dude, women ARE in fact employed in high level positions and in large numbers all over Thailand. In terms of gender equality, Thailand is much better off than most places and yes, that would surprise people. But that alone does not equate to wealth and prosperity. Do you think Japan provides opportunities for their women? Heck no. Japan is much, MUCH worse than almost any country (non-Muslim) in terms of gender equality, yet, they're among the wealthiest, most advanced, safest, educated etc., etc. What gives? Well, gender equality doesn't explain everything. But it does say that Thailand is on the right track...at least some of you can give them that.

As a resident in Japan, I agree completely with Berkshire's facts concerning lack of oportunities for women to advance in Japan. Unless you are a civil servant, you are expected to resign when you get pregnant. The don't believe in keeping the seat warm for you. As a result, many women who cares about their careers in Japan refuse to get married or to have kids contributing to the low birth rate here. Many women can afford to stay home as well because their husbands, unlike in the West, make enough to live on one salary though work much longer hours.


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This is so foolish, the only reason Thailand has more women in these kinds of positions is because on average Thai women work harder then Thai men. For whatever reason, culturally, women here are way more responsible than men. Its certainly not because Thailand is somehow more enlightened and ahead of the game in equality.

Agreed, and also, management positions in thailand must be thought of with a grain of salt; the only person in most Thai business heirarchy that have any real power are the owners (ceo's), slap whatever title you want on someone, they have little decision or policy making power.

You guys are amazing (note heavy sarcasm). Any study that might suggest something positive about Thailand, you guys have to sh*t on it. If the results had been the opposite, i.e., "Thailand lags behind Australia on Women Bosses," I'm sure you guys wouldn't be questioning the findings, but rather blasting Thailand for being discriminatory against women. How about give it a rest, why don't you.

You are entirely right here. Then ofcourse though if you show a balanced opinion you are slated by both "sides" One big pissing contest really. :lol:

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Australia certainly has an appalling history itself of oppression of women, race and minorities.

over the last few decades they have done a lot to redress this - most hampered by the old Howard govt - but it is still a country where in certain areas the genders still lead almost completely separate lives.

There was a famous comment made I think in the 1970s by a commentator who failed to see how Australians could procreate as she had observed that the sexes appeared to live totally separate lives.

I don't think Australia has an 'appalling history'. Maybe going back well before my time.

What I can say now is that women and minorities are pandered to, they have more rights than anyone else. If you are a married minority woman with children you get the world given to you. If you are a single white male you get nothing.

I'd love to get $5k given to me for having a baby, then having 2 years maternity leave, a large portion of which is paid. Then there is affirmative action in employment, go to any interview for a large organisation and they specifically ask if you have an ethnic background. These companies actually go out of their way to employ minorities and women. I'm a single white male and have sat in a number of interviews for my employer, all things being equal, we employ women and minorities over single white men.

Companies like to employ minorities and women as it looks good on their stats. Not because they are better employers, but because the govt actually tells them to employ them.

When the GFC was hitting the govt gave out money to families first, last off the rank to receive were single men with no children.

On top of that, when a single mother received the money, none of it was for the father, he didn't get half (even if he had shared custody), he didn't get his child support delayed for a week, he got nothing.

We have a female PM, A female GG, a couple of female premiers. It doesn't get much higher for them to go.

First of all, let me say, I don't believe in multiculturalism though I am a "Minority" or what they call us "Visible Minority" in Canada. I believe if you live in a new country, you have to learn the language, respect the culture and laws and be part of the society. And, as an immigrant, I didn't leave my family and childhood friends to immigrate to Canada to be on the dole. The fact remains that, both Australia and Canada have a long way in providing opportunities to immigrants they invited to their shores to support their economies. If the people of these great nations have second thoughs about immigrantion, they should stop issuing immigrant visas to us and stop taking in a billion dollars of our visa fees and investments every year.

Just because you have few "Minorities" in public office doesn't mean that we are accepted as equal at last. If that was the case, I would not be in Japan now. I also don't agree that as a white man, you should get less than me or be given less opportunity than me. I just want equal access to oportunities, that's all.

I want to be given a job not because I am not white, but because i am the most qualified of them all. You just have to step in a public school or government office to realize how much of "equal opportunity" there is for non-whites. As I commented earlier, you can't get a job unless you have "Canadian" work experience yet the Federal government accepted my education, work experience and considered me worthy of being granted a permanent residence visa. If that is not a form of discrimination, I don't know what is.


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Australia certainly has an appalling history itself of oppression of women, race and minorities.

over the last few decades they have done a lot to redress this - most hampered by the old Howard govt - but it is still a country where in certain areas the genders still lead almost completely separate lives.

There was a famous comment made I think in the 1970s by a commentator who failed to see how Australians could procreate as she had observed that the sexes appeared to live totally separate lives.

I don't think Australia has an 'appalling history'. Maybe going back well before my time.

What I can say now is that women and minorities are pandered to, they have more rights than anyone else. If you are a married minority woman with children you get the world given to you. If you are a single white male you get nothing.

I'd love to get $5k given to me for having a baby, then having 2 years maternity leave, a large portion of which is paid. Then there is affirmative action in employment, go to any interview for a large organisation and they specifically ask if you have an ethnic background. These companies actually go out of their way to employ minorities and women. I'm a single white male and have sat in a number of interviews for my employer, all things being equal, we employ women and minorities over single white men.

Companies like to employ minorities and women as it looks good on their stats. Not because they are better employers, but because the govt actually tells them to employ them.

When the GFC was hitting the govt gave out money to families first, last off the rank to receive were single men with no children.

On top of that, when a single mother received the money, none of it was for the father, he didn't get half (even if he had shared custody), he didn't get his child support delayed for a week, he got nothing.

We have a female PM, A female GG, a couple of female premiers. It doesn't get much higher for them to go.

"What I can say now is that women and minorities are pandered to, they have more rights than anyone else" - this supremely ignorant statement is typical of those who simply don't understand the process of empowering and redressing sections of society that are disadvantaged purely on grounds of their gender, sexual orientation, skin color etc.

The "post hoc ergo propter hoc" brigade seem to be rolling out a lot of the usual non-arguments here.

Just because Thai women apparently to well in one aspect of business it does not follow that disadvantaged purely on grounds of their gender, sexual orientation, skin color etc.

In Thailand as in all situations one needs to look at the situation holistically to get a reasonable view -

(In fact it is quite clear that in marriage divorce and politics and a large part of the economy they ae still in the dark ages...actually many are relatively worse off in some areas than they were one or two centuries ago.)

Comparing it to Japan - what does that achieve - there is enormous discrimination in Japan against women - but this does not justify discrimination in Thailand does it......in fact just pointing out other countries that have a poor record on discrimination has no relevance at all.

As it is a comparison between Oz and Thailand then to get a picture of this you need to understand where both countries are coming from. Oz has made great strides in recent times but there is still a residue of it's bigoted past as can be seen by other posts here.

thailand however is not really making progress - the governing elite like to maintain the status quo - one that assure them of great wealth based on a malleable and compliant workforce. keeping women out of political power is part of that attitude.

As I mentioned before a report out this week has placed Thailand virtual at the bottom of the list of countries in putting women into local govt. This is a survey that arises pout of an international agree signed up to by Thailand about 10 years ago that pledged an intention to imp[rove women's representation in government - thailand has achieved zilch.

In conclusion on the face of it - women in power in business might seem good - but you have to think about who these women actually are - the answer is they are part of or married to the governing elite and have little or no impact on the day to day existence of the majority of women in thailand.

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Australia certainly has an appalling history itself of oppression of women, race and minorities.

over the last few decades they have done a lot to redress this - most hampered by the old Howard govt - but it is still a country where in certain areas the genders still lead almost completely separate lives.

There was a famous comment made I think in the 1970s by a commentator who failed to see how Australians could procreate as she had observed that the sexes appeared to live totally separate lives.

I don't think Australia has an 'appalling history'. Maybe going back well before my time.

What I can say now is that women and minorities are pandered to, they have more rights than anyone else. If you are a married minority woman with children you get the world given to you. If you are a single white male you get nothing.

I'd love to get $5k given to me for having a baby, then having 2 years maternity leave, a large portion of which is paid. Then there is affirmative action in employment, go to any interview for a large organisation and they specifically ask if you have an ethnic background. These companies actually go out of their way to employ minorities and women. I'm a single white male and have sat in a number of interviews for my employer, all things being equal, we employ women and minorities over single white men.

Companies like to employ minorities and women as it looks good on their stats. Not because they are better employers, but because the govt actually tells them to employ them.

When the GFC was hitting the govt gave out money to families first, last off the rank to receive were single men with no children.

On top of that, when a single mother received the money, none of it was for the father, he didn't get half (even if he had shared custody), he didn't get his child support delayed for a week, he got nothing.

We have a female PM, A female GG, a couple of female premiers. It doesn't get much higher for them to go.

"What I can say now is that women and minorities are pandered to, they have more rights than anyone else" - this supremely ignorant statement is typical of those who simply don't understand the process of empowering and redressing sections of society that are disadvantaged purely on grounds of their gender, sexual orientation, skin color etc.

Because you don't agree with it you consider it ignorant? Where do you live? How many interviews with potential employees have you interviewed?

I have shortlisted a number of candidates for jobs and given my view of who I think is best for the job and I can assure you the selections are not chosen on who is the best, they are chosen on race (minority) and gender (female). Government departments even put it in there ads. They say that people of aboriginal and torres straight islander decent are encouraged to apply.

I can assure you, it has nothing to do with merit.

We even had a woman appointed to the Supreme Court, until they found out she didn't actually meet the criteria of having practiced as a barrister for long enough.

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Australia certainly has an appalling history itself of oppression of women, race and minorities.

over the last few decades they have done a lot to redress this - most hampered by the old Howard govt - but it is still a country where in certain areas the genders still lead almost completely separate lives.

There was a famous comment made I think in the 1970s by a commentator who failed to see how Australians could procreate as she had observed that the sexes appeared to live totally separate lives.

I don't think Australia has an 'appalling history'. Maybe going back well before my time.

What I can say now is that women and minorities are pandered to, they have more rights than anyone else. If you are a married minority woman with children you get the world given to you. If you are a single white male you get nothing.

I'd love to get $5k given to me for having a baby, then having 2 years maternity leave, a large portion of which is paid. Then there is affirmative action in employment, go to any interview for a large organisation and they specifically ask if you have an ethnic background. These companies actually go out of their way to employ minorities and women. I'm a single white male and have sat in a number of interviews for my employer, all things being equal, we employ women and minorities over single white men.

Companies like to employ minorities and women as it looks good on their stats. Not because they are better employers, but because the govt actually tells them to employ them.

When the GFC was hitting the govt gave out money to families first, last off the rank to receive were single men with no children.

On top of that, when a single mother received the money, none of it was for the father, he didn't get half (even if he had shared custody), he didn't get his child support delayed for a week, he got nothing.

We have a female PM, A female GG, a couple of female premiers. It doesn't get much higher for them to go.

"What I can say now is that women and minorities are pandered to, they have more rights than anyone else" - this supremely ignorant statement is typical of those who simply don't understand the process of empowering and redressing sections of society that are disadvantaged purely on grounds of their gender, sexual orientation, skin color etc.

Because you don't agree with it you consider it ignorant? Where do you live? How many interviews with potential employees have you interviewed?

I have shortlisted a number of candidates for jobs and given my view of who I think is best for the job and I can assure you the selections are not chosen on who is the best, they are chosen on race (minority) and gender (female). Government departments even put it in there ads. They say that people of aboriginal and torres straight islander decent are encouraged to apply.

I can assure you, it has nothing to do with merit.

We even had a woman appointed to the Supreme Court, until they found out she didn't actually meet the criteria of having practiced as a barrister for long enough.

again you are underlining you inability to construct a proper argument.I don't consider it ignorant because I disagree with it - another fallacious argument.No - one can agree with your argument because it is ill informed and based on a surmise that clearly shows no knowledge of the situation.

I find comments like "where do you live" etc rather infantile and again show little comprehension of how to construct an opinion.

you may not be ignorant, but your post displays no knowledge of this field of study at all.

"We even had a woman appointed to the Supreme Court" - as long as you think this is a justifiable statement, then you have a long way to go as an equal opportunities employers.

while you're at it - ask yourself why in history there are no "great" women artists.

Edited by Deeral
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again you are underlining you inability to construct a proper argument.I don't consider it ignorant because I disagree with it - another fallacious argument.No - one can agree with your argument because it is ill informed and based on a surmise that clearly shows no knowledge of the situation.

I find comments like "where do you live" etc rather infantile and again show little comprehension of how to construct an opinion.

you may not be ignorant, but your post displays no knowledge of this field of study at all.

"We even had a woman appointed to the Supreme Court" - as long as you think this is a justifiable statement, then you have a long way to go as an equal opportunities employers.

while you're at it - ask yourself why in history there are no "great" women artists.

I ask where you live because if you are commenting on women and minorities working in australia then you should have some experience in the workplace in oz.

Why is my argument ill informed? Because you say so?

What is your knowledge of the situation here in australia?

My field of study is working all my life in oz. For the last 15 years in mainly criminal law, with the exception of 5 years at the Auckland Law Society?

Yes we did have a woman appointed to the Supreme Court wrongly, it is not because I think that statement is justifiable, it is because it is true. The govt actually had to change the selection criteria retrospectively, on the quiet, to allow her to continue. I know, I was involved in it.

I don't particularly care about great men artists so why would I care about great women artists? There are many very very good women and ethnic minorities in very high positions in this country. My argument is that with affirmative action the people that are appointed to some positions are selected purely on the criteria that they are women and/or minorites, they aren't selected on merit. The GG has even put it on record that she is pushing for a quota system to get more females in higher positions. Nothing about merit, purely on being a female.

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My argument is that with affirmative action the people that are appointed to some positions are selected purely on the criteria that they are women and/or minorites, they aren't selected on merit. The GG has even put it on record that she is pushing for a quota system to get more females in higher positions. Nothing about merit, purely on being a female.

This crap about "gender equality" cannot be taken serious. It is raisin picking, they want advantages only based on their gender. They don't want "equality", but preferential treatment.

I will take it serious once they demand equal opportunities in

  • working at construction sites
  • canal work
  • mining
  • junk disposal
  • all dirty, hard labour 99% men are doing

They don't want that. They want high salaries, high positions, 20-hour weeks and a nearby coffee machine (serviced by men).

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My argument is that with affirmative action the people that are appointed to some positions are selected purely on the criteria that they are women and/or minorites, they aren't selected on merit. The GG has even put it on record that she is pushing for a quota system to get more females in higher positions. Nothing about merit, purely on being a female.

This crap about "gender equality" cannot be taken serious. It is raisin picking, they want advantages only based on their gender. They don't want "equality", but preferential treatment.

I will take it serious once they demand equal opportunities in

  • working at construction sites
  • canal work
  • mining
  • junk disposal
  • all dirty, hard labour 99% men are doing

They don't want that. They want high salaries, high positions, 20-hour weeks and a nearby coffee machine (serviced by men).

\Well I can imagine a few jobs you'll never get.I bet you'd stall at shelf-stacking! Too intellectual!

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My argument is that with affirmative action the people that are appointed to some positions are selected purely on the criteria that they are women and/or minorites, they aren't selected on merit. The GG has even put it on record that she is pushing for a quota system to get more females in higher positions. Nothing about merit, purely on being a female.

This crap about "gender equality" cannot be taken serious. It is raisin picking, they want advantages only based on their gender. They don't want "equality", but preferential treatment.

I will take it serious once they demand equal opportunities in

  • working at construction sites
  • canal work
  • mining
  • junk disposal
  • all dirty, hard labour 99% men are doing

They don't want that. They want high salaries, high positions, 20-hour weeks and a nearby coffee machine (serviced by men).

\Well I can imagine a few jobs you'll never get.I bet you'd stall at shelf-stacking! Too intellectual!

Hahaha, well I guess that's the end of your argument then.


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This crap about "gender equality" cannot be taken serious. It is raisin picking, they want advantages only based on their gender. They don't want "equality", but preferential treatment.

I will take it serious once they demand equal opportunities in

  • working at construction sites
  • canal work
  • mining
  • junk disposal
  • all dirty, hard labour 99% men are doing

They don't want that. They want high salaries, high positions, 20-hour weeks and a nearby coffee machine (serviced by men).

I agree,

Thailand is one of the few societies offering equal rights to women.

They can mix concrete on construction sites, sweep roads, collect garbage, same as men.

The only right they don't seem to get, is the right to be totally supported by a man (or the state) after conceiving a child.

Their body, their right to chose, and their responsibility.

I'm surprised they only get 45% of the management jobs, wherever I go Thai ladies seem to be running everything.

I don't believe western women will ever achieve anything like the equality of women in Thailand, while they think they have the right not to work, and can just sit around after producing a child for the rest of their lives. Why would a woman bother working hard 24/7 and becoming the CEO of a western company, when they can just shag the guy a few times and get an entitlement to everything he earns?I certainly wouldn't have bothered working much if I were a woman in the western world!

When I left the UK, being a single woman with two children would have entitled me to, free accommodation, no taxes and a guaranteed minimum tax free income of 15,000UKP a year, whether I worked or not.

Edited by pjclark1
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This crap about "gender equality" cannot be taken serious. It is raisin picking, they want advantages only based on their gender. They don't want "equality", but preferential treatment.

I will take it serious once they demand equal opportunities in

  • working at construction sites
  • canal work
  • mining
  • junk disposal
  • all dirty, hard labour 99% men are doing

They don't want that. They want high salaries, high positions, 20-hour weeks and a nearby coffee machine (serviced by men).

I agree,

Thailand is one of the few societies offering equal rights to women.

They can mix concrete on construction sites, sweep roads, collect garbage, same as men.

The only right they don't seem to get, is the right to be totally supported by a man (or the state) after conceiving a child.

Their body, their right to chose, and their responsibility.

I'm surprised they only get 45% of the management jobs, wherever I go Thai ladies seem to be running everything.

I don't believe western women will ever achieve anything like the equality of women in Thailand, while they think they have the right not to work, and can just sit around after producing a child for the rest of their lives. Why would a woman bother working hard 24/7 and becoming the CEO of a western company, when they can just shag the guy a few times and get an entitlement to everything he earns?I certainly wouldn't have bothered working much if I were a woman in the western world!

When I left the UK, being a single woman with two children would have entitled me to, free accommodation, no taxes and a guaranteed minimum tax free income of 15,000UKP a year, whether I worked or not.

What a ridiculously inept appreciation of the situation this poster has!

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What a ridiculously inept appreciation of the situation this poster has!

Well, he is certainly right that women do work at construction sites and other hard labor jobs in Thailand. Which a pampered Western woman never would do.

But there is room for improvement: the majority of hard labor is still done by men. Late at night, there are mostly men working at the construction sites, while women finish their shifts around 5pm.

But I acknowledge that Thailand is light years ahead of Western countries regarding gender equality.

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What a ridiculously inept appreciation of the situation this poster has!

Well, he is certainly right that women do work at construction sites and other hard labor jobs in Thailand. Which a pampered Western woman never would do.

But there is room for improvement: the majority of hard labor is still done by men. Late at night, there are mostly men working at the construction sites, while women finish their shifts around 5pm.

But I acknowledge that Thailand is light years ahead of Western countries regarding gender equality.

Anyone who thinks comparing the work women do on building sites here or in Europe is an indication of parity of women's rights is a fool

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Anyone who thinks comparing the work women do on building sites here or in Europe is an indication of parity of women's rights is a fool

I'm always impressed by your high standard of coherent arguments and polite speech, Madam!

As soon as someone actually makes a coherent point - then I would enter into a discussion, but as no-one has done that yet I'll keep trying to point out that so far they are simply posting unsubstantiated, uninformed tripe.

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As soon as someone actually makes a coherent point - then I would enter into a discussion, but as no-one has done that yet I'll keep trying to point out that so far they are simply posting unsubstantiated, uninformed tripe.

Just walk over to any building site in Thailand and have a look for yourself.

Two Thai ladies come and clean my house every few weeks, after they have finished their shift on the building site at the end of my mooban.

My lady worked mixing cement when she was 13, with her mother.

I'm getting a little tired of you insulting any poster who contributes to a thread that you don't agree with.

What have you contributed to this thread .... nothing at all, except insults ... I'm beginning to think you are just a troll.

I wonder if one of the mods could take a look at your ip address, are you even in Thailand? you seem totally ignorant of any actual facts about the country.

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As soon as someone actually makes a coherent point - then I would enter into a discussion, but as no-one has done that yet I'll keep trying to point out that so far they are simply posting unsubstantiated, uninformed tripe.

Just walk over to any building site in Thailand and have a look for yourself.

Two Thai ladies come and clean my house every few weeks, after they have finished their shift on the building site at the end of my mooban.

My lady worked mixing cement when she was 13, with her mother.

I'm getting a little tired of you insulting any poster who contributes to a thread that you don't agree with.

What have you contributed to this thread .... nothing at all, except insults ... I'm beginning to think you are just a troll.

I wonder if one of the mods could take a look at your ip address, are you even in Thailand? you seem totally ignorant of any actual facts about the country.

"My lady worked mixing cement when she was 13, with her mother." - hardly the cutting edge of female emancipation would you say?

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"My lady worked mixing cement when she was 13, with her mother." - hardly the cutting edge of female emancipation would you say?

Actually I would say it is the cutting edge of female emancipation.

The ability and the desire to do manual labouring jobs, just like a man, and as the equal of a man.

The sort of feminists that only want to do 'nice' jobs, just don't understand the concept of female emancipation.

Any woman can shag her way to the top in an office or boardroom!

But on a building site equality is fairly impressive.

Edited by pjclark1
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  • 1 month later...

Child labour the cutting edge????


I would take the Oz pm's view on women in the workplace.......

I believe that if a woman has the intellectual, psychological and or physical ability to do a job, she shouldn't be denied that on the basis of gender.

Especially by legislation!

I think that it is fairly clear that women in Thailand are exploited in almost every area.......looking for a stat like the OP above is meaningless.....a bit like the Sun UK paper posting headlines such as "UK HOTTER THEN MUMBAI" - oh yes, right.......for one hour on one day when Mumbai is having a cold snap!

Edited by Deeral
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You guys are amazing (note heavy sarcasm). Any study that might suggest something positive about Thailand, you guys have to sh*t on it. If the results had been the opposite, i.e., "Thailand lags behind Australia on Women Bosses," I'm sure you guys wouldn't be questioning the findings, but rather blasting Thailand for being discriminatory against women. How about give it a rest, why don't you.

This is a false "something positive about Thailand" so not sure what you want me to do about that. Lie? If you look at just statistics without examining the reason behind it Thailand looks great. For example, Thaksin fixed the poverty problem in Bangkok overnight. Looks great if you only look at the stats, but if you look deeper you realise the stats are based on the poverty levels of the "revised" map of Bangkok, one day they simply deleted the slums from the map and bingo bango presto Thanksin solved the poverty level problem.

Be serious dude, you can find holes in ANY study. What I find laughable is that the TV readership can be so freakin predictable. You're just trying to find reasons to bash Thailand. Bad news about Thailand. Thais suck. Good news about Thailand. Well it's tainted and Thais still suck. Truth is, I can rip any country on just about any topic. But you guys are like a broken record. I'm guessing the news/study is not consistent with your Thai-bashing agenda. So the news has to be biased, or skewed, or defective in some way. Yada yada yada.....

What are you talking about? There's plenty of good things to say about Thailand but this is not one of them! FULL STOP. Are you telling me you honestly believe an extremely sexist society like Thailands is the leading forerunner of equality and allowing women to get ahead and be the most successful women in the world? You be serious lol.

Thailand IS lacking in so many ways, pointing it out will help make change, ignoring it and pretending it doesnt exist to save face is exactly why Thailand is in the shape its in! More criticism! More pointing out the glaring problems! MORE! MORE! Not less you foolish man.

"Pointing it out will melp make change" - How many times have people pointed things out and criticised on these forums and it has helped make change? Actually trying to do something to make change would be more positive than armchair righteous dignation

"ignoring it and pretending it doesn't exist to save face is exaclty why Thailand is in the shape its in" - So a nation should change its engrained culture to serve it's self better in what way, so that you have a better life in Thailand, so it is more like the way you think a place should be, the way you think people should be? It is part of the Thai identity, it is important part of their culture it doesn't need to make sense to anyone else and shouldn't be critised.

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This is a false "something positive about Thailand" so not sure what you want me to do about that. Lie? If you look at just statistics without examining the reason behind it Thailand looks great. For example, Thaksin fixed the poverty problem in Bangkok overnight. Looks great if you only look at the stats, but if you look deeper you realise the stats are based on the poverty levels of the "revised" map of Bangkok, one day they simply deleted the slums from the map and bingo bango presto Thanksin solved the poverty level problem.

Be serious dude, you can find holes in ANY study. What I find laughable is that the TV readership can be so freakin predictable. You're just trying to find reasons to bash Thailand. Bad news about Thailand. Thais suck. Good news about Thailand. Well it's tainted and Thais still suck. Truth is, I can rip any country on just about any topic. But you guys are like a broken record. I'm guessing the news/study is not consistent with your Thai-bashing agenda. So the news has to be biased, or skewed, or defective in some way. Yada yada yada.....

What are you talking about? There's plenty of good things to say about Thailand but this is not one of them! FULL STOP. Are you telling me you honestly believe an extremely sexist society like Thailands is the leading forerunner of equality and allowing women to get ahead and be the most successful women in the world? You be serious lol.

Thailand IS lacking in so many ways, pointing it out will help make change, ignoring it and pretending it doesnt exist to save face is exactly why Thailand is in the shape its in! More criticism! More pointing out the glaring problems! MORE! MORE! Not less you foolish man.

"Pointing it out will melp make change" - How many times have people pointed things out and criticised on these forums and it has helped make change? Actually trying to do something to make change would be more positive than armchair righteous dignation

"ignoring it and pretending it doesn't exist to save face is exaclty why Thailand is in the shape its in" - So a nation should change its engrained culture to serve it's self better in what way, so that you have a better life in Thailand, so it is more like the way you think a place should be, the way you think people should be? It is part of the Thai identity, it is important part of their culture it doesn't need to make sense to anyone else and shouldn't be critised.

you seem to be under the impression that either "culture" or "national identity" are set in stone..... it is also a bit frustrating when bereft of a line of argument posters resort to playing the "culture card" - which really on closer examination has in most cases little or no real value.

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you seem to be under the impression that either "culture" or "national identity" are set in stone..... it is also a bit frustrating when bereft of a line of argument posters resort to playing the "culture card" - which really on closer examination has in most cases little or no real value.

Ahhh.....coherency at last.:whistling::rolleyes:...........:blink:

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you seem to be under the impression that either "culture" or "national identity" are set in stone..... it is also a bit frustrating when bereft of a line of argument posters resort to playing the "culture card" - which really on closer examination has in most cases little or no real value.

you seem to be an intelligent, educated person, a shame it is portrayed with such grandiosity

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