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My Mate Bought A New Bike

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Mate of mine got ants in his pants after another mate came home with a brand spanking new R6.

This mate of mine, lets call him Andy, had a 954 Blade, and wanted a new ride but his wife was the minister of finance and he didn't know how to get it past her. So he managed a performance bonus (don't ask) and he could trade his Blade for something new. Long story short, he settled on a new Sprint 1050 (dunno why) and in trepidation, rode it home.

Wifey, as usual, came to the garage door when she heard him arrive, and as he rode into the garage, she just looked, turned on her heel and went back into the kitchen.

Later that evening, she casually noted that his bike looks different. Gulping, he replied that he had scratched it weeks ago and that he had the panels resprayed. He had mentioned it to her! She just nodded.

Helloooo! Urban legend stuff.

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The 1050 is a lovely bike, where did he get it from? Import it himself or buy from a dealer in LOS?

Not sure about all the hen-pecked stuff though. It's his money, he earnt it so he can buy whatever bike he wants, why try to hide it? Doesn't make sense to me.

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The 1050 is a lovely bike, where did he get it from? Import it himself or buy from a dealer in LOS?

Not sure about all the hen-pecked stuff though. It's his money, he earnt it so he can buy whatever bike he wants, why try to hide it? Doesn't make sense to me.

did the phrase, urban legend not strike a chord???????????????????

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