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Strange Light In Bkk, What Is It?


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This was strange, perhaps somebody here knows what it was that I was seeing? The other night a lightning/ rain storm passed through the area where I'm living and after a series of gigantic lightning strikes this orange light started flashing up from the ground. It's not lightning as it's coming up from bottom to top, and is always in the same place. It's coming from across the Klong behind my building and that area is just houses/temples/ and some fields. No large buildings or airports etc. And you can't tell from the video, but the base of the light was big, larger than a building. And this was the only time that I've ever seen it there. One idea that's been floated so far is that it might of been power lines shorting out, or a transformer station flaring..

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My money is on a transformer or power line flashover.

Mine too. BTW, lightning can start from the ground up. Ground to cloud lightning ;)

I thought about that too, but the thing that throws me (although I'm not trained in these things at all!) off is the evenness of the flash, that it's in the same place, and seems to have the same relative brightness each time..

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My money is on a transformer or power line flashover.

Yes, that is my my bet too but point of information is that lightning also does strike from ground up but this is more likely a transformer from a downed line...Ooopps I see now that others have also posted accordingly and I echoed them...

Actually on second view I believe it's a downed power line or one striking a tree branch and grounding out. A transformer is more likely to blow one big flash and not repeatedly like that seen it many times back home where the thunder storms there make these look like a sprinkler system..

Edited by WarpSpeed
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