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As most of you know, my wife Lat and I returned last month from a full month's vacation in Thailand (Oct 17-Nov 18). The first two weeks were spent with our participating in the U-Tapao Group's First Int'l Reunion at the Nova Lodge in Pattaya Beach. We also were planning on both participating in my wife's only still single sister's wedding.

I, however, never made the wedding. I, along with 3 other ex-military troops were chosen to represent ALL the military troops who served in Thailand during the Viet Nam War at a dedication for HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn. As this was the one chance in a lifetime, I quickly had a suit, shirt and tie made and attended the ceremony. As it turned out, I am so very glad I did.

HRH was presented with a scrapbook containing over 150 photos taken by the G.I.'s and civilians who worked at U-Tapao Royal Thai Navy Airbase "back in the day" along with some short two paragraph statements of what we thought about Pattaya Beach back then and now.

In return, to our surprise, HRH took the time to speak directly to each of us and presented each of us with a Royal Gift.

One of the four who attended is a friend of mine named Gene Ponce. He has worked for years reuniting children born during the Viet Nam War with their birth fathers. His cause is probably the most unselfish and honorable causes I have ever known of in my lifetime. He is finally, just now, getting the press coverage that his cause deserves both in Thai newspapers and here in the U.S. as well.

Please take the time to read the following article:


be sure to read both pages of the article and print it out if you like. Once you have finished reading, please take the time to bookmark Gene's website:


I'm sure you will agree with me that this man deserves everyone's praise. If you like, take the time to e-mail him your thoughts @ [email protected]

Ken Bower


"As most of you know, my wife Lat and I returned last month from a full month's vacation in Thailand"

Oh I am sorry I did not read about your holiday in the newspapers and I must have missed it on the TV.

I feel very left out that I am apparently the only one who didn't know about your vacation.

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