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Tourism Entrepreneurs Ask Thai Govt To Scrap Visa Fees


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Tourism entrepreneurs ask Govt to scrap visa fees

BANGKOK, 10 March 2011 (NNT) – Tourism business operators are calling for the Government to consider visa fee cancelation in order to attract more foreign travelers to Thailand, especially those from China.

President of the Thai-Chinese Tourism Alliance Association Wichit Prakobkosol stated that a letter would be submitted to Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva today to propose that the policy to collect visa fees from foreign tourists be discarded. He pointed out that if the fees were eliminated, more Chinese tourists would come to Thailand and the country’s income from Chinese arrivals would expand over 30 percent each year, as opposed to the current 20 percent.

The number of Chinese travelers in the kingdom would also reach 2 million per year within the next three years, thanks to China’s growing economy and lively tourism, while the Thai-Chinese relationship would be improved.

Although the Thai government’s visa fee exemption measure has been effective since 11 May 2010, it is due to expire at the end of this month. Mr Wichit claimed that after the measure’s expiration, the number of chartered flights from China to Thailand during the upcoming Songkran Festival from 13-20 April would drop 20 percent from the target of 100 flights to 80, causing a loss of 250-300 million THB of income.

Mr Wichit stressed that the Thai tourism industry had been impacted by the domestic political turmoil for four years and is now in dire need of promotion. He assured that the Government’s exchange of its visa fee earnings for a higher tourism income would be worthwhile.


-- NNT 2011-03-10 footer_n.gif

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So how do i understand this? people don't come to Thailand because the visa is too expensive? is this for real? Wow, Now, Thailand has no visa fees,everybody is going to come here and spend lots and lots of money,they saved on the visa fees............PUKE...

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So how do i understand this? people don't come to Thailand because the visa is too expensive? is this for real? Wow, Now, Thailand has no visa fees,everybody is going to come here and spend lots and lots of money,they saved on the visa fees............PUKE...

This is part of the the attract a better class of tourists plan.

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Of course the travel industry as a vested interest is asking for visa fees to be waived, but let's hope the government doesn't fall for it again.

The visa applications still have to be lodged and processed. Who pays for that?? Taxpayers. I'd rather the tourists pay their visa fee and the proceeds pay for the processing, rather than being subsidized by government funds that could be spent on something more worthwhile, like healthcare, schools and infrastructure.

If people can afford to come to Thailand, they can afford to pay the pretty reasonable fees for tourist visas.

Edited by chatette
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The way I understand this plea is for the fees to be eliminated for Chinese Tourist Visas.

Do Chinese have to pay to enter Thailand unlike the majority of other nations who are automatically given a 30 day Tourist Visa on first arrival?

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Could be they just give Chinese a free entry and charge everyone else

Why not? They charge farang 400 baht if you want to visit the Grand Palace; while Thai's and those who can pass as Thai's (i.e. Cambodia, Viet, Lao, Burmese, Malay, etc.) can simply walk in free. Racism is alive and well.

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I thought Thailand was trying to attract a better class of tourists. I doubt the relatively small visa fee would play any part in such a tourist's decision as to where to vacation. I never give such fees a second thought when traveling, and someone who does is obviously a borderline tourist by Thailand's definition, and they don't want them so why eliminate the fee? Are the Chinese too poor or too cheap? If either, then why does Thailand want them? If not, then why get rid of the fee as they should be able to afford such a nominal amount? Funny thing is that Thailand could have a huge market in the west if they just stopped treating tourists like crap. Remember, all farang rich right? But people with money from the US won't come here because Thailand has a reputation in our country of being a total scam and extremely racist, both of which are true. Without addressing those issues, lowering fees will make no difference to Americans as we don't give a few hundred dollar fee a second thought, but we don't like being scammed and treated like second class citizens in a third world country!.

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So I am confused here, last week they said they were going to do promotions to attract only high end tourists, now they plan do do away with fees and this is not going attract low end scum any more, what the H_ell are these people doing, one day this, one day that. I think they are on a merry-go-round ride and can't grab the golden ring, so round and round they go, round and round they go, round and .........................:blink:

Edited by PingManDan
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Clearly the "bums on seats" policy outweighs the "quality tourism" plan.

If they want Chinese tourists, open a casino and then see them flood in. The strange thing is, I somehow don't see the profile of your average Chinese tourist matching the Europeans, whom they would start to replace.

If they expect the Chinese to go to the beach, and sip on beer all day (which I somehow doubt is top of the list for a Chinese tourist), they had better invest in 24 hour lifeguards.

Edited by Thai at Heart
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Could be they just give Chinese a free entry and charge everyone else

Why not? They charge farang 400 baht if you want to visit the Grand Palace; while Thai's and those who can pass as Thai's (i.e. Cambodia, Viet, Lao, Burmese, Malay, etc.) can simply walk in free. Racism is alive and well.

Yes it is, this is a fact

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So how do i understand this? people don't come to Thailand because the visa is too expensive? is this for real? Wow, Now, Thailand has no visa fees,everybody is going to come here and spend lots and lots of money,they saved on the visa fees............PUKE...

right on... i'm on tourist visas, so being free is good for me, but i think the reasoning here is beyond ridiculous... look honey, we don't have to pay $30 for the visa in thailand, let's go there!

ludicrous reasoning...like $30 or $60 is going to sway anyone one way or the other towards taking a vacation or not, let alone be part of the deciding factor on where they'll go.

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if you read the article it was for all foreign tourists not just chinese

And of course more discrimination about other nationalities ... what about the other tourists ?

I read the same article it looks very much like they're talking about Chinese tourists!

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GOOD LUCK Your not a Govt. Official Sheesh Let's get the tourism economy going strong. People from all walks of life like the little breaks they can get when traveling, wouldn't you also. I bet (if you don't live in Thailand but can guess you do) you don't have a visa fee anyway when you come to Thailand. Just guessing

Of course the travel industry as a vested interest is asking for visa fees to be waived, but let's hope the government doesn't fall for it again.

The visa applications still have to be lodged and processed. Who pays for that?? Taxpayers. I'd rather the tourists pay their visa fee and the proceeds pay for the processing, rather than being subsidized by government funds that could be spent on something more worthwhile, like healthcare, schools and infrastructure.

If people can afford to come to Thailand, they can afford to pay the pretty reasonable fees for tourist visas.

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I think some of the above comments are being a little hard on the Thais. Chinese often travel in group tours, and where they go (where in terms of country and specific destinations) depends on where the tour company sends them. $30 per head can make a big difference to a company booking a 20-person group tour, and the tour company often foots the bill to make them more competitive.

Of course the travel industry as a vested interest is asking for visa fees to be waived, but let's hope the government doesn't fall for it again.

The visa applications still have to be lodged and processed. Who pays for that?? Taxpayers. I'd rather the tourists pay their visa fee and the proceeds pay for the processing, rather than being subsidized by government funds that could be spent on something more worthwhile, like healthcare, schools and infrastructure.

If people can afford to come to Thailand, they can afford to pay the pretty reasonable fees for tourist visas.

This is a good post, but you'd have to weigh up the gain from the visa fees to the gain in tax revenue from the extra tourists it would produce (how many is questionable but, as I say above, this DOES matter to the tour companies - but the OP would put VAT alone at 17.5m-21m Baht) plus the knock-on multiplier effect to other businesses from their holiday in Thailand.

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Most countries in the world charge a fee for different visa's and also a huge amount of paper work. I also see many who are living in Thailand always complaining. Do you have so little to do? Go back to you own country and sob if you are not happy here. Thailand did not ask you to come here to live. It was your choice.

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"Mr Wichit stressed that the Thai tourism industry had been impacted by the domestic political turmoil for four years and is now in dire need of promotion. He assured that the Government’s exchange of its visa fee earnings for a higher tourism income would be worthwhile".

Why doesn't Mr Wichit stop digging his head in the ground like an ostrich & aknowlege that there's a world resession on!!!!!.. Stop blaming your troubles on the political situation Mr Witchit!

Maybe the penny will drop sooner or later... Stop beating up your tourists, stop ripping them off, stop trying to trip them up at every corner, stop your silly dual pricing policy & drop your fuc_king prices!... You might find that after that tourists will be returning in droves in spite of what yoiu might want to charge for visas.

And as for the Chinese, they might be who you Thais look up to, emulate & aspire to be like with their white skin & devout money worship... And they may smell better to you than us Falang, but they don't spend any money when they are here... Have you got it yet??

No one's listening I'm sure

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